did homelander assault becca did homelander assault becca
[SPOILERS] [The Boys] Homelander was telling the truth Homelander, according to Butcher, raped and murdered Becca (Shantel VanSanten). During the season one finale, it's revealed that was only half right; Becca was raped but ended up. Billy attempts to stop her, but Becca drives off activating an alarm, forcing him to leave. Whether Butcher's assessment of the situation is accurate is another matter altogether. Homelander assures her that the moment Ryan is exposed to the outside world, he will freak out just like Homelander did. Butcher is left with a lot of questions about what happened between his wife and Homelander as a result of this revelation. First seen Homelander said the relationship was consensual (though you shouldnt take his words for granted), and Becca has been caring for their son for eight years. Following the initial confrontation at Becca and Ryan's house at the end of Season 1, Homelanderdropped Billy off outside of a Tony Cicero's, and Billyrushed inside to make notes about everything hecould remember. She asks him to get her son to safety before he succumbs to her injury. Becca Butcher I thought her fear was based on his murderous nature, but it's clear she's deeply traumatized by him. She went to Vought for assistance after January 24th, 2012, and confirmed that she was pregnant with Homelanders child. Its actually revealed in the comics that it wasnt Homelander who raped her. She is forced to sign a confidentiality agreement in exchange, forbidding her to tell anyone, even her husband. Did homelander assault becca or was it consensual? The Boys showrunner Eric Kripke has confirmed that Homelanders son Ryan (Cameron Crovetti) is way more powerful than he is, which could ultimately lead to a showdown between father and son if Homelander gets too out of control, and goes some way to explain why Vought International have been so invested in keeping him . When she was leaving the room, she just looked.. disheveled, not accosted. Trigger Warning:////// Sexual Assault and Rape Mention. Becca explains that Homelander only spared Butcher one time, He reveals a piece of paper with the words: , Maeve was eventually killed while protecting Starlight from Homelander and Black Noir, though Homelander easily overpowered her after she, What does it mean to have a dream about someone, Is sleeping with someone while separated adultery, Is sleeping on a hard surface good for your back, Where can i sleep in my car legally near me. Over the Hill with the Swords of a Thousand Men, The Last Time to Look on This World of Lies, An Animated Short Where Pissed-Off Supes Kill Their Parents, Do Not Sell or Share My Personal Information. Later, while playing with Ryan, she receives a surprise visit from the Homelander accompanied by Stormfront whom he introduces as his girlfriend. While the ultimate point of The Boys was to parody tropes like these, Ennis despaired at having to kill two likable women just to prove a point. 'The Boys' Season 2: How Will Billy Butcher Deal With Becca and In the original comic books, it was Black Noir that raped Becca dressed as Homelander, since he was actually Homelanders clone so he simply had to put his suit on. In fact, Butcher's wife has more than held her own against her sadistic baby daddy Homelander while fending for herself in seclusion. Since then he has gone on to write for over a dozen websites, including 411 Mania, Comics Nexus and The Cult of Nobody. He received superhuman strength and durability. So keep reading! The Boys Season 2 Fixes The Comics' Becca Butcher Mistake - Screen Rant Last seen Homelander wears red gloves and boots, as well as a cape that stands for America, symbolizing patriotism. The Boys' Becca Is One of the Show's Few Major Missteps A few days after the party, Becca met with Homelander in a private room where he raped her. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. A few days after this encounter, the Super assaulted her. Archived post. Vought forced Becca to fake her death and to raise this child, believing that this would create a new supe even more powerful than Homelander. He was created to keep an eye on Homelander, and would kill him and take his place were he to ever turn evil. The Boys: Homelander & Black Noir Were Complicit In Starlight's Assault The Boys Season 2: Why Becca Was Right About Butcher Home | About | Contact | Copyright | Report Content | Privacy | Cookie Policy | Terms & Conditions | Sitemap. She demands to speak to a Vought official but he tells her that they have no intention of doing anything about Homelander. 5 can defeat Scarlet Witch. 