raf benson station warrant officerraf benson station warrant officer

raf benson station warrant officer raf benson station warrant officer

8277th GEN HOSP ETO 13 Sep 45 France (Provisional German PW Hospital) He was arrested, while in disguise, at a checkpoint and taken to an interrogation camp near Lneburgon 23 May 1945. 8049th GEN HOSP ETO 5 May 45 France (Provisional German PW Hospital) The following day, Tuesday 8 May 1945, was declared 'Victory in Europe' (VE) Day, and marked the formal end of the European war. Help with bereavement. Many goods were supplied to illegal traders by Allied servicemen. [10], By December 1944, Benson had two runways extending to 609 metres (666yd; 1,998ft) which had been constructed using concrete and wood-chips. 811th HOSP CEN (established Jan 45, never operational) We wish them the best of luck and . Image: Army.mil In Use: 1935-Present Overall Mission: First Built by the Luftwaffe in 1935, the US Army Air Forces took over the operation of the base in 1945, and US Army ground forces took over by mid-1947. After the German retreat, it was re-occupied by American Forces during the period 24-29 Dec 44. Apprehending these lesser-known Nazis became the responsibility of the Allies depending on which zone of Germany or Austria they controlled. Hospital construction in Britain was lagging behind in 1943, andUS implementation of the required bed capacity (about 90,600 fixed beds) proved impossible to meet. 82 ETO Rhineland Ardennes-Alsace USAG Ansbach and the attached Katterbach Kaserne base played a significant role during the Cold War, but operations have since been scaled back. The hunt for war criminals was accompanied by a campaign to rid German and Austrian politics, industry, media, arts, and the judiciary of Nazis. 317th GEN HOSP ETO 44 England Planned, directed and controlled numerous major events on and off base ceremonial parades. EVACUATION HOSPITAL 750 beds > 409 Off & EM (other sources 417 Off & EM, 507 Off & EM) In western Germany, the British and Americans unified their zones in 1947 so as to betterco-operate politically and economically. 232d STA HOSP ETO 24 Mar 44 England (activated 25 Feb 43 ZI) (inactivated Jan 46 ZI) The following publications are recommended: William Spencer, Air Force records for family historians (The National Archives, 2008), Ian Tavendar, The Distinguished Flying Medal register for the Second World War: With Official Recommendation details (Savannah Publications, 2000), Michael Maton, Honour the Air Forces: Honours and awards to the RAF and Dominion Air Forces during the Second World War (Token Publishing Limited, 2004), Find details of men who joined the RFC between its formation in 1912 and August 1914 (numbers 1-1400) by reading Jack V Webb and Ian McInnes, A Contemptible Little Flying Corps (London Stamp Exchange, 1991), Nick Carter and Carol Carter, The Distinguished Flying Cross and how it was won 1918-1995 (Savannah Publications, 1998), Phil Tomaselli, Tracing your Air Force Ancestors (Pen & Sword, 2007), For quick pointersTuesday to Saturday 49 6 Apr 44 Scotland The Soviets followed suit in October 1949 with the establishment of the German Democratic Republic (East Germany). 365th STA HOSP ETO 26 Jun 44 France 809th HOSP CEN Saint Erme, France (established Apr 45) The facility was established in October 1997 and is operated by CAE Aircrew Training Services through a Private Finance Initiative contract. To gain experience of operating and maintaining the Merlin, Royal Navy aircrew and engineers were integrated into the Merlin force at Benson during 2012. 25 6 Jul 44 England 25 Jul 44 Scotland ETO Northern France Rhineland Central Europe 223d STA HOSP ETO 10 Aug 44 England 280th STA HOSP USAFBI 30 Dec 43 Scotland 3 Oct 44 France 18 Sep 45 Germany (returned to ZI 1946) 60 Squadron reformed at the station, flying the Westland Wessex HC2. 