tusd enrollment numberstusd enrollment numbers

tusd enrollment numbers tusd enrollment numbers

Tenth St. Tucson, AZ 85719 520-225-6067 Email Desegregation Annual Reports for the Unitary Status Plan (USP) Each year, the district submits a report, documenting our efforts for the Unitary Status Plan (USP). Annual Report 2021-2022 Tucson Unified School District filed its 2021-22 Annual Report on November 1, 2022. USP Section II.K(1)(n), Appendix 25 Student Transportation Data. USP Section II.K(1)(e), Appendix 15 Magnet School Assistance Program Grant Application. No Yes Submit Current Student Report Card (submit for grades 1-12, if applicable) Will you be enrolling more than one child? West Events. USP Section V.F(1)(k), Appendix 58 Dual Language Report & Dual Language Certification Issues Report. Creating a joyful, safeplace for studentsuccess. USP Section IV.K(1)(j), Appendix 42 Teachers & Principal Evaluation Instruments and Summary Student Data. Candidates for the Tucson Unified School District governing board. USP Section X.F(1)(a), Appendix 88 USP Relevant Documented Professional Development, Appendix 89 Education Choice and Competition Index, IX-15 TCI 2015-16 Composite Score - Available Soon, Appendix IV-7: USP Job Descriptions and Credentials, Appendix IV-13: Administrators/ certificated staff total years experience/ certifications by position, school, grade level, date hired, with summary tables for each school and comparisons to District-wide figures, Appendix IV-18: Certificated staff Attrition Rates by race/ethnicity, Appendix IV-28: Training Module: Understanding the Unitary Status Plan, Appendix IX-11: Training pursuant to Section IX, Appendix 14 Magnet school/program Plans for Improvement. Simply follow the steps below to apply and we will be in touch. Overall rating. USP Section V.F(1)(l), Appendix 59 Fliers & materials for Outreach Meetings. USP Section II.K(1)(d), Appendix 13 Magnet Plan and implementation status. PD on PBIS for MTSS teams 060115, V -178 MTSS Tier 1 Intervention and Data Collection Form 072215, V -179 MTSS School Team Meeting admin training form 072315, V -183 MTSS MASS Agenda Powerpoint Training 072415, V -184 MTSS Training for MASS Student Success Specialists 080415, V -185 MTSS What is your Role Training 083115, V -188 Climate and Culture Training 100215, V -190 In-School Intervention (ISI) Final Draft 082415 powerpoint, V -191 DAEP Presentation for Governing Board 082015, V -192 Data Training for MASS Student Success Specialists 2015-16 SY, V -193 YouthMentalHealthFirst AidTrainingSignIn2015-16, V -194 Mental Health Resource Training for MASS Specialists 050416, V -195 MASS Enrollment Coalition Forms Collected 2015-16, V -196 Enroll America Training and Webinar 102015 110315 111715, V -199 MASS Vendor Brochures and Information (1), V -200 MASS 2015-2016 Quarterly Sessions Community Vendors, V -205 Pima County Public Library Workforce Development, V -213 MASS Training Powerpoint Parent Quarterly, V -214 MASS Completed Parent Quarterly Sessions for Racially Concentrated Schools 2015-16, V -215 StaffParent Engagement Survey Results, V -219 V.G.1.p. The mission of the Tustin Unified School District, a learning community rich in heritage and committed to a tradition of excellence, is to ensure that each student optimizes individual achievement through an educational system characterized by challenging and exciting curricula and inspiring personalized instruction, in partnership with our dynamic and involved communities. 