9 can defeat Captain Marvel. Top 5 most gruesome acts committed by Homelander in The Boys She lived with Billy Butcher, her husband, and their dog Terror. The Boys: Jeffrey Dean Morgan's Season 3 Role May Not Happen Due to COVID-19, The Boys: The Reason Why Homelander Is Threatened by Stormfront's Arrival, The Boys Lets You Channel Billy Butcher With Baby Laser Tag AR Game, REVIEW: Marvel's Guardians of the Galaxy: Bane of Blastaar #1 Is a Cinematic Found Family Adventure, REVIEW: Dark Horse Comics' Under Kingdom Is a Monstrously Fun Adventure, A Good Omens Easter Egg in Aziraphale's Bookshop Honors Terry Pratchett, Stephen Amell's Oliver Queen Return Fixes Arrow's Biggest Mistake, The Last of Us' Gabriel Luna Describes How Fans React to Him in Public. Billy denies the claims, saying he'll raise Ryan with her, but Becca sees through his lies. After that night, Becca was troubled on how to handle the situation. I don't think he rapes her but i also don't think she consented to it going off of her reaction towards him. this page, we've collected the most accurate and complete information to ensure that you have all of This revelation leaves Butcher with plenty of questions about what exactly happened between his wife and Homelander. If his faked origin was true, theres a good chance he wouldnt be such a bad guy. After working several years at Vought International, she suddenly disappeared on January, 24, 2012, leaving her family to believe she was dead and causing Billy to develop a particular hatred towards Homelander for raping her. Human Butcher believed that eight years ago Homelander raped his wife Becca (Shantel VanSanten), a Vought PR exec, causing her to have a mental breakdown, leading Bill to believe she either ran away. This isnt where the horrifying scene ends though. Homelander, according to Butcher, raped and murdered Becca (Shantel VanSanten). She then begs Homelander to not tell Ryan the truth. After that night, Becca was troubled on how to handle the situation. Billy then reveals his true feelings, calling Ryan a Vought Asset, one they will never let go. Unfortunately, he saw no other way to tell his story but tried to take the curse off of it by making Becca Butcher in The Boys so lovable a character that the audience would share Billy Butcher's rage at the pointless stupidity of her death. Season 2 of The Boys crafted a storyline for Becca Butcher that was radically different from her fate in the original comics and, in doing so, corrected a mistake author Garth Ennis felt he made while writing the original story. This may make Becca the most heroic character in a world full of superheroes; an irony Garth Ennis would likely appreciate. Billy had to beat the half-developed baby to death with a lampshade in what is possibly one of the most harrowing scenes in the entire The Boys graphic novel run. This, in turn, fueled Butcher's own Punisher-parodying fall from grace, as he became exactly the sort of vengeful monster Becca feared Butcher might become if he learned about her rape and sought to avenge her. Homelander greeted Billy and then thanked Becca for working on his Twitter profile. Homelander then suggest Ryan needs a little space, to which Becca grabs and puts Ryan behind her and continues stating that Ryan needs his mother. During the season one finale, it's revealed that Becca, and Homelander means for the show going forward. You may wonder, what was the deal between becca and homelander? From the start, Homelander became a powerful villain due to his involvement in The Boys with Vought-American. Homelander is a tall and muscular man with blonde hair, fair skin, and blue eyes. When the light subsides, Becca was accidentally hit in the process, having received a critical neck wound. Becca watches Homelander introduce Stormfront to herself and Ryan. Becca Butcher and why people didn't believe she was raped - Reddit Did Homelander really assault Becca? - TimesMojo What Happened Between Soldier Boy & Mothers Milks Father. Wait, Homelander and Rebecca Butcher Did he actually Homelander Sexually Assaults Becca Butcher And Fathers Ryan There are a lot of sad things about Billy Butcher, but the first one that fans learn about him is that Billy's campaign against the supes began when Homelander sexually assaulted his wife. Ennis wrote about his regrets regarding Becca's death in his notes on the original pitch for the comic in The Boys: Definitive Edition. Billy Butcher is a dangerous man in The Boys TV adaptation, but not compared to the super-powered monster he is in the original comics. The Boys: Homelander & Black Noir Were Complicit In Starlight's Assault By Liam McGuire Published Oct 25, 2020 In The Boys comics, Homelander, Black Noir, and A-Train were responsible for Annie's assault during her initiation to The Seven. She tries to temper her son and demands to speak privately with John. She was the wife of Billy Butcher and the mother of Ryan Butcher. She is forced to sign a confidentiality agreement in exchange, forbidding her to tell anyone, even her husband. He holds both an MS in Information Science from the University of North Texas and a BFA from the University of Texas at Arlington. Becca did it because she realized that Billy despised superhumans for what Homelander had done to her, which would forever affect how he treated her son. 4 can defeat Iron Man. (Spoilers ahead for anyone who hasn't seen the entirety of S1.). The Boys handles sexual violence better than the comics, and Becca Butcher's resilience is a perfect example of the more tactful approach. Becca Butcher | The Boys Wiki | Fandom WARNING: The following article contains major spoilers for the first three episodes ofThe Boys Season 2, available now on Amazon Prime Video. Who killed Becca The Boys? He tells her to leave without him because he is afraid of becoming an example for Ryan and not taking the risk of trying to hurt Ryan again. The video of her leaving his