project marauder plasma railguns project marauder plasma railguns
After armature formation, the plasmoid is then accelerated down the length of the railgun by a current pulse driven through one electrode, through the armature, and out the other electrode, creating a large magnetic field behind the armature. You can start for free today! | Playto @RossPresser but really what will happen is that if your gun pumps enough eneergy into the round to melt it, it'll almost certainly pump enough energy into it to at least partially boil it, and it'll go bang. Plasma just doesn't last very long outside of carefully controlled scenarios. 13-nautical-mile range of the US Navy's standard 5-inch naval gun," It seems like a really cool concept. Registration ends May 5, 2023 at 9:00pm EDT, Can I use my Coinbase address to receive bitcoin? 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Wouldn't this approach only create plasma for a tiny fraction of a second? The plasma accelerator fires instantly, but the projectile is slow. Want to develop practical skills on Mechanical? As fascinating of a topic as the research may be, the more important question is whether they went out of their way to make the project acronym marauder, or if it was just a fortunate coincidence that it ended up as that? If you still see this message after clicking the link, then your browser settings are likely set to not allow cookies. Magneto-inertial fusion seeks to implode a magnetized D-T fusion target using a spherically-symmetric, collapsing, conducting liner. Most don't need TeX formatting at all, if you know how to type. Cookie Notice | Robotics for Kids In coaxial plasma railguns, the electrodes are concentric. It was named MARAUDER or magnetically accelerated ring to achieve ultrahigh directed energy and radiation.. Thank you! Mount Vernon High School (Fortville, Indiana),, Short description is different from Wikidata, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, "The Marauders", a 1983 song by Tears for Fears, B-side to ", Marauders, synthetic creatures derived from, This page was last edited on 4 January 2023, at 19:22. Rare plants found here are the broad beech fern, a beautiful purple and white orchid called the showy orchis, spotted wintergreen, and long-spurred violet. (Note that there will be other limits to projectile temperature superconducting projectiles musn't be heated above their critical temperature, for example, and that'll be a lot lower than their melting point: ~300K for a scifi "room temperature" superconductor, for example. A railgun comprises a pair of parallel conducting rails, along which a sliding armature is accelerated by the electromagnetic effects of a current that flows down one rail, into the armature and then back along the other rail. These weapons programs even look to be losing steam, especially when compared to the development of hypersonic missile technology. By clicking Accept all cookies, you agree Stack Exchange can store cookies on your device and disclose information in accordance with our Cookie Policy. Would this be at all practical as a weapon system? All proceeds help support the Westmoreland PTA and their great programming for the students and teachers of Westmoreland! A bigger projectile yields a higher payload, so a rifle-mounted tank buster could be devised. But the muzzle velocity is sqrt(2 * barrelLength * acceleration). Some features of this site may not work without it. If you have any questions about this race, click the button below. Existing ground-based inertial confinement fusion pellets implode at ~300km/s, and are accelerated over a distance of a few mm (and this is far from the lab speed record). What's wrong with accelerating a metal slug beyond its melting point? The railgun will be used for the study of plasma shocks in jet collisions. The preserve is located on Butterfield Hill in a quiet part of southwestern New Hampshire, not far from the Connecticut River. A plasma-projectile shooting railgun is basically an armature that converts to plasma ('transitioning' armatures are also a thing and have been considered as a bridge between plasma armatures and solid/hybrid armature railguns, in fact) which is what Wikipedia describes (although the velocities are an order of magnitude less than what Shiva The resulting projectile moved at $3,000 km/s$ and struck its target with a $\approx 5$ lb TNT explosion ($5 \times 10^{-7} kT = 2.092MJ$) ---and a potent, short-range electromagnetic pulse. Reportedly, Ruth asked a local handyman to clear out a spring on the side of Butterfield Hill to provide water for the animals in the woods this is still visible at the end of the first steep section of the preserves hiking trail. They do still have scaling issues: you have to turn off a coil the instant the projectile is in the middle, and it is hard to simply vanish the field of a very