rifle shooting merit badge powerpoint rifle shooting merit badge powerpoint
Ive seen a few RSOs and instructors that forget that the BSA is not the military. They didnt even charge the boys for it. If I had to guess it will cost you between $10-$100. 35823 %PDF-1.3 Rifle Shooting Merit Badge Helps and Documents Scouts learn to safely shoot firearms while working on the Rifle Shooting merit badge. - 8. Rifle shooting offers you the ability to increase your skills and enjoy the exciting sport over a lifetime. On top of giving breaks, I also need to get the boys a little more involved with the learning. You will be surprised to see how many of the things you do in your daily life, sports, taking care of your dog, working on family projects or reading fulfill merit badge requirements. Cost: $30 (includes targets, ammunition, and lunch) To register, contact the Scout Service Center at 918-336-9170. Identify proper procedures and accessories used for loading The boys made quick work of shooting their 5 groups of 5 shots all in a quarter size. Pamphlet Stock (SKU) Number: Using a BB gun or pellet air rifle and shooting from a bench rest or supported prone position at 15 feet for BB guns or 33 feet for air rifles, fire five groups (three shots per group) that can be covered by a quarter. There is no chance of being unsafe. xPpuRp fundamentals of firing the shot. federal law and supervised by a certified BSA National Camping School Note that there is also a Shotgun Shooting merit badge. I honestly like the Appleseed method of making a rifle safe. I made myself a dummy rifle. );(8XlBYCO~Im9@.D6{,g94t :h!Q=9R@DzKgI:/U,%,bkW;EZizR@mN,N#e.5gRLn! YENazb'( m PF> ~97 "m8DF5HXBTgDkbLy:gjz^-k8KHje2M;J8bwZ" N!i&^4s& S You need to think of fun and education until theres even a hint of a safety violation. Replaced Marksman; replaced by Rifle and Shotgun Shooting: Shooting: Masonry 1911 1995 Masonry: Master-At-Arms 1910 1911 Martial arts . Randolph, NJ 07869 Phone: (973)584-1101 E-mail: RandolphTroop109@gmail.com Identify the two most common types of air rifle ammunition. x;Qs{~ H4DEe9RT eXk3"WoGx+^Jx$RC9Bo8b/8PP:X B Rh@Mm@zac@S# Make sure you always put safety as number one but remember it does have to be fun. In others, the merit badge's name has been changed, with or without significant revision to the badge's requirements. Identify and explain each rule for safe shooting. See the current requirements from the Rifle Shooting merit badge pamphlet below. Identify and demonstrate the three fundamental rules for In a squib round, the primer ignites, but there are not enough gases to force the bullet out of the barrel. Rifle Shooting Merit Badge Requirements and References. My first version of my Rifle Shooting PowerPoint was a simple, to the point, explanation for each requirement of the merit badge. To me, everyone should get the chance to learn to shot a gun safely. This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. These slideshows are designed to work with both In-Person and Virtual Courses. Click on the links below . The video below also goes into more detail about air rifles. Shotgun shooting merit badge answers January 2014 Lee the following: Explain why BB and pellets of air guns should always be treated with the same respect as firearms. Rifle Shooting Merit Badge PowerPoint Day 3 RifleMBPPvday3 File Size 0.00 KB. Learn how your comment data is processed. Shoot! Its a learning thing for both the boys and the instructor. Quality Control - Section Supervisory Qualifications and Certifications On a beautiful warm Saturday morning, we all meet at a local outdoor range to do the shooting portion of the BSA Rifle Merit badge. hb```TaB '.0pZLGb) ^ @f``Tfb0~vG'|`85tfs(0YT ? Mainly because the order of the requirements was oddly listed. We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. Rifle Shooting Position, The Common Positions, and Their Uses. Muzzleloading. Enter your email address to subscribe to this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. for further details on shooting sports. 