which of the following statements about filtering information is accurate? which of the following statements about filtering information is accurate?
The presence of largescale landlords controlling significant sections of the ecosystem (e.g., Google, Facebook) aids in this counter-response., A professor in technology law at a West-Coast-based U.S. university said, Intermediaries such as Facebook and Google will develop more-robust systems to reward legitimate producers and punish purveyors of fake news., A longtime director for Google commented, Companies like Google and Facebook are investing heavily in coming up with usable solutions. Amy just met with her boss, James, who praised her for her hard work and record-, setting sales for the past year. A) Spotlight model Still, the more hopeful among these experts argue that progress is inevitable as people and organizations find coping mechanisms. Were doomed to living in targeted information bubbles., An anonymous survey participant noted, Misinformation will play a major role in conflicts between nations and within competing parties within nation states., danah boyd, principal researcher at Microsoft Research and founder of Data & Society, wrote, Whats at stake right now around information is epistemological in nature. Which of the following is true about filters in Microsoft Excel C) Triesman proposed that all information is passed through the physical filter, where ratings of importance are made, to the semantic filter to determine what is attended to. Which one of the following statements on Filtering and Sorting is true? Bots are often employed, and AI is expected to be implemented heavily in the information wars to magnify the speed and impact of messaging. Relying on algorithms and automated measures will result in various unwanted consequences. Many readers recognized it as entertainment, but not all. Featured Speakers: Doug Archer, Bob Bocher, Deborah Caldwell-Stone, Jamie LaRue, Michael Robinson Information overload crushes peoples attention spans. By Bob Bocher with the Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction, Library Internet Filtering Update (2012) The staff of the Office for Intellectual Freedom is available to answer questions or provide assistance to librarians, trustees, educators and the public about internet filtering. If any doubt or problem then comment below. Her boss suggests MBTI. Now I feel that people will tend to look for confirmation of their biases and the radical transparency will not shine a cleansing light., David Harries, associate executive director for Foresight Canada, replied, More and more, history is being written, rewritten and corrected, because more and more people have the ways and means to do so. D) The early selection filter because it does not filter out irrelevant physical information until after irrelevant semantic information is filtered out early in processing. Business Policy and Strategy question Question 1 Collaborating with other students on an assigned, group project is an example of learning through the use of the following type of 'intelligence': As soon as groups are assigned, Antonio says, "Well, there goes my grade. Technological advancements and civil-awareness efforts will yield varied ways to continuously purge misinformation from it, to keep it reasonably reliable., An author and journalist based in North America said, I believe this era could spawn a new one a flight to quality in which time-starved citizens place high value on verified news sources., A professor of law at a major U.S. state university commented, Things wont get better until we realize that accurate news and information are a public good that require not-for-profit leadership and public subsidy., Marc Rotenberg, president of the Electronic Privacy Information Center, wrote, The problem with online news is structural: There are too few gatekeepers, and the internet business model does not sustain quality journalism. to send it. A) It assumes attended information is enhanced, while unattended information is not. B) The words themselves cannot be ignored. Question 8 1 out of 1 points which of the following - Course Hero We can also not trust the businesses and industries that develop and facilitate these digital texts and tools to make changes that will significantly improve the situation., Greg Swanson, media consultant with ITZonTarget, noted, The sorting of reliable versus fake news requires a trusted referee. Like all resources and services provided by the library, provision of access to digital resources and services should follow the principles outlined in the Library Bill of Rights to ensure equitable access regardless of content or platform. Filtering enables people to get the most accurate picture of a situation. "The ACLU believes in an uncensored Internet, a vast free-speech zone deserving at least as much First Amendment protection as that afforded to traditional media such as books, newspapers, and magazines. kindly thumbs up for the solution. Resolution on Opposition to Federally Mandated Internet Filtering(2001). Low conflict leads to high performance. Visit our Fight Censorship page for easy-to-access resources. You'll get a detailed solution from a subject matter expert that helps you learn core concepts. content filtering (information filtering): On the Internet, content filtering (also known as information filtering ) is the use of a program to screen and exclude from access or availability Web pages or e-mail that is deemed objectionable. It is profitable to do so, profit made by creating an article that causes enough outrage that advertising money will follow. We need to replace ignorance and frustration with better life opportunities that restore confidence a tall order and a tough agenda. These experts predicted that the problem of misinformation will be amplified because the worst side of human nature is magnified by bad actors using advanced online tools at internet speed on a vast scale. John Wilbanks, chief commons officer at Sage Bionetworks, replied, Im an optimist, so take this with a grain of salt, but I think as people born into the internet age move into positions of authority theyll be better able to distill and discern fake news than those of us who remember an age of trusted gatekeepers. Sonia Livingstone, professor of social psychology at the London School of Economics and Political Science, replied, The wild west state of the internet will not be permitted to continue by those with power, as we are already seeing with increased national pressure on providers/companies by a range of means from law and regulation to moral and consumer pressures., Willie Currie, a longtime expert in global communications diffusion, wrote, The apparent success of fake news on platforms like