semantic elevation examples semantic elevation examples
The latest version of the Topographic Correspondence Hypothesis, which is called Sociotopographic Model, states that languages spoken in similar topographic environments tend to have similar systems of absolute spatial reference, whereby social and cultural factors also play a role (Palmer et al., 2017). In linguistics, amelioration is the upgrading or elevation of a word's meaning, as when a word with a negative sense develops a positive one. doi: 10.1017/upo9788175968875.011, Post, M. W. (2017). True- broadening can be caused by only linguistic. A Grammar of Movima. . Donaldson, T. (1980). The five major kinds of semantic change are: narrowing, broadening, amelioration, pejoration, and semantic reclamation. However, since we know that other elevational terms such as ABOVE or BELOW can, in principle, be employed within intrinsic and relative frames of reference, it is desirable in future research on elevational demonstratives to systematically test if there are any elevational demonstratives that can also be used in that way. Below, we will look at two different examples of pejoration: The word, 'silly', is a common example of pejoration. In the Hindu Kush-Himalayas region, elevational demonstratives have been found so far only in Sino-Tibetan languages and a few Indo-Aryan languages (e.g., Palula, see Heegrd and Liljegren, 2018 for more references). From a logical point of view there is no reason to exclude such usages, but their actual existence has yet to be proven by future research.4. Yu, N. (1998). It may also be referred to as semantic amelioration or semantic elevation. In Old and Middle English, the term was used to mean that someone was happy, or spiritually blessed. Semantic change - Wikipedia Two examples are logical and lexical semantics. The meaning of a word may also become taboo or is used as a euphemism, eg. (2012). The role of demonstratives in spatial cognition has been mainly investigated with respect to peripersonal space and distance as well as pointing, and the vast majority of controlled, experimental studies that I am familiar with examine languages with small demonstrative systems (English, Dutch, Italian, Spanish, Hungarian, Turkish, etc.). A Grammar of Abui: A Papuan Language of Alor. 3:212. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2012.00212, Bryant, F. J., Tversky, B., and Franklin, N. (1992). It has been hypothesized several times that there is a correlation between the presence of elevational demonstratives and the location of the speech community, more specifically, that the respective languages are spoken in hilly or mountainous areas (e.g., Imai, 2003, pp. Spatial Deixis. Diessel, H. (2012). When functioning as demonstrative determiners, they can be employed with nouns such as vnu(=a) day, atade(=e) week, vgam(=e) month, or lalng(=a) year, whereby demonstratives can precede or follow the noun (27). 9 Most Important Types of Semantic Changes in "English" For example, broadcast originally meant "to cast seeds out"; with the advent of radio and television, the word was extended to indicate the transmission of audio and video signals. They can also be general as in Usan and applied in the local domain (14). In the Caucasus, only East Caucasian languages, and in Ethiopian Highlands only some Omotic languages possess elevational demonstratives. Definition and Usage of the French Word 'Enchant', Definition and Examples of Word Boundaries, 6 Common Myths About Language and Grammar, Word Play: Having Fun With the Sounds and Meanings of Words, Five Words That May Not Mean What You Think They Mean, Ph.D., Rhetoric and English, University of Georgia, M.A., Modern English and American Literature, University of Leicester, B.A., English, State University of New York. For example, if I say . This example sentence uses the word 'sick' in the sense of 'mentally unwell, ill'. No use, distribution or reproduction is permitted which does not comply with these terms. Woldemariam, H. (2001). Furthermore, a number of languages spoken on volcanic islands of Southeast Asia have elevational demonstratives. 