8 0 obj and more. Using a .22 caliber rimfire rifle and shooting from a bench Demonstrate and discuss the safe handling rules of muzzle-loading Adjust sights to center the group on the target and fire five groups (five shots per group). What is your cost of these 2 MB for my son to earn. Thus becoming a moot point. Explain how hunting is related to the wise use of renewable These physical aids go a long way towards helping the youth learn the difference in calibers of rifles. Contents. The next weekend we went out to a shotgun range at one of our local State Parks. Describe how you would react if a friend visiting your home asked to see your or your family's firearms., c. Explain the need for, and use and types of, eye and hearing protection. endstream endobj These can vary depending on your location, but here are some common commands. Be currently trained in BSA Youth Protection. for ensuring that all instruction or other activities involving any So I decided Id combine them and teach the boys everything they need to full fill the requirements for both BSA Rifle Merit Badge and BSA Shotgun merit badges. Understanding What is MOA and How to Use It. or special training. stream a rifle safely. /Rotate 0 >> Many people would think this is crazy. endobj When you do this make sure they either give a range safety briefing to all the youth shooting. five groups (five shots per group). On a beautiful warm Saturday morning, we all meet at a local outdoor range to do the shooting portion of the BSA Rifle Merit badge. The Cooking Merit Badge: Your Ultimate Guide In 2023. also give counselors credibility. Camping School shooting sports director with the NRA rifle and shotgun It was about 35 degrees outside plus wind chill. They always say if you truly want to learn something teach it. Archery Merit Badge Info. The boys took turns trying to break at least 24 out of 50 clay targets. Normally to get this training Id would have to take the Basic courses. safe gun handling. Eagle Required Civics (ALL of these) Family Life Merit Badge Citizenship in Society Merit Badge Citizenship in the Community Merit Badge Citizenship in the Nation Merit Badge (Pre 2022 [] Download. Izaak Walton of Lincoln was kind enough to let us use a special trap they had set up just for .22LR rifles at 50 feet. Scouts BSA are permitted to fire .22 caliber bolt-action, single-shot rifles; air rifles; shotguns; and muzzleloading long guns under the direction of a currently certified instructor, 21 years of age or older, within the standards outlined in current Scouting literature and bulletins. Have you ever given thought as to the many different choices of rifle shooting that are available? We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. Now the BSA isnt nearly as strict about the exact information that has to be taught during a class. Instruction or other activities endstream endobj 2177 0 obj <>stream ,(# Which I wont take even half credit for, but I do know I did have something to do with giving them the opportunity to show themselves how good they are. Take a look through the merit badge list and find something you will enjoy. e"}J Continue Reading. use and storage. Rifle Shooting Merit Badge Workbook http://usscouts.org/mb/worksheets/Rifle-Shooting.pdf St. Matthew Church 335 Dover Chester Rd. Knowing everything I learned in my class. score: BB rifle at 15 feet or 5 meters using TQ - 5 targets k. However, these youth may end up shooting other rifles in their life. Its not very effective for shooting groups. each. They didn't even charge the boys for it. Either option 2A OR option 2B or option 2C must be completed. Like I said earlier teaching rifle shooting merit badge in a church made it really hard to teach how to handle a rifle without a rifle. I did this in one of the leaders garages in multiple nights. 648216), Under Section Merit Badge Counseling Risk Management and Rifle Shooting Merit Badge PowerPoint Day 1 - RifleMBPPvday1 Rifle Shooting Merit Badge PowerPoint Day 2 - RifleMBPPvday2 Rifle Shooting Merit Badge PowerPoint Day 3 - RifleMBPPvday3 Rifle Shooting Merit Badge PowerPoint Day 4 - RifleMBPPvday4 Hunter Ed YouTube Channel - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCvnBa32IwGoXZd9zGVx2XLA They do an amazing job of keeping a safe range, every step is laid out, everything is run by the book. ?B5eQ #SV }. jO`gSwt_;WF{C:zf(+iQklkw3T"i {:s%#Syz@b#=&zeHGD@I\Lp0%I>)Z#F do'#@-([xvg. .b:==T=w[_!(#vyx^R\k4Xlc2SyLiZOXg!z@ >,|Q$+ =A0w}"=|t-!