powerful magnet! Learn how and when to remove this template message, Conceptual Design Description of a CT Fueler for JT-60U, 35th European Physical Society Conference on Plasma Physics, Support to Survivability/Vulnerability Program, "Quasistatic compression of a compact torus", "Compact toroid dynamics in the Compact Toroid Injection Experiment", Compact Torus Accelerator Driven Inertial Confinement Fusion Power Plant, Innovative Confinement Concepts Workshops (ICC), "A Contoured Gap Coaxial Plasma Gun with Injected Plasma Armature",, Compact Toroid Injection Experiment (CTIX), Pulsed High Density Fusion Experiment (PHD), This page was last edited on 21 April 2023, at 16:16. is capable of surviving speeds and acceleration up to 2 km/s. Kinda important factors You might want to research fusion reactors. @PcMan right, silly mistake. a railgun? rev2023.5.1.43405. Little is known about it after 1993 because it swiftly Classified Status. A minor scale definition: am I missing something? Plasma railguns are being evaluated as a possible method of implosion linear formation for fusion. Get kits shipped in 24 hours. We use cookies to offer you a better browsing experience. A plasma railgun is a linear accelerator uses two long parallel electrodes to accelerate a "sliding short" armature. We are talking about quite ridiculous energy levels here after all. ;). Browse other questions tagged, Start here for a quick overview of the site, Detailed answers to any questions you might have, Discuss the workings and policies of this site. That's a bit better, but remember: this is a maximum, regardless of anything else like barrel length, or field strength, or projectile weight. If your projectile is 20mm across and your barrel is 100m long, the amount of energy is the swept volume will be a reasonable 0.5GJ, for a muzzle velocity of 70km/s. Renewed interest has arisen in plasma armatures as evidenced by two papers presented at the 2008 EML Symposium. Episode about a group who book passage on a space ship controlled by an AI, who turns out to be a human who can't leave his ship? cheaper and more accurate than traditional gunpowder-based methods. Stack Exchange network consists of 181 Q&A communities including Stack Overflow, the largest, most trusted online community for developers to learn, share their knowledge, and build their careers. Can my creature spell be countered if I cast a split second spell after it? Generating points along line with specifying the origin of point generation in QGIS. | Summer Training Programs In a plasma railgun, the armature and ejected projectile consist of hot, ionized, gas-like particles heated by a very high temperature. It will just ablate a thin layer of it. The Navy even developed the ability to fire multiple-shot salvos but neither service has effectively fielded a weapon. Yet in scifi it is quite possible to have an uber plasma railgun that just kills missiles when they get too close. What should I follow, if two altimeters show different altitudes? Online Courses for Kids Agm is extremely professional we needed to expand our property to accommodate an RV and relieve a drainage problem next to our garage! The trails are rugged and moderately steep, ascending from 480 feet of elevation to 900 feet in just the first third of a mile. @KareemElashmawy The vast bulk of what I said can be found in the wiki article I linked at the very start of the post. | Contact Us, Copyright 2015-2018 Skyfi Education Labs Pvt. What were the most popular text editors for MS-DOS in the 1980s? It revolved around firing electromagnetically contained plasma out of a railgun encased in a toroidal (donut shaped) container. Naturally, in science fiction it would be very easy to explain that scientists discovered a more stable Toroidial configuration that lastswellhowever long you need it to last for the sake of the story. Basically, the Marauder was everything an army could possibly hope for in the area of field artillery: an ultra-fast, super-destructive gun whose ammunition was only limited to how much power the army could produce for it. Your message was posted to Facebook. The results of this experiment confirm that the design succeeds in producing plasmas which meet targets for plasma properties. All proceeds help support the Westmoreland PTA and their great programming for the students and teachers of Westmoreland! You are using an out of date browser. Accelerator electrode geometry and materials are also open areas of research. Since the driver current through the armature is also moving through and normal to a self-generated magnetic field, the armature particles experience a Lorentz force, accelerating them down the length of the gun. What is the symbol (which looks similar to an equals sign) called? Picture of a historical neon discharge tube by Pslawinski. You can find instructions at This is an instability