oakland community college nursing program oakland community college nursing program
If you are not finding the right nursing program in Bloomfield Hills or want to compare nursing schools from other cities in Michigan? RegisteredNursing.org does not guarantee the accuracy or results of any of this information. Demonstrate adherence to the essentials of the AACN when delivering nursing care across the life span to diverse client populations in a wide variety of settings. 2023 Registered Nursing.org All Rights Reserved | About | Privacy | Terms | Contact Us. . of students agree that professors put a lot of effort into teaching their classes. Discover the schools, companies, and neighborhoods that are right for you. Based on class setting of student enrollment. 3)Complete both of the following applications with CSUEBbetween October 1st and November 30 of your 3rd semester in Merritt ADN program: b) CSUEB RN-BSN Supplemental Application (no fee). This is a 12-month intensive program where all courses are on-line except for the Community Health Practicum and Health Assessment course. You can do most things there and it's just another thing they do well at. Part of California's accredited Community College network and located in Hayward, California, Chabot College offers experienced faculty and innovative facilities to assist practical and theoretical learning. mamboy@peralta.edu Nancy Susick, Vice President, COO, CNO, Beaumont Health System, Troy This modified modular approach course introduces the student to various health assessment techniques and procedures used in initial and routine patient status examinations. motivated to improve health outcomes and increase access to care. Marie Adam, Lead Manager Medical Operations & Compliance, Chrysler Group LLC Not only is Oakland Community College a community college, but the experience here is beyond amazing! Total costs for an accelerated degree can run as much as $65,000, this is dependent upon the program, how many prerequisite courses needed, and if housing costs need to be factored in as well. The concepts of culturally sensitive care, legal/ethical issues in care, current trends in women's health, and maternal-child health will provide a framework for discussion. The clinical component of this course will provide the application of theoretical content to patients with complex health problems in various acute care settings such as specialty and critical care units. You can find the latest informationon the Grizzlies Together Again page atoakland.edu/return-to-campus. Average tuition for nursing degree programs in MI is about $19,400. At RNCareers.org, you are teaming up with our team of nurse educators, nurse practitioners, DNPs, RNs LPNs and students to learn about nursing careers, programs and salaries for nurses. Our students receive an exceptional variety of clinical experiences, including rotations at William Beaumont, Henry Ford Health System, Ascension Health and Detroit Medical Center hospitals. Out of 160 nursing schools in California, the nursing program at Merritt College ranks #4 in the state, and out of more than 1,700 nursing programs nationally, it ranks #18. The Nursing Program has been in operation since 1965 and received approval by the Michigan Board of Nursing (phone: (517) 335-0918) in 1976, 1986, 1989, 1998 and 2002. Discover information on start dates, credit transfer processes, initial salary expectations, financial aid opportunities, GRE requirements, tuition fees, student-to-faculty ratios, and average post-graduation employment rates. Excellence and affordability go hand in hand at Chabot. This course focuses on the student's continuing development to apply the nursing process to the unique and specialized aspects of the care of children and their families with special emphasis on growth and development needs of infancy through adolescence, health maintenance, illness and accident prevention, teaching/learning needs and responses to children and their families to selected acute illnesses and chronic health conditions; including the situational crises of hospitalization, outpatients and continuing home care. Whether a student sees value in higher costs is a reflection of his or her professional goals and timelines. More opinions are needed to display this poll. Niche requires Javascript to work correctly. (248) 364-8733 OCC Departmental Web Page: Nursing Program Related Research Guides: Anatomy | Medical & Health Guide Editor: Beth Garnsey . The program begins with enrollment to the upper division leadership theory course that is taught on-line while the student is in the last semester of the ADN program . Prerequisite: NUR1290 NUR1410 NUR1450 each with a grade of 'B-' or better. Gregory Jamian, President & CEO, AmeriCare Medical, Incorporated It is recommended that studentsattend new student orientation prior to registering for classes in their first semester. option (See Graduate catalog for descriptions). I must admit I am not the biggest fan of math. All trademarks are the property of their respective trademark holders. Take our survey. With an ADN as the first step, nurses often take continuing education courses and further degrees as their professional and life circumstances suit. Beginning level leadership and management concepts are introduced. The department has four nursing programs approved by the Michigan Board of Nursing and also accredited by the NLNAC. allows members to increase their networking skills and ability to work with others while educating and informing the community about health risks that affect minorities. Specialties: East Los Angeles College (ELAC) offers both academic transfer courses, which prepare students for admission to four-year colleges and universities, as well as occupational programs, which prepare students for careers in two years or less. The value of this comparison means that students as consumers can use the information to pick the program that suits their goals the best. Around 8,400 nursing degrees are awarded every academic year. . For example, the University of San Francisco has tuition that averages about $45,000 per two semesters. The