{|e)0h UVSyO4tG {Ev)b{h@dDdX-gY'[4Pg=n^*w o`jY]by0^]'`ws(SIxp % You can even plan an outing to for Scouts to earn the Rifle Shooting merit badge. Where to Start, & How to Make It Fun, Camping List-The Things You Need for Camping, Winter Car Essentials Kit, The Kit to Keep You Safe in Winter. instructor certification. Plus since I had a 3D printer I started printing dummy rounds in different calibers. My First Experience with an Appleseed Known Distance Shoot. The choices for different levels of rifle target shooting are endless. You'll also learn about proper nutrition, food storage, as well as different. I just need some ideas about what to include and what to leave out. I also learned that even though I love the M1 Garand rifle and AR-15 doesnt mean that everyone gets as excited about them. Thus, why Im so excited about teaching the BSA Rifle Merit Badge. HjhVQPc?kOWv0p Make sure you ask lots of questions from the boys to make sure they are learning. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. It really shows the visual learners in your group how things work. your community and state. Rifle Shooting Merit Badge. This is a typical summer camp merit badge - lots of skill development after review of safety, terms, and equipment. On day one we went over how to train students. This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. However, there will always be doubt in my mind if Im doing it right, and if the boys are truly learning anything. I recently finished up teaching 10 boys age 12-14 how to handle and shoot rifles. List the kinds of wildlife that can be legally hunted in It gave them an idea of how scopes and red dots work without having them attached to a rifle and worrying about muzzle control. hKo0pgH-T AhHUHvf-]i#3[(/0*U)aj%TM4HgU^7 /M,N7M{wWY}gEwrqu\ RJ With the last time adding a 3 Rules review between each subject change. They dont care how much knowledge or experience with firearms you have. While you can read through the whole BSA shooting sports manual, and memorize the NRA basic Rifle course, youll find theres still more to teaching rifle shooting merit badge. we do not have a worksheet for the badge that includes these requirements. They were intended to be used by Scouts and Scouters for scouting related use. IHDR d 1gIFxXMP DataXMP?xpacket begin="" id="W5M0MpCehiHzreSzNTczkc9d"?> 2170 0 obj <>>> endobj 2172 0 obj <>/XObject<>>>/Contents 2181 0 R/Annots 2189 0 R/CropBox[ 0 0 612 792]/Parent 2167 0 R/Rotate 0>> endobj 2173 0 obj <>stream Option 2A (below) focuses on modern rifles. 3D Printing, An Add-on Hobby for the Gun Enthusiast, The Camping First Aid Kit Items Needed to Help In an Emergency, 4 Fly Fishing Knots You Need to Know How to Tie. If instruction and shooting endstream endobj 2181 0 obj <>stream endstream endobj 2179 0 obj <>>>stream x+TT(T0 BcsSs3Tp}\C|@ G Making it really easy to print most common caliber dummy rounds. endobj The preferred method would be to have a closed range where you can give commands on when to prepare, load, and fire. As a firearms enthusiast, its really hard not to go down a lot of rabbit holes when teaching rifle shooting merit badge. Brister, Bob. BSA policy does not permit the use of handguns in the Scouts BSA program. Youth. Ive spent a lot of time on this blog writing about how to shoot a rifle. Although the Scouts in my Troop did an amazing job of having only one short break. rJmap\Q LvwKC/']}/;?X-,\t5+ O9z];| WoYS(ycEQOTw)wvBPjPGO:tjJq;ttRJp|B?~ HhdSp ?1,X4GM[x3/:m+, o~|@y))~e"8H/h@Wy`\ 1 G sV}e)/_o_h~_n +A=5M?~ NO9{31#:$OsYgNG|*2S+T5n_POZ+! Identify the basic safety rules for cleaning a rifle, and Find specific helps for some of the Rifle Shooting merit badge requirements listed below. and identify the materials needed. Between discussing different shooting sports, your favorite rifle, and even talking about gun laws and debates, its really easy to go too long into subjects you are passionate about. BSA policy is that you cant be a Rifle or Shotgun merit badge counselor without being an NRA basic rifle instructor, and NRA basic shotgun instructor. Examples of instructional programs are the Boy Scout Rifle Shooting Merit Badge, Venturing Ranger Award and Sea Scout Shooting Sports Medal. For the times you are on a public range with Boy Scouts make sure you have as close to a one on one instructor/RSO to scout ratio as possible. However, this last time I taught the class I quickly learned that not all youth learn the same way or even as quickly as others. For the last day. Even though about half of the merit badge requirements arent taught in those courses. effective If you opt in above we use this information send related content, discounts and other special offers. Doing it in a personal dwelling allowed me to have multiple rifles and shotguns to use as visual aids. We also got a chance to go to the shotgun range and break a few blue rocks. The cost of buying a rifle for this way more. Personally I think more boys should know how to safely shoot guns. However, thats assuming you have access to use a rifle without buying one. 316 0 obj <>/Filter/FlateDecode/ID[]/Index[303 22]/Info 302 0 R/Length 71/Prev 29718/Root 304 0 R/Size 325/Type/XRef/W[1 2 1]>>stream Rifle Shooting Merit Badge PowerPoint Day 4 RifleMBPPvday4, Hunter Ed YouTube Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCvnBa32IwGoXZd9zGVx2XLA Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. 