122d GEN HOSP ETO 1 Aug 44 England HOSP TRAIN No. 77th EVAC HOSP USAFBI 4 Sep 42 ETO 27 Dec 43 England 18 Jul 44 France 13 Oct 44 Belgium 25 Mar 45 Germany Jul 45 France (constituted with elements of 42d EVAC HOSP) Leading and directing RAF Marham through war operations and major force restructuring under strategic cut backs. 200th GEN HOSP ETO 10 Feb 45 France Hiswords came to define much of the post-war era: 'From Stettin in the Baltic to Trieste in the Adriatic, an iron curtain has descended across the Continent.'. [15], In 1953, Benson came under the control of Transport Command. M-401 MED DEP ETO France (closed down 31 Aug 44 in Cherbourg) [6], Benson retained a photographic reconnaissance role into the early 1950s. 230th GEN HOSP ETO 7 May 45 France 67th EVAC HOSP USAFBI 29 Nov 43 ETO 19 Jun 44 France 24 Sep 44 Luxembourg 31 Oct 44 Belgium 14 Feb 45 Germany 13 May 45 Czechoslovakia 16 Aug 45 Germany 30 Nov 45 France (responsible for feeding of non-patient RAMPS, awaiting air evacuation at Weimar airstrip) (returned to ZI where inactivated at Cp. [11][39], The Medium Support Helicopter Aircrew Training Facility (MSHATF) is home to six helicopter flight simulators (three Chinook, two Merlin and a Puma version). 9th EVAC HOSP USAFBI 26 Sep 42 1 Nov 44 France (constitued with elements of 6th EVAC HOSP, disbanded 24 Aug 42, supplied enlisted personnel to other units, including this Hospital) 7451st GEN HOSP ETO 1 Jun 45 England (Provisional German PW Hospital) 6 Air Experience Flight with the De Havilland Chipmunk T.1. The American medical build-up gathered momentum in summer andfall of 1942 with the steady increase of US troops in the European Theater . 169th GEN HOSP ETO Jul 44 England It took over aspects of local government, policing, housing and transport. 185th GEN HOSP USFBI Mar 43 ETO Apr 44 England I Hospital Group (Prov) Taunton, Som., UK Phone: 01491 827245. RAF Benson Personnel [Apr 1939 | May 1939] Date: Unit: To/From/Formed: 1 Apr 1939 . 134th MED GP ETO 44 France Dec 44 Belgium Apr 45 Germany, 706th MED SN CO ETO Aug 44 France 94th GEN HOSP ETO 1 Apr 44 England 1 Jul 45 France (activated 25 Sep 42) By May 1945, when the peak in Hospital beds overseas was reached, there were 335,000 fixed beds and about 87,000 mobile beds in all Theaters. 251st GEN HOSP ETO 24 Apr 45 France Some had collaborated with the Germans and could expect little mercy. Operations Record Books and Combat Reports, Royal Air Force officers service records 1918-1919, British prisoners of the Second World War and the Korean War, publications on Royal Air Force personnel and the associated records, The Distinguished Flying Medal register for the Second World War: With Official Recommendation details, Honour the Air Forces: Honours and awards to the RAF and Dominion Air Forces during the Second World War, The Distinguished Flying Cross and how it was won 1918-1995, Friends of The National This change in policy was exemplified by the introduction of the Deutsche Mark (DM) in 1948, which replacedthe weak wartime currency, the Reichsmark (RM). For the airline that operated under that code, see, Benson village (left) and RAF Benson (centre and right) from the air, Medium Support Helicopter Aircrew Training Facility. Itsmain focus was on enforcing a sense of defeat on the Germans: Twenty-seven years ago the Allies occupied Germany: but Germany has been at war ever since. Their numbers were swelled by thousands of German POWs returning from abroad. 109th GEN HOSP ETO England Most of the factory's workforce initially consisted of displaced personsfrom across Europe, but more Germans were employed as time went on. The military in the various zones of Germany did what they could for DPs, many of whom were sick or malnourished. 187th GEN HOSP ETO Apr 44 England France Belgium 70th MED BASE DEP CO ETO 20 Nov 44 France In March 1945, Field MarshalMontgomerysent a letter outlining the policyto allsoldiers in21st Army Group. 