red setter cross poodle australiared setter cross poodle australia

red setter cross poodle australia red setter cross poodle australia

Youll want room for your Rottle to roam and must dedicate a good chunk of time to properly train them. Lets find out! All Rights Reserved. Because of their Sheltie heritage, its possible that they will inherit their nipping trait from their time spent as shepherd dogs. With Irish Setter and Poodle parents, this dog is outgoing, friendly, playful and full of curiosity. The Aussiedoodle is great with kids and other dogs and will get along just fine with strangers too. Good luck in your search for your sister's pup! People with smaller homes and apartments will find the Maltese and Poodle mix a great addition to their lives. Their low shedding habits will keep their fur off your furniture and your clothes. Both parent breeds have single coats, so you can expect grooming and shedding to be easier to manage with this mix than with others. His parents had bred accidentally (The parents grew up together and bred in the night. Would you be able to put me in touch with a source.? The extremely fluffy Pomeranian and the curly-haired Poodle make this cute Poodle mix. An Irish Doodle is a a cross between a purebred Irish Setter and a purebred Standard Poodle. They are generally great with kids and other pets in the house. They need at least an hour of playtime and training every single day to keep them from being bored. This mix is extremely energetic, so youll need to ensure you have the time to devote to them, or they can become destructive. They are often found larger and can hit 30 pounds after four months. To They shed less than their Doberman parent but will still be very high-energy dogs as both the Doberman and the Poodle have a significant amount of energy. They require a lot of attention and interaction. Western Australia; South Australia; Price. Wonderful, I needed that intro to find the mix I have, Especially to give to the hair dresser for the type of cut. This mix is slightly more common than others and started as an effort to reduce the health concerns that sometimes plague the Boston Terrier. At a year and a half he is 80 pounds and leggy, loves the water, can run circles around our Shepherds. Vizslapoo (Vizsla and Poodle) A rather rare mix, the Vizlapoo is a designer breed resulting from the combination of the poodle and Vizsla. A Cockapoo is a lap dog, so expect this breed to be intelligent, easy to train, and affectionate. Similar to the Chihuahua, the Chipoo has a huge personality and a lot of heart. If you are looking for a family companion or watchdog and have the ability to train a stubborn dog, the Doberdoodle can be a perfect choice. The information I read was so helpful and I already recognize So much of both breeds. We do not condone any puppy mills and strive to bring you only the best, well-loved puppies. Breeding one purebred parent of each wont necessarily give you a Schnoodle, as it takes a few generations to reach the desired mix. Similar to other Doodle mixes on this list, the Pooton sheds minimally and is generally easy to care for. If you'd like to know more about Flynn (Microchip Number - 978142000048215) Contact : Julie Miner (Dogs NSW Member - 2000731810) Mudgee, NSW. The Jackapoo combines the Jack Russell Terrier and the Poodle for one of the most popular Jack Russell crossbreeds. The Poodle Australian Shepherd mix is generally a healthy breed that can live a strong and happy 10 to 15 years of life. The French Bulldoodle is a unique combination of a French Bulldog and a Poodle. They make great seeing-eye dogs, service dogs, and emotional therapy dogs. They are adaptable and do well in any household, including apartment living. This mix is VERY intelligent, so start with obedience training from a young age. They will generally do fine with other animals in the home. A Poodle mix is considered a cross between a Poodle & another dog breed. While not considered hypoallergenic, their grooming needs are fairly reasonable. The Labradoodle is the most famous and, quite arguably, one of the best Poodle mixes ever created. I would love to know with 100% certainty what he is though! The Newfypoo can hit sizes up to 150 pounds, and you wont see any toy variants of this breed. Males 1750 Females 1990 These puppy's are expected to grow to between approximately 40-55cm in size and weigh between approximately 15-25kg. The reason? They arent as eager to please as the other Doodles and will be more interested in different smells than your attention. Most Bordoodles are bred with a standard-sized Poodle, so you can expect a medium-sized dog that will grow to around 30 pounds or more. Foodles are great dogs with families and children. Their coat colors can take many different hues. Irish Doodle puppy at 5 weeks old, photo courtesy of Ayers Pampered Pets. However, a mixing of