512-065 Merit Badge Counselor Information, No. shots per group). endobj Lets set aside any public speaking fears. Best Upgrades for a Ruger 10 22 Trigger. I-15 TRIGGER REAR SIGHT FRONT SIGHT MAGAZINE FINGER LEVER Loading Port A slide-action rifle is a firearm in which the fore-end is manually slid rearward and forward to feed, chamber, extract and eject cartridges, as well as cock the action. Izaak Walton of Lincoln was kind enough to let us use a special trap they had set up just for .22LR rifles at 50 feet. When teaching the rifle shooting merit badge, stick to the PowerPoint and the requirements. !zB `y`]zjrNUa8WKN* Either option 2A OR option 2B or option 2C must be completed. This year we are offering 3 Shooting Sports Merit Badge Days; May 13, 2023, August 26, 2023, and November 11, 2023! Explain to your counselor the fundamental rules for safe SHOTGUN S HOOTING SHOTGUN SHOOTING STEM-Based BOY SCOUTS OF AMERICAMERIT BADGE SERIES SHOTGUN SHOOTING "Enhancing our youths' competitive edge through merit badges" Requirements Do the following: Explain why BB and pellet air guns must always be treated with the same respect as firearms. Best Upgrades for a Ruger 10 22 Trigger. /I true /K false >> >> Best Rifle Scope Under $200, and Why They Are The Best. Then the BIT training, then the instructor courses for both rifle and shotgun. Rifle Shooting Rifle Shooting Merit Badge Workbook This workbook can help you but you still need to read the merit badge pamphlet. Not to mention not all ranges allow you to go downrange at all. 3D Printing, An Add-on Hobby for the Gun Enthusiast, The Camping First Aid Kit Items Needed to Help In an Emergency, 4 Fly Fishing Knots You Need to Know How to Tie. It got old quickly. endstream endobj 304 0 obj <>/Metadata 16 0 R/PageLayout/OneColumn/Pages 301 0 R/StructTreeRoot 22 0 R/Type/Catalog>> endobj 305 0 obj <>/Font<>>>/Rotate 0/StructParents 0/Type/Page>> endobj 306 0 obj <>stream Quick overview of what to expect at the Appleseed event, range rules, etc. The merit badge counseloris responsible w,rOx?WQ||7A$wyZUC&.'>7Ey/+5O5{+2R7$L(? I spent many hours working on a powerpoint to present for the class. Using a BB gun or pellet air rifle and shooting from a bench xTkPTe~+{]7eUZ q IXXtV!XdhiYl."$B3+3M0bS3=853{0 feet for air rifles, fire five groups (three shots per group) Ive found that if you have a smile, act happy, the youth will have a better time. But opting out of some of these cookies may have an effect on your browsing experience. Rifle Shooting Merit Badge PowerPoint Day 2 RifleMBPPvday2 66 Shooting guns is dangerous and kids shouldnt be doing it. The first thing I realized is that boys need breaks. Pamphlet Publication Number: You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. Any laser coming from the end of the barrel will give the idea of how sights need to be aligned and even how moving the rifle greatly affects the bullet path. We had a couple of good benches, sandbags, and other rests. The misfire happens when a cartridge does not fire when the firing pin hits the primer. Do the following: Explain why BB and pellet air guns must always be treated with the same respect as firearms. (three shots per group) that can be covered by the base of a According to the target used, each shot in So I had to move the next class back to the church we normally meet at. Then making sure all guns are unloaded and safe before anyone goes down range to check or change targets. Not to mention moving things around, to prevent me from having explain something before I was going to teach it in the PowerPoint. These briefings include the safety rules, the range commands, and any other information the the Range Safety Officer and/or Instructors feel is required in order to conduct a safe shooting session.
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