sirens and mermaids names sirens and mermaids names
In another legend, the sirens had a music contest with the muses, and lost. It means friend from the sea or handsome friend. It is a highly suitable merman name, given merfolk are said to be beautiful, and they obviously come from the sea, making them friends of the sea. A magical cap called a cohuleen druith enables merrows to live under the water. a good mermaid name for someone with a fiery colored tail. - Though spelled differently, it has sea in it. - This one is very straightforward. Adella is and Old German name meaning noble., She is the fourth daughter of King Triton. Silvery blue is a common mermaid tail color in tv shows and movies. succeed. Persephone's time in the underworld was the mythological explanation for winter. Variations include, This is a Latin name that means clear, and bright. This could be taken several ways. The name Ava alone means life and is of Latin origin. There are many mermaids and some mermen from pop culture, including movies, and shows. It is melody in Italian, and gold, or of high value in Albanian. She is the most light-hearted of the mermaid friends. Meredith- This is a name of Welsh origin that means great lord or sea lord. Also, protector of the sea. This name is perfect for an ocean conservationist who would consider themselves to be a protector of the sea, which many mermaids are. The name most likely is a variation of the Hebrew name, , the meaning of which is disputed. Athena is also the name of the Greek goddess of wisdom and war. Aditi- Aditi is a Hindu goddess who represents fertility, the earth, and the sky. She is eager to learn everything about the human world. There are many mermaids and some mermen from pop culture, including movies, and shows. Whether you follow folklore or simply love the ocean, we have a list of baby names for you! One of its meanings is bitter., Sirena- Sirena is a gentle soul, always a mediator between her mermaid friends. There are so many names in different traditions for the beings known as mermaids. These are all names for mermaids based after words relating to the sea, or any body of water. - It is believed that this name comes from a Shakespeare play as a misspelling of the name Innogen, a Celtic name which means maiden, daughter. Mermaids are maidens of the sea, who are also considered daughters of the sea, and daughters of King Triton. The name itself is a translation of Severn that means patience.. Mermaid names are rising in popularity. The name means to go., Definitely a unique and powerful sounding name, in my opinion. She is from Homers epic poem. As the story goes, she was eventually commanded by Zeus to release him. Korean Mythology Gods & Folklore | What is Korean Mythology? There are copious tales of gods, goddesses and other ethereal characters that dwell in the sea. . Although there are ten siren names, no more than three are ever mentioned in one story. Parthenope is one of the most famous sirens. Orion is one of the brightest constellations in the sky, visible all throughout the world. He later proves to be a brave and dedicated father when it came to finding Nemo. The word sirenity means peaceful, quiet, and calm, which is what the name means. Demeter cursed them to die when a mortal was able to resist their songs. Aurora- Aurora was the ancient Roman goddess of the dawn. It is an American name meaning beautiful lake., - A girl's name of Spanish and Latin origin meaning blue, envious. It sounds like live, and I associate the ocean with life. Its no wonder so many are drawn to the wonders of mermaiding. Morgan- Morgan is a Welsh name meaning sea protector. Merfolk are known as protectors of the sea, so it makes a great merman name. It is of Arabic origin and its meaning is bright or new house.. There are ten siren names which can be found in Greek myths in total. Unknown to many, they are actually considered animals. Fay- Fay, or fae, refers to fairies, which are beautiful mythical creatures like mermaids. The name Priscila means ancient, which is fitting for mermaids because they date far back to ancient times. A variation of this name is. There is also a paint color named high sierra, a light blue. She could easily grow up to be a star herself! Although ancient Greek Sirens may have had the most influence on the modern conception of mermaids, it is hardly the oldest description of the creature. It means resurrection. Variations include Anna, Annalise, and Annette. "I am stunned," Lemon wrote on Cordelia- The name Cordelia is a girl's name of Latin and Celtic origin meaning heart; daughter of the sea or in Welsh it means jewel of the