list of all guns in black ops 2 zombies townlist of all guns in black ops 2 zombies town

list of all guns in black ops 2 zombies town list of all guns in black ops 2 zombies town

The stairs will lead up to a balcony at the back end of both stores. The second floor of the Courthouse holds the Speed Cola machine and another Question Mark Chalk Location. Candy will allow the Prisoner to protect you for a short time. HAMR sucks (my opinion) I think MTAR is best PaP'd, well, 3 times anyway. We give the updated Mercenaries mode in Resident Evil 4 Remake a spin in this S-Rank gameplay clip, featuring Leon. Copyright 2012 - 2023. Steam Community :: Guide :: Black ops 2 zombies weapons guide I would recommend getting these gloves at round 8 or 9. Target Finder, Millimeter Scanner, Reflex Sight. Doing so will allow the man to protect you from Zombies for a short time. Outside the Gunsmith Shop is a B23R on a wall for 1000 points. The main road of the town is split in two. Call of Duty: Black Ops 2 (II) - Weapons List - Assault Rifles You can carry one Lethal and Tactical equipment, but there's a slot for an extra. The Pack-a-Punch Machine is located in the lava pit in the middle of the map on Survival and does not move or disappear. This map is a ton easier with friends, because it ensures that the bar and its immediate neighboring locations are as clean as possible. Double PAP(Pack--A-Punch) will cause an attachment to be changed. This will spare you some time to recuperate and get things right, and should in general become a regular practice from round 15 onwards. The semi-automatic weapon works like a shotgun which is quite effective for short to medium-range encounters. The main highlight of the bank is off course its main vault which contains two vault doors. Stand next to them to see the amount of points needed to purchase the weapon. This guide is helpful on some manners. Most of the SMG's in black ops 2 can be found on the wall (all of them are actually except one). Twitter: My Music: h. A great way to create crawlers is to chip in a grenade in a cluster of zombies that you have looped. Which weapon or equipment you use will greatly affect your strategy and will decide how long you will survive among the undead. Sadly, zombies spawn in that building too, but this can be dealt with by standing on the ledge of the broken wall and looking into the room. If you get your hands on it, dont dare to lose it. Mnesia (PaP) RPD also. Make note: when the prisoner kills zombies, you will not earn any points. When it comes to BO2 zombies, weapons and armory are crucial for survival. SCAR-H If you want to Pack-A-Punch a gun that is already upgraded you only pay half price. The semi-automatic pistol has a magazine of 12 rounds with a very high damage per shot. The Gunsmith Shop isn't as easy to enter as the other shops. Kill enough and they may drop a Perk-A-Cola Bottle. I'd tell others "Don't wait, don't be AFK at higher rounds (Even when there are good teammates), Don't split up And to Look for a way out through the zombie hoard. Launchers are your average portable rocket /grenade launcher. Saiga 12 The semi-automatic shotgun is quite similar to that of M1216, but with a smaller magazine and the fact that its not fully automatic. The Krauss Refibrillator All rights reserved. However, the damage they bring can even beat some of the assault rifles. The balcony connects both rooms, and it can be used to jump over to the Bank / General Store balcony and rooftop. It can pierce through multiple zombies and return to the player, can also be charged to increase damage and distance. You can purchase this weapon off the wall in Origins; found in the church above the Mark IV Tank, underneath the Pack-a-Punch machine in the excavation site and the Crazy Place. Once a piece of equipment is built, it can be carried alongside the other two items. Make sure you're facing the debris when you give him the Booze so he runs in the correct direction. City Streets Thus, you are required to make relatively larger paths for the zombies to follow, which can take a long time. They do all the usual stuff: reload fast, have small clips, average fire rates and (not really important) have fast raise/ drop speeds. Its fire mode is like a spring launch. If you leave this for later on, then you wont survive for too long. MTAR Destroy the fountain to reveal a large hole underneath. High-pitched screeching can be heard throughout the north side of the Town. In the following guide, I am going to describe the weapons you can use in the zombie mode of Black Ops 2 so that you can devise your strategies accordingly. A semi-automatic sniper rifle. I apologise to all that may upset, but i assure you this guide remains accurate and useful if you still play bo2 zombies in 2020. MP5 It is a good weapon with decent ammo capacity and mag size, its something you can use if you find, but nothing you should stick to. Call of Duty Black Ops II's Zombies Modes allow players to use many weapons available in Call of Duty Black Ops II and weapons from the original Call of Duty Black Ops. Follow the short path until you jump down a hole in the floor to the inside of the Jailhouse. Ammo. Best Call of Duty: Black Ops 2 Zombies Weapons - TheTopTens There are ten spots for all the perks and Pack-A-Punch, but it seems like only four perks are available. A random perk or the Pack-A-Punch machine seems to crash down after about 100 kills or so on Solo, but it may take longer on co-op. Here you