1010 E Tenth St, Tucson, AZ 85719 | 520-225-6000, Annual Reports for the Unitary Status Plan (USP). By setting up an account and/or logging into the Aeries Parent Portal, you agree to abide by District Rules and regulations. 105. USP Section V.F(1)(q, Appendix 67 Special Education Data. Tucson Unified School District filed its 2017-18 Annual Report on October 1, 2018. The number of students who I have estimated live in the TUSD area but attend charter schools or other districts is 4,000 to 5,000 students short of the actual 16,500 drop in enrollment. USP Section IV.K(1)(b), Appendix 28 Recruitment Plan/Retention Plan. MAY. SY2016-17, V-263 MASSD Mentor Volunteer Chart SY2016-17, V-264 MASSD Community and College Collaborations SY2016-17, V-265 MASSD Student Success Specialist Job Description, V-266 UA Mexican American Studies Advisory Board, V-267 3rd Annual Youth Symp on Social Justice & Ethnic Studies Prog, V-268 MASSD Linking Hispanic Heritage SY2016-17, V-271 LULAC Youth Leadership Conference SY2016-17, V-272 MASSD Hispanic Heritage Month SY2016-17, V-273 MASSD Cesar Chavez Youth Leadership Month SY2016-17, V-274 MASSD Community Advisory Council SY2016-17, V-278 Culturally Responsive Professional Development Plan, V-283 Listserve Integrate Ideas and Survey, V-286 TUSD Integration Survey ELD Teachers, V-292 July 2016 Administrator CR Training TUSD, V-296 TUSD Site PD Calendar Template 17-18, V-298 V.G.1.d Governing Board Policy IHBB, V-299 V.G.1.e Explanation of Responsibilities, V-301 V.G.1.h Description of Changes to ALE Programs, V-303 V.G.1.l Dual Language Services by School and Grade, V-304 V.G.1.n Amendments or Revisions Report, V-308 V.G.1.r Academic Intervention Teams, V-311 V.G.1.s Quarterly Events Descriptions, V-312 V.G.1.u Students receiving Ex Ed Services 201617, V-313 Student Support Criteria Form SY2016-17, V-314 Student Support Program Evaluations, VI-6 Restorative Practice 4.6.17 Presentation Copy, VI-9 Fred Jones Training Materials, Exemplars, VI-10 GSRR PowerPoint (For Students)16-17, VI-11 TUSD GSRR Documentation Fall 2016, VI-12 GSRR PowerPoint (For Parents) 16-17, VI-14 Principal Letter on Fights and Assaults 10-20-16, VI-15 Request to Elevate Discipline Level, VI-19 Board Agenda Items re Code from January through May 2017, VI-21 Code of Conduct Forums and Feedback, VI-24 Dropout Prevention and Graduation Plan-Revised 5-18-2017, VI-27 Morado Memo to Dr. Hawley re ISI-DAEP, VI-34 Sample Communication and Bi-Weekly Incident Report, VI-35 Weekly Aggression Reporting Template, VI-38 Discipline Data Training for MTSS 093016, VI-49 Fourth Quarter Discipline Comparison, VI-50 Monthly Discipline - Three Year Comparison, VI-51 Discipline by Violation Three Year Comparison, VI-54 Student Discipline Corrective Action Plans 16-17, VI-59 Whitmore Back to School Meeting Agenda, VI-60 PBIS Self Assessment Data ILA Presentation, VI-64 Roberts-Naylor MTSS Review Protocol, VI-66 VI.G.1.a Appeals to Hearing Officers and Governing Board, VI-67 VI.G.1.c Corrective Action Plans (3rd Qtr. Site Assignments for Specialists, V -155 MASS Department Summary Report 2015-16 SY, V -156 V.G.1.r. If the district's student enrollment . The short takeaway from the chart is, the district's . In my last post, I put up a chart, which I also included here, showing the decline in enrollment numbers at TUSD from 2000 to the present. PLC Late Start. . ), VI-73 VI.G.1.d Copies of behavior plans, discipline docs-forms, VII-1 School Site Curricular Focus Trainings for Families SY2016-17 Sample, VII-2 School Site Family Involvement - Other SY2016-17, VII-3 School Site Family Engagement Opportunities