sea.. Destiny means that one has a purpose and events happen to play out a grand life plan of sorts. The name Sapphire is of Hebrew origin and means blue.. Mermaids are shown as gentle and benevolent, whereas sirens are believed to have evil intentions. The name means pearl and is of Spanish origin. It means free, and mermaids are creatures that roam free in the wild, spending their days in the ocean. References to the sirens can also be found in Greek historical texts and on vase fragments. She was the Celtic goddess of the Danube and is known as the earth-mother goddess. Nixie- Nixie is the main character of the first season. She is known for lacking decorum and not wanting to share. She is known for her love of beauty, fertility, romance, and fine possessions. - This name is based on celestial bodies, which have mythological/astrological connections to the sea. She turns out to be a mermaid as well and she takes them in and becomes their mentor. Her name is also the Gaelic word for beauty., Adella- Adella is the third daughter of King Triton. - Greta is a common name in Germany, Sweden, Poland, and Italy. Molpe, meaning unknown. The name means air.. Maybe youre writing a book and looking for character names, or youre a mermaid searching for the perfect name to go with your mersona. A shimmering blue sapphire resembles a mermaid tail of a blueish hue. Oracle of Delphi Overview & Prophecies | Who was Pythia, Priestess of Apollo? - You may recognize this name from Dolly Partons, The woman the song is about is described as a temptress who has beauty beyond compare, flaming locks of auburn hair, ivory skin and eyes of emerald green. Her voice is also soft like summer rain. Dolly paints a sparkling vision of a siren. Marakihau. Sierra is a Spanish word for mountain and indicates strength. She is much like her mother, being a stubborn free spirit who is defiant to her parents. She has a beautiful singing voice. It means free, and mermaids are creatures that roam free in the wild, spending their days in the ocean. Ved-Ava is common in Finno-Urgic stories. In stories, sirens are often guardians of islands. Siren Names Thalia Oarariel Marit Mysnara Freyja Cadence Jordana Loch Echolila Scylla Jasper Gloria Delana Azalea Anniken Cherily August Dianeva Leucodise Eathelee Talolea Treasure Meredith Coral Nepherane Sireirian Olerephis Gael Sailor Larailee Haven Ula Maya September Breaker Hurley Gulliver Daphthoe Rosemary Merfolk are similar to dragons in the way that they both have long, scaly tails. The name means to go., Xavier- Definitely a unique and powerful sounding name, in my opinion. She personifies infinity, unconsciousness, and the past and future. Essentially it is a large lake, having salty water diluted by fresh water. Slavic Countries & People | Map, List, Flags & History, Selene, Greek Moon Goddess | Appearance, Role & Symbolism. It may have been taken from the Greek word nereis, meaning sea sprite or nymph., - Odette is the name of the princess turned Swan Queen from the ballet, . She is now worshipped throughout the world. Cassandra- Cassandra means to excel, to shine. It is also the name of a Trojan princess from Greek mythology. Ondina is a name meaning little wave., She is loyal to the best friend Ondina, and is set on restoring the pod, but does not see Zac as a threat. They tell the tale of the goddess Atargatis who loved a mortal man. A mermaid is a mythical sea-dwelling creature and their stories have existed for thousands of years. However, in all the Greek myths no more than 3 sirens are ever mentioned by name at a time. The name, which is of Greek origin, means venerable. That means well-respected and wise. References to Parthenope can be found in Lycophron and Strabo. A unisex name of English origin meaning pleasant seaside meadow. Reggae fans might consider this name, since it is the name of famous musician Bob Marley. Mermaids are well known for their enchanting songs. Marlin- Marlin is a name of English origin. Adella is and Old German name meaning noble., Aquata- She is the fourth daughter of King Triton. Sailors have had visions of them at sea, and many gods and goddesses are in the form of a merperson. They loved music and Some have even called mermaids water fairies. The word itself survives in the Latin root for the words for mermaid in languages such as Italian (sirena) and French (sirene). Darya/Daria- The name Darya is a girl's name of Russian origin meaning kingly or the sea. The name is most commonly used in Russia and other Slavic countries. Its meaning is treasurer. Jasper is also a type of gemstone of a reddish-brown color. She is more interested in