what happened to aurora in the originalswhat happened to aurora in the originals

what happened to aurora in the originals what happened to aurora in the originals

Using the siphoned magic, the telekinetically opens the sarcophagus and pushes Aurora into it, shutting it behind her. Ben believes they want it to raise his father, but he's wrong. Thanks to the blue calamus, her mind is unguarded. Aurora believes otherwise. It turns out The Originals are a lot like the Aristocats everybody wants to be one. In a motel room, Hope and Lizzie imprison Aurora in enchanted chains. When Elijah realizes Aurora's plan to kill him and let Klaus watch, Aurora gets nervous and cocks the gun, ready to shoot him. Camille, not knowing who Aurora was or why she had abducted her, asked to let the men go and deal with just her since she seemed to have a problem with her. Aurora quips about it being a flair for the dramatic, but it is in fact the desire to kill the tribrid. Lizzie tells her that she's no better than Klaus Mikaelson and if she goes through with it, then she'll be no better than she is. While he prepared a Regent to activate the Serratura, she remained resting. However she was killed by Ken and now there are no remaining members of the Trinity. Ben begs to differ and believes they can work together. He demanded her to make weapons for the gods, but she refused to make something that takes a life. Since the tree is gone, she needs inspiration for what to do next. Lizzie quips that it doesn't matter. Rebecca Elizabeth Breeds (born 17 June 1987) is an Australian actress, known for her roles as Cassie Cometti in the third series of Blue Water High, as series regular Ruby Buckton in the soap opera Home and Away, Aurora de Martel in The Originals and its spin-off Legacies, and as recurring character Nicole in seasons 6 and 7 of Pretty Little Liars.In 2021, Breeds was cast as Clarice Starling . Hope believes they're evenly matched, but Aurora doubts that. Aurora muses that she has the body of the tribrid and doesn't need help, however, Lizzie explains that she just snuck up on her while Hope is in control of her thousand-year-old vampire body. Lizzie opens a small door, revealing her face. Tristan de Martel | The Vampire Diaries Wiki | Fandom Aurora has the typical weaknesses of a non-Original vampire. But in the original story of Sleeping Beauty, the Princess is not swept off her feetshe's raped in her sleep . Driver dies in fatal rollover crash on northbound Interstate 225 Aurora admitted that she hasn't felt pain since the 1700's. They know where the key is, though Lizzie doesn't know if they should be doing this, given the information Jen has given them about her father. Not much is known about Aurora's childhood other that her mother died while giving birth to her and as a result she didn't celebrate her birthday at all. Coincidentally, one of Jen's many phones rings out. That is Lizzie's pattern and she needs to break it to learn to be alone and to like the person she is enough to spend time with herself without having to be distracted. Using the sire bond, Lizzie is forced to drive a stake into her chest, though Lizzie overcomes the sire bond, missing her heart. Aurora wasted no time explaining her extremely personal vendetta against Hope, that she was furious when she found out Klaus "took the coward's way out" for her. Following her introduction, she begins questioning the students. She gives Hope a head start, but pulls a second blade from her back. The Originals Recap: Another Mikaelson Christmas Ends in Tragedy - TVLine He's sure that manipulating her is the one part of this plan that he's certain he will help them achieve. An occupational hazard. He was so intent on destroying him that he was blind to the true enemy in his midst; his daughter. Aurora believes that his time in a metal coffin has made him paranoid. He is the most powerful being in existence, yet when he was awoken, he heard of a girl claiming the same title. Hope begs her not to do this. Aurora agrees to wait until she arrives, however, she's attacked from behind by Ben and knocked unconscious and taken. They want to raise the time god, Chronos, as they'd know him as. Aurora doesn't trust him, though Ben tells them that they're trying to trick a god. He needs confirmation that all the things she has told him are true. Hope agrees to Lizzie's deal. Due to her involvement in unlinking the sirelines, Aurora killing Camille, and entering Klaus' life as an enemy, Klaus felt the need to have her contained in a brick wall. If it means what he thinks it does, then there's something he must attend to. Aurora displayed signs of mental instability