And Resource Information Sample SY2016-17, VII-4 School Site Methods Used to Conduct Outreach Or Facilitate Family Engagement SY2016-17 Summary, VII-5 Family Resource Centers Calendars SY2016-17, VII-6 Family Centers Promotions SY2016-17, VII-7 School Site Family Engagement Contracts SY2016-17, VII-8 USP Family Engagement School Site Compliance SY2016-17, VII-10 School Site Parents as Partners Staff Training SY2016-17 Sample, VII-11 Family Engagement Trainings and Supports for School Site Personnel SY2016-17, VII-13 Family and Community Engagement Team SY2016-17, VII-14 District Wide Family Engagement Events SY2016-17, VII-15 District Wide Family Engagement Collaboration Report Sample SY2016-17, VII-16 VII.E.1.b Family Engagement Survey SY2016-17, VII-19 Annual List of Available Materials SY2016-17, VII-20 Family Resource Centers Tracking Summary July 2016-May 2017, VII-21 Language Accessibility Staff Training Review SY2016-17, VII-23 Open Enrollment Workshops and Events at FRCs SY2016-17, VII-24 Open Enrollment Outreach and Supports at FRCs SY2016-17, VII-25 Open Enrollment Applications at FRCs SY2016-17, VII-26 CSAC Represented Departments and Members SY2016-17, VII-27 College Enrollment and Financial Aid Supports SY2016-17, VII-29 Classes and Workshops Offered at FRCs SY2016-17, VII-30 District Department and Program Sessions at Family Resource Centers SY2016-17, VII-32 Family Resource Centers Tracking Tool SY2016-17, VII-33 Family Resource Centers Workshop Survey Results SY2016-17, VII-34 SY2016-17 PHLOTE Languages by Enrollment, VII-36 List of Social Service Agencies SY2016-17, VII-38 List of Translated Documents SY2016-17, VII-41 VII.E.1.a Explanation of Responsibilities, VII-43 VII.E.1.d Scope of Effectiveness Analyses, VIII-2 Tutoring Services by funding Source SY2016-17, VIII-4 Extracurricular Coaches Race Ethnicity SY2016-17, VIII-6 Extracurricular Parent Responses SY2016-17, VIII-7 VIII.C.1 Selection of Extracurricular Activities Jkapp, IX-1 IX.C.1.a Facilities Condition Index SY2016-17, IX-2 IX.C.1.b Educational Suitability Score SY2016-17, IX-7 Teacher Technology Proficiency Survey, X-6 Email MTaylor to SMP re Audit Report 013117, X-10 Taylor Email and RN Draft DIA to SMP 053017, X-11 Taylor Email and RN Revised DIA to SMP 062217, X-12 X.A.5.a.i Explanation of Responsibilities, Notice of Filing TUSD's 2015-2016 Annual Report, Informe Anual para el Ciclo Acadmico 2015-2016, #1970 TUSD Supplement to Annual Report Narrative, Notice of Revision TUSD Annual Report SY 2015-16, Exhibit A Revisions to Annual Report Text, Exhibit B Revised Table 4.13 African American and Hispanic Teachers, Exhibit C Revised Table 4.20 LPA Prospective Candidate Pool, Exhibit D Revised Appendix V-26 ALE Programs, Exhibit E Revised Appendix VI-28 Sign-in sheets ISI Training, Exhibit F Revised Appendix VIII-1, Report VIII.C.1 Extracurricular Activities, I-1 ISI-DAEP SEL Progress Report 02.11.16, II-2 SY2015-16 Grade Configuration Change Report, II-3 Analysis of Oversubscribed Schools and Lottery Placements, II-8 SI Official Classroom Observation Form 2015-16, II-9 School Improvement Walkthrough Schedule for Magnet Schools, II-10 Theme Visibility Walkthrough Assessment, II-12 Magnet PLC Schedules and PD Schedules, II-17 2016-17 Magnet Hiring Report 08.10.16, II-18 II.K.1.h Admissions Process, Regulation JFB-R4, II-19 II.K.1.j - School Choice Applications, II-23 Sample Screenshots from Tucson Unified Website, II-27 Press Release Exemplars and Social Media Post Screenshots, II-30 TUSD En Espanol Screenshots Case 4:74-cv-00090-DCB