ngati wairere whakapapangati wairere whakapapa

ngati wairere whakapapa ngati wairere whakapapa

Kti Mmoe (also spelled Ngti Mmoe but not by the tribe themselves) is a historic Mori iwi. This effectively fixes the time of the migration, and at the same time indicates that four generations were present on the canoe. [1] Te Totara pa on the south . By 1836 several traders were active in the local area, such as John Kent. (Ngati Paoa, Ngati Maru). For tangata whenua, understanding whakapapa gives an individual or group the key to the door to enact the mana of their tpuna and collective. Tuhianga, Poutama=Panirau, Haumia, Te Kura=Uenukuterangihoka, Mango, Kaihamu, Te Urutira, Raruaioio=Tupahau=, Rueke, Karewa, Karewarewa=Te Ariari, Maniapoto=Hinemania, Tahinga=Potete, =Hineteao, Korokino, Rakaupango, Manukipuriore, Tuhorotini, Koata=Pakaue, Mananaki=Toarangatira=, Kawharu=, Waikohika=Te Kanawa, Kahupake, =Waikauri, =Parehounuku, Rakahuru=Marangaiparoa, =Tirapurua, Te Maunu, Kimihia, Te Haunga=, Werawera, Pikauterangi, Rakaherea=, =Waitohi, Toitoi, Te Rauparaha, Rangihaeata, Te Peehi Kupe, Family tree. Whakapapa is an indestructible force within te ao Mori that connects tangata with their tpuna, te taiao (the natural world) and one another. Huatau, son of Huakaiwaka and Ruawhakiwhaki, and the Ngti Kahukoka hap of Te Waihua lived primarily from the entrance of Te Manukanuka o Hoturoa to the mouth of the Waikato. [12] This means that Mahanga and Atutahi must have reached an average of 72 when Atutahi and Puakirangi respectively were born. John and his adoptive iwi Ngti Apakura sought refuge in Ngti Te Ata rohe, among other places, after their settlements were destroyed, people killed or imprisoned and their land stolen following the Waikato War. NGATI RAKAIATANE / NGATI ONEONE HAPU O TE AITANGA-A-HAUITI - Issuu No attempt has therefore been made to arrive at scientific averages, but rather, round figures have been taken for convenience of handling. KO NGATI RAUKAWA, NGATIKOROKI, NGATI WAIRERE, NGATI HAUA. When near death, Huakaiwaka asked for wai from Te Pkaki tapu o Poutkeka, a tapu (sacred) spring southeast of Te Pane Mataaho, . Tuteiwi had Takupu-o-te-rangi, to give him his full name, who had Kiringaua, wife of Mahuta. Finally it is interesting to note that the date of the great migration, arrived at many years ago by a careful statistical method, is 1350, while the date found by this analytical method is 1290, a difference of only 60 years in 550, and one which could be almost exactly eliminated by abandoning the convenient round figures and reducing the minimum interval to the very reasonable figure of 18 years. Signing this document was an assertion of Ngti Te Ata mana and rangatiratanga. It was, however, at Matukutureia Maunga close to the Te Waihua heartland that Huataus daughter, Te Ata i Rehia, was born, . Photograph. One of Huakaiwakas wives was Ruawhakiwhaki, and importantly for Ngti Te Ata, one of the children from this union was Huatau. Tradition often provides a guide. 929.2 COW Howe, G. P. Horouta Waka landed in Turanganui A Kiwa (Gisbome) around 1350AD depositing the sacred gods of the voyage in the. With the large number of genealogies available, many individuals can be assigned dates within very close limits as far back as about 1400. (2) A single short line with obvious long intervals between some of the generations sets a maximum limit. This paper is based on material which formed an essential part of - 46 the investigation of the tribal history of the Te Awamutu district. | A ritual restriction on a certain area or resource to protect people from dangerous tapu or to protect and conserve a resource. The contemporary decor comes as a pleasant surprise, with its off-white tones and the use of different building materials, which combine to provide a creative space perfect for an enjoyable . Have you ever wondered what the name WAIRERE DRIVE- means or refers to? Shortly after singing the Treaty of Waitangi he got his uncle Te Moke to sell land at Raoraokaurere to the Wesleyan's so they had their own mission station and using old planting grounds at Raoraokauere were growing wheat and barley so Ngti Te Wehi had the first water powered water mills in the area. Gravity. Probably it was his experience of the reliability of tribal tradition that led Percy Smith so far back into the past. Maru-tuahu defeated them, and all that district of Hauraki as far as Moehau was . Full article: What whakapapa means to hap-based Mori researchers Ngati Te Wehi iwi continue to seek redress