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DPL-Footer Legal And Social Bar Component, Medicare Advantage Medical Savings Accounts (MSAs), Language Assistance / Non-Discrimination Notice, Asistencia de Idiomas / Aviso de no Discriminacin. Free and expedited shipping offers do not apply to shipping outside of the contiguous United States. Brokerage services are offered to certain accountholders through TD Ameritrade, Inc., Member FDIC/SIPC and a subsidiary of The Charles Schwab Corporation. Additionally, the code cannot be used for prescription drugs or virtual care visits. If your spouse is also 55 or older, he or she may establish a separate HSA and make a catch-up contribution to that account. Google Play and the Google Play logo are trademarks of Google LLC. Limited purpose flexible spending account. Please contact your plan administrator with questions about enrollment or plan restrictions. Results and amounts will vary depending on your particular circumstances. Without registering on the Member Website, you won't be able to log in to the app. Federal and state laws and regulations are subject to change. Its easy to take your HSA with you wherever you go. The amount of your pay that goes into an FSA will not count as taxable income, so you will have immediate tax savings. Additionally: You must have a valid Social Security Number and a primary residence in the U.S. You cannot be covered by any other type of health plan, including Medicare Part A or Medicare Part B. What is a qualified high deductible healthcare plan (HDHP)? You do not have to close your account, and you can continue using the money in your HSA even in retirement. The daily debit card limit for the Health Benefits Debit Card . Fees may reduce earnings on account. Orders are accepted to effect transactions in securities only as an accommodation to HSA owners. 0000037377 00000 n As you're planning for the future, your HSA can ease your mind and prepare you for retirement by saving money income tax free. In addition to our fee, the bank/ATM you use to withdraw funds may charge you their own fee. Learn more about our investment options. The Schwab Health Savings Brokerage Account is offered to certain account holders through Charles Schwab & Co., Inc., Member FINRA/SIPC. You can pay a provider through your online account. Sign in to your account today and check your contribution limit. 105 32 0000000016 00000 n Apple and the Apple logo are trademarks of Apple Inc., registered in the U.S. and other countries. Each year, the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) sets contribution limits for health savings accounts (HSAs). . An individual with family coverage can contribute up to $7,750 (increase of $450 from 2022) for the year. 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, Business Relations $2.50 per ATM transaction. (Note: there is no daily limit to pay a provider.). Consider keeping your HSA to continue to save for your future health expenses, tax free. -EH6`iBd[I mg1$JWvlqla~b{~0v};LH.4:}t1li.\ e~K_r7^.4$~&?WxC-xG_9 viH\+;{Yt9tpw=3=2 The Schwab Health Savings Brokerage Account is offered through Charles Schwab & Co., Inc., Member FINRA/SIPC. Unlike a 401(k), when you use HSA funds for qualified medical expenses, its always 100% income tax-free. If you exceed the maximum contribution limit, there is a penalty imposed by the IRS. For details and disclosures, visit schwab.com. It doesnt get any simpler. a doctors office or hospital) and $3,500 at merchants that are not healthcare specific but offer eligible medical products and/or services (e.g. Keep in mind that if your employer contributes funds, those also count toward the maximum. What if I am no longer covered under a high deductible health plan (HDHP)? Check your plan document and summary plan description or contact your benefits department for specific coverage details. The main requirement for opening an HSA is having a qualifying high-deductible health plan that meets IRS guidelines. For more information about your HSA tax forms, view Tax Time 101. This communication is not intended as legal or tax advice. To apply a promotional code you must enter it prior to completing the order. After turning 65 you can use your HSA funds for non-qualified expenses, like a boat or an exotic vacation. Discretionary advisory services are provided by Betterment LLC, an SEC-registered investment adviser, with associated brokerage transactions provided by Betterment Securities, Member FINRA/SIPC. Since the money deducted from an employee's pay for transfer to an FSA is not subject to federal, state, or payroll taxes, employees can save upwards of 40% on eligible expenses, and sometimes more, depending on their tax bracket. Some employers offer payroll deductions. If youve forgotten your PIN or need to change it, call the customer service phone number on the back of your debit card. Important Note:Please do not provide any card information on this form as forms with debit card numbers will not be processed and will be destroyed