Document 1958-2 Filed 09/28/16 Page 2 of 16, II-36 II.K.1.p - Student Assignment PD Training, II-40 Sanchez Memo to SMP re Integration Initiatives 03.01.16, II-41 Hefner Report on Integration Initiatives 05.18.16, II-42 Board Presentation on Integration Initiatives 052416, II-43 II.K.1.b TUSD Enrollment-Attendance Status SY1516, II-44 II.K.1.c Explanation of Responsibilities, II-45 II.K.1.f (1) School Magnet Plans 15-16 SY.docx, II-46 II.K.1.f (2) School Magnet Plans 16-17 SY, Response to Mendoza RFI #578: II.I.1.g. Search reviews. If you reside outside of TUSD boundaries, you are required to have an approved Inter-District Permit on file prior to beginning the enrollment process. Community and College Volunteer Mentor Training Manual for Orientation, Professional Boundaries Training for Volunteer Mentors, MASS Family Resource Materials and Vendors, 7th Annual African American Youth Heritage Day Brochure, National Society of Black Engineers -Letter_PermissionSlip2014, UHS Letter to parents - recruitment 11-2014, K-8 and Middle school Historically Black Colleges and Universities Tour, Cesar Chavez Youth Leadership Conference PowerPoint, LULAC Youth Leadership Conference Overview, MASS Before and After School Tutoring Schedule, STEM Summit Agenda Facilitators, Goal Activity and Hand-Out 12.06.14, 2nd Quarter Parent Information Meeting Agenda 12 04 14, Teacher Evaluation Appendices J and K: engagement and cultural sensitivity, STEM Save the Date Flyer and STEM Summer Application 2015, AAC_Day 40data comparable to USP Appendix E, Report from IB Coordinator (ALE MK 5.26.15), Student Support Review and Assessment 2014-15 SY, Explanation of responsibilities of persons hired pursuant to Section V, V(G)(1)(f)IB Coordinator Recruitment Community Events, V(G)(1)(f) List of materials-brochure locations, V(G)(1)(g) UHS Admissions recommendations 16-17, V(G)(1)(g) UHS_Application Data Rev 9.14.15, V(G)(1)(k) Letter from State of Arizona Department of Education, V(G)(1)(m) AASSD Quarterly Agendas SY 14-15, V(G)(1)(m) Two way Dual Language English, V(G)(1)(m) Two way Dual Language Spanish, V(G)(1)(m) Two Way Dual Language PowerPoint, V(G)(1)(m) GATE Recruitment and testing 1, V(G)(1)(m) Internal Teachers Recruited for Dual Language, V(G)(1)(p) AASS College Partnerships and Mentoring Programs 14-15, V(G)(1)(p) MASS Colleges Mentoring Program SY 14-15, V(G)(1)(p) Email sent to principals Open Access to view the summary of college mentoring opportunities, V(G)(1)(q) Email sent to principals AP prep, V(G)(1)(q) Memo to principals re AP Tutoring, V(G)(1)(r) Academic Intervention Team (Cholla), V(G)(1)(s) Description of Quarterly Events, V(G)(1)(s) Quarterly Events Flyers 5.26.15, V(G)(1)(s) Parent University Agenda Sign-In 10.25.15, V(G)(1)(t) Training PD Administrative Certificated Staff, VI(G)(1)(b) Summary of Discipline Data for SY 2014-15, Learning Supports Coordinators (LSC) Time Entry Log, Collaborative Communications July-Oct 2014, Collaborative Communications Oct 14 - Nov 2014, Collaborative Communications 4.15 - 7.30.15, GSRR Admin Professional Development July 2014, June 2015 Administrator Discipline Training Agenda, Administrator Professional Development June 1-5, 2015, Back to School Faculty Meeting 08-06-14 Sahuaro, VI(G)(1)(f) Discipline Log Sample redacted, Exemplar Communications from Directors to Sites, Unnamed School Discipline Data Review Material, Chart of Formal Corrective Actions and Exemplar, Elementary School Exclusionary Discipline SY 2014-15, Middle School Exclusionary Discipline SY 2014-15, High School