1, first person; 2, second person; 3, third person; A, most agent-like argument of a transitive verb; ABL, ablative; ABS, absolutive; ACC, accusative; ACT.FOC, action focus; ADD, additive focus; ART, article; AZR, adjectivalizer; CERT, certainty; CLF, nominal class; CMPL, completive aspect; COMP, comparative; COOR, coordinator; COP, copula; CQ, content question; CTR, contrastive; CURR.REL, current relevance; D, d-classifier; DAT, dative; DEM, demonstrative; DERIV, derivational affix; DOWN, down(ward); DST, distal; DU dual, number; DUR, durative; DXVB, deictic verb; EMPH, emphasis; EXIS, existential; F, feminine; FUT, future; GEN, genitive; H, hearer; IMP, imperative; INCL, inclusive; INST, instrumental; IPFV, imperfective; IRR, irrealis; ITER, iterative; LOC, locative; M, masculine; MAN, manner; MIR, mirative; N, neuter; NMLZ, nominalizer; NON.FUT, non-future; NPST, non-past; NSG, non-singular; PFV, perfective; PL, plural; PN, proper name; POL, polite; PROG, progressive; PROX, proximal; PROXH, hearer-proximal; PROXS, speaker-proximal; PRS, present; PRT, particle; PST, past tense; PURP, purposive; REL, marker of relative clause; REMPST, remote past tense; REP, reported; RN.TOP, relator noun with the meaning top; S, speaker; SG, singular; SR, subordinator; SUB, subject; SUBJ, subject cross-referencing; TAG, tag particle; TOPIC, topic; TSR, temporal subordinator; UP, up(ward); VIS, visible; VOC, vocative. This can be taken as another way of the default co-expression of elevation with further distance as opposed to proximity or middle distance. (1982). How many types of semantic changes are there? Based on the descriptions that I consulted it is not always possible to determine if an elevational system falls into the one or the other category. Amelioration (word meanings). Furthermore, the importance of the peripersonal sphere is linguistically reflected by elevational demonstratives because they predominantly co-express distance as opposed to proximity to the speaker. Speakers showed some reluctance to use the royal up when the referent was a dog because in the local Muslim culture dogs are not appreciated. doi: 10.1016/j.cognition.2014.03.016, PubMed Abstract | CrossRef Full Text | Google Scholar, Bickel, B. (1980). Linguist. Examples (1)(4) illustrate all four contexts. 57, 322), and thus Dyirbal belongs to the (b) subtype. Therefore, human beings are faster at retrieving the names of objects located along the vertical axis than along the other two axes (Bryant et al., 1992). We've discussed examples of the different types of semantic change. The Structure of Kiranti Languages. The expression 'terrific headache' as in 'severe headache' first appeared in 1809. MacDonald, L. (1990). Levinson, S. C. (2003). Doctoral dissertation, University of Jena, Jena. The list of languages, schematic overviews of the elevational demonstrative systems together with genealogical and geographical information on the area where the languages are spoken and references are given in the Supplementary Appendix Table A12. Hafniensia 50, 129160. The demonstrative system of Kewapi (Yarapea, 2006, p. 77). Amelioration is a term used to describe when a words meaning changed from negative to positive. This means that among the languages studied for this paper there might be languages that are actually not extremely different from English, but for which the author of the grammar has reasons to assume that a morphologically and semantically complex expression translates with, e.g., up-there or upthere, constitutes a single lexical item. Omotic, in The Afroasiatic Languages, eds Z. Frajzyngier and E. Shay (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press), 423504. Makalero and Tidore do not have genuine elevational adverbial demonstratives, and the adverbial function is fulfilled by demonstrative verbs (5). Reesink, G. P. (2000). By the mid-fifteenth century, the adjective 'pretty' was used to describe something or someone 'beautiful in a slight way, good looking' which is the meaning we still have for 'pretty' now. Geomorphic coding in Palula and Kalasha. Bachelors thesis, Australian National University, Canberra. Because of this (usual) unambiguity of locations along the vertical axis, the anchor point of an observer can shift without difficulty (we will see below what repercussions this has for elevational demonstratives). This means that FURTHER is equated with UP and NEARER with DOWN. For example, the verb 'to starve' originally meant 'to die'; however, it was frequently used in sentences about hunger. Logical semantics is the study of reference (the symbolic relationship between language and real-world objects) and implication (the relationship between two sentences). 