romance than most of her sisters. Generally, they are depicted as beautiful women with the tails of fish, but they can also be shown as scary, humanoid creatures with sharp teeth for This is a French name that means desired. Mermaids are highly desired creatures, subject to hunts by sailors. In an 18th century play, there was a dancing mermaid by the name or Coralia. Choosing a selection results in a full page refresh. All rights reserved. Modern interpreters count her as a dangerous demon who is of the darkness. The name comes from the Sanskrit word for boundless. Some of its other meanings are entire, freedom, and security.. Coralia- The ocean is home to diverse and beautiful coral reefs. References to the sirens can be found in many different ancient Greek texts, including the famous Odyssey by Homer, and the story of Jason and the Argonauts. Damian means the powerful man of the people It also means to tame or to subdue. Those are all words that can relate to mermen. In Hindu mythology the name Maya means illusion.. The name means powerful and complete. It is also the name of a goddess known for wisdom. Its important to mention that some names have different meanings in other languages. -The name Ila means island or earth. Islands are prominent in mermaid lore. The name means venerable or majestic., - The Caspian Sea is the largest inland body of water in the world. Halcyon- This is a name that means calm. It is also the name of a bird in a Greek legend. Muses, Creatures & Winds in Greek Mythology, The Muse Terpsichore: Greek Mythology, Definition, Psychological Research & Experimental Design, All Teacher Certification Test Prep Courses, What is a Harpy in Greek Mythology? Rusalka. Some versions of this story claim that the sirens would die if anyone passed by them unscathed, and so they perished after Odysseus passed them by. Ben-varrey. Sierra- Though spelled differently, it has sea in it. It symbolizes death and rebirth. The name Viviane means lively It is likely based on the French word vivre, meaning to live or life.. The name Ava alone means life and is of Latin origin. In stories, mermaids are known to come near human boats and watch from afar. The word comes from the Greek word harmonia. There is also a folktale about a forest nymph named Harmonia. The sirens are figures from ancient Greek mythology. Ava- This name comes from Ved-Ava, a water deity. It makes a pretty mermaid name because it sounds the same as jewels, which are beautiful, radiant stones, similar to the beauty of mermaids and their shimmering tails. In European folklore, mermaids (sometimes called sirens) and mermen were natural beings who, like fairies, had magical and prophetic powers. The sea is significant in many religions, from Poseidon ruling the sea, and Triton, a merman from Greek mythology, to Aegir, the Norse god who embodies the sea. These are names whose meanings and translations are based on words pertaining to the sea, to water, to nature, and to traits that describe mermaids. In early Greek sources the sirens are pictured as part woman and part bird; however, in some later sources they are pictured as a woman with a fish tail, like a mermaid. Swimming in a tail, its hard not to feel graceful. In Syrian and Maltese, Mara means woman, in Gaelic sea, in Nigeria (Igbo) beautiful, -Maya is an abbreviation of Yemaya, also known as Yemoja, who is an African sea goddess. Lakelyn- Any name ending in lyn is lovely in my opinion, and mermaids are said to be lovely and breathtaking creatures. - This is the Spanish word for siren, a phrase interchangeable with mermaid. I myself consider sirens to be more alluring and sinister than mermaids. The highly anticipated Disney princess just covered V Magazine in a stunning Fendi look. Cleo/Cleodora- Cleodora is a goddess in Greek mythology. - It should go without saying that this name is related to water by being a synonym for precipitation. Elwynn- This name means noble friend in High Old German, and friend of the elves. Elves and mermaids are both mythical creatures that are prominent in fantasy and mythology. The ten siren names are: Thelxiepeia, Parthenope, Peisinoe, Leucosia, Neptune is the god of freshwater, also identified as Poseidon. Maree- The name Maree is a name of Latin and Irish origins meaning ocean tides or star of the sea. To unlock this lesson you must be a Member. Its fitting for a mermaid and is a good name for someone who is pure in heart, beautiful inside and out. Orion is one of the brightest constellations in the sky, visible all throughout the world. She is frequently depicted as a mermaid and is considered the Ocean Mother Goddess in