Exclusionary Discipline SY 2014-15, 8-25-15-BAI3-ISI InSchool Intervention PowerPoint (ISI), VI(G)(1)(c) Corrective Action Plan Summary, VI(G)(1)(c) Corrective Action Plan template with directions, VI(G)(1)(c) MTSS School Team Meeting form, VI(G)(1)(g) Training on Behavior or Discipline, VI(G)(1)(g) Discipline Training Agendas 14-15 SY, VI(G)(1)(g) Training Summary Table and Materials, Wakefield Annual List of Available Materials, Family Engagement Vision and Mission Statement, Culture and Climate Training Presentation, Culturally Responsive PD Participant Surveys Pre Post Course Assessment, African American Parent Conference Save the Date Notice, Family and Community Engagement Steering Committee Members, FEC Flyers, Newsletter, and Screen Shot of Website, Notice to LEPs of Rights to Interpreter/Translator Services, Primary Home Language Other than English (PHLOTE) List 10.15.2014, Meaningful Access Coordinator Year End Translation and Interpretation Report, TOTAL Interpretation/Translation Evets 2014-15, Meaningful Access Services Handout 2014-2015, VII(E)(1)(b) Assessments, Analyses and Plans, VII(E)(1)(c) Regulation IHAM_R District Wellness, Reporting VII(E)(1)(d): Analyses Scope of Effectiveness, Individual High School and Middle School Athletic Participation, Individual High School Athletics Enrollment by Ethnicity, ECA Elementary and Middle School Survey Participants, TUSD Schools With After School Tutoring Programs, VIII(C)(1) Extracurricular Activities 9.11.15, IX(C)(1)(a) Facilities Condition Index (FCI) Structure, IX(C)(1)(a) Educational Suitability Score (ESS) Structure, IX(C)(1)(b) Technology Conditions Index (TCI) Composite Score, Teacher Technology Liaisons (TTL) Distribution list, 14-15 Instructional Technology Site Visits, 14-15 Instructional Technology PD Trainings, Teacher Technology Liaison (TTL) Training, Discipline Data Monitoring Principal Training, EBAS BI Training Agenda with Sign-In Sheets, Emails re USP Budget, Third Response to Plaintiffs and Special Master 8.4 8.18.14, S. Brown Email re Approved USP Budget 8.14.14, Emails re USP Budget, Fourth Response 8.29 9.7.14, Emails re Revised Budget Processes Nov/Dec 2014, Draft Agreed-Upon Procedures (AUP) Engagement Letter 6.17.14, Arvizu Email and Revised AUP Letter 7.8.14, Brammer Collaborative Email re Audit Report 7.25.14, Thompson, Salter, Hawley Communications re Scope of Audit 8.4 8.8.14, S. Brown Email re Draft Scope of Work 12.19.14, S. Brown Emails re Audit Report Extension and Scope of Audit 1.8 1.9.15, Salter and Thompson Emails re Audit Report Extension and Scope 1.12.15, Emails re Mendoza Concerns 1.20 1.28.15, S. Brown Email and 2013-14 Audit Report 2.20.15, Emails re Audit Report Concerns 8.20 8.26.14, M. Taylor Email and DIA re Sale of Van Horne Property 6.8.15, Emails re Additional Information 3.3 - 3.18.15, X(F)(1)(a)(i) Attendance Boundary Changes, X(F)(1)(a)(iv) Building or Acquiring New Schools, X(F)(1)(a)(vi) Purchase, Lease and Sale of District Real Estate, Informe Annual para el Ciclo Acadmico 2013-2014 dentro del Plan de Estatus Unitario, Appendix I-1: 2014-2015 Organizational Charts, Appendix I-2: Operational Efficiency Audit May 2014, Appendix I-6: TUSD USP Status reports: July 2013 and January 2014, Appendix I-7: 6/20/14 Letter from Arizona Department of Education re confidentiality, Appendix II-1: Applied Economics Boundary Study, Appendix II-2: 3/25/14 PowerPoint Presentation to Governing Board, Appendix II-3: List of Designees and job descriptions pursuant to Section II, Appendix II-4: Policies Revised pursuant to