in which the magnetic pressure front can out-run or "blow-by" the plasma armature due to the radial dependence of acceleration current density, drastically reducing device efficiency. | The first thing we care about is efficiency our coilgun will inevitably cause the projectile to heat up as a result of induced currents, and if we heat it up to melting point the projectile will disintegrate making it much less useful as a weapon or worse: it'll explode, taking a chunk of your ship with it. The design of individual gun components is detailed. [1], Magneto-inertial fusion seeks to implode a magnetized D-T fusion target using a spherically symmetric, collapsing, conducting liner. In the case of our hypothetical 200T coilgun, that gives us a maximum energy density of 16GJ/m3. Not to mention the fact that all the precision engineering in a plasma torch would be thrown out the window. It only takes a minute to sign up. This was the project's biggest issue. That said, this would require a much bigger power source, that would sustain for a longer acceleration. Enter your email address and we will send you instructions to reset your password if there is an account for that email. If you believe that any material in VTechWorks should be removed, please see our policy and procedure for To subscribe to this RSS feed, copy and paste this URL into your RSS reader. A device known as a plasma railgun can be used to produce plasmas which meet these experimental demands. However, it is rumored to be a coil gun, not a rail gun. The plasma is accelerated until it leaves the muzzle of the railgun. I don't know enough of the science to say if it is possible that they found some type of breakthrough. Outside hard vacuum, that 10000 km/s torus is not going anywhere. Similar principles apply for plasma railguns. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. Heat the projectile enough, and you have a diffuse and ever-expanding cloud of metal vapor, which is much less useful as an offensive weapon. The author argues that to realize the hypervelocity potential of plasma armature railguns, restrike must be eliminated. Learn more about Stack Overflow the company, and our products. MARAUDER was a United States Air Force experiment to develop long-range plasma weapons. Mostly realistic weapons to assault a planet from orbit. A transferred plasma cutter works by inducing a plasma in a carrier gas, which creates a very conductive path between the electrode and the "target" material, which creates a tremendous amount of heat. These are laser powered, and the shock waves due to the sudden acceleration heat the pellet substantially before it hits the center. Privacy Policy. Railguns have long existed as experimental . Interpreting non-statistically significant results: Do we have "no evidence" or "insufficient evidence" to reject the null? How could dragons effectively use their wings as weapons in ground combat? The near-term solution is some form of circuit arrangement which eliminates current . Especially against space debris. Plasma railguns appear in two principal topologies, linear and coaxial. A YouTuber by the name of NSA_Listbot has created a railgun that shoots plasma rounds and they were strong enough to fully penetrate a cantaloupe. BATH, Maine The U.S. Navy has pulled the plug, for now, on a futuristic weapon that fires projectiles at up to seven times the speed of sound using electricity. Did you mean to type Connect and share knowledge within a single location that is structured and easy to search. Simply put, its not exactly mobile enough to use in ground combat. This may help a bit, but does impose some parasitic mass that will limit the muzzle velocity of the projectile (and makes calculation of the final velocity into some kind of horrid differential equation which I won't be solving for you). And a plasma bolt with a lifespan of a millisecond, moving at 10,000km/s has a range of 10km. The magic number of interest here is the energy density that the swept volume can have this is $\frac{1}{2\mu_o}$ (where 0 is the permeability of free space) or about 400kJ/m3/T2, multiplied by the square of the magnetic field strength. They work a lot like a Smoke Ring does. For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. @apaul34208 It depends on how the bullet is constructed and how "super" your supercapacitor is. Thanks for detailed post Connor. It's a very slow particle beam in practice with ~8 millimeters of range in air if proton and ~10 if alpha particle. Something similar was tried in original Star Wars SDI, huge power load, completely useless in atmosphere. One set of plasma interactions that have not been fully explored are those which occur during high-velocity collisions between plasmas. He describes two promising approaches which are based on demonstrated technology.
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