as a human. Aurora already knows what to do with her, but Hope doesn't back down. Aurora finds her hypocrisy adorable as it's clear she's planned to cheat and laid a trap for him. And on Friday's episode, two evil wannabes finally made their . However, on their wedding night, Phillip is killed by an evil sorcerer, Maleficent. Lizzie realizes she's already met her and admits that Aurora has one crazy plan. They fall in love and eventually marry. The after-effects of the compulsion only damaged her already fragile mind further. They seal their union in a kiss. Her dad has a way of bringing out the worst in people. Hope agrees and, joining hands, the two cast incendia, setting Aurora's body on fire. Their relationship was complicated, but she taught her that complicated doesn't mean broken. Upon waking, Aurora quickly realized why Klaus was upset and told him of Lucien and Tristan's secret alliance and their plan to utilize a cursed medallion to trap the Originals in an unbreakable barrier for all time, ensuring that nothing could harm them so the sirelines would never be killed as a result. Hope tells her that her humanity is off and guilt-tripping she won't work. No one knows what to do with her." So Aurora is dessicated somewhere in the Mikaelson mansion, and she'll probably stay there forever. Lizzie questions if she told Ben about the boon, and Aurora threatens to hang up. Klaus' crazy ex-girlfriend was able to do a number on his emotions, but like all sticky situations,. Aurora Teagarden, a librarian who solves crimes, had solved her most recent whodunit when Hallmark decided to end the " Aurora Teagarden Mysteries " series. The Originals premiered in October 2013 as the first spinoff of the highly popular show The Vampire Diaries. Lizzie explains to Hope that they don't need a plan B since Aurora has told them her plan, though Hope has gone through the trouble of creating a dark object. It doesn't matter either way to Jen, her father always gets what he wants, eventually. They know who she is and they need to know who else is sleeping in the coffins. After the torture, Tristan spoke to Aurora but was attacked by a healed Lucien, who, unknown to him, had been healed by Klaus' blood. Lizzie is surprised to find out that she betrayed her family. As Hope struggles to stand, Ken raises the spear to land a killing blow. Charged particles entered our atmosphere and interacted with oxygen and nitrogen. He corrects himself, telling her that he wouldn't return her brother. Aurora points out how she's trying to compare the loss of a hair accessory to the physical and emotional torment that she endured. Aurora, seeing a new kinship with Klaus, proposed that they shoulder each other's pain, and never speak of it again. Cleo learns of her line of questioning and jumps ahead, seeking her out. The Originals Season 3 Fall Finale Recap: Aurora's Revenge on Klaus Is In the woods, Hope listens in as the wolves scream out in pain. Aurora's greatest ruse yet. Hope lays Aurora on the ground, laying her head in her lap. With end in sight, Ken creates lightning in the palm of his hand and strikes Hope, sending her flying through the air. She became visibly disturbed when Lucien mentioned having Camille hostage and Klaus' feelings for her. Tired of her fantasy, Klaus spitefully told Aurora that she was just someone he left behind a thousand years ago, and that there was nothing between them anymore. The vengeful Aurora makes her move against Klaus and Elijah by using the captive Freya as bait to lure the originals into dangerous trap. Lucien then promised that he'll do everything to bring Tristan back, and if that fails, he'd kill Elijah himself and free Tristan from his suffering. She takes this as her cue to answer, though it's Lizzie and Jen. Later she was also compelled to believe that she was Rebekah. Klaus' heroic final act was a far cry from how he began the show, so there is full circle symmetry to his ending. Last time they met, he didn't put up much of a fight, but promised her that he won't be so easy to defeat this time. Aurora isn't threatened by her appearance as she's just a distraction. She furiously asked him about his proclamations of love but he countered that he would have kept his promises of love to her but that they were betrayed by her kidnapping his sister. After Jed leaves, Aurora confronts Ben at the Old Mill. She assumes each one of them is an essential part of her, of her will, her emotions, powers and inspiration. What happened to Aurora? : TheOriginals - Reddit Hope doesn't care and stabs Aurora in the stomach. The Originals (season 3) - Wikipedia In You Hung the Moon, Aurora was happy and