these two breeds helps to eliminate crossbreeding birth defects. Siberpoos are crafty dogs, and they can get into mischief if left unattended for long periods of time. Bassetoodles wont usually exceed 35 pounds in weight. However, they arent good with new dog owners as they take a bit of patience. A smaller dog, this pup will rarely exceed 20 pounds and is great for dog owners with tighter living spaces. Their coat may be black, brown, cream, red, blue, silver, or apricot in color and typically has some white markings. It is an intelligent dog that is a mix of two hunting dogs. The complications associated with cancer in dogs will depend on the organ/s which are affected and the treatment which is applied. This Goldendoodle is low shedding but requires frequent grooming to keep their fur clean. I have a 3-year-old Alaskan Malamute/Siberian Husky/Standard Poodle mix. Tiboodles are a unique mix of the Tibetan Terrier and the Poodle. Please consult your health care provider, attorney, insurance expert, Like many other Doodle dogs on this list, the Eskipoo inherits the fluffier white coat of the American Eskimo and the soft texture of the Poodle. They get along great with children and extremely well with other pets in multi-pet households. We expect all Dog Breeders to guarantee the health of their puppies in accordance with their states laws and guidelines. They have a longer lifespan of about 12 to 15 years. Make sure to go outside and play fetch with them, and give them lots of praise for learning a trick. The Cairnoodle is a mix of the Cairn Terrier and the Poodle. Scoodles are great with kids and do very well in a multi-pet household. I read that you have to have a labradoodle already to mate with say a lab to get a hypoallergenic/ non shedder something like that. Alternatively, an Irish setter lab mix can measure 27 inches and weigh 70 lbs max like his Irish setter parent. They are happy to cuddle up on the couch after playing outdoors. Both parents are very energetic, so youll need plenty of space in your backyard or access to a larger outdoor area to sufficiently exercise your Vizsladoodle sufficiently should you welcome one into your home. I am a senior and have an invalid husband. My wife and I are in our early 60s and we are looking for a friend to share our small piece of mountain paradise. combine two purebreds, such as a Golden Retriever and a Poodle, resulting in a Goldendoodle. Corgipoos are expensive but make wonderful family pets. Poodle (Standard) Poodle (Toy) Portuguese Podengo Pequeno . The last 15 years have seen a surge of Poodle mixes, commonly known as Doodles, becoming the most popular crossbreed for pet owners. This newer breed is a mix of a Toy Poodle and a Chihuahua and is one of the many different types of chihuahua mixes. Bordoodles will shed less than their Border Collie parent but more than their Poodle parent. Rebecca. Male toy poodle puppies are red colour and female toy Cavoodle. Because of that, its not uncommon to see a Canoodle live past 10 years of age, which is the top end of their Corso parents lifespan. The Doxiepoo combines the Dachshund and the Poodle. Bassetoodles combine the Basset Hound and the Poodle. Thanks for stopping by to comment! They will bark when intruders arrive, and they will also be more protective of their human parents. These pups will definitely keep themselves occupied if you dont. Theyre a partner for life, so its crucial to find the right Doodle for your family. They are great with kids and other animals, provided they are properly socialized as puppies. The Irish Troodle is a Doodle dog mix that combines the Irish Terrier and the Poodle. They learn quickly, though, and will do just fine with novice dog owners, provided they are exercised sufficiently each day. Check it out! They are often mistaken for the Cavachon. These dogs tend to get along well with children and other dogs. Height also depends on which parent the lab setter takes after. Mum is a kc registered toy poodle dad is a lilac tri coloured kc registered chihuahua. The most commonly occurring coat for an Irish doodle is the red color. Thanks for stopping by to comment and tell us about your experience with your mix. Toy Goldendoodles can be as small as 10 pounds. Expect bi-weekly grooming and monthly bathing. Coat color: Irish Setters have a flashy red/ mahogany coat, and Poodle coats can be black, white, or apricot colored. Rottles combine the beautiful Rottweiler with the Standard Poodle for a fluffier-looking Rottie. Notable Irish Setters in pop culture include the title character of the 1945 novel "Big Red" by Jim Kjelgaard and President Richard Nixon's dog, King Timahoe. Vizsladoodles will grow to anywhere between 40 and 60 pounds in weight when fully grown. Get 5% off if you insure two or more pets. They are affectionate, happy dogs that love to please. ", The opposite is more likely