with the Crown and Waitangi Tribunal over grievances during the New Zealand Wars and European colonisation. Ngati Mahanga The Lands of Hamilton West - Scribd Ngti Wairere | Items | National Library of New Zealand | National (5) Where tradition is available it must be taken into account. Dates are derived primarily from known dates in recent times. Source: New Zealand Graphic. He aha te mea nui o te aoHe tangata, he tangata, he tangata, What is the most important thing in the world?It is the people, it is the people, it is the people. Another signatory of the Treaty, Tmati Ngpora, was of mixed Ngti Te Ata, Ngti Mahuta whakapapa and he was Te Wherowheros cousin, highlighting the connection between Ngti Te Ata and Waikato. MICHELIN Guide's Point Of View. . (4) By making use of interconnections between genealogies, long and short lines can frequently be chosen at will for the purpose of defining limits. The Wars of Ngati-huarere and Ngati-maru-tuahu, of Hauraki Gulf. Ngti Te Ata, through a history of ahi ka, has long exercised both rangatiratanga and kaitiakitanga in Tmaki. Upon his death, his people, known as "Ngti Te Wehi", moved South West of Aotea Harbour, some stayed at Makomako, Te Papatapu and Motakotako. Whatuturoto typically lived at Te Pane Mataaho but sometimes resided on the coast of Te Manukanuka o Hoturoa (the Manukau Harbour) from Maungataketake (Ellets Mountain) to Puhinui, an area which includes whatutroto near the famous Ihumtao. Today Ngti Te Ata Waihua still exercises mana and kaitiakitanga in the aforementioned Ngti Kahukoka rohe from the entrance of Te Manukanuka o Hoturoa to the mouth of the Waikato. One time chairman of King Koroki's Council. Te Whakapapa o Ngti Te Ata Waihua An important part of the Ngti Te Ata Waihua whakapapa tree, showing the direct connection between Ngti Te Ata and Te Waihua through its namesake Huakaiwaka. Interestingly, Te Tawh and Wairkau were some of the only wahine signatories to the Treaty, carrying on the Ngti Te Ata tradition of female leadership. At first sight this procedure would appear to be one of great magnitude and extreme difficulty, and if the genealogies, or the great majority of them, are not accurate, it can be ruled out as quite hopeless. The year 1844 saw Ngti Te Ata battle our neighbour Ngti Tamaoho at Taurangaruru west of Waiuku, . Ngti Te Ata traces our whakapapa back to these early groups, directly from their namesake ancestors, Some later arrivals in Tmaki came from the Tainui waka, led by Poutkeka son of the wakas leader Hoturoa, . While no Pkeh had set foot in the Maungatautari/ Karapiro region until the 1830s, their presence in Aotearoa was felt there in the 1820s. This Manukau-Kawhia Maori-language copy of the Teaty of Waitangi, with 13 signatures, & is the only surviving copy with the signature of Colonial Secretary Willoughby Shortland. Upon returning to Tmaki, Ngti Te Ata signed He Whakaputanga o te Rangatiratanga o Nu Tireni. Archives New Zealand: Flickr. Ttemahurangi begat three known sons, and he married Metiria Waikato a Daughter to Te Riria Whareherehere, one of his sons was Pita Waikato later known as Pita Mahu Waikato of Ngti Te Wehi. Inland Patea Genealogies., PIDDINGTON, Ralph, 1951. Similarly Ngamuriwai and Waikauhoe married the sons of Pikirangi, and by this version they would be too young to be ancestresses of Ngati-Apakura lines. (1) A single long line sets a minimum limit to the period covered by the line, i.e. (3) The physiological limit for a woman to bear children is 50 years. According to a tradition obtained from Rore Erueti, Hotuawhio and Motai were born in Hawaiki and their mother was pregnant with Puhaanga during the voyage. However, at the Waikato Heads in either late March or early April 1840, four Ngti Te Ata rangatira, Te Katipa, Maikuku, Aperahama Ngakainga and Wairkau, signed the Treaty, . Volume 65 1956 > Volume 65, No. For example, the first Mori King, Potatau Te Wherowhero of Ngti Mahuta from the lower Waikato, is a mokopuna (descendant) of Tapaue. Spell. Ngti Te Wehi also have historical connections with Ngti Hau, Ngati Whatua, Ngati Koata, Ngati Toa Rangatira, Ngati Mutunga, Ngati Ruanui, Ngati Tahinga, Ngati Paipai, Ngati Paiaka, Ngati Rangitauwwaro, Ngati Whare, Ngati Koura, Ngati Hourua, Te Wehiwhakaruru and Ngati Peehi. "[22], Te Aotroa took the name Hone Waitere in honor of John Whitley[23] (or Hone Waitere to Kawhia Maori) as they were friends but also around New Zealand other Wesleyan Maori were naming themselves or their sons after John Whiteley(Hone Waitere). Unknown