803d HOSP CEN Devizes (previously III Hospital Group, Provisional) Here follows a tentative list of Military Hospitals active in the European Theater of Operations: The Medical Department was impressed by the effectiveness of the British Convalescent & Rehabilitation system, and as a result of their survey, it ordered the building of special reconditioning camps. As a result, the Royal Engineers built the present road (part of the A4074) between Benson and Crowmarsh. 102d EVAC HOSP ETO 20 Apr 44 England 24 Jul 44 France 2 Oct 44 Belgium 19 Nov 44 Luxembourg 22 Dec 44 Belgium 5 Feb 45 Germany (activated 18 Mar 43) (inactivated 9 Jul 45) 8th FLD HOSP USAFBI Nov 42 ETO 27 Jun 44 France 24 Mar 45 Holland 12 Apr 45 Germany 24 Jun 45 Southern France By the end of 1947, 20,0000 cars had been made. 499th MED COLL CO ETO 6 Jun 44 France (component of 60th MED BN, 6th ESB) They were replaced by the RAF Support Command Signals Headquarters (SCSHQ) and the Radio Introduction Unit, which arrived from RAF Medmenham during 1977. 250th GEN HOSP ETO 24 Apr 45 France 77 ETO Ardennes-Alsace In October 2017, the MOD announced it would invest 90 million in the facility over eight years. Group Headquarters would be commanded by a staff of 1 Medical Officer assisted by 22 other Officers and 142 EM. 22 Squadron nameplate and took on the operational testing and evaluation role for the whole of Joint Helicopter Command. [5][6][Note 1], The station's first tenants were two squadrons of Fairey Battle light bombers. 814th HOSP CEN Paris, France (established Feb 45) From 1946, military involvement in the trade was partlycurtailed by issuing troops with British Armed Forces Special Vouchers. The OCU later moved to RAF Thorney Island. Operated by No. 26th FLD HOSP ETO 18 Feb 45 France Those found guilty included Commandant Josef Kramer who was sentenced to death by a military court and hanged on 13 December 1945. 53d MED BN USAFBI Nov 42 7 Jun 44 France 16 Dec 44 Belgium [9] Spitfire and Mosquito aircraft flew missions over occupied Europe, including the provision of battle damage assessment images after Operation Chastise, the attack on German dams by No. 154th GEN HOSP ETO Jun 44 England Subscribe now for regular news, updates and priority booking for events.Sign up, All content is available under the Open Government Licence Political opponents of the Communists also feared going home. 156th GEN HOSP USAFBI Jul 43 ETO 19 Jun 44 England 6 Group in early 1939. A first Rehabilitation Center opened on April 19, 1943 in Worcestershire, followed by a second on October 5, 1943 in Warwickshire. During the 1970s, various communications and administrative units were present and in the early 1990s the station began its association with the support helicopter force. 544 Squadrons). M-408 MED DEP ETO 20 Sep 44 France 252d GEN HOSP ETO Feb 45 France 180th STA HOSP MTO 44 Corsica ETO 13 Sep 44 France Indexes and keys to AIR 1 are available with the printed version of our catalogue at The National Archives at Kew. Revised post V-J Day hospitalization plans for Germany provided 38 Hospitals to serve the US Occupation Forces, including 8 General Hospitals 10 Field Hospitals and 1Convalescent Hospital. Occupation. [37] It has one runway (01/19) which is 1,825 metres (5,988ft) long and is constructed from asphalt and concrete. 16th GEN HOSP ETO 7 Jul 44 England 24 Jun 45 France Belgium Mid-46, only 21 Hospitals remained with a total of12,000 beds. M-409 MED DEP ETO 27 Oct 44 Belgium [1] Warrant Officer Paul Royer, the Military Transport Officer at RAF Benson, said: "Tom was at the start of his career and was always keen to learn, both about the vehicle fleet and the Royal Air Force. 58 25 Nov 44 England At the end of the war, the Allies also had to deal with millions of displaced persons (DPs). The German capital of Berlin, despite being deep inside the Soviet occupation area, was also to be split into four separate zones. German refugees from the east arriving in the British zone, 1945, Demobilised German soldiers being sent home by train, 1945. This is the only known Second World War nominal roll for the RAF in The National Archives. [8], Benson's long association with royalty began in September 1940, when the King's Flight relocated to the station. No. HOSP TRAIN No. For information on gallantry medals awarded to RAF personnel, read our British military gallantry medalsguide. 