will find all the Call of Duty: Black Ops 2 multiplayer weapons for the Xbox 360, PlayStation 3, Wii U and PC versions. Its important to communicate in this map because of the narrow and odd locations that one can die. Lava cracks and pits surround the area and can damage the player. Each magazine carries 30 rounds. At higher levels, you wont be seeing much of it. B23R It has a six grenade magazine which can be used to create havoc. It will send a sonic boom that will kill any Zombies in front of it. There are a small number of tunnels throughout this map. The hole in the floor will lead to the Stables. The fully automatic pistol has a medium damage capacity, and every magazine gets you 12 rounds. PAP turns it into Actuated Neutralizer 94000 and suddenly it becomes a power house able to mow down enemies and can take you up until early round 40s easy. Clearing the debris allows you to walk out onto the balcony. Inside are five different chalk weapons that can be taken and drawn on one of the Question Mark Chalk Locations. AK74fu2 The door in the vault will now be open until the Turbine expires, or is destroyed by a zombie. It takes up 186 MB on the Xbox 360 and PS3. However it can be difficult to get to since it requires a player expose themselves to lava for an extended period to use the machine, thus making Juggernog a viable option for survival. Town is the easiest best place to train zombies. M16 You can train a group in the area where the bus parks by running around the perimeter. The Pack-A-Punch Machine becomes randomly available, just like the Perk-A-Cola Machines. Once you are in the power house below, you need to place the turbine near the green lightening door. Unsurprisingly, two guns that were banned from League Play in Call of Duty: Black Ops 2 top the list. The lower recoil of the weapon can help you target zombies with more accuracy. It is the largest of the three Green Run Survival maps. Porters X2 Ray Gun You can throw this knife to the target, and it usually gets you a confirmed kill. The weapon has three round burst but the its high cyclic fire rate can make the burst quite effective at a short range. The back area of town is a lot darker than the main road. This site is not affiliated with Activision, Treyarch, Microsoft (Xbox 360, Xbox LIVE) or Sony (PlayStation 3). Inside of the truck in the center of the map (3000 points to open) the Bowie Knife is on the wall. You have got 100 rounds in each magazine. A tunnel from the Stable leads to the Gunsmith Shop, but debris must be cleared with 1250 points to enter. You'll need to gain experience with each gun to unlock new attachments, sight reticles, and camouflages. The gazebo at the far end of the Maze contains a short set of stairs down into a well. To access this floor, the player must first stop at the Power Plant area. This guide will explain every gun in black ops 2 zombies and also tell there capability, strengths/weaknesses, and also where and when they should be used. If the gun was bought from the Mystery Box, a Max Ammo will be needed to replenish ammo. Extremely powerful, futuristic weapons that often have infinite damage, How to get to round 50 in any zombie map in black ops 2. Also, inside this room, a part for the Bus can sometimes be found. So if you find one, you should change your M1911. A time will actually come that a lot of zombies will incubate there, but you should make sure that it stays as zombie-free as possible. This is by far the largest section to cover, so i have split the assault rifle's category into two parts. Of course, like usual, the M14 and Olympia are available at the start for 500 points. Along with different types of weapons, there are some perks that can help you survive in the fight against the zombies. You are in an open area with multiple routes. Its an even more damage launcher than the war machine. Black Ops 2 features Pack-A-Punching guns multiple times (after the first 5000 Pack-A-Punch, you can Pack-A-Punch a gun again for 2000 points which adds another attachment). All rights reserved. Buried allows you to take chalk weapons from the wall and create your own "Wallbuy." If a player stays by Juggernog long enough, faint screaming can be heard. When you're ready, enter the house to the right of the Jailhouse. Assault Rifles are the workhorse weapons of Black Ops 2. The pistol has got very high damage and can work like a shotgun when it comes to damaging. Easy way is to get your friend place a turbine there while you are waiting at the vault in the bank. Not only will this give you some breathing space, but will also allow you to visit one or both of the mystery box and also the Pack-a-Punch (which requires some careful maneuvering because of its harsh location). The "M72 LAW" and "M72 Anarchy" refer to anarchy being the opposite of . Give him the booze that's inside the cell to break open the front of the Jailhouse. Jump down to return back to the start of the map, also known as Processing, but you won't be able to reach the starting weapons again. Its a bomb similar to a C4, once you detonate it, it will distort time and send the player back to the instant they first threw it. The Urban design of town allows decent exploration, and though the map is on average narrow-spaced, it has plenty to offer. Pack-a-Punch gives you Magna Collider with higher damage and an increased ammunition capacity. This will give you time to reload and get back in action.

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