Santera, which is an Afro-Caribbean religion. - In musical terms, harmony is the combination of musical notes or voices that make a pleasant sound. Ligeia, Teles, Raidne and Himerope. It is of Latin origin, and its meaning is simply gemstone. A similar name is, - There are a few reasons this is a good mermaid name. The name of the prince from Little Mermaid, and the name of a merman from, It means ever ruler from the Old Norse word n, meaning always/ever and rkr, meaning mighty/powerful/ruler., , meaning bean grower. It reminds me of. Funny mermaid in different poses. References to Peisinoe can be found in Lycophron, Apollodorus and Hyginus. Drake is the term used for male ducks. She is brave, suspicious, and sometimes stubborn. Hera, the queen of the Greek gods, was the judge. Sereia- A Poruguese word for mermaid, but also a name. It has French and English origins. Though very long-lived, they were mortal and had no souls. There was also a Welsh privateer of the Caribbean named Sir Henry Morgan (Captain Morgan rum is named after him). Caspian as a name is of English origin and means from Qazvin, Iran, Cyrus-The name Cyrus is a name of Persian origin, meaning sun. More of its meanings include young, near sighted, and lord.. Many myths surround the vast ocean blue. The sirens were said to be highly dangerous. . You may be familiar with the song, , a spiritual associated with the songs of the underground railroad. Many folktales record marriages between mermaids (who might assume human form) and men. Get unlimited access to over 88,000 lessons. Belle- Belle is the French word for beautiful. It is short for Isabella, Annabelle, and Bella, with other variations possible. It means maiden. This relates to mermaids because maid is part of the word mermaid, and mermaids are also historically depicted as female in fables and tales more frequently. Its like a teacher waved a magic wand and did the work for me. Trixie is short for Beatrix. New mermaid statue in Italian piazza criticised for being too sexual. The phoenix is a large, brilliantly colored bird that resembles flames and is said to live a long life and then set itself on fire and be reborn of the ashes. Mythical tale characters in water black symbol. The name Viviane means lively It is likely based on the French word vivre, meaning to live or life., - This name means defender of mankind or defender of men, . While youll hear many stories about mermaids drowning men, there are also ones about mermaids rescuing them, just like Ariel did to Eric in, . Whatever the reason, there is usually thought that goes into picking a name. He is wise and cares about the well-being of Ariel and her family. WebHabitat: As far as their habitat is concerned, sirens are depicted to live on islands while mermaids live in the sea. It also means dragon, or serpent in Greek. References to Raidne can be found in Hyginus. Freyja- Pronounced fray-uh. Freyja is Old Norse for lady and is the name of a Norse goddess. Jasper- This name is of Persian origin. and the title of a popular song by the Lumineers. She is depicted as a mermaid and is said to sing songs and seduce fishermen. Harmony- In musical terms, harmony is the combination of musical notes or voices that make a pleasant sound. Theres also a certain tranquility about the sea. An error occurred trying to load this video. Alan was the composer behind the Disney classics Under the Sea and Kiss the References to Parthenope can be found in the Lycophron and Strabo. - Pronounced fray-uh. Freyja is Old Norse for lady and is the name of a Norse goddess. Haven- Mrmaids in stories have frequently rescued people from drowning, like in Little Mermaid. She is adventurous and fun, sometimes ending up in trouble because of it. Sirens are often depicted as creatures that live on islands but sometimes dwell on land and are also considered to be evil temptresses. The name is the female form of Andrew, which means manly and strong. Some similar names are Adaline, Adalyn, and Adele. Theres also a certain tranquility about the sea. It was said to have nested on the sea and calmed the sea so it could lay its eggs on a floating nest. They are also known to lounge on island beaches. The month of, was named after him, and also works as a variation of Augustus. All except the sailor Butes, who jumps overboard but is saved by the goddess Aphrodite. - This name is mermaid related for obvious reasons. - Orion is famous in Greek mythology as a giant who was an excellent huntsman and would boast on his hunting abilities. Harbor- There are a few reasons this is a good mermaid name. Nethaniel is a name of Greek origin meaning gift of god.. This is a French name meaning light. It was popularized by the Edgar Allen Poe poem titled, - This is a name of Greek origin that means helper. It is also the name of a love interest from Shakespeares. Chelsea- A female name of Old English origin. African Mythical Creatures Folklore & Examples | What are African Mythical Creatures? 