809th HOSP CEN Oxford (established Jan 45, not operational). This aircraft replaced a genuine Spitfire PR.Mk XIX that was being restored to flying status. 50th FLD HOSP- ETO 9 Mar 44 England 12 Sep 44 France 17 Sep 44 Holland 27 Sep 44 Belgium 14 Oct 44 Holland 8 Apr 45 Germany 14 Jul 45 France (consolidation with 239th GEN HOSP Mar/Apr 46) (some sources indicate some unit elements remained in France until 47) 66th MED DEP CO ETO Dec 44 Belgium (operated M-409), 91st MED GAS TREAT BN ETO Jul 44 France 16 Dec 44 Belgium Mar 45 Germany The building was a former GermanReserve-Lazarett(local reserve, or emergencyhospital) which wastaken over by American Occupation Forces. The plan negotiated between British and Americans provided for a total of 94,108 beds 14,896 of them in former British and EMS Hospitals 51,220 in newly constructed installations and 27,992 in convertible troop camps (such as the one illustrated). 66th MED GP ETO Sep 44 France Mar 45 Germany 23 at the Gare St.-Lazare and put the railway station out of service for 48 hours! Activation was officially confirmed on 2 October 1944, by GO No. 327th STA HOSP USAFBI 30 Oct 43 England 18 Jul 45 France (opened first all-enemy PW Hospital facility in the UK Base, partly staffed by captured German medical staff, and supervised by Americans on 20 Dec 44) (ex-208th GEN HOSP reorganized and redesignated 327th STA HOSP in Iceland 2 Jul 43) 306th GEN HOSP ETO 8 Apr 45 France (admitted RAMPs for treatment May 45) Field Marshal Sir Gerald Templerserved as Director of Military Government in the British occupation zone after the war. 160th STA HOSP USANIF 19 Sep 42 1 Jul 45 Belgium (activated 1 Jun 41) The same month, i.e. [17], Flying activity increased in January 1983 when the Hawker Siddeley Andover arrived from RAF Brize Norton. 26 6 Jul 44 England ETO Rhineland Ardennes-Alsace Central Europe (inactivated 10 Sep 45) 30th GEN HOSP USAFBI 4 Jul 42 ETO 21 Jul 44 France 1 Nov 44 Belgium (ex-207th GEN HOSP, supplied cadres for other units, returned to ZI 4 Oct 45) Some planners arguedthat Germany should be reconstructed purely as anagrarian state, one that lacked the heavy industry needed to wage afuture war. It was made responsible for the occupation and administration of the British Zone in north-west Germany. After the attack against Pearl Harbor, the War Department activated the Headquarters, United States Army Forces in the British Isles (USAFBI), the date was January 8, 1942, Chief Surgeon was Col. Paul R. Hawley. 28th STA HOSP USANIF 26 Oct 43 ETO 44 England 44 France (admitted RAMPs for treatment Apr/May 45) 29th FLD HOSP Alaska (Kiska) 15-22 Aug 43 ZI 12 Feb 44 ETO 16 Jun 44 England 28 Aug 44 France 18 Nov 44 Belgium 26 Apr 45 Germany (when serving on Kiska, it operated together with the 28th FLD HOSP) (in Germany, the 29th FLD HOSP set up Hospitals at PW Transient Enclosures) 48th SURG HOSP USAFBI 2 Aug 42 (activated 10 Feb 41, redesignated 128th EVAC HOSP, 1 May 43), CONVALESCENT HOSPITAL 3000 beds > 223 Off & EM (other sources 217 Off & EM) Once a member of the Royal Air Force has reached the rank of warrant officer or master aircrew, they are eligible to apply to be a SWO. 59 6 Sep 44 England HOSP TRAIN No. 57 25 Feb 44 England (inactivated 12 Nov 45) 101st EVAC HOSP ETO 12 Jul 44 France 31 Dec 44 Belgium 7 Feb 45 Luxembourg 13 Mar 45 Germany 34th EVAC HOSP ETO 27 Feb 44 England 5 Jul 44 France 2 Feb 45 Luxembourg 30 Mar 45 Germany 28 Squadron. 