date (1920-1929). as shown above here). Ngti Te Wehi - Infogalactic: the planetary knowledge core Three Ngti Whatua chiefs signed then (Kawau, Tinana and Reweti) but none of the Waikato chiefs. Hineaupounamu, Maniapoto (1)=, Matakore=Waiharapepe, Kinohaku, =(1), =(2) Te Kawairirangi (3)=, Maniatakamaiwaho, Tutanumia, =Tumarouru, Rungaterangi, Marungaehe=Tuheao, Tukemata=, Rangipare, Uruhina, Manukipuriore, Maniauruahu=Rangatahi, Te Kawa=, =Urunumia, Ngaere=Hekeiterangi, Tumarouru=Tamatea, Urunumia, Waikohika=Te Kanawa=, =Whaeapare, Tukemata, Hikairo, Whaeapare, Parengaope (2)=, Te Ririorangawhenua, Paretekawa, =Whati, =(2) Ngunu=, Te Wawahanga=Rangimahora, =(1) Hore (2)=, Te Kaahurangi, Akanui, Te Uaki, Peehi Tukorehu, Te Rauangaanga, Te Wherowhero, Te Ngohi, Rewi Maniapoto, Family tree. Ngti Koata - Wikipedia Test. It must be stressed that no charts can ever be considered final, because there will always be some unconsidered genealogies. VII. . 1931. Decades later the korowai cloak & Mere were secured in a round-a-bout way by the rightful owners and placed in Ruakuri, one of three famous caves at Waitomo, but when this cave became known to Europeans they were both removed by Te Moerua Death of Mr. John Cowell. It may become necessary at times to shift whole sections up or down to make a new piece fit, but the general structure remains intact. One of Huakaiwakas wives was Ruawhakiwhaki, and importantly for Ngti Te Ata, one of the children from this union was Huatau, . At one point, the Ngati Huarere were also described as having a fifth (minor?) Smales raised funding for the mission station, travelling extensively to do so & 95% of contributions were from maori. BATLEY, R. A. L., 1950. When he announced his intentions however, he received no support, it being contended that peace had been made; but Te Wehi was not to be cheated of his revenge, & set out to Waikato to obtain assistant from that tribe. It is obviously necessary to formulate a few simple working rules and limits. If 16 years per generation is conceded as a possible average over nine generationsand this is straining probability very considerablythe period from Mahanga to Puakirangi cannot be less than 144 years. There are 11 marae (meeting ground) affiliated to Ngati Mahuta. They aimed to protect Tmaki from Ngpuhi. Auckland City Libraries Heritage Collections: Heritage Images, Auckland. Ngti Te Wehi is a Mori iwi Located on the West-coast of Kawhia in the Waikato District region of New Zealand. The new whakapapa I have collected is as follows:, Raka, of course, is the sixth from Hoturoa, and father of both Houmea and Kakati.. Trade opportunities also came to Ngti Te Ata at Waiuku. NGATI-KAUWHATA, NGATI-HOURUA, NGATI-HAUA. When Tautini-moko returned, Te Wehi was living at Te Maari Aotea Harbour, & when the news reached him that his father's slayer was across the harbour, he decided to kill him. (1) In round figures 20 years is considered to be the shortest average interval likely between generations which are closely spaced, and it is adopted as the minimum interval. At the same time, Ngti Te Ata had a positive relationship with the burgeoning Kngitanga movement, who the Crown saw as its enemy. Consider the following table of descendants of Rereahu:. It was found that once a key structure had been established, additional genealogies fitted in with increasing ease, like the last pieces in a jigsaw puzzle. Te Aotroa Hne Waitere married Pirihira (Ngti Te Wehi/Koura) and raised their daughter Meri and 2 sons Te Moke II and Ngatokorua Hone Waitere (b.1842) at Aotea Harbor. After the 1821 warfare Ngti Mahanga/Ngti Te Wehi chief Te Aoturoa Hone Waitere and his Ngti Mahanga/Koura princess Pirihiri moved to Te Waihi on the Aotea peninsular when in 1822 his younger brother was taken by Nga Puhi. Whaorakiterangi exercised mana over what we would now call the southern Manukau across to the western shores of Tkapa Moana o Hauraki (the Hauraki Gulf). Source: Commissioned Drawing One. 8 Whereas the Tainui genealogies all commence from Hoturoa, captain of Tainui canoe, spread out and constantly converge again, those of Mr. Batley are tributaries from widely different sources, merging into a main stream only in comparatively recent times. Te Katipa was again present in June 1858 when Te Wherowhero was anointed kingi (king) by Ngti Mahuta, Ngti Maniapoto and Ngti Haua. From the first two 1840 meetings with Ngti Te Ata, the Crown and their missionary aids were unable to secure any signatures to Te Tiriti o Waitangi/the Treaty of