for your protection. The maximum out-of-pocket is capped at $7,500. To apply a promotional code you must enter it prior to completing the order. Its fast for paying on-the-spot at all kinds of places like big box stores and small stores too, the doctors office, the pharmacy checkout, and even for online purchases or for bills from your provider. To apply a promotional code you must enter it prior to completing the order. The catch-up amount is $1,000 and if you turn 55 during the year you can contribute the full $1,000. Please contact your plan administrator with questions about enrollment or plan restrictions. Sign in to your online account today to make a contribution. Plan Administrative Services and Benefit Services are administered by Webster Servicing LLC. Flexible spending accounts (FSAs), dependent care assistance programs (DCAPs), health reimbursement arrangements (HRAs), Commuter and Parking Benefits, Tuition Assistance Plans, Adoption Assistance Plans, Surrogacy Assistance Plans, Wellness Benefits, and Lifestyle Accounts (collectively, Employer-Sponsored Plans) are administered on behalf of your plan sponsor by Optum Financial, Inc. or ConnectYourCare, LLC (collectively, "Optum Financial") and are subject to eligibility and restrictions. Free and expedited shipping offers do not apply to shipping outside of the contiguous United States. Dependent debit card The Optum Store is an affiliate of the UnitedHealth Group family of companies. The maximum out-of-pocket has been capped at $14,000. You can transfer funds between your HSA cash and investment accounts in the Member Website OR by contacting our Client Assistance Center. The employer is also allowed to make contributions to employee FSAs, if desired, in order to offer a greater benefit to the staff. D>L8"%\P+/DWI]S;$I$UZV-l?~qbkb:~x*o|O You can pay for a wide range of IRS-qualified medical expenses with your HSA, including many that aren't typically covered by health insurance plans. Can I use my HSA funds to pay for an expense that isn't "IRS-qualified"? You can choose to invest your HSA dollars. Fees may reduce earnings on account. There's a $300 per 24-hours limit on ATM withdrawals. NOTE: if a spouse's Flexible Spending Account (FSA) can pay for any medical expenses before the HSA-qualified plan deductible is met, you are not eligible to open an HSA. The best way to save is to make a plan and stick to it. Results and amount will vary depending on your circumstances. There's a $300 per 24-hour limit on ATM withdrawals and $2.50 fee from OptumBank. The Schwab Health Savings Brokerage Account is offered through Charles Schwab & Co., Inc., Member FINRA/SIPC. %PDF-1.7 % State taxes may apply. j`/n7^+ZTb You can email the site owner to let them know you were blocked. App Store is a service mark of Apple Inc., registered in the U.S. and other countries. What are the advantages of opening an HSA? You will enjoy a tax savings on the money you can use for eligible health care expenses. The Schwab Health Savings Brokerage Account is offered to certain account holders through Charles Schwab & Co., Inc., Member FINRA/SIPC. Money that would otherwise be lost to high premiums could be invested in a tax-free, interest-bearing HSA. Check out the following frequently asked questions to learn more about how your HSA . Optum BankSM, Member FDIC, wants you to understand the fees associated with your Health eAccess HSA. Additional shipping restrictions may apply. Yes. You can access forms by logging into the Member Website. NOTE: your transactions are limited to your available cash balance. HSA Bank. See your HSA Bank Fee and Interest Rate Schedule.). *Savings compares using pre-tax income in your HSA to using after-tax income for purchases and assumes a 30% combined tax rate from all applicable federal, state and FICA taxes. Sign in to your account to set up reoccurring contributions to ensure you're contributing the maximum allowed by the IRS each year. Additionally, the code cannot be used for prescription drugs or virtual care visits. 0000004088 00000 n (800) 357-6246 | (414) 978-5294 29a]La]|a]f5 Once you turn 55, you can contribute an additional $1,000 each year to your HSA, called a catch-up contribution. Reimbursement Click to reveal After turning 65, you can use your HSA funds for non-qualified expenses, like a boat or an exotic vacation. $2.50 per ATM transaction. You know you're going to need it so why not save on taxes, too? $20 charge to transfer your HSA to another bank or custodian (outbound transfer of your entire HSA or a portion). You have several ways to pay for qualified medical expenses. Health savings accounts (HSAs) are individual accounts offered through Optum Bank, Member FDIC, or ConnectYourCare, LLC,an IRS-Designated Non-Bank Custodian of HSAs, each a subsidiary of Optum Financial, Inc. HSAs are subject to eligibility requirements and restrictions on deposits and withdrawals to avoid IRS penalties. *Assuming 25% tax bracket and 5% state tax rate in a tax-exempt HSA state. Learn how to make