229th GEN HOSP ETO Feb 45 France The base currently houses Aviation regiments of the US Army. 8279th GEN HOSP ETO 27 Apr 45 France (Provisional German PW Hospital). The key Nazi leaders were to be dealt with jointly by the main Allied powers, while the rest would be punished in those countries where they had committed their atrocities. But even those forcibly taken by the Germanswould still be suspects in the eyes of the Communist authorities. Look at AIR 14/2091, the Roll of Honour for No. 47th MED DEP CO ETO England Apr 45 Germany SCSHQ remained at Benson until 1981. You can help Wikipedia by expanding it. 30th FLD HOSP Alaska (Kiska) 15 Aug 43 ZI 20 Feb 44 ETO 15 May 44 England 14 Aug 44 France 28 Feb 45 Germany The Allies were so alarmed by the Soviet actions that they decided the only answer was collective defence. The BAORs headquarters were established in Bad Oeynhausen in North Rhine-Westphalia. HOSP TRAIN No. HOSP TRAIN No. 41st EVAC HOSP USAFBI 22 Nov 43 ETO 14 Jun 44 France 12 Sep 44 Belgium 24 Sep 44 Holland 4 Mar 45 Germany (activated 1 Jun 41) (Separate Detachments operated 20 PW + RAMP Hospitals starting 2 May 45) (Official operations closed 26 Apr 45, unit returned to ZI 20 Nov 45) 93d GEN HOSP USANIF 7 Apr 44 Northern Ireland ETO 14 May 44 England (activated 25 Jun 43) (closed for operations 17 Sep 45, return to ZI) 122d EVAC HOSP ETO HOSP TRAIN No. Hohenfels is the site of major training exercises, including force on force combined arms training. 220th GEN HOSP ETO 6 Feb 45 England (no debarkation, moved on to France, where landed 8 Feb 45) 23 Mar 45 France (activated 28 Sep 44) (closed for operations 19 Nov 45, returned to ZI 21 Nov 45) 51st EVAC HOSP 27 Aug 44 Southern France 27 Mar 45 Germany Oct-Nov 45 France(inactivated in ZI Jan 46) Officers and men of both services who continued service after this date transferred into the newly formed RAF and were joined by new entrants. 101st GEN HOSP ETO 28 Apr 45 England 25 Aug 45 Germany The tented 76th Gen Hospwashard hit on 8 Jan 45, when a V-1 buzz bomb struck the area, killing 24 patients and staff, injuring another 20, and causing heavy damage to installations and equipment. Notwithstanding, the station remained busy with several administrative and support units taking up residence. 15 30 May 44 Wales ETO Northern France Rhineland Ardennes-Alsace Central Europe 174th GEN HOSP ETO Aug 44 France 36th STA HOSP USANIF 12 Sep 43 England (opened a special center for psychotics and non-combat related mental disorder in 1943) MSO units had a British Army commanding officer and senior non-commissioned officers overseeing a multi-nationalrank and file. HOSP TRAIN No. German prisoners of war released to assist with Operation Barleycorn, Elmshorn, Schleswig-Holstein, 1945. Your email address will not be published. The base also contains the Panzer Kaserne Marine Base, as well as elements of the US Navy. 33d STA HOSP USAFBI 22 Mar 43 (assigned to 804th HOSP CEN early Jan 45) 12th HOSP CEN Great Malvern (established Mar 44) comprised 52d Gen Hosp 53d Gen Hosp 55th Gen Hosp 81st Gen Hosp 93d Gen Hosp 96th Gen Hosp 107th Gen Hosp 114th Gen Hosp 122d Gen Hosp 123d Gen Hosp 135th Gen Hosp 155th Gen Hosp 156th Gen Hosp 297th Gen Hosp 77th Sta Hosp 123d Sta Hosp 232d Sta Hosp 279th Sta Hosp 307th Sta Hosp (previously V Hospital Group, Provisional) The Battles and Ansons of No. 110th GEN HOSP ETO Nov 44 England In 1945-46, the British mobilised released German prisoners of war to assist in gathering the harvest (Operation Barleycorn) and to work in the Ruhr coal mines (Operation Coalscuttle). 33 Squadron & No. In mid-September 1941, Col. Paul R. Hawley (MC) was transferred to the United Kingdom to draft and prepare full plans for an American medical build-up and support in Northern Ireland and the British Isles. The Western Allies responded by airlifting supplies to the people of West Berlin. The BAOR was responsible for pursuing suspected war criminals in its zone of north-west Germany. 