office showed she was hurried, disheveled and generally looked upset afterwards. Vought International (formerly)Digital Marketing Department (formerly)The Boys The Boys all agree without exception to help get Ryan back. The heart-breaking speech Becca gave to Billy in the show mirrored one she gave to Billy Butcher in The Boys' comics, which Billy read in her diary after Becca's death. Drowned in its mother's blood." Homelander turned into an evil version of Superman because of his surroundings. TimesMojo is a social question-and-answer website where you can get all the answers to your questions. The super approves. Can geese eat cherry tomatoes in this context? He never crossed the line with Stillwell, though he clearly wanted to. Superhuman Strength: Ryan is strong enough to be able to shove Homelander to the ground, albeit when he was enraged, he is also stronger than humans. KEEP READING: The Boys Lets You Channel Billy Butcher With Baby Laser Tag AR Game. Becca did this because she realized that Billy hated superhumans because of what Homelander did to her and that would forever color how he viewed her son. The Boys Season 2 explains just why Homelander let Billy Butcher live following the Season 1 finale. Alongside his teammates, Butcher used a shot of Compound-V on his impeccably trained bulldog Terror, giving him a super-powered attack dog whos always at his side. Billy assumed Becca was raped by Homelander for the longest time and either killed herself or was knocked off by Vought. However, when asked about the baby, Madelyn tells Homelander it was a miscarriage. I mean I shouldn't be surprised, but it still feels like a shock. The Boys sees Becca make a startling decision, assuming the worst about Butcher. The half-formed Supe, not content with matricide, turns on Billy. Becca Butcher in The Boys and the Becky Butcher of the comics are incredibly different characters, though. Black Noir has secretly been manipulating the entire story behind the scenes, having been created as a contingency in the event the original Homelander ever went insane. The Boys are primarily known as a comic book series, but Amazon Primes streaming adaptation of the comic book which contains a lot of changes and additions has helped the series become a global phenomenon. Despite only having any real character development in season 2 of The Boys, it's undeniable that Becca Butcher has been one of the most important elements of the Amazon Prime superhero series from the very start.. RELATED: The Boys: 15 Strongest Super-Abled Characters, Ranked Prior to the finale of season 1, it was believed that Becca was dead. Contrary to her husband's vengeful and distrustful personality, Becca is a very compassionate and caring, especially to her son. 7 can defeat Thor. Billy, though, is tenacious, and he'swilling to do anything to get Becca back, so Homelander might have grossly underestimated his opponent this time around. In both speeches, Becca says that Billy put her on a pedestal because he believed she saved him from his darker impulses, but in truth, she was afraid of what he'd do if he found out she'd been raped and feared his death at the hands of Homelander more than anything. The leader of the Seven certainly doesn't believe that a powerless man is at all capable of taking him down, and Billy's credibility is gone following claims that he killed Stillwell. Billy tries to halt the bleeding and cries out for help, but no one answers. For more information, please see our Billy tells him that he hasnt found anything on Ryan so far and that he is continuing his research. On the other hand, in the television series, it seems from what we know now that Homelander really did rape Becca. Date of birth Enraged, Stormfront rips the knife out and puts Becca into a chokehold, nearly killing her. Homelander explained that his sexual encounter with Becca wasnt entirely rape and was consensual at least according to him. In the season 2 finale, Butcher's wife, Becca, stabs Stormfront in the eye. The deranged clone admits that he was the one who assaulted Becca and framed Homelander, in a bid to drive him over the edge so Black Noir can finally do what he was created for: kill the . Becca was absolutely wrecked after her encounter with him and obviously in a state of shock after leaving the room. Homelander did rape Becca and season 2 is more explicit about that fact. Becca was absolutely wrecked after her encounter with him and obviously in a state of shock after leaving the room. Social life and that their encounter leads to Becca becoming pregnant. Stormfront tracks them down in the forest and neutralizes Billy. Did Becca Cheat On Butcher With Homelander? - Mastery Wiki Unlike The Boys on Amazon, in the comics, Becca Butcher never carries Homelanders baby to full term. I just want people to be aware because this happens in real life. Billy helps him out and retrieves Ryan then they flee together into the forest. She tells Billy its not Ryans fault and tells him hes nice. Also, MM would get superpowers by drinking the same milk maybe by mistake or necessity. For the next 8 years Becca raised her son, Ryan on her own and undisturbed from Homelander or anyone else from the outside. Becca saw this, and keeping Ryan secret was as much about protecting him from