deposits to and withdrawals from your health savings account (HSA). An FSA allows an employee to designate a portion of his or her pre-tax earnings to pay for qualified expenses as established in the cafeteria plan, most commonly for medical expenses, but often for dependent care or other expenditures. ATM and outbound transfer fee: $2.50 per ATM transaction that Optum Bank charges. Additional shipping restrictions may apply. Using your payment card is the easy way to pay! Optum Financial and its subsidiaries are not broker-dealers or registered investment advisors and do not provide investment advice or research concerning securities, make recommendations concerning securities or otherwise solicit securities transactions. HW}nq_ YK Alx ?A G#3-)Q9^U=c9 C4/Zb3? How do I use my HSA funds to pay for IRS-qualified medical expenses? As you're planning for the future, your HSA can ease your mind and prepare you for retirement by saving money income tax-free. If you are age 55 or older, you can contribute an additional catch-up contribution of $1,000 per year. DPL-Footer Legal And Social Bar Component, Medicare Advantage Medical Savings Accounts (MSAs), Language Assistance / Non-Discrimination Notice, Asistencia de Idiomas / Aviso de no Discriminacin. Customer support . HSAs are subject to eligibility requirements and restrictions on deposits and withdrawals to avoid IRS penalties. Additional shipping restrictions may apply. These expenses may include deductibles, coinsurance, copayments, prescription drugs, vision care and dental care. HSA Bank is here to help answer your frequently asked questions. Use the following links if you are having trouble remembering your username or password, or need to register for our site: Forgot username Free and expedited shipping offers do not apply to shipping outside of the contiguous United States. Annual participant contributions are limited by The Internal Revenue Service. Use it online, in store or at your doctor. Access fees may also be charged by the ATM owner. You are responsible for monitoring the amount deposited into your HSA each calendar year. You can choose from a variety of HSA selfdirected investment options with no minimum balance required. You can use this to "reimburse yourself" for healthcare expenses that you paid out of pocket. 0000009476 00000 n The maximum out-of-pocket is capped at $14,100. HSAs are owned by the individual, differentiating them from company-owned Health Reimbursement Arrangements (HRAs) that are an alternate tax-deductible source of funds paired with HDHPs. However, your employer might have additional limitations. If your new employer offers an HSA, you can continue contributing to your Optum Bank account instead of opening a new one. Employer-Sponsored Plans are not individually owned and amounts available under the Employer-Sponsored Plan are not FDIC insured. Your plan document may provide for a grace period that allows you to use your remaining funds for IRS-qualified expenses incurred for up to 2 months into the next year. Health savings accounts (HSAs) are individual accounts offered or administered by Optum Bank, Member FDIC, and are subject to eligibility requirements and restrictions on deposits and withdrawals to avoid IRS penalties. State taxes may apply. If you do not choose online delivery for your account statements, we may charge this fee for every statement we mail to you. Additionally, the code cannot be used for prescription drugs or virtual care visits. You can also contribute with the Optum Bank mobile app. HSA Bank provides you with multiple options to pay for an expense that exceeds the Health Benefit Debit Card daily limit of $5,000. Flexible spending accounts (FSAs), dependent care assistance programs (DCAPs), health reimbursement arrangements (HRAs), Commuter and Parking Benefits, Tuition Assistance Plans, Adoption Assistance Plans, Surrogacy Assistance Plans, Wellness Benefits, and Lifestyle Accounts (collectively, Employer-Sponsored Plans) are administered on behalf of your plan sponsor by Optum Financial, Inc. ("Optum Financial") and are subject to eligibility and restrictions. Saturday, Sunday and holidays count toward the next business day. Already have a health savings account (HSA) with another HSA provider? Any after-tax contributions that you make to your HSA are tax deductible. Can I use my HSA debit card after I terminate employment? Can I use my HSA Bank Health Benefit Debit Card at an ATM? . Examples of expenses that are not eligible for reimbursement include: Medical expenses that are not defined as eligible under your employer's plan; Medical expenses that do not meet IRS section 213(d) requirements (e.g., gym memberships, nutritional supplements, cosmetic procedures and surgeries); Medical expenses incurred by you, your spouse or any eligible dependents prior to your effective date in the plan; and. You should check with your employer to see if payroll deduction contributions are available to you. Save even more with Optum Store 7% savings on FSA purchases with