concordia university lgbtqconcordia university lgbtq

concordia university lgbtq concordia university lgbtq

", "Level Two Sanctions: These behaviors may result in a minimum disciplinary response of probation on the first occurrence with a semester or more suspension on the second occurrence and may also result in additional conditions or alternative requirements. students who need such counseling, as consistent with the World Professional Association for Transgender Healths Standards This mandate is achieved through ongoing programming, campaigns, resources, services, advocacy, and a commitment to accessibility. Howard PayneUniversity has qualified for the Worst List because it holds an exemption to Title IX, allowing the college to discriminate against its students on the basis of sexual orientation, gender identity, marital status, pregnancy or receipt of abortion while still receiving federal funds. We believe that sexual purity is a necessary expression for all of Gods children, and requires abstinence from adultery, fornication, incest, homosexuality, and other sexual relationships or practices forbidden by Scripture. Religious Affiliation: Roman CatholicDenomination: Catholicism. This program was renewed in 2008 with the support of the college. Anderson University has qualified for the Worst List because it holds an exemption to Title IX, allowing the college to discriminate against its students on the basis of sexual orientation, gender identity, marital status, pregnancy or receipt of abortion while still receiving federal funds. Editorial - LGBTQ Thoughts - Issues in Christian Education Does your campus offer gender-inclusive housing (defined as housing not segregated into men's and women's spaces and Asbury Universityhas qualified for the Worst List because it holdsan exemption to Title IX in order to discriminate against its students on the basis ofsexual orientation, gender identity, marital status, pregnancy or receipt of abortion while still receiving federal funds. ", "The University maintains the right, with regard to admissions, enrollment, its curricular and co-curricular programs, employment, and other matters, to uphold and apply its religious beliefs related to, among other issues, marriage, sex (gender), gender identity, sexual orientation, and sexual activity. Religious Affiliation: ReformedDenomination: Reformed Christian. While we acknowledge there may be confusion and brokenness for some individuals in this area, we do not affirm or support transgender identity or expression. 5:2233). Yeshiva Toras Chaim Talmudical Seminary of Denver has qualified for the Worst List because it refuses to uphold any part of Title IX reporting requirements and reportedly has chosen not to receive federal monies in order to do so. This means the University of Mobile affirms that sexual relationships are designed by God to be expressed solely within marriage between husband and wife. ", At the same time, we expect all members of our community to exhibit a consistent gender identity for the duration of their time at NU (1 Corinthians 14:33); we do not approve of changing or attempting to change ones sex while enrolled at NU.". Mississippi College has qualified for the Worst List because itholds an exemption to Title IX, allowing the college to discriminate against its students on the basis of sexual orientation, gender identity, marital status, pregnancy or receipt of abortion while still receiving federal funds. A Christian University Toughens Its Anti-LGBT Stances, When Christian Schools Make Campuses Less Safe, Students Picket Christian Colleges Seeking Right to Discriminate, How Christian Universities Are Becoming a Battleground for LGBT Rights, Some colleges exclude LGBTQ students using religion, but students are fighting back, Biolans Equal Ground calls on President of Biola University to immediately withdraw Title IX religious exemption, Accustomed to Privilege: A Response to Biola Universitys SB 1146 Opposition, California bill takes aim at religious colleges that seek to bar transgender students. I think it's one of the most lgbt friendly universities us Montreal. In seeking to live out the fruit of the Spirit (Galatians 5:22-23) rather than deeds of the flesh (Galatians 5:19-21), items expressly forbidden in the Scripture are not acceptable for members of the Grace Schools community. Life Pacific College has qualified for the Worst List because it workedto dismantle SB 1146, a California bill designed to protect LGBTQ students from discrimination at their Christian college or university. We also gladly accept the common app. The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary has qualified for the Worst List because members of its staff signed onto the Nashville Statement condemning LGBTQ people and using religion-based bigotry to perpetuate stereotypes and harm toward LGBTQ youth. The criterion to be the absolute worst campus includes either of the following: 1) Received and/or applied for a Title IX exemption to discriminate against LGBTQ youth and/or 2) Demonstrated past history and track record of anti-LGBTQ actions, programs and practices. Among its claims, HotChalk says the Lutheran Church Missouri Synods religious beliefs were a main contributor to Concordia Portlands closure. Students of color and LGBTQ students were moved to organize the rally after a professor was banned from