68th MED GP ETO 10 Jun 44 France Sep 44 Belgium Apr 45 Germany 19th GEN HOSP USAFBI 5 Sep 43 ETO 20 Aug 44 France (activated 24 Jul 42) The following day, Tuesday 8 May 1945, was declared 'Victory in Europe' (VE) Day, and marked the formal end of the European war. 120th STA HOSP USAFBI 1 Sep 43 England 8 May 45 France 4 Aug 45 Germany HOSP TRAIN No. 36th GEN HOSP MTO 44 Italy ETO 9 Sep 44 (activated 28 May 43) (returned to ZI Oct 45) Eventually, the High Command accepted the policy was unworkable. 53d FLD HOSP ETO 27 Apr 44 England 15 Jul 44 France 2 Oct 44 Belgium 14 Oct 44 Holland 12 Dec 44 Germany (ex-229th STA HOSP, attached to 31st Med Gp in Germany, all 3 Hospital Units ceased operations between 13 and 15 Jul 45, to ZI 10 Nov 45 out of France) 114 Squadron and No. HOSP TRAIN No. III Hospital Group (Prov) Chippenham, Wilts., UK 58 Squadron reformed in October 1946 to fly the Mosquito and Anson, No.541 Squadron reformed in November 1947 with the Spitfire PR.19 and No. [7] Utilising Supermarine Spitfires, the unit found that their camouflage and operating altitude allowed them to remain virtually invisible to enemy defences and avoid interception. 7th CONV HOSP ETO England France Germany The shortage of food and other supplies immediately after the German surrender meant that illegal commerce, the so-called black market, filled the void. 33 Squadron and No. Rank: Name: Date: Notes: Station HQ: Gp Capt: R T Leather: 18 Jan 1939: Officer Commanding, AFC: Sqn Ldr: R C M Collard . Thisformer German Hospital was taken over by the US Army 9 Jun 45, after the fall of the town. M-405 MED DEP ETO 25 Aug 44 France The group was assigned to Coastal Command's photo reconnaissance assets, with the whole of Northern Europe as its operational area. 116th EVAC HOSP ETO 6 Nov 44 France 28 Mar 45 Germany (also provided medical assistance to former inmates of KZ-Dachau, May + June 45) 14 Aug 45 France 21 Sep 45 Germany 242d GEN HOSP ETO 16 Dec 44 England 14 Feb 45 France Belgium (to SWPA, diverted at sea to ZI) 606 (Chiltern) Squadron (RAuxAF) is a reserve unit that provides personnel in ground-support roles to assist the Support Helicopter Force. BrowseAIR 21 for courts martial records from 1918 to 1965. Churchill,Truman and Stalin at Potsdam, July 1945. 238th GEN HOSP ETO 29 Apr 45 Belgium 57th MED BN ETO Aug 44 France 18 Dec 44 Belgium It was soon followed by No. Overall Mission: Ramstein Air Base is the headquarters for USAF operations in Europe and Africa. 121st EVAC HOSP ETO Germany Austria (responsible for medical treatment of former inmates at KZ-Flossenburg) Medical and sanitary conditions, hospital distribution, medical organization, evacuation of wounded, preventive medicine, number of beds, medical emergencies, all this information was of utmost importance to the USWD in preparation of medical planning. 6th FLD HOSP Alaska (Kiska) Aug 43 ZI 20 Feb 44 ETO Jun-Jul 44 England (operated as Air Holding Unit at Prestwick, AAF-500, until 18 Aug 45) [51], Flying and notable non-flying units based at RAF Benson. HOSP TRAIN No. M-407 MED DEP ETO 6 Sep 44 France 109th EVAC HOSP ETO 2 Jun 44 England 21 Jul 44 France Please note that this series is still accruing and currently only goes up toAugust 1940. Sports On 25 August 1945, Field Marshal Montgomery's 21st Army Group was renamed the British Army of the Rhine (BAOR). Germany is home to 12 major US military bases. 10th FLD HOSP ETO 1 Nov 44 France(inactivated 4 Nov 45 at Cp. The Allies were now faced with occupying a . But eventually,in October 1945, theAllies and Soviets handed responsibility for DPs to theUnited Nations Relief and Rehabilitation Administration(UNRRA) . 305th GEN HOSP ETO Apr 45 France 115th GEN HOSP ETO 10 Nov 45 England 26 Nov 45 Germany RAF Regiment instructors are responsible for training all Royal Air Force personnel . Alan, a mover by trade, and Eamon, an engineer, both arrived at Benson in 2009 and have been a huge part of # TeamBenson ever since. 