code OPTFSA7 and 5% on HSA purchases with code OPTHSA5. Self-directed mutual fund investment options are made available through the services of an independent investment advisor, or your plan sponsor. By accessing you will be leaving the HSA Bank web site and entering a web site hosted by another party. Employer-Sponsored Plans are not individually owned and amounts available under the Employer-Sponsored Plan are not FDIC insured. Your HSA funds are never lost due to changes in employment or health plan. For details and disclosures visitbetterment.com. * Your options include: You can pay for an expense with your external, personal account or with a credit card and then reimburse yourself by scheduling HSA transfers within the Member Website or app (Note: there is a daily transfer limit of $2,500 to safeguard against fraudulent activity, so multiple transfers will be required for amounts above $2,500). *Title 38 of the United States Code, Section 101(17) defines "non-service-connected" as, with respect to disability, that such disability was not incurred or aggravated in line of duty in the active military, naval, or air service. Brokerage services are offered to certain accountholders through TD Ameritrade, Inc., Member FDIC/SIPC and a subsidiary of The Charles Schwab Corporation. You can use your HSA to cover qualified medical expenses for you, your spouse, and any dependent children included on your income tax return. You get to keep the money in your HSA, no matter what,even if you change jobs or move off a qualifying high-deductible health plan. An individual can contribute up to $3,850 (increase of $200 from 2022) for the year. Investments are not FDIC insured, are not bank issued or guaranteed by Optum Financial or its subsidiaries, including Optum Bank, and are subject to risk including fluctuations in value and the possible loss of the principal amount invested. And, unlike a Flexible Spending Account (FSA), HSA funds roll over and accumulate year over year if not spent, with the ability to earn tax-free interest on the account. Here is what you need to know about the HSA contribution limits for the 2021 calendar year: An individual with coverage under a qualifying high-deductible health plan (deductible not less than $1,400) can contribute up to $3,600 up $50 from 2020 for the year to their HSA. Alternatively, if you have an FSA or Limited Purpose FSA, you may be eligible to roll over up to $500 of your contribution to the next plan year, provided your employer has changed the plan documents to allow this. 0000005618 00000 n 0000003548 00000 n Your flexible spending account (FSA) or health reimbursement account (HRA) with Optum Financial includes an Optum Financial payment card. Investment Threshold: $2,000 Investment Fee: 0.03% of your average daily investment balance, not to exceed $10.00 in any given month View Offered Mutual Funds When funds are transferred to your investment account, the amount of the transfer cannot bring the balance of your HSA below your investment threshold. The maximum out-of-pocket is capped at $7,500.. Health savings accounts (HSAs) are individual accounts offered through Optum Bank, Member FDIC, or ConnectYourCare, LLC, an IRS-Designated Non-Bank Custodian of HSAs,each a subsidiary of Optum Financial, Inc. The Schwab Health Savings Brokerage Account is offered to certain account holders through Charles Schwab & Co., Inc., Member FINRA/SIPC. For details and disclosures, visit tdameritrade.com. If you have a qualified High Deductible Health Plan (HDHP) - either through your employer or one you've purchased on your own - chances are you can open an HSA. Optum Bank, Member FDIC, wants you to understand the fees associated with your HSA. Please contact a legal or tax professional for advice on eligibility, tax treatment, and restrictions. HSAs are subject to eligibility requirements and restrictions on deposits and withdrawals to avoid IRS penalties. Find out whether your expense is qualified by checking out, You can get copies of your most recent tax forms by. Employer-Sponsored Plans are not individually owned and amounts available under the Employer-Sponsored Plan are not FDIC insured. Investment losses which are replaced are subject to the annual contribution limits of the HSA. State taxes may apply. Brokerage services are offered to certain accountholders through TD Ameritrade, Inc., Member FDIC/SIPC and a subsidiary of The Charles Schwab Corporation. ,d ,plWb2-cK_\'H*s\NhL}%9%]cLG`@s6(:8vl`1L4.