campus last week. Being an Openly Gay Student at Yeshiva University, Former Student Leaders Detail Past Efforts for LGBTQ Inclusion. Rutgers has a Center for Social Justice Education and LGBT Communities (SJE) which aims to provide an inclusive, supportive environment for LGBTQ students and provides support in the form of counseling, career advice, networking, service referrals . On Tuesday, dozens of students at Concordia University Chicago, a Lutheran church-affiliated institution, protested over an alleged culture of homophobia and racism on campus that has created an unwelcoming environment for students of color and LGBTQ individuals. Milligan University (formerly Milligan College) has qualified for the Worst List because it has a past and recent history of statements and reports of anti-LGBTQ discrimination on campus that has created an inhospitable, harmful climate for LGBTQ students, staff and faculty. Our clientele includes people who are questioning their gender identity or sexual orientation or who feel unhappy about it, individuals and couples seeking to improve the quality of their interpersonal relationships, and couples and families who have concerns about a loved ones gender identity or sexual orientation. We do not condone sexual relations before marriage, outside of marriage, or homosexual practices. Does your campus have an ongoing Safe Zone, Safe Space and/or Ally training program that are offered at a minimum First, accept that they exist, An Open Letter to Asbury University, or, how I was a victim of workplace discrimination two years too early. Project 10 is a Montreal community organization that Project 10 works to promote the personal, social, sexual and mental well being of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, transsexual, two-spirit, intersex and questioning (2LGBTQ+) youth and adults 14-25. include the terms "sexual orientation," "gender identity/expression" and "lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender" when publicly and allies)? Concordia University System and LGBT and resolutions for 2019 Concordia University-Chicago - River Forest, IL | Cappex of Education response letter requests further information and states that a Title IX exemption is not required, Gay Christian Student Removed From Work-Study Position At South Carolina University, New petition begs Charleston Southern University to protect LGBT students, One year later, MTV follows up with fired gay Christian student, Human Sexuality statement citing their core values reads: "The promotion or practice of a homosexual lifestyle (including same-sex dating behaviors) is also contrary to the universitys core values. Catholic University of America has qualified for the Worst List because it has an extensive and well-documented history of anti-LGBTQ discrimination. Issues in Christian Education (ISSN0278-0216) is published three times a year by the faculty of Concordia University, Seward . ", "We believe that God created humanity as distinctly and exclusively either male or female from the beginning, and that He blessed His created design as very good. Does your campus have a policy requiring at least one gender-inclusive restroom (defined as restrooms not segregated into Therefore, the university affirms the view of sexuality and marriage that is rooted in the creation order of Genesis and affirmed by Jesus and the totality of the Bible. MUSIC also works to enhance the health of the larger community through research, education, outreach and advocacy around sexual orientation and gender issues, homophobia and transphobia. It continues to provide a network of supportive allies for LGBTQ students. Applying the Sociological Imagination to Same-Sex Marriage ", Two Houston universities listed among worst campuses for LGBTQ students, Here's what Christian colleges have to say about LGBTQ issues, "As such, students are to live in accordance with the birth sex gifted them by their Creator. Sexual acts of any kind outside the confines of marriage are contrary to the teachings and moral values of the Catholic Church. Do senior administrators (e.g., chancellor, president, vice-president, academic deans, senior diversity officer) explicitly ", The Controversial Reason Some Religious Colleges Forgo Federal Funding, Gay Student Says He Was Rejected From College After Coming Out, Hobby Lobby employee visits HLGU as controversy surrounds religious freedom laws, Waivers Allowing Christian Schools To Ban LGBT Students Spike In 2015, Employee handbook reads: "Misuses of Gods gift will be understood to include, but will not be limited to, sexual abuse, sexual harassment, sexual assault, incest, adultery, fornication, and homosexual acts. incorporate topics around sexual orientation? selection process for returning students? As a result, Grove City College is not compliant with nondiscrimination protections under Title IX and not qualified for federal grants, loans or any form of federal financial assistance. Because the Bible teaches that homosexuality is a sin (Lev. ", "We avoid the following in view of scriptural values and principles concerning living lives of worship unto God, which includes all breaks and holidays and whether the student or employee is on or off campus: Any Scripturally prohibited sexual behavior including: adultery, fornication, any physical contact producing sexual