21, 457491. doi: 10.1515/9783110852394-016. Today, the original meanings of the word are still in use: I'm sorry, I can't come to work today. Nez, R., Cooperrider, K., Doan, D., and Wassmann, J. Typically this process occurs due to different extralinguistic reasons, such as cultural and worldview changes occurring. According to Schackow (2015, p. 187), the /u/-forms combine with the proximal demonstrative (singular na, non-singular kha), but not with the distal or anaphoric demonstratives (Table 11). However, the categorization of Blank (1998) has gained increasing acceptance: . For example, in Shakespeare's time, actors were living in the low class of society and were looked down upon. For example, in Makalero (Alor-Pantar, East Timor) nominal and verbal demonstratives are derived from the same bound roots by means of the nominalizer -r- and the verbalizer (glottal stop; Table 3). An old lady with short white hair who usually wears a red coat. Typol. Doctoral dissertation, University of Amsterdam, Amsterdam. doi: 10.1017/9781108333818.002. Narrowing can also be referred to as semantic specialisation or semantic restriction. For the (b) subtypes, the question can be asked what the nature of the elevational morpheme is, in particular, whether they are themselves deictic or non-deictic. English up can co-occur with adverbial demonstratives (up there) and verbs (climb up). Amelioration is a type of semantic change that elevates a word's meaning over time, so that a word that previously had a negative meaning develops a positive one. In those languages that optionally or obligatorily conjoin elevational meanings with distance, it is almost always the distal demonstratives that express elevation, whereas medial or proximal demonstratives can lack elevational distinctions. In Old English, the word dizzy meant what? This word was first used to describe someone foolish then changed to mean someone nice and selfless instead. G. Senft (Canberra: Pacific Linguistics), 127137. In Iaai, the elevationals are in complementary distribution with other items that also convey compass points. This hints at one major problem concerning research on elevational demonstratives. While amelioration is a process in which a word that used to have a more negative meaning develops a more positive one over time, pejoration occurs when the once positive meaning of a word changes into a more negative one. A synonym for broadening is semantic generalisation. (1989). In Yakkha, a spider can be referred to as being on the downhill side of the speaker, even if it is located on the same elevation level as the speaker and thus factually not lower than the deictic center (Schackow, 2015, pp. 11:1712. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2020.01712. Ratliff, M. (2019). Topography in language: absolute frame of reference and the topographic correspondence hypothesis, in Language Structure and Environment: Social, Cultural, and Natural Factors, eds R. De Busser and R. J. LaPolla (Amsterdam: Benjamins), 177226. (2014). Berlin: Dietrich Reimer Verlag. Co-expression of elevational and basic deictic demonstrative meaning at the synchronic level occurs in Muna (Table 1), Daga (Table 9), Yakkha (Table 11), Iaai (32), (33), Jahai, Abui, Tidore, Sougb, Tulil, Hatam, Fore, Usan, Yale, Dadibi, and Zayse. T. Moore (New York, NY: Academic Press), 2763. . It is sometimes also referred to as semantic deterioration. Metaphoric usage extensions, projections onto the horizontal plane and conventionalized uses can create problems for the correct categorization of elevational demonstratives as general or topographic because they might obscure the basic elevational meanings. Kratchovil, F. (2007). van den Berg, R. (1989/2013). Later the word 'hlafweard' shortened - first it became 'hlaford' and then by the 13th century it was simply 'lord'. Doctoral dissertation, James Cook University, Cairns. But by the year 1400, with language developing from Old English to Middle English, the word 'pretty' had taken on a new meaning which was 'manly, gallant'. Linguist. Elevation refers to a change in the connotations of a word, occuring in one of two ways. There are also some traditional examples of "elevation" in which even this readjustment cannot be traced: Marshal: manservant attending horses the highest rank in the army Lord: master of the house, head of the family baronet (aristocratic title) Lady: mistress of the house, married woman wife or daughter of baronet