true, hereditary issues from both breeds are possible and maybe likely. They do well in most climates, but are sensitive to heat and extreme cold. His dad is an Alusky, and his mother is a Black Standard Poodle. As such, you can expect that they will be a little more costly. He seems to have two brains one poodle (smart) and one Rottweiler (not as smart) all in all, he is just awesome! Puppies will have issues playing with children, as they will often jump and knock over youngsters. This can make them challenging to train because they have a difficult time focusing. Poodle Age: 10 weeks 2 male. With that said, they love colder weather and will have a lot of energy to jump around in the snow. Your Doodle Bull is far more likely to pester you repeatedly for a game of fetch rather than wanting a job to do, so be sure you can exercise your pup at least 45 minutes per day. This mix can be prone to separation anxiety, as many Doodles can. They are good with other animals when properly socialized early on. Love Your Dog is a trademark of Cover Story Media, Inc. As an Amazon Associate we earn from qualifying purchases. They come in three size varieties and can be as big as 20 inches to as small as 7. He's got his father's markings, but also his mother's curly fur and snout. When you adopt a Huskydoodle, you are getting an energetic and family-friendly pup! Age: 2 weeks Ready to leave: in 6 weeks. When you combine one of the smartest dogs on the planet with one of the most active, it means youll need to be a strong leader and engage in regular training to keep this pup entertained. The Schnoodles coat is going to be low shedding, as both parents dont shed much. You can go wild with nicknames. and need to have been proven worthy for passing along genetic material. The Irish Troodle will sometimes resemble the Irish Doodle, but they will be smaller and slightly portlier than their Irish Doodle cousins. They are affectionate, loving, and energetic dogs that love spending time with their families. Get ready for a lot of barking and howling! Still, they are very active social dogs who love attention, but their Yorkie side can lead them to be standoffish. Because of their lower energy levels, youll want to watch their food intake as they grow older and slow down. "5-week-old Irish Doodle puppymother is an apricot standard Poodle and the father is from a beautiful mahogany red Irish Setter." This mix can be high-strung and anxious. Choodles are a little bit calmer than their Poodle parent but also more reserved. They can still be defensive if provoked, so regular grooming and touching will help them be more comfortable. So it only made sense to cross them with a Poodle in an effort to reduce their shedding habits. The pups were born 30th May 2022 and are able to go to their forever home on 6th August 2022. I am a Registered Breeder of Miniature Poodles in Hobart, Tasmania and have been breeding for over 45 years. Mixing a Scottish Terrier and Poodle results in a fun-loving and friendly mix called the Scoodle. Thanks for stopping by to comment! TIboodles will have coats that range in color. The Pudelpointer originated in Germany, created by crossing the Poodle with the Pointer. Typically, the Dachshund will be paired with a Toy Poodle for this unique mix. Weekly ear checks with careful ear cleaning as needed help to prevent ear infections. Cairnoodles are lively pups and, like both parents, are highly intelligent. The breeder thought that the mother was pregnant with Poodles at first). Like other small breeds, they have an issue with potty training because they have tiny little bladders. The Foodle will grow to a size of between 25 and 40 pounds when fully grown. I live in West Virginia, but I am willing to travel to pick up the pup. While they can adapt to apartment living, they will usually do better with a house and at least a medium-sized yard. Image Credit: Petra Heike Laicher, Pixabay. They can adapt to just about any living situation and will do well both in an apartment or a home with a small yard. The Belgian Doodle mixes the Belgian Malinois and the Poodle. They love to play fetch and love to run, but most of all they enjoy your attention! This familiar Poodle mix stems from the Yorkie and the Poodle. Cavapoochons are a cross between a Cavalier King Charles Spaniel, Bichon Frise and a Poodle. Their coat color will generally be tan in color or darker brown with traces of black in their muzzle. Goldens are also sometimes mixed with the Toy version to create a miniature version of the Goldendoodle. Surgery to remove a tumor has higher risks of infection. Theyre full of energy and love to play and socialize, although they do require a lot of training to stamp out their stubborn and loud nature. The Irish Doodle is a highly adaptable dog breed. Activity Level: high Grooming Level: low Trainability: moderate Adaptability: moderate