32d GEN HOSP USAFBI 5 Sep 43 ETO 17 Aug 44 France Nov 44 Belgium 3 Mar 45 Germany 12 Aug 45 France (activated 15 Jan 43, to ZI 3 Oct 45) RAF Benson is home to two front-line Puma HC2 helicopter squadrons and one Operational Conversion Unit, flying a mix of Puma HC2 and Chinook HC4 helicopters. The following month, they were authorised to hold conversations with adult Germans in public. II Hospital Group (Prov) Blandford, Dorset, UK In1949,Marshall Aid was extended tothe newly formed West Germany. USAG Ansbach and the attached Katterbach Kaserne base played a significant role during the Cold War, but operations have since been scaled back. 167th GEN HOSP ETO 21 Oct 44 France (upon arrival in England 23 Sep 44, the organization directly crossed the English Channel into France) (the Hospital closed 1 Jun 45 and eventually staged at Calas, Southern France for Redeployment) 237th GEN HOSP ETO Dec 44 France It is a front-line station and home to the RAF's fleet of Westland Puma HC2 support helicopters, used primarily for the transportation of troops & equipment. Official Site: https://home.army.mil/stuttgart/index.php. 304th STA HOSP USAFBI 15 Sep 43 19 Oct 43 England 3 Jun 45 France 3 Aug 45 Germany 805th HOSP CEN Newmarket (previously VII Hospital Group, Provisional) 241st GEN HOSP ETO 44 England 14 Feb 45 France See a list of every US Military Base in Germany below, including info on its location, how long its been in use, its overall mission, and more. In the modern military environment, warrant officers are now often part of a command team in which they and the commissioned officers work together to provide their subordinates with a synergistic team-leadership capability. . M-411 MED DEP ETO 29 Nov 44 Belgium (satellite facility of M-409 Medical Depot, located at Lige) Overall Mission: USAG Bavaria contains the Sheridan Barracks. 177th GEN HOSP ETO Oct 44 France HOSP TRAIN No. The victorious powers also seized German military, technological, industrial and scientific assets, as well as all patents in Germany. Many investigating officers were demobbed without being replaced. 3 ETO 20 Apr 44 Wales 19 May 44 England 44 France Rhineland These daily records of the life of a squadron, and of other units within the RAF structure, can provide insights into what an airman or officer did during their time at war. 127th STA HOSP ETO Apr 44 England Germany (second Hospital in charge of blood collection at Salisbury Blood Collection & Processing Plant, 26 Aug 44) 98th GEN HOSP ETO France 21 Jul 45 Germany 69th STA HOSP MTO 44 Algeria ETO 18 Nov 44 France The first of six aircraft arrived on 20 November 1961 to form the Operational Conversion Unit (OCU) which trained Argosy crews. 201st GEN HOSP ETO 7 Nov 44 England 26 Dec 44 France 67th FLD HOSP ETO 25 Oct 44 France 17 Dec 44 Belgium Dec 44 Holland 25 Mar 45 Germany (disbanded ZI Jun 46) Overall Mission: Spangdahlem Air Base is a NATO Air Base with the USAF as the major tenant. Developed an external network of contacts incorporating local businesses and Councils/VIP's promoting the Station in the best possible light. The 130th General Hospital, at Ciney, Belgium, in winter. The base also serves as a center of operations for drone warfare programs throughout the Middle East, Official Site: https://www.ramstein.af.mil/, Related Article Military Bases In Georgia. A major change was the setup of 7 Hospital Groups (Provisional) in order to provide for a more efficient control and operation of all Army Hospitals stationed in the United Kingdom. 150 Squadron. Warrant Officer Martland was given an insight into the current operational and training commitments and met with airmen and women from across the Station. During the period January July 1942, inclusive, a large number of Hospital Units moved overseas: 2 Evacuation , 2 Surgical, 4 General, 14 Station Hospitals went to Australia 2 Evacuation , 2 General, and 2 Station Hospitals were shipped to the South Pacific 2 Station Hospitals were transferred to the Central Pacific 1 General and 1 Station Hospital went to Northern Ireland 1 General Hospital to Iceland 2 General and 3 Station Hospitals to England and more later embarked for India and northwest Canada.

Marilyn Hickey Obituary, Articles R