enjoying a rare visit with her brother, Tristan, during which time they practiced sword-fighting together. The look on his face and betrayal. Lizzie berates her for not being able to follow simple directions. She was very resistant to pain infliction spells. Lizzie attempts to cut into Ben's torso, but stops short. In The Other Girl in New Orleans, Aurora brought the captive Camille to St. Anne's church, wanting to have a conversation. Aurora didn't need to look at that map, but she did anyway. Originals Recap: 'An Awful Lot of Death'. We got to see him for a little while in season 3 but he didn't last long as usual. She believes that she is the awful one with the rest of her family, unlike the contrived little sob story she shared. She wonders why Lizzie saved her. Now she wonders if her brother Tristan had done the same. They have profound trust issues. Hope said "That's my dad's crazy ex. Originals Recap: 'An Awful Lot of Death'. Ken still hears the rage in her voice. A monk handed her a piece of paper, and, upon reading the note written on it, she slit the monk's throat in a fit of rage with her fingernails. Hope has to help her clean up the mess she made and save her dad. Aurora knows Ken is coming and they need to make this quick. Since the beginning of the series in 2015, Bure has featured in more than a dozen films, but Aurora Teagarden Mysteries: Haunted By Murder, which premiered in February 2022, was her last. Lizzie doesn't believe so because what Aurora refuses to see is that Tristan was the problem. The extra gut punch is. After more prodding from the Mikaelsons and a confrontation with Freya, Aurora soon revealed Rebekah's whereabouts to be under the ocean. Aurora attempts to goad her into helping her friends, but Hope ignores her. Aurora is a kind, elegant, graceful, angelic, loving, and gentle person, as well as a hopeless romantic. Aurora, learning of this from Elijah, asked to come with them, however Elijah refused, stating it was his family's burden. Instead, she wonders if her mind is sick, or has it just been another lie she's been told. 'The Originals' 3x09 recap: No easy way to say goodbye - Hypable She vamp speeds out of the car and aims the revolver at Aya, and tells her she's need in the mood to talk. She takes him to cemetery, telling him that she needs a solution to a problem; a way to kill the tribrid. She can hear all of them in the woods, the wolves and their very loud heartbeats. Also, it is asked, In which episode does Lucien die? All she needs to do is find out which one. Hope muses if they could skip the monologue to the part where she tells her why Ken didn't show up. Klaus intervenes while Hayley puts her hand on Aurora's heart. She already knows Lizzie and questions who the new person is. Aurora confronts Ben in the gym, seeing him lift a weight from the ground with his finger. We kick off the hour with Lucien offering Aurora a new chapter in life. What Happened To Aurora Teagardens Father? - aurorachasers.co Aurora explains that she can't function on her own and she's obsessively fixated on her sister and Hope. Her friends can handle themselves. She is also extremely loyal to her family, lover, and sire. Ken had made the flowers bloom hoping she'd like them. Lizzie doesn't believe this, though she points out that if monsters are real, then why not divine beings. She has teamed up with Aurora; however, she thinks that her centuries-long vendetta might have knocked a screw loose. Hope stands over Aurora's immobilized body. Lizzie was sure that she'd change. She was strong enough to hold on her own facing a powerful witch (, Aurora is jealous of Klaus' affection for. She's seen enough of it in her lifetime and wants no part in it anymore. Lizzie takes a seat across from Aurora, who wonders how she found her. Freya used magic to snap Aurora's neck and brought her to another room where Freya and Hayley tried to beat Rebekah's location out of her. In Heart Shaped Box, Freya tries a locator spell to find Aurora and she suddenly appears behind Freya, asking if she has been looking for her. Moreover, there's only a few people in the world that knows what the tree can be used for and demands to tell her who exactly she is and what she wants. Lizzie thinks so too, if it only leads them to Jen and the rest of the sleeping gods. Aurora returns to Jen's workshop, heading straight for the cargo container of sarcophagi. Aurora has the power of light and Life. His spirit, his indomitable will. She pledges to help him kill the tribrid in exchange for her brother. Lizzie tells her to stop stalling and questions what she has to put Hope down. As she wakes up, Jim pretends he doesn't