3. It is a Choctaw name that means jumping water. Other definitions include flowing water and bubbling spring.. They lured sailors with their beautiful singing, causing ships to be destroyed on the rocky cliffs of their island. The story of the mermaid is as ancient and changeable as the sea itself. Clara- This is a Latin name that means clear, and bright. This could be taken several ways. - Mrmaids in stories have frequently rescued people from drowning, like in Little Mermaid. They lured sailors with their beautiful singing, causing ships to be destroyed on the rocky cliffs of their island. Homer mentions that there are two sirens, but he does not give their names. Although they were said to live in water and prey on sailors, Greeks often portrayed the sirens in a meadow filled with flowers, referring to their original status as Kore's handmaidens. Gemma- When thinking about mermaid costumes and accessories, gems are widely used. - Fontaine is a French word that means fountain or natural spring. Natural springs are beautiful and peaceful places frequently lounged in by mermaids. She is known as a villain, so the name would be good for a darker, more siren-like mersona. It means to check, or to restrain.. It means to check, or to restrain.. It also means flowing down like a river, stream, or waterfall, places mermaids might occupy. Marlin is overcautious with his son because he is afraid of losing him. Its fitting for a mermaid and is a good name for someone who is pure in heart, beautiful inside and out. - Nerissa is a girl's name of Greek origin meaning from the sea. This is also the name of a sea nymph from Shakespeares, . No explanation needed. She also engages in a romantic relationship with a merman named Erik. Celeste- This name is based on celestial bodies, which have mythological/astrological connections to the sea. Desiree- This is a French name that means desired. Mermaids are highly desired creatures, subject to hunts by sailors. . Heres a list of 75 baby girl namesinspired by mermaids, the sea and everything in between. Unlike Ariel, she wanted to become a mermaid. The coastlines of the Caspian Sea are shared by, shared by Azerbaijan, Iran, Kazakhstan, Russia, and Turkmenistan. Haven means safety, so depending on whether or not you think of yourself as a benevolent mermaid this name could be right for you. Destiny means that one has a purpose and events happen to play out a grand life plan of sorts. Nereids are embodiments of the oceans beauty and were supposed to be the most beautiful and mystifying of sea nymphs. She is depicted as a mermaid and is said to sing songs and seduce fishermen. 148 lessons. Trixie- This name means voyager, traveler, blessed, and happy Mermaids often voyage across the sea and travel to far away places. Their job is to guard an area of water called the Moon Pool. Asher- This is an English and Germanic name that means someone who lived in an ash tree or grove. A variation is the name Ash. We think siren names are more seductive and sinister than mermaid names. Hurley- Hurley is of English and Irish origin. Tragically, she accidentally While in the underworld, Persephone ate some fruit, connecting her to the place, and she became queen of the underworld, spending half of each year there with Hades. She is the beautiful wife of King Arthur. Similar names include Cora and Coraline. Hector- Hector has English, French, Scottish, and Spanish roots. It means near or from the Tiber river., Wade is the word used for moving through water. Finley/Finn- This name is mermaid related for obvious reasons. The name happens to mean singing, queen from the Latin name. - She is the Roman goddess who is a patroness of the hunt, wildlife, crossroads, and the moon. This particular name also includes another body of water reference. I feel like its a lifeline. He is said to have been placed among the stars by Zeus, where he is now a constellation in the sky. Some say it represents balance, learning, growth, harmony, and strength. References to Teles can be found in Hyginus. The author Hyginus tells a different version of this story in his Fabulae. You may have heard the phrase babbling brook. They are known to be serene and quiet, with soft running water sounds and croaks of frogs.
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