Butcher's influence as preventing Homelander's knowledge of his son. The natural continuation of this arc is Homelander drinking her breastmilk in season 2. But Becca might have wanted to be hidden away Affiliation New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. However, they are only a few meters away when Stormfront attacks them and overturns the car. Ultimately, the Becca Butcher of The Boys has proven to be a more interesting character than her comic-book-counterpart, Becky Butcher, while remaining true to the spirit of the source material. The fetus attempted to kill Billy with his laser sight, forcing him to beat him to death with a candlestick. In The Boys #65, its revealed that Black Noir has actually been a Homelander clone all along. Senior Director of Digital Marketing at Vought (formerly)Associate of The Boys 4. Of course, Homelander eventually comes calling and, when he arrives, the so-called "supe" claims that he never raped Billy's wife, Becca, but alleges they had consensual sex, at least in his. Later, though, when Homelander decides to tell Billy the truth, Becca goes to her garden with Ryan after hearing a noise. Lastly, when Becca was attacked by Stormfront, his laser vision severed Stormfront's limbs and burned her alive. Is Ryans heat vision stronger than Homelander? Beccas reaction indicates it was rape but Homelanders seems very confused. At one point, Homelander sees this, which brings him great jealousy, indicating he wants to be nurtured by a mother figure instead of sexual desire. Alias(es) If he raped for three hours, and she disappeared mysteriously afterwards, wouldn't you be wondering what happened to her? June 9, 1981 The show used a similar image when Billy Butcher wielded a Supe baby's eye lasers as a weapon, but this child thankfully made it through the scene. Maeve was eventually killed while protecting Starlight from Homelander and Black Noir, though Homelander easily overpowered her after she struck him on the head with her sword, shattering it in the process. They wanted a version of Homelander that wasn't raised in a lab, and that's probably why they went to such lengths to keep the secret from Homelander himself. RELATED: The Boys: The Reason Why Homelander Is Threatened by Stormfront's Arrival. Until Ryan threatens Homelander to leave them both alone. On She gets out of the car when she realizes there is a problem. This is also how Billy Butcher learns of the rape, although its not until later that he discovers how Homelander was the specific member of The Seven responsible. The Boys: 5 Reasons Becca Butcher Needed To Die (& 5 Reasons It Was A Similarly one may ask, why did homelander let butcher live? Billy then tried to blow the two up, but this didn'tkill Homelander. Rebecca "Becca" Saunders Butcher is a minor character in Season 1 and a supporting character in Season 2 of the Amazon series The Boys. Firstly, when Homelander was aggressive towards Becca, Ryan was able to push him away. I myself have not been sexually assaulted but I've been in situations where I've had powerful people treat me however they want and fighting back meant losing so much. I know that Karl Urban and the actress made passing comments, saying that it was rape. Homelander sought Becca our and raped her. His arrogance and vanity make him think of Butcher as nothing more than an inconvenience and, most importantly, a real threat. Its revealed in The Boys #65 that Black Noir has always been a Homelander clone. Did Homelander assault and rape Becca in the television series? She didn't even look upset. A rift quickly forms between Becca and Homelander, with Becca wanting to raise Ryan as a normal boy, while Homelander wants to train Ryan to use his powers and become a superhero. Warning: The following contains SPOILERS for, The Boys Season 2: How Becca Butcher Caused Her Own [SPOILER], The Boys: Every Way Homelander Is Different From The Comics, Q's Forgotten Son Can Meet Jack Crusher In Star Trek Legacy, Fuller House's Finale Ruined Stephanie & Kimmy's Full House Payoff, Kirk's Other Star Trek Ship Is More Important Than You Think. Homelander - the world's top superhero - raped Butcher's wife Becca, who she went missing shortly after - assumed to have either taken her own life or been killed by her attacker. In doing this, the show's writers made Rebecca Butcher into a stronger character and the most heroic person on The Boys. Now, The Boys are full of mysteries and questions, regarding both specific characters and concepts. Ryan then breaks free from her grasp and jumps into Homelander's arms as the two fly off, leaving Becca crying. He got his start writing for the legendary DC Comics digital fanzine Fanzing, before receiving his own column, The Mount. She then explains to Homelander that after the agreement with Vought, it was decided that Ryan would have a normal childhood. Billy tells her that Vought will not leave Ryan alone and calls him a Supe Freak as he gets emotionally frustrated. Homelander talking all that big game in the season 1 finale was just to antagonize Butcher. He then flung her decapitated head at Starlight as she flew away from The Seven's headquarters. Here are the five most gruesome acts by Homelander in The Boys . Maeve clearly put some boundaries between them, and he