advanced apex specialist superbadge step 3 advanced apex specialist superbadge step 3
List EquipmentIDListUpdate = new List(); All I did was remove some of the checkboxes ( and it worked! }, Challenge 2 : Synchronize Salesforce data with an external system maintenanceNew.Type = 'Other'; insert vehicleList; check the solution martland has linked, lemme know if it is working fin Renee has asked you to create new unit tests. system.debug(newRoutineMaintenanceVehicleRecordIDList +newRoutineMaintenanceVehicleRecordIDList); 2. Generic Doubly-Linked-Lists C implementation. maintenanceCycle=EMIRecord.Equipment__r.Maintenance_Cycle__c; I worked through the Exam Prep guidelines. As bejng the solo running admin to this page i might not be able to update the solutions on short notice. Hot Network Questions On what basis are pardoning decisions made by presidents or governors when exercising their pardoning power? Connect on telegram if you again face a similar issue, Hi jaffer. I sit in this empty woom. Parabolic, suborbital and ballistic trajectories all follow elliptic paths. Vehicle__C vehicle = createVehicle(); Vehicle__c=vehicleId); if((oneCase.status==closed) && (oneCase.type==Repair || oneCase.type==Routine Maintenance)) { } We could not find the class MaintenanceRequestHelperTest using assertions in the unit tests. pr.Maintenance_Cycle__c = (Integer)productMap.get(maintenanceperiod); insert vehicle; Express Script Pharmacy Technician jobs - Indeed Where can I find a clear diagram of the SPECK algorithm? pthakkar92/Advanced-Apex-Specialist-Superbadge - Github if(vehicleToEquipmentMap.get(MRRecord.Vehicle__c)!=null){ setIdCases.add(caseInList.Id); As bejng the solo running admin to this page i might not be able to update the solutions on short notice. Duration. Process Automation Specialist step 7 no work. } Map mapOldCasesWithNewCases = createNewCases(caseList); linkEquipmentsToNewCases(mapOldCasesWithItems,mapOldCasesWithNewCases); Step 1 : Install this unmanaged package. Guardian Pharmacy of Marietta 3.1. Trailmixes. }. Test scheduling logic to confirm action gets queued. for(AggregateResult res :wpc){ Please find the link to telegram group on the homepage! case cs = new case(Type=REPAIR, for(Integer i_fail = 0; i_fail < 300; i_fail ++){ Use the naming conventions specified in the requirements document to ensure a successful deployment. system.assert(newReq.Subject != null); test.stopTest(); list allRequests = [select id Help with Superbadge Service Cloud Specialist step 4, How a top-ranked engineering school reimagined CS curriculum (Ep. The Spine Wellness Center offers a one-stop approach with collaboration between physiatrists, neurosurgeons, pain specialists, behavioral health specialists, neurologists, physical therapists, exercise physiologists, and nutritionists all under the same roof. 100 Pearl Street, Hartford, CT 06103 Contact Us. } Equipment_Maintenance_Item__c newItem = new Equipment_Maintenance_Item__c(); What better way to spend this ancient celebration of family, love, and getting high as the sky than going to Burge and taking a Market2Go containers worth of cannabis brownies back to your traditional family home, dorm room, or alleyway? In addition to being critical for quality assurance, Apex unit tests are also requirements for deploying and distributing Apex. newItems.add(i1); She graduated from Siena College with a Bachelor of Science degree in Biology and a minor in Psychology.; Choose the Tab (orObject) you want torenameand clickEdit. 300 Post Road West Suite 101. Thanks for contributing an answer to Salesforce Stack Exchange! Why don't we use the 7805 for car phone chargers? newCase.Vehicle__c = c.Vehicle__c; } Currently there arent any specific certification related to health cloud. from case Reply STOP to cancel, HELP for help. Dr. Kruger is a specialist in spinal surgery. Set setIdCases = new Set(); for(Integer i_fail = 0; i_fail < 300; i_fail ++){ // ToDo: Call MaintenanceRequestHelper.updateWorkOrders }. The best answers are voted up and rise to the top, Not the answer you're looking for? Profile p = [SELECT Id FROM Profile WHERE Name=Standard User]; result.put((Id)res.get(cID),addDays); id equipmentId = equipment.Id; System.debug(vehicleId+ +equipmentId); case somethingToUpdate = createMaintenanceRequest(vehicleId,equipmentId); Case newCase = new Case(); newCases.put(oneCase.Id, newRoutineCase); cas.Status = 'Closed'; to use Codespaces. List secondList = new List(); Account acc = [SELECT Id, Name FROM Account WHERE Name = test LIMIT 1]; List newCaseList = new List(); maintenanceNew.Vehicle__c = vehicle.Id; else if(maintenanceCycle > EMIRecord.Equipment__r.Maintenance_Cycle__c){ update requestList; Http http = new Http(); newVehicle.Name = Dummy Vehicle; public static Product2 buildEquipment(){ Refer to the Apex Specialist Superbadge: Trailhead Challenge Help document for detailed resources and documentation. from Equipment_Maintenance_Item__c openxr example. I will look into it surely Thanks, Please leave a comment once you update the code, Could u specifically mention if one challenge has changed or entire superbadge set, Check the code mentioned by Laendor n lemme know if it works. Does a password policy with a restriction of repeated characters increase security? from Case newCase.Date_Due__c = todayDate.addDays(numberOfDays); id vehicleId = vehicle.Id; Product2 equipment = createEq(); I think you should focus on gaining more of hands on experiences in handling scenarios similar to those in health cloud domain. Alternatively you can join our telegram group for technical discussions among industry professionals. for(case req : requestList){ Please newCase.Status=closed; I'm having a really hard time finishing this challenge. newCase.Type=typeCase; Start a discussion in the forum to get straight-up answers. What this repository contains: Four top-level folders, one for each Trailhead superbadge that Salesforce requires completion for to earn the Platform Developer II certification, as well as miscellaneous Apex classes/metadata at the project root: Advanced Apex Specialist Apex Specialist Aura Components Specialist Data Integration Specialist Go to Setup > Apex Classes > Schedule a job like below: Edit the following in the Developer console. }. return Vehicle; } apex specialist superbadge - why were some of the athenian slaves educated? rev2023.5.1.43405. for this code: @isTest }. Continuing my quest with trailhead#SeizetheTrail , the last one in my list is theAdvanced Apex Specialist Superbadge. HttpRequest request = new HttpRequest(); Refresh the page, check. for(Case MRRecord: newList){ For almost year and a half, Chirag led one of the hardest and most complex CPQ . // List caselist = [Select count(id) from case where case] SYSTEM.assertEquals(newReq.ProductId, equipmentId); Making statements based on opinion; back them up with references or personal experience. Step 1 :Install this unmanaged package. System.assertEquals(1000,caseList.size()); for(Case cas:caseList){ } Apex specialist superbadge challenge 4. Dr. David Kruger - Spinal Surgeon - Advanced Orthopedics New England newEMIRecord.Quantity__c=EMIRecord.Quantity__c; Your email address will not be published. The challenge is expecting to find the closed Maintenance Request plus an New Maintenance Request of type Routine Maintenance with the same Vehicle as the closed one. } from case]; Equipment_Maintenance_Item__c workPart = [select id, ApexGUISchedulable Apex, [] [] [Apex] Apex , GUISalesforce APEX. Department of Orthopedic Surgery at St. Francis Hospital and Medical Center As one of the Northeasts most innovative and advanced centers of care, the Spine Wellness Center offers a new approach to caring for people with spine ailments. newCase.Comments = New comment!;, @isTest Pain Medicine. } I cant understand how this can possibly work as you have Product-Ids available a the Key. insert contact; Vehicle__c vehicle = new Vehicle__c(); maintenanceCycle=EMIRecord.Equipment__r.Maintenance_Cycle__c; Method does not exist or incorrect signature: void CreateData(Integer, Integer, Integer, String) from the type MaintenanceRequestHelper. I dont see why there would be a Equipment__c lookup established with the Maintenance Request (Case) Object here, since the ERD clearly shows that the link is with the Equipment Maintenance Item Object (which can be found in the related list). insert equipmentList; for(integer i = 0; i < 300; i++){ if(!newRoutineMaintenanceVehicleRecordIDList.contains(MRRecord.Vehicle__c)) Ever. Please update challenge 6 as well as all the related material. newCase.Vehicle__c=vehicleId; newEquipment.Replacement_Part__c = true; public static Case buildCase(Id vehicleId, String typeCase, String subjectCase){ AOA Medical School Honor Society, Clinical Associate Department of Orthopedic Surgery UCONN Medical School, Fear of spinal surgery and surgery outcomes. ;//on 1 pmSystem.schedule(WarehouseSyncScheduleTest, sch, new WarehouseSyncSchedule());}}, @isTestpublic class MaintenanceRequestTest {, @isTest static void testMaintenanceRequest(){, List maintenanceList=new List();List maintenanceListAfterClosed=new List();Vehicle__c vehicle=new Vehicle__c(Name=tata sumo,Air_Conditioner__c=true,Model__c=23Test);insert vehicle;Product2 equipment=new Product2(Name=tire,Cost__c=100,Current_Inventory__c =10,Replacement_Part__c=true,Warehouse_SKU__c =test,Lifespan_Months__c =10,Maintenance_Cycle__c=10);insert equipment;for(Integer i=1;i<=300;i++){Case maintenance=new Case(Subject=Test subject+i,Type=Routine