USP II, Appendix II-5: Plan: Boundary Review Process, Appendix II-6: Boundary and Magnet Committees, Appendix II-7: Plan: Comprehensive Boundary Plan, Appendix II-8: Board Actions taken regarding the Comprehensive Boundary Plan, Appendix II-10: Magnet Board Action Items, Appendix II-11: Magnet Plan Public Forums, Appendix II-12: Comprehensive Magnet Plan, Appendix II-13: Student Assignment-related Professional Development Materials, Appendix II-14: Magnet Annual Report SY 2013-14, Appendix II-15: 9/27/13 MSAP Denial Letter, Appendix II-16: Plan: Admissions Process for Oversubscribed Schools, Appendix II-17: Magnet Application and Enrollment Forms translated into Predominant District Languages, Appendix II-18: Webpage screenshot School Choice Calculator, Appendix II-19: School Choice Admissions Data, Appendix II-20: Data: Transfers to/From School District, Appendix II-21: Plan: Marketing and Outreach Plan, Appendix II-22: Information Guide [Catalog of Schools], Appendix II-23: Disaggregated data comparable to data at [USP] Appendix C, Appendix II-24: 2013-15 Magnet Plan (superseded by Comprehensive Magnet Plan), Appendix II-25: Software Changes to Mojave (Lottery), Appendix III-1: Transportation services offered SY 2013-14, Appendix III-2: List of schools with assigned activity buses, Appendix III-3: Magnet letter, acceptance form, fliers, brochures, Appendix III-4: TUSD RFPs for third party private contractor transportation vendors, Appendix III-5: Policy AC Non-Discrimination, Appendix III-6: Parent Page: Transportation, Appendix IV-1: Supplemental LMA (Labor Market Analysis), Appendix IV-2: Teacher and Administrator Hiring, 2013-14 Vacancies, Appendix IV-3: Outreach, Recruitment and Retention (ORR) Plan, Appendix IV-4: Recruitment and Retention Advisory Committee Materials, Appendix IV-5: Teacher Racial/Ethnic Demographics Districtwide, Appendix IV-6: Administrator Racial/Ethnic Demographics Districtwide, Appendix IV-9: Hiring and Interview Panel Materials, Appendix IV-10: Recruiting Interview Questions, Appendix IV-11: Demographic details of District interview committees, Appendix IV-12: Data identifying the reasons candidates declined employment offers during the 2013-14 school year, Appendix IV-14: Teacher Racial/Ethnic Demographics by School, Appendix IV-15: Administrator Racial/Ethnic Demographics by School, Appendix IV-16: First Year Teacher Pilot Plan, Appendix IV-17: New Teacher Induction Plan list of participating teachers and mentors by race/ethnicity and school site, Appendix IV-21: Reduction in Force (RIF) Plan, Appendix IV-22: Teacher Evaluation Instrument/Process, Appendix IV-23: Principal/Administrator Instrument/Process, Appendix IV-24: Cummins Bogan Memo (being updated), Appendix IV-26: Prospective Administrative Leaders Plan, Appendix IV-27: Instructional Leadership Academy (ILA) Agendas, Appendix IV-29: Certificated interview committees Jan 2014-June 2014, Appendix IV-30: Administrators and certificated staff subject to a reduction in force, by prior position and outcome during 2013-14 (i.e., new position or dismissal), Appendix IV-31: Certified & Administrative District Initiated Transfers (DIT) for SY 13-14, Appendix IV-32: Training provided pursuant to Section IV, Appendix IV-33: "Encourage to Apply" letter and list of those to whom it was sent, Appendix V-1: Job Description (ALE Director), Appendix V-3: ALE Access and Recruitment Plan, Appendix V-4: Description of Changes to UHS Admissions process, Appendix V-5: ALE Parent Complaint Process and Complaint Form, Appendix V-6: ALE Marketing