Facebook will have to be dealt with on a regulatory basis as it is clear that technically minded people will only look for technical fixes and may have incentives not to look very hard, so self-regulation is unlikely to succeed. Brennan Center for Justice at the NYU School of Law, Free Expression Policy Project, Internet Filtering Software Tests: Barracuda, CyberPatrol, FilterGate, & WebSense(2008) In other words, if theres a will, theres way.. Course Hero is not sponsored or endorsed by any college or university. Some said they expect some other systematic and social changes will alter things. B) In the dichotic listening task, information in the unattended channel always has no effect on participants, whether in terms of implicit or explicit memory. These changes will drive significant corporate and public sector improvements in security during the next decade., Larry Keeley, founder of innovation consultancy Doblin, predicted technology will be improved but people will remain the same, writing, Capabilities adapted from both bibliometric analytics and good auditing practices will make this a solvable problem. It is that there are all these other options, and people can choose to live in worlds where they ignore so-called reliable sources, or ignore a multiplicity of sources that can be compared, and focus on what they want to believe. Some comments are lightly edited for style or length. A new system emerged and I believe we have the motivation and capability to do it again. Perhaps the surge of fake news in the recent past will serve as a wake-up call to address these aspects of online skills in the media and to address these as fundamental educational competencies in our education system. It seems unlikely that government can play a meaningful role as this referee. Educated or not, no one wants to be a dummy all the wrong connotations. DECENT is an early example. And an anonymous respondent from Harvard Universitys Berkman Klein Center for Internet & Society said, They will be cryptographically verified, with concepts., But others were less confident that blockchain will work. However, the ALA recognizes that local libraries and schools are governed by local decision makers and local considerations and often must rely on federal or state funding for computers and internet access. Communication is only important if you are an upper-level manager. Lying is a powerful way to do that. Filtering can be applied to columns but not rows. Its how people choose to react and access to information and news thats important, not the mechanisms that distribute them. He recently read a memo from one department presenting a new, idea for a product. Adam Lella, Larry Diamond, senior fellow at the Hoover Institution and the Freeman Spogli Institute (FSI) at Stanford University, said, I am hopeful that the principal digital information platforms will take creative initiatives to privilege more authoritative and credible sources and to call out and demote information sources that appear to be propaganda and manipulation engines, whether human or robotic. Which one of the following statements on Filtering and Sorting is true? When there is value in misinformation, it will rule., Big political players have just learned how to play this game. There is too much incentive to spread disinformation, fake news, malware and the rest. Trust in America: Do Americans trust the news media? What barrier is facing Martin in this scenario. Propaganda and the desire to distort truth for political and other ends have always been with us and will adapt to any form of new media which allows open communication and information flows., Kenneth R. Fleischmann, associate professor at the School of Information at the University of Texas, Austin, wrote, Over time, the general trend is that a proliferation of information and communications technologies (ICTs) has led to a proliferation of opportunities for different viewpoints and perspectives, which has eroded the degree to which there is a common narrative indeed, in some ways, this parallels a trend away from monarchy toward more democratic societies that welcome a diversity of perspectives so I anticipate the range of perspectives to increase, rather than decrease, and for these perspectives to include not only opinions but also facts, which are inherently reductionist and can easily be manipulated to suit the perspective of the author, following the old aphorism about statistics Mark Twain attributed to Benjamin Disraeli [There are three kinds of lies: lies, damned lies and statistics.], which originally referred to experts more generally., Paul Saffo, longtime Silicon-Valley-based technology forecaster, commented, The information crisis happened in the shadows. By June Pinnell-Stevens published in American Libraries, Do You See What I See? A number of these respondents said information platform corporations such as Google and Facebook will begin to efficiently police the environment through various technological enhancements. Which of the following would be least likely to engage controlled attention? Misinformation is not like a plumbing problem you fix. However, when consumers are not directly paying for such accuracy, it will certainly mean a greater degree of misinformation in the public sphere. . How has economic globalization positively influenced world politics? In fact, there is a virtuous circle where acquisition of trustable information reduces ignorance, which leads to better use of better information, etc., Judith Donath,fellow at Harvard Universitys Berkman Klein Center for Internet & Society and founder of the Sociable Media Group at the MIT Media Lab, wrote, Yes, trusted methods will emerge to block false narratives and allow accurate information to prevail, and, yes, the quality and veracity of information online will deteriorate due to the spread of unreliable, sometimes even dangerous, socially destabilizing ideas. Martin is the financial director of the small business. When faced with novel predatory phenomena, counter-forces emerge to balance or defeat them. However, a major drawback of ECT is its cognitive side effects. Recorded: September 2014, American Library Association/Association for Library Service to Children,Notable Children's Digital Media, American Civil Liberties Union And many others., Leah Lievrouw, professor in the department of information studies at the University of California, Los Angeles, observed, So many players and interests see online information as a uniquely powerful shaper of individual action and public opinion in ways that serve their economic or political interests (marketing, politics, education, scientific controversies, community identity and solidarity, behavioral nudging, etc.).
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