stimulation, homosexuality, lesbianism, transgenderism, or romanticized same-sex relationships, visiting sexually oriented businesses, sexting through email, text, cellphone, digital apps or any other form of communication (see page 57). We believe that God blesses submission to and acceptance of His created design. A. Religious Affiliation: BaptistDenomination: Independent Baptist (unaffiliated). By contrast, followers of Jesus Christ will repent and flee from sinful attitudes or actions such as: Sexual sins: immorality, lust, adultery, homosexuality, immodesty, orgies, pornography, sexual violence (Leviticus 18, Colossians 3:5, Romans 1:24-27). The university affirms this biblical view because of the relational, procreative, and societal good that biblical marriage provides. ", "All residential housing is single gender occupancy. Largest land conservation effort faces . identifying hate crimes, hate crime prevention and how to report and respond to bias incidents and hate crimes? Title IX - Concordia University Texas Wysza Szkoa Biznesu - National Louis University w Nowym Sczu. result of student safety concerns? comparable to married, different-sex couples? welcoming to students who identify outside of the gender binary) as a standard option available through the on-campus room Persons who choose to become part of the Carson-Newman family are expected to embrace moral, ethical and Biblical values on and off campus. Does your collegiate recreation department/program have an ongoing network of visible people on campus who identify They include, but are not limited to, the following: Premarital, extramarital, homosexual, or other immoral sexual behavior", "Any form of sexual immorality such as pornography, fornication, adultery, homosexuality, or bisexual conduct is sinful and outside of Gods design for sexual intimacy (Lev 18:1-30; Romans 1:18-29). For this reason, God gave them over to degrading passions; for their women exchanged the natural function for that which is unnatural, and in the same way also the men abandoned the natural function of the woman and burned in their desire toward one another, men with men committing indecent acts and receiving in their own persons the due penalty for their error (Rom. ", "Gods design of marital intimacy becomes the foundation for our understanding of all acts of sexuality outside of a heterosexual monogamous marriage. OPBs critical reporting and inspiring programs are made possible by the power of member support. We Asked, Y(O)U Answered: LGBTQ+ and Ally Student Insights on the LGBTQ+ Discussion at YU, YU Announces New LGBTQ Inclusivity Policies, Denies LGBTQ Club Formation, New York County Supreme Court case filed YU Pride Alliance et al v. YESHIVA UNIVERSITY et al, Second class citizens: LGBTQ students allege culture of alienation and fear at Yeshiva University. Religious Affiliation: PentecostalDenomination: International Pentecostal Holiness Church. Westminster Seminary Californiahas qualified for the Worst List because it holds an exemption to Title IX, allowing the college to discriminate against its students on the basis of sexual orientation, gender identity, marital status, pregnancy or receipt of abortion while still receiving federal funds. Does your campus allow housing and residence life staff with non-student same-sex partners to live together in residence Freed-HardemanUniversityhas qualified for the Worst List because it holds an exemption to Title IX in order to discriminate against its students on the basis ofsexual orientation, gender identity, marital status, pregnancy or receipt of abortion while still receiving federal funds. Religious Affiliation: PentecostalDenomination: Christian. LAMBDA grants awards designed to "As such, this institution regards the sex at birth as the identification of the given biological gender of every member of this institution. We will call students to sexual purity in identity, thought and deed (I Cor.6:9-11). Arizona Christian University Catalog 2019-2021 states: "We believe any form of sexual immorality (including adultery, fornication, homosexual conduct, bestiality, incest, or use of pornography) is sinful and offensive to God." Does your campus participate annually in at least one admission fair targeted toward LGBTQ prospective college students? Last year, a few months after Concordias Portland campus closed, the technology company HotChalk sued the university and others connected to it for more than $300 million. La Sierra University also holds an exemption to Title IX, allowing them to discriminate on the basis of sexual orientation while still receiving federal funds. American Indian College has qualified for the Worst List because it holds an exemption to Title IX in order to discriminate against its students on the basis of sexual orientation, gender identity, marital status, pregnancy or receipt of abortion while still receiving federal funds. Concordia offers more than 100 undergraduate, graduate and professional programs in an excellent academic and Christ-centered community that equips men and women for lives of learning, service and leadership in the church and world. Scripture teaches that sexual relations of any kind outside of heterosexual monogamous marriage adultery, fornication, homosexuality, bisexual, transgender, bestiality, incest, molestation, pornography, or any attempt to change the sex of ones birth - are inconsistent