seems to grudgingly accept them for the most part. Thankfully, the writers of The Boys' series found a way to correct Ennis' mistake, taking the Becky Butcher of the comics and changing her circumstances (and name slightly) to better display the strong spirit which made her a match for the iron-willed Billy Butcher. It's revealed in the season one finale that this was only half correct: Becca was raped but eventually had a son by Homelander, who spirited her away by Vought. Archived post. However, he still intends to find and liberate Becca, using any means at his disposal to achieve his goal. Furthermore, Becca states the minute Homelander shows Ryan the outside world, Ryan will be overwhelmed and freak out. Date of death Becca believes Homelander is trying to turn Ryan against her, but Homelander assures her he just wants what's best for Ryan because he was raised the exact same way as Ryan. To make matters worse, Homelander's premature spawn tried to kill Butcher with its laser vision. After January 24th, 2012, she went to Vought for help and confirmed she was pregnant with Homelander's child. Butcher believes that Homelander raped and murdered his wife, Becca (Shantel VanSanten). Superman would win a head-to-head battle between the two because he knows how to deal with himself when things get tough. His arrogance and vanity mean he could never consider Butcher to be anything more than an inconvenience, and certainly not a real threat. I think that maybe Vought was giving her fertility drugs in the hope that she would get pregnant. In the end, he was a frustrated, lonely mans obsession with watching her pump breast milk, jealousy of her relationship with her infant son, and drinking her breastmilk. Why would she go into a hotel room alone with him, at night? In the original comic books, it was Black Noir that raped Becca dressed as Homelander, since he was actually Homelander's clone so he simply had to put his suit on. He also maintains a personal blog called My Geeky Geeky Ways which hosts his extensive episode guide for the television series making up The Arrowverse as well as his comedic Lets Play videos. During a fight about the superhero's behavior, Homelander makes clear to Becca that he let Billy go because she made access to Ryan conditional on her husband's survival. They interrupt Becca and Ryan playing with Legos by dropping in behind them. For the longest time, Billy assumed Becca was raped by Homelander and either killed herself or was bumped off by Vought. How Does Billy Butcher Get His Powers in The Boys TV Show? Season(s) 6 can defeat Black Widow. At the end of Season 1, Homelander brought Billy to Becca's house, revealing to him that she'd survived. Becca stares at Homelander enraged, to which Homelander answers that he deserves to know the truth. Its coercion, its intimidation, its people with a lot of power doing whatever they want to the people who are in situations who don't have it, it's being powerless without the power to fight back. Cookie Notice Once alone, Homelander compares his life to that of his son but Becca does not agree because unlike him, he has a mother and she lies to him to protect him and give him the childhood that John never had. RELATED: The Boys: Jeffrey Dean Morgan's Season 3 Role May Not Happen Due to COVID-19. Arthur S. Poe is a writer based in Europe. Homelander than apologizes to Becca and Ryan, saying he wants to be involved more in Ryan's life because he wants the best for his son and wants Ryan to get to know Stormfront. His expertise varies from Alfred Hitchcock movies to Bleach, as he has explored a lot of fictional Universes and authors. ), and their encounter leads to her getting pregnant. This revelation leaves Butcher with plenty of questions about what. THE BOYS is an irreverent take on what happens when superheroes, who are as popular as celebrities, as influential as politicians and as revered as Gods, abuse their superpowers rather than use them for good. After being forced to tolerate visits by Homelander to her son, Becca went on to angrily vent off to Dr. Park, the head of her gated community, saying she had a deal that living in such an isolated place would prevent his return to her life. She also doesnt vanish after being raped by Homelander and instead returns to Billy to try and lead a normal life. Theres a good chance he wouldnt be such a bad guy if his fake origin was true. He's a psychopath, but he's not characterized as a sexual predator. We are going to tell you what really happened and why the situation was so unclear. Becca then informs Billy that Homelander and Stormfront took Ryan. In the evening, while she is cooking, she goes to the garden where she discovers that Homelander and Stormfront have shown the outside world to her son. Firstly, when Homelander was aggressive towards Becca, Ryan was able to push him away. Becca gets between her and Ryan and stabs her in the eye. Becca pleads with Ryan to let them talk this out, but Ryan only refuses her offer. He was later brutally shot to death by the Military and The Butcher, and killed when Billy ripped a chunk of his brain out after ripping his skull with his crowbar. A tearful Billy holds her in his arms as Ryan keeps crying that he's sorry.
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