Maintenance+i,Status=New+i,Origin=Phone+i,Equipment__c=equipment.Id,Vehicle__c=vehicle.Id);maintenanceList.add(maintenance);}insert maintenanceList;// system.assertEquals(300, maintenanceList.size());for(Case caseupdate:maintenanceList){caseupdate.Status=Closed;caseupdate.Type=Routine Maintenance;caseupdate.Date_Due__c=date.Today().addDays(Integer.valueOf(equipment.Maintenance_Cycle__c));maintenanceListAfterClosed.add(caseupdate);}Test.startTest();//UPDATE maintenanceListAfterClosed;//Bulk insert updateDatabase.SaveResult[] updatequipment = Database.update(maintenanceListAfterClosed);Test.stopTest();for(Database.SaveResult sa:updatequipment){System.assert(sa.isSuccess());}}}, @isTestglobal class WarehouseCalloutServiceMock implements HttpCalloutMock {// implement http mock callout//Mock responce created to test the call outglobal HttpResponse respond(HttpRequest request){System.assertEquals(', request.getEndpoint());System.assertEquals(GET, request.getMethod());HttpResponse response = new HttpResponse();response.setHeader(Content-Type, application/json);response.setBody([{_id:55d66226726b611100aaf741,replacement:false,quantity:5,name:Generator 1000 kW,maintenanceperiod:365,lifespan:120,cost:5000,sku:100003}]);response.setStatusCode(200);return response;}}, @isTestprivate class WarehouseCalloutServiceTest {// implement your mock callout test here@isTest static void TestWarehouseCalloutService() {Test.startTest();//mock respoonseTest.setMock(HttpCalloutMock.class, new WarehouseCalloutServiceMock());WarehouseCalloutService.runWarehouseEquipmentSync();Test.stopTest();}}, @isTest static void WarehousescheduleTest(){. No way. Issue with Superbadge Apex Specialist Step 5? Superbadge Process Automation Specialist Full Solutions. Why does Acts not mention the deaths of Peter and Paul? i wanted to excel myself in healthcloud domain of salesforce as i have started badges of that domain on trailhead Any help appreciated! product.Replacement_Part__c = true; Automate record creation using Apex | by Shiv Shankar | Medium Write Sign up Sign In 500 Apologies, but something went wrong on our end. Alowne, wittewally clawing at my confines. Help with Superbadge Service Cloud Specialist step 4 GROUP BY Maintenance_Request__r.ID ]; Case newCase = new Case(); The same woman who outlined the theories of the family structure to you at 9:30 this morning is now benching 225 lbs without even breaking that much of a sweat? Site design / logo 2023 Stack Exchange Inc; user contributions licensed under CC BY-SA. Laendor code is not working. maintenanceNew.Date_Due__c =; caseList.add(maintenanceNew); Hey pratap! Please help me out, have you solved this if yes please help me, i have already used Queueable interface for WarehouseCalloutService class now i m stuck on step 5 with Test class WarehouseCalloutServiceTest , can you please help me with Test class code ,underlying is the Queueable interface code of WarehouseCalloutService class. use the Insert method to call all the construct methods and then insert the records returned from those methods. Monday to Friday +2. public static String CRON_EXP = 0 0 0 15 3 ? Click Buttons, Links and Actions. Product2 pr = new Product2(); Most of the other answers I found online also keep pointing to this Equipment__c field, which doesnt exist. For more information, click here. emiListToBeUpdated.add(e); public static void setupTest(){ @isTest ), Press J to jump to the feed. return cs; All these codes are working 100% and run smoothly to help you achieve the below shiny badge. Superbadge Process Automation Specialist Full Solutions. +13,000 points ~12 hrs App Builder Super Set Superbadge Complete the capstone assessment to earn the App Builder Super Set. System.assert(numberAllCases==600); newCase.Type=typeCase; 'Apex Specialist' is one of the superbadges of Salesforce trailhead(A New Approach to Learning Salesforce). Case maintenanceNew = new Case(); System.debug(*** Updated cases: +caseToUpdate.size()); Integer numberAllCases = (Integer) [SELECT COUNT(Id) conteggio FROM Case WHERE Date_Reported__c = TODAY][0].get(conteggio); } Thanks again buddy. maintenanceNew.AccountId = acc.Id; This is Apex Specialist Superbadge Solution Step 4Sorry, For developer Console Issue.For Code :- You. The region and polygon don't match. Build complex business logic using advanced Apex and Visualforce programming techniques. // ToDo: Call MaintenanceRequestHelper.updateWorkOrders Try the same thing. Data Integration Specialist Superbadge - Step 7 issue. Create a free website or blog at insert equipment; List newCases = new List(); list requestList = new list(); I am not able understand the issue, can you please help?? insert emptyReq; Equipment_Maintenance_Item__c workP = createWorkPart(equipmentId, emptyReq.Id); Map
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