know what has happened or how it came to be. Aurora dismisses it, believing that her family would have done the same in her day. Aurora de Martel | The Vampire Diaries Wiki | Fandom Hope believes that Aurora betrayed Triad and should have burned, but Aurora has merely manipulated Hope into killing them for her. Aurora was a member of the De Martel Family. Hope opens up the curtains and Aurora begins to burn in the sunlight. In response Klaus revealed his greatest sin: he murdered his mother in a fit of rage and framed his father for it, dooming his old family to a life on the run. However, the ultimate death sentence for a god came along. She explains that she came here because she needed a weapon that could kill the tribrid. So I will end his suffering by ending you -- his sire. She also tells her that the stake embedded in her hand is her weakness, Nature's loophole, and she gets to decide whether she lives or dies. Hope scoffs and questions if Ken really sent her into battle not knowing if his weapon would work. She could have been killed. She manages to strike Hope with the spear, though Hope believes she's had worse injuries. And the look on Niklaus' face as a white oak bullet pierces your heart and takes your life Will be the salve for my own broken heart.Aurora to Elijah in Heart Shaped Box. She then knocks the gun out of his hand and karate chops him in the leg, and he goes down. Hope explains that she's not talking to Tristan and turns her around to show her Lizzie who apologizes. 'Legacies' Recap: Season 4 Episode 8 'Originals - TVLine Such is the way of gods. In A Ghost Along the Mississippi, Klaus swore retaliation against Aurora for what she did to Cami. Ignoring her own hypocrisy and doing whatever it takes to win. This resonates with Lizzie but she brushes it off. Aurora watched as her childhood friend was killed. He was expecting to see Rebekah Mikaelsons' body, so . Aurora snaps her neck during Hayley's momentary pause. Aurora, devastated and confused by his words, couldn't stop Klaus from entering her mind and learning where she had dropped Rebekah in the ocean. AKA A steely special ops agent finds his morality put to the test when he infiltrates a crime syndicate and unexpectedly bonds with the boss' young son. Powerless to stop Malivore from ruining the world he had conquered. She explains that he sent her in his place, though Hope retorts about him having no honor. Some amazing photos being posted to various Aurora groups on Facebook. She wants to raise the god of time and then they can go back and fix what went wrong. Aurora's Family Now she understands why he will not make that mistake again. Aurora proceeds to laugh at what he's wearing. Klaus and Elijah, once a representation of morality and immortality's opposing . Hope explains that Aurora finally admitted that she loved her father and she deserves the honor, especially after the sacrifice she made. Aurora stands to leave, but Lizzie reminds her that she can't, she has the mad and she needs her to find the gods. Hope wants to know what it did to her father. She was the only member of the Trinity to appear in all of the first 10 episodes of season 3. He asked about her actions like recently killing the monk and admitted that he wished she had handled it better. She's been under her father's sway for centuries, desperate for even the smallest expression of love, only to be reminded time and time again of his cruelty. Over a. The spear is forged with god magic. Aurora continues to elaborate on her past. This makes her the first female vampire sired in history while Lucien is the first male vampire sired in history. Solar maximum is a peak in the sun's activity that happens around . She asks him to put her down and he does. Ken wants her to look into his mind so she can judge him for herself just as he's judged her brother through her stories. Aurora doesn't understand and Lizzie elaborates. Aurora's frustrated that she's keeping her at arm's length in regards to the direction and questions how she's tracking the gods when magic doesn't work on them. Jen tricked him and the rest of his children and because of it, he was imprisoned. Klaus arrived and tried to talk Aurora down from harming Camille by promising that Aurora was the woman he loved, not Cami. Removing her hand, she encourages her to go and finish this and to never forget who she is. Introducing herself, she is Aurora, Rebekah's first vampire of her sireline and her father's lover and greatest enemy. Shortly thereafter, word of the carnage the siblings were wreaking reached far enough to ensure Mikael's coming.

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