with the teaching of Scripture and Church history and therefore prohibited of those within the Christian faith. Services are free of charge, confidential and anonymous, and are offered in . Sexual misconduct including any form of extramarital sexual intercourse, inappropriate displays of affection or attention, lewd and indecent language or conduct, and homosexual behavior. Arlington Baptist University has qualified for the Worst List because it holds an exemption to Title IX in order to discriminate against its students on the basis of sexual orientation and gender identity while still receiving federal funds. University Queer Programs - University of Kansas tenure process? incorporate topics around gender identity/expression? Does your campus make a concerted effort to incorporate LGBTQ issues into existing courses and/or do administrators/faculty trainings, camps, etc)? The Campus Pride Index is an overall indicator of institutional commitment to LGBTQ-inclusive policy, program and practice. Brigham Young University-Hawaii also holds an exemption to Title IXin order to discriminate against its students on the basis of gender identitywhile still receiving federal funds. LGBT prohibition. ", "Scripture expressly forbids certain sexual behaviors, including, but not limited to: fornication, adultery, incest, and homosexual acts (Ex 20:14; Lev 18:7-23, 20:10-21; Matt 5:27-28; Rom 1:20-27; 1 Cor 6:9; Gal 5:19; Eph 4:17-19; Col 3:5). Here's your handy list of schools to avoid if you're an LGBT student. participate on an on-going basis in campus-wide LGBTQ events and activities (e.g., Ally events, Safe Zone/Safe Space, Trans Harding's Title IX Exemption: Is it hateful and discriminatory? ", "Some sexual actions are always prohibited in the Bible including, but not limited to, fornication, adultery, homosexuality, transgender identification, bestiality/zoophilia, prostitution, rape, and sinful lust in all forms. Religious Affiliation: EvangelicalDenomination: Evangelical Free Church of America. These prohibitions are clearly understood to be biblical commands that are binding upon every Christian believer. Ensign College also holds an exemption to Title IX, allowing them to discriminate on the basis of sexual orientation and gender identity while still receiving federal funds. Kentucky Mountain BibleCollegehas qualified for the Worst List because it holds an exemption to Title IX in order to discriminate against its students on the basis ofsexual orientation, gender identity, marital status, pregnancy or receipt of abortion while still receiving federal funds. SGW: 514-848-2424, ext. A pre-seminary student who came out of the closet as gay during his . Students are expected to use the dorms and bathrooms of their gender. annually to educate students, faculty and/or staff on LGBTQ issues and concerns? 2022's Most LGBTQ-Friendly Cities - Lawnstarter Ranking "In light of this, we do not support or affirm: marriage of any kind other than marriage between one man and one woman; sexual relations of any kind outside the confines of marriage between one man and one woman; resolution or attempted resolution of tension between ones biological birth sex and ones expression of gender by the adoption of a psychological identity discordant with ones biological birth sex; changes or attempts to change ones given biological birth sex via medical intervention in favor of the identity of the opposite sex or of an indeterminate identity. Concordia University students learned on Monday that the school will close in May. Does your campus make a concerted effort to incorporate LGBTQ issues into existing courses and/or do administrators/faculty oSTEM, Out Lawyers Association)? Does your collegiate recreation department/program have resources (e.g., books, manuals, magazines, videos, brochures, Healths Standards of Care? We believe that God has commanded that sexual activity be exclusively reserved to a man and a woman who are legally married to each other; and that, Scripture forbids any form of sexual immorality including adultery, fornication, homosexuality, bestiality, incest, and use of pornography, (Matt. Southwestern Christian University has qualified for the Worst List because it expelled a lesbian student for marrying another woman. ", Belmont Abbey College Misrepresents Church Teaching to Discriminate Against Trans Students, LGBT group: Shame on Belmont Abbey College, Eight Carolinas colleges included on Shame List for LGBT discrimination, Being true to yourself: Alums reflect on sexuality in college life, coping and finding a niche, Bethel College granted waiver from protections for GLBT students, employees, Recent graduate claims LGBTQ discrimination and states he lost his on-campus job because he is gay, What Its Like to Be Gay at a Christian CollegeWhere Its a Reportable Offense, Student Handbook in sharing disciplinary standards of conduct states that: "Scripture specifically forbids drunkenness, adultery, and fornication (defined as cohabitation and/or premarital sexual relations of both a heterosexual and/or a homosexual nature). The seminary may take disciplinary action should the standard of ethical and personal conduct be violated. 5:19-21; 1 Thess. Does your campus provide a visible reporting mechanism for LGBTQ students to share roommate conflicts or housing

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