`su,bbEde&4,5XtEiE)h%l@9":- QLG(8+Tdb+r ` xv[PC Funds that are rolled over continue to grow and earnings are tax free. Use the Optum Bank debit Mastercard to: Online bill payment Keep Uncle Sam out of your pocketbook. You can work with your provider (or hospital) to make debit card payments over multiple days. Google Play and the Google Play logo are trademarks of Google LLC. Questions? Federal and state laws and regulations are subject to change. You can pay or reimburse yourself for any eligible medical expenses incurred after your HSA was established. Enrolling in an FSA allows you to set aside pretax money from your paycheck. If they do, it will be disclosed on the screen before you accept the transaction Please contact a legal or tax professional for advice on eligibility, tax treatment and restrictions. Unused funds that will roll over year to year. This video shows you the differences between your two investment options and how to get started. Bonus you also save an average of 30% on any health costs because you are using pre-tax funds. *Assuming 25% tax bracket and 5% state tax rate in a tax-exempt HSA state. HDHPs can be combined with a health savings account or a health reimbursement arrangement that allows for payment of qualified out-of-pocket medical expenses on a pre-tax basis. Always on the go? A Dependent Care FSA allows reimbursement of dependent care expenses, such as daycare, incurred by eligible dependents. $2.50 per ATM transaction that Optum Bank charges. HSA Bank shall not be responsible or liable for any loss incurred due to you using this third party site. This communication is not intended as legal or tax advice. $3.00 Waived if average balance is $5,000 or more*. The daily debit card limit for the Health Benefits Debit Card is $5,000 at merchants dedicated to healthcare (e.g. H\0E Neither Optum Financial, Inc. nor ConnectYourCare, LLC is a bank or an FDIC insured institution. 0000058610 00000 n For more information on your plan, contact your HR department. State taxes may apply. Because the money allocated by your employer doesn't count as income, there are no tax implications. You can order a debit card in the name of your spouse or dependent. Health Savings Checkup tool; Optum Bank webinars; HSA contribution calculator; Mobile banking; DPL Main Nav Items. A: This health plan satisfies certain IRS requirements with respect to deductibles and out-of-pocket expenses. Use our secure website to send payments directly to your health care providers, pharmacy, or other payees. __!*}htho1G.=:Y L endstream endobj 110 0 obj <> endobj 111 0 obj <> endobj 112 0 obj [/ICCBased 127 0 R] endobj 113 0 obj <> endobj 114 0 obj <> endobj 115 0 obj <>stream Discretionary advisory services are provided by Betterment LLC, an SEC-registered investment adviser, with associated brokerage transactions provided by Betterment Securities, Member FINRA/SIPC. Please contact a legal or tax professional for advice on eligibility, tax treatment and restrictions. The number of debit card transactions allowed per day is limited and varies based on how the card is used or types of transactions processed. Are there any fees associated with the Fidelity debit cards? Access fees may also be charged by the ATM owner. Can my Healthcare FSA funds be used to cover my spouses's healthcare expenses even if he or she is not covered by my health insurance plan? If employment is terminated, the employer can choose to keep unused funds. Are you taking full advantage of all your HSA's tax benefits by contributing the maximum each year? Learn more about how to put your HSA to work for you. The issue of documenting legitimate expenses and/or qualifying for the account with an HDHP is between you and the IRS. 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, excluding major U.S. holidays, Receipt Vault allows you to upload and store images of receipts online. This provides more options to you and your family members to access health account. s\A0W+ An individual with family coverage under a qualifying high-deductible health . Health Savings Account . Google Play and the Google Play logo are trademarks of Google LLC. An HSA is a unique tax-advantaged account that you can use to pay for current or future IRS-qualified medical expenses. 0000052919 00000 n *There is a $2.50 ATM withdrawal fee. Use your HSA card to shop for everyday health expenses like bandages, braces, chiropractors and contacts all while saving 30% with pre-tax funds.*. Note: there is no charge for online statement delivery. When you, your employer or anyone else makes a contribution to your HSA, it stays there so you can use it when you need it. Please be advised that you will no longer be subject to, or under the protection of, the privacy and security policies of the HSA Bank web site. If youve just opened an Optum Bank HSA, follow our. A Limited Purpose Medical FSA works with a qualified high deductible health plan (HDHP) and Health Savings Account (HSA). An HSA is a great tool to help you prepare for future health care costs and retirement. For an HSA established on behalf of an employee both the employee and the employer may make contributions. This communication is not intended as legal or tax advice. *There is a $2.50 ATM withdrawal fee. * Additionally: You must have a valid Social Security Number and a primary residence in the U.S. You cannot have received medical benefits from Veterans Administration for any non-service-connected disabilities at any time during the previous three months.