and Recruitment Materials, Appendix V-7: Martha Taylor email re outreach to African American and Latino students enrolling in AAC courses, Appendix V-8: ALE Professional Development, Appendix V-9: DATA: AVID Enrollment Data, District-wide, Appendix V-10: V-10 GATE/AP Teacher Certifications & Endorsements, Appendix V-11: AP Summer Boot Camp Enrollment, Appendix V-12: Revised UHS Admissions Process, Appendix V-13: Further Revisions to the UHS Admissions Process per court order, Appendix V-14: Summary and Analysis of UHS Admissions Revisions; Application Form, Appendix V-15: Data: ALE Year-to-Year Comparison, Appendix V-17: Data: SY 2013-14 40th day ALE Enrollment by Race/ Ethnicity by ELL status by Grade, Appendix V-18: Data: TUSD SY 2013-14 40th day ALE Enrollment by Race/Ethnicity by ELL status by Program, Appendix V-19: Data: AAC Data for 13-14 based on the entire year (equivalent to USP Appendix "E"), Appendix V-20: Data: GATE Enrollment for 13-14 based on entire year (equivalent to USP Appendix "F"), Appendix V-21: Data: UHS enrollment 12-13 to 13-14 (equivalent to USP Appendix "G"), Appendix V-22: Data: UHS Freshman Applications by Ethnicity - TUSD students only, 2010-11 to 2013-14, Appendix V-23: Data: UHS Mobility data 12-13 and 13-14, Appendix V-24: Data: UHS Freshman Cohort Retention and Achievement Data based on 40th day Counts, Appendix V-30: SEI Models Review Committee Documents, Appendix V-31: Summary of Alternative Approaches for 2014-15, Appendix V-32: Governing Board Agenda, May 28, 2013, Appendix V-34: Data: 13-14 100th day referrals for initial Exceptional Education (ExEd) evaluations for students in grades K-12; revised criteria from the 13-14 Procedures Manual Chapter 5, Eligibility Categories, Appendix V-35: Student Support Review and Assessment, Appendix V-36: Revised Dropout Prevention and Graduation Plan, Appendix V-37: Life Skills Alternative to Suspension (LSASP) Information, Appendix V-38: WatchPoint Report; information pertaining to amendments and revisions to WatchPoint system, Appendix V-39: Data: TUSD Graduation Rates and Dropout Rates by Race/Ethnicity, Appendix V-40: Data: TUSD Retention Rates for Grades 0-8 by Race/Ethnicity SY 2013-14, Appendix V-41: Credentials and Job Descriptions, USP Section V, CRPI and MC Directors, Appendix V-43: SAIL Training Powerpoint and sign-in sheets, Appendix V-44: ADE Communications with TUSD re Culturally Relevant Curriculum (CRC) courses, Appendix V-45: Culturally Relevant Curriculum (CRC) information, Appendix V-46: CRC Outreach and Recruitment Materials, Appendix V-47: Academic Intervention Processes for Struggling African American and Latino Students, Appendix V-48: Academic Intervention Teams, Appendix V-49: Latino Student and Family Outreach and Marketing Materials, Appendix V-50: African American Student and Family Outreach and Marketing Materials, Appendix V-51: Information related to quarterly events, and other events, for Latino and African American students and families, Appendix V-53: AAAATF Recommendations and Development includes a copy of the recommendations of the African American Academic Achievement Task Force (AAAATF) as submitted to the District in July 2013, Appendix V-54: Policies revised to support Section V, Inclusive Environments, Appendix V-55: Email to Principals re Highlighting Contributions of Diverse Groups, Appendix V-58: Job Descriptions and Credentials for LSCs, and for College and Career Readiness Coordinators. how far inland do hurricanes go in north carolina,

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