Kid/Pet Friendly: often Prey Drive: high Watchdog: aware Average Size: Medium Average Lifespan: 12-15 years Share this breed with your friends! I love poodle bull Ive owned standard poodle and pit bulls do u know breeder. The Tiboodle does well with children and in multiple pet households. Airedale Terriers are one of the larger Terrier breeds. Pomapoos can be aggressive and prone to resource guarding. For this reason, we recommend you crate train your Bolonoodle, and start at an early age. However, they suffer from an abundance of health issues. They are great with kids, provided they are socialized from a young age. Formerly known as Borderdoodle, this Poodle-Border Collie cross is one of the most obedient hybrids. Irish Doodles are medium-sized dogs since most breeders use Standard or Miniature Poodles in their breeding programs. The Bordoodle is a friendly dog that blends the family-friendly Border Collie with the energetic and fun-loving Poodle. The Westiepoo gets distracted very easily, though, but that curiosity and drive make them fun to exercise. We have 3 adorable red toy poodle pups for sale, 2 female and 1 male soon to be ready to go to their forever homes. However, the medical data available to us now shows the full extent of damage a collar can cause . They are shadow dogs and will follow you most places that you go. I live in Carmel, Calif and would like to find a local dog if possible. They will need consistent grooming to keep their coats in top shape. A mix of Irish Red Setter and Poodle, the Irish Doodle is an excellent choice for somebody seeking a loyal, social, and intelligent dog, that does't shed a lot (although a lot of grooming maintenance is required). The Scottish Terrier is a small terrier breed that can carry a wheaten, dark, or brindle coat. Once the training clicks with the Shih Poo, theyre well-behaved. 1 female left 4 male Father is a red setter and are both our family pets and available to view with puppies. .I'm stuck in this endless cycle of doodle owners wanting long lengths then they don't brush and/or don't have a regular grooming schedule. And next time they are mad AT me when their doodle is shaved. Setting up a play area for the Maltipoo will make them very happy, as theyll have their own space where they can feel comfortable. As a barrel-chested dog breed, the Irish Doodle, like their parent breeds, is also at risk for bloat. Sounds like a great pup, Brittany! The males weigh 55 to 65 pounds and the females are 45 to 55 pounds. They will chase other household animals due to the inherited prey drive from their Fox Terrier parent, so make sure you socialize early if you have other types of pets in your home. Although large dogs, they are adaptable to living, whether . They do have a slight prey drive, so youll want to socialize with them early on. Rottles are great for someone looking for a dog that may have a more aggressive guardian instinct than a Poodle. Groodles have a higher prey drive due to the sporting background of both parents, so youll want to train that out at an early age. 1. Labradoodles are very affectionate and love attention. This combination makes the hard to train for family life Sheepdog easier to get along with. Pootons can live from 12 to 15 years of age. Because of their attachment, they can also develop separation anxiety. Because labs tend to gain weight fast, lab setter mix also has the potential of weighing . They are affectionate pups that get extremely attached to their owners. Contents hide. This mixed breed commonly weighs around 20 to 45 kg and stands around 33 to 61 cm. Thank you, Bonnie Wolfe. Vizsladoodles are an uncommon mix of the Standard Poodle and the Vizsla. The exact reasons why the two merle genes together cause these problems remains unclear. However, they are usually not aggressive and dont need a lot of socialization at a young age. Great Danoodles shed less than their Great Dane parents, and while they arent hypoallergenic, they are considered a low-shedding mixed breed. The term Irish Setter is commonly used to encompass the show-bred dog recognised by the American Kennel Club as well as the field-bred Red Setter recognised by the Field Dog Stud Book . They will inherit some of the unique traits of their Dachshunds body shape, meaning they will have a longer body and be shorter to the ground. Bossypoos will not need too much exercise. Corgipoos will generally weigh no more than 20 pounds. GREAT NEWS! And, you should be aware of them to help you identify the conditions you can test or look out for your pup. He has brought love and happiness with a lot of laughter in my life, and of course, helped me lose some weight! They will shed less than their French Bulldog parent, and their unique look will make them a fan with just about every dog owner at the dog park! Explore 62 listings for Cocker spaniel poodle puppies for sale at best