**. Medical expenses that can be reimbursed to you through any other source such as group health insurance. These limits cannot be changed. 0000009449 00000 n a doctors office or hospital) and $3,500 at merchants that are not healthcare specific but offer eligible medical products and/or services (e.g. Additionally, the code cannot be used for prescription drugs or virtual care visits. If your HSA offers ATM access, you can use your Debit Mastercard at any ATM that displays the Mastercard acceptance mark to get cash to reimburse yourself. ATM and outbound transfer fee. Your employer sponsored plan may exclude reimbursement for certain categories of items. Give your family members the ability to access health account fundsand yourself more options to manage them. Here is what you need to know about the HSA contribution limits for the 2022 calendar year: If you are 55 or older, you can contribute an additional $1,000 each year. Neither Optum Financial, Inc. nor ConnectYourCare, LLC is a bank or an FDIC insured institution. Employer-Sponsored Plans are not individually owned and amounts available under the Employer-Sponsored Plan are not FDIC insured. You can claim a tax deduction for contributions up to the applicable maximum contribution that you, or someone other than your employer, make to your HSA even if you do not itemize your deductions on Form 1040. Download the Optum BankMobile apptoday to send payments directly to your health care provider and reimburse yourself for an out-of-pocket payment, without ever having to sit down at your computer. Google Play and the Google Play logo are trademarks of Google LLC. Your spouse will just need to open their own HSA for their additional portion. Optum Bank Mobile App Once you turn 55, you can contribute an additional $1,000 each year to your HSA, called a catch-up contribution. App Store is a service mark of Apple Inc., registered in the U.S. and other countries. **Interest earned is taxed in NJ. Decide how much you want to contribute from each paycheck and that amount is automatically deposited into your account. Do I need to submit receipts for my HSA expenses? Health savings accounts (HSAs) and Medicare Advantage Medical Savings Accounts (MSAs) are individual accounts offered or administered through Optum Bank, Member FDIC, a subsidiary of Optum Financial, Inc. Optum Financial, Inc. is not a bank or an FDIC insured institution. For more information, please call the number on the back of your Health Benefits Debit Card. Withdrawal/distribution for a direct payment to a Provider (a $10.00 Official Check Fee will be deducted from your account). Your employer funds your HRA pre-tax. Check with your or your spouse's benefits administrator to determine if you can participate in any health FSA offered by your or your spouse's employer. It's easy to do with your health savings account or HSA. Common eligible expenses include dental treatment, orthodontia, prescription drugs, diagnostic services, hospital services and surgery, laboratory fees, obstetrical expenses, chiropractic care, physical therapy, eye examinations, glasses, contact lenses, laser eye surgery, hearing aids, smoking cessation programs, and weight loss programs to treat obesity, to name a few. The IRS announced an increase in health savings account (HSA) contribution limits for the 2021 tax year. Here is what you need to know about the HSA contribution limits for the 2021 calendar year: And remember, if you are age 55 or older, you can contribute an additional catch-up contribution of $1,000 per year. An employer may also make the HRA portable so that you can take the funds with you when your employment ends or when you retire. Additional shipping restrictions may apply. Youll pay ordinary income tax on those funds, but the 20% tax penalty no longer applies. Plus, you save up to 30% since youre using pretax dollars.*. The number of debit card transactions allowed per day is limited and varies based on how the card is used or types of transactions processed. What tax documents will I receive from HSA Bank? Investments are not FDIC insured, are not bank issued or guaranteed by Optum Financial or its subsidiaries, including Optum Bank, and are subject to risk including fluctuations in value and the possible loss of the principal amount invested. Additionally, the code cannot be used for prescription drugs or virtual care visits. For details and disclosures visit betterment.com. Apple and the Apple logo are trademarks of Apple Inc., registered in the U.S. and other countries. For more information, please call the number on the back of your Health Benefits Debit Card. Order an Optum Bank debit Mastercard for family member. You must be covered by the qualified HDHP on the first day of the month. Max out your HSA this year with contribution limits set by the IRS. 0000003005 00000 n The maximum out-of-pocket is capped at $15,000. Your HSA Bank Health Benefits Debit Card provides access to your HSA funds at point-of-sale with signature or PIN and at ATMs for withdrawals.

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