Casad, E. H. (1982). Front. Semantics refers to the study of meaning. And what is more relevant for the topic of this paper, the vertical axis is the only of the three axes that is encoded by demonstratives. Elevation and degradation of meaning of a word - Plaisier, H. (2007). Seaward/landward (Iaai, Tidore, Tanacross, and Koyukon). Berlin: de Gruyter. Semantic networks and spreading activation - Khan Academy I have proposed that the metaphor can be explained by the direction of the biological growing process of humans, many animals and plants. Among the languages examined in this paper, Movima is particularly rich in demonstratives with unusual meanings such as temporary possession or standing position (Haude, 2006, pp. Nungon makes formal distinctions between the first three syntactic contexts (Sarvasy, 2014, pp. No language has been reported so far to have demonstratives for the other two axes.2. On the expression of spatio-temporal relations in language, in Universals of Human Language, Vol. There are two types of landmarks outside and generally further away from the speaker that naturally expand along the vertical dimension, namely topographical contour (i.e., mountains including hills or large rocks) and hydrological contour (i.e., rivers and creeks).10 The vertical dimension of rivers might not be obvious at first glance. Sociocultural factors can influence narrowing as a major shift in a country's politics or social landscape will lead to semantic changes. Semantic narrowing is a type of semantic changeby which the meaningof a word becomes less general or inclusive than its earlier meaning. The demonstratives in the East Caucasian language Andi (Zilo dialect, Caucasus, Russia) are particularly transparent and consist of stems that express distance- and person-based deixis, followed by a range of further optional suffixes such as an emphatic marker, the elevational morphemes and gender suffixes (and/or oblique stem markers and case suffixes not displayed in Table 5). 2 - An example of semantic broadening is 'Jazz.'. INWARD vs. OUTWARD (or INTERIOR vs. Levinson (2018, pp. What are some examples of semantic change? Levinson summarizes the distinctiveness of the vertical axis by stating that the intrinsic (canonical position of objects), the relative (perception from an upright stance) and the absolute (as defined by the gravitational axis) tend to coincide (Levinson, 2003, p. 75; see also Carlson-Radvansky and Irwin, 1993, p. 224 for the same observation). Stop procrastinating with our smart planner features. A Grammar of Nungon: A Papuan Language of the Morobe Province, Papua New Guinea. You can find out more about our use, change your default settings, and withdraw your consent at any time with effect for the future by visiting Cookies Settings, which can also be found in the footer of the site. Pennington, R. (2016). Psychol. Perhaps surprisingly, it does not seem to be common to employ elevational demonstratives for the expression of social deixis, at least not in the languages surveyed for this study. Amelioration elevates a word's meaning over time. Changes in the referents (what is being referred to), Disguising language / misnomers (i.e. An Ethnographic Grammar of the Eipo Language Spoken in the Central Mountains of Irian Jaya (West New Guinea), Indonesia. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. The word, 'engine', was originally used to mean any war machine. Doctoral dissertation, State University of New York, Buffalo, NY. Reesink, G. P. (1999). However, only on the island of New Guinea and immediately adjacent islands, in particular in the New Guinea Highlands, elevational demonstratives are found across a large range of different language families. Create beautiful notes faster than ever before. 9091; Levinson, 2018, p. 30), but also terminological confusion (Breunesse, 2019, pp. Ukarumpa: SIL. The first semantic network model was hierarchical, meaning that they thought concepts were organized from higher order categories down to lower order categories and their exemplars. Semantics Examples A classic example of this specialization of meaning is the word doctor. This language has two cognate sets of basic adverbial elevational roots, which are classified in the grammar as topographic. The first set, which in the grammar is called /u/-forms based on their stem vowel, is given in the lower part of Table 11.
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