prices. Both dog harnesses and collars have been used for hundreds of years. Pugapoos are smaller dogs, usually not getting any larger than 15 pounds, regardless of their gender. They dont shed much, which makes them a perfect pair with a Poodle. Thanks! They will not exceed 15 pounds in sizeand can do well living in just about any setting. The red color of their coat does not fade at all with age. Usually, Bossypoos will live between 11 and 13 years. He does not want me out of his sight. Breed Overview Height: 24-26 inches Weight: 40-65 pounds Lifespan: 10-15 years Colors: Red, black, apricot Suitable for: Their short fur makes them easy to groom, but they still need regular grooming to avoid matting, especially regular brushing. This gentle giant is a wonderful family dog that sheds far less than its English Mastiff parent. Siberpoos can look completely different from one another, depending on the litter. If you live in a warmer climate, I would recommend shoring them. The Irish Troodle will generally not inherit any of the health issues the Irish Terrier can carry, although they are generally healthy purebreds in their own right. Depending on their parents, they will generally be larger than a Standard Poodle by a fair bit and smaller than a purebred English Mastiff. Their long necks, straight back, short tails, and large legs are easily recognizable to any dog lover. Its essential to watch the Westiepoos weight, as theyre susceptible to rapid weight gain. Thinking of adopting a Poodle mix, but arent sure which one is right for you and your family? We welcome our 4 cuddly fur babies (toy poodles apricot in colour) 2 girls and 2 boys! Due to their size and energy levels, we dont recommend Doberdoodles for first-time dog owners. Let's get to know some of the most popular Poodle crossbreeds (or Doodles), with pictures of each. The Weimardoodle has tons of energy and enjoys being outside to run off energy. The Border-Aussie is a friendly, cheerful, intelligent and easily trainable and outgoing breed. Keep in mind however, if you mix a Poodle with a dog that does shed the Poodle mix may shed, if . Cutting nails once or twice monthly keeps them from growing too long. Expect your Mastidoodle to weigh anywhere from 80 to 120 pounds when fully grown, depending on the size of your pups parents and gender. They are excellent family dogs and love to cuddle on their owners lap. It is one of the first native breeds in the country, along with Akita, Kishu, Hokkaido, Kai . Father is a. They do well in multi-pet households and are excellent with children. He is an amazing dog! This cute & cuddly little Poodle mix is full of energy and love. Featuring breed spotlights, seasonal activities, and helpful tips for every level of owner! No fade. Honey is a 9 month old Red Setter cross Poodle, currently the size of a Setter. One of the smaller Doodle dog mixes on this list, the Havapoo, is a miniature pup that crosses either a Toy Poodle or a smaller Standard Poodle with the Havanese. Peekapoos are an often debated mix between a Pekingese and a Poodle. Color-wise, you are likely to have a brown or black Doberdoodle, as both parents carry the same color genes. Canoodles dont need as much exercise as other Doodle mixes on this list, with 30 to 45 minutes per day being sufficient. They are highly social dogs and enjoy the company of their family above all else. $7.99 A MUST buy! French Bulldoodles do well with other dogs and animals if socialized early on in their life. The Poodle, on the other hand, comes in several sizes, from miniatures that can get as small as 7kg (15lbs) to standard breeds that get as large as 32g (70lbs). The Irish Doodle is a unique combo of the Irish Setter and the Poodle. Poodles, on the other hand, come in a variety of colors like red, apricot, white, black, cafe au lait, and more. They can be aloof to other dogs when introduced for the first time but generally warm up to other canines after spending time together. Glad you found an excellent mixed breed pup for your family Loretta! This is a loyal and strong dog that is a cross between the Vizsla and a German Wirehaired pointer. Potential health concerns to be aware of in an Irish Doodle include hip dysplasia, eye disorders, epilepsy, and skin issues. The male grows up to 15 inches tall, and the females grow up to 12 inches tall. They are quite playful, though, and will adapt well to families of all types. Contact us for . Doodles of all sorts have become popular since Goldendoodles were first bred in North America in the mid 1990's to develop a larger version of the popular Cockapoo which was a cross between a Cocker Spaniel and Poodle. Baths may be required if you choose not to brush them. This little guy has added a spark to my life. They will generally be active and also on the leaner side. Spoodle puppies .

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