Waitangi. Kngitanga the Mori King movement Te Ara Encyclopedia of New Zealand",, All articles with bare URLs for citations, Articles with bare URLs for citations from March 2022, Articles with PDF format bare URLs for citations, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, Mokai Kainga Marae and Kote Mokai wharenui on 111 Aotea Rd, Aotea, Kawhia 3889, New Zealand, kapu marae and Te Kotahitanga o Ngti Te Weehi wharenui on 4 Aotea Road in Kwhia, Mtakotako marae and Te hk a Mahuta wharenui on Phillips Road, Te Papatapu (Te Wehi) marae and Pare Whakarukuruku wharenui on Te Papatapu Road, Te Tihi o Moerangi marae and wharenui on Kwhia Road, Maket marae and Auau ki te Rangi wharenui on Kaora Street in Kwhia, Waipapa Marae and Takuhiahia wharenui on 5491 Kawhia Rd, Aotea, Kawhia 3889, New Zealand, ruka marae and Tahaaroa wharenui on ruka Marae Road in Taharoa, Te Kraha marae and Te hk wharenui on Taharoa Road in Taharoa, Waikeri Tangirau marae on Old Taupiri Road, This page was last edited on 19 March 2023, at 03:21. Each name has the prefix 'Ko', which is not part of the name and has 'his mark' following the moko or mark. Description: Contains a whakapapa chart of Ngati Uenuku, Ngati Hineuru and Ngati Tahinga and also reveals which descendants were 'rebels' during the New Zealand Wars. Source: Commissioned Drawing Two. This reservation applies with equal force to the statistical date, 1350, as it surely would be found that the genealogies used all derived from the few individuals of whom there are records on the canoes. Maungawhau in its impressive grandeur as seen in the 1920s. Great Whakapapa - Aotea Great Barrier Island Paulista Avenue is located between the "old" and "new" parts of the city. In a similar vein, Reedy notes: The iwi is one of the six Muriwhenua iwi of the far north of the North Island. Many of them have had to shiver out the whole winter in their tattered blankets, in consequence of this, to them, extraordinary effort. But the Tmaki that was returned to was one of great change. Ko Waikato te awa It is part of a group of tribes participating in the "treelords" Treaty of Waitangi settlement with the New Zealand government involving Central North Island forestry land and cash.As part of the Ngti Whare Claims Settlement Act 2012 the government signed a co-governance agreement for the Whirinaki Te Pua-a-Tne Conservation Park with Ngati Whare. An ancestor of mine, the Pkeh-Mori John Cowell, noted that even in 1832, there was a noticeable lack of human habitation in Tmaki. In the second there are two intervals, and in both intervals the parent is a male; therefore the maximum for the period is 160 years (extreme), with 140 years a more likely limit. This would give the Waikato tribes an undisputed seniority over the tribes who claim descent from the junior members of the respective families mentioned. The few who are studying tribal history at the present time quite obviously find no reason to doubt the reality of the tradition, but a common difficulty is a suitable chronological basis for study. Map of Tamaki showing many of the named places from this whakapapa section. Change of place names that 'caused anguish' for iwi Mori welcomed by Our whakapapa then runs through Te Waihua, who became the undisputed hegemon of Tmaki. Ko Te Mokai te whare kai Now Toa-Rangatira(Ngti Mango) is an uncle to Te Wehi as he married Pakaue's sister Mananaki. The first hearing was scheduled and held at Waipapa Marae hosted by Ngati Hikairo on 7 October 2013 Ngati Te Wehi are awaiting the outcome before negotiations can proceed.[1]. The union between Te Ata i Rehia and Tapaue greatly strengthened the bonds of whanaungatanga between Tmaki and Waikato, . Ngti Te Wehi is a Mori iwi (tribe) based in Kawhia on the west coast of New Zealand's North Island.[1][2]. In a way Ngti Apakuras refuge in Awhitu was a reversal of the refuge Ngti Te Ata sought with their Waikato whanaunga during the Musket Wars. Through reading the roots of the Ngti Te Ata whakapapa tree, from its ancient source through mai r an (the pre-Pkeh time) to the mid-19th-century, we can understand the Ngti Te Ata claim to mana in Tmaki. Te Ata i Rehia had a Waikato husband called Tapaue, . Ko Taupiri te maunga There are versions in Waikato which make Kumaramaoa the first husband of Tuparahaki. If this version is correct, she is much too young to be the ancestress of Ngati-Matakore lines. My enquiry has elicited a version which, I am sure, if corroborated will be the right one.

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