student should meet with a Merritt College counselor to review their coursework and eligibility for CSUEB. The plan of study is a timetable of courses to be taken and assures progress toward satisfying degree requirements. For more information on our top nursing school rankings, see our Methodology Page (https://www.registerednursing.org/rn-ranking-methodology/). Community colleges are built on the strengths of faculty that have extensive in-field experience in their chosen area of expertise. Each module contains specific readings, practice activities and skill check off procedures. Interpersonal: Interpersonal abilities sufficient to interact with individuals, families, and groups from a variety of social, emotional, cultural, spiritual and intellectual backgrounds. Please. Total number of bachelor's degree programs offered online or through distance education. Javascript is currently not supported, or is disabled by this browser. With more than 50 ADN programs throughout the Golden State, California helps students meet the demand for more licensed RNs. Amongst the main benefits cited for the style and length of the program at the ADN level is the quality of teachers. To make the process easier first look for a school that supports students towards licensure and beyond. nrsinfo@oakland.edu 0% of 7 students said this degree improved their career prospects. Pre- or Corequisite: NUR 1410 or NUR 1811. Oakland is the largest city and the county seat of Alameda County, California, United States.A major West Coast port, Oakland is the largest city in the East Bay region of the San Francisco Bay Area, the third largest city overall in the Bay Area and the eighth most populated city in California. Undergraduate programs The program starts with the ADN in Nursing. Associate in Science. Note: Prerequisites for courses in this department are not automatically waived for College Guest students and students with a bachelor's degree or higher from a U.S. institution. The only exception is if one of the categories is DIV, then both can be used. Adherence to the Oakland University undergraduate admission requirements for a second degree student. Mira Costa makes it easy to apply life skills and experiences to a nursing career rooted in patient-centered care. Three of the programs lead to an associate in applied science degree while one is a certificate program. Oakland Community College opened in September 1965 with a . The RN-BSN Degree Completion Sequence is fully accredited as an online program by the Higher Learning Commission of the North Central Association. The program length for a typical BSN degree is four years. Community and private colleges are also part of the Accrediting Commission for Community and Junior Colleges (ACCJC), which oversees colleges and 2-year programs that award Associates Degrees in a variety of disciplines. Marie Amboy Note: Prerequisites for courses in this department are not automatically waived for College Guest students and students with a bachelor's degree or higher from a U.S. institution. Associate in General Studies. Transforming healthcare. Ensuring that there are adequate entrance criteria helps both the college and the entire nursing profession, by ensuring that individuals have the right pre-requisite skills and knowledge to graduate successfully. Prerequisite: Acceptance into the Nursing Program. The School of Nursing also offers a Bachelor of Science in Nursing Degree Completion Sequence for Registered Nurses. Bay City, and 49 other cities. The Colleges mission is inspires students to create meaningful lives including fulfilling careers, communityparticipation, self-expression, and a love of learning. Michelle Seid, R.N. Each school offers a comprehensive breakdown of the tuition costs; housing, equipment, course fees, and special program fees may or may not be included. Back to RN Program Rankings in California, Sources: The State Board of Nursing from Each State, U.S. Department of Education: College Scorecard, U.S. Department of Education OPE, National Center for Education Statistics, Bureau of Labor Statistics. The NEW Corewell Health Nurse Scholars Program provides up to $20,000 per recipient as well as guaranteed job placement at a Corewell Health hospital in Southeast Michigan for two years after graduation. The Sonoma State University Department of Nursing provides a premier foundation for nurses to practice lifelong learning and to contribute to their community of choice through patient care. Students who meet the criteria in items 1-4 listed below are eligible for conditional admission with full admission pending completion of items 5-7 listed below: Admission to the nursing program is contingent upon meeting all clinical requirements. You could be part of the movement toward innovative patient-oriented nursing. In 1991, Oakland strengthened its commitment when it became one of the three original partner schools at Macomb . California State University, Stanislaus is widely renowned for the strength of its nursing program, which is tailored to the fast-paced career track that many nurses require. NUR 1290 Pharmacology for Nurses 2 Credit Hours Prerequisite: Acceptance into the Nursing Program. I am so excited to hear back and I hope to see all of you in the program. BILLABLE CONTACT HOURS: 7, NUR2540Transition to the Graduate Nurse Role4 Credit Hours. This course is designed to facilitate the transition from the role of the Licensed Practical Nurse (LPN) to the role of the Associate Degree Registered Nurse (RN). The purpose of approval is to ensure the program's compliance with statutory and regulatory requirements. It focuses on decision making processes in making clinical judgments regarding which assessment technique is appropriate. About the School of Nursing. Nowadays, they also have better features on MYOCC. This course is designed to facilitate the transition from the role of the Licensed Practical Nurse to the role of the Associate Degree Registered Nurse. Waaduda Karim Prerequisite: Grade of 'B-' or better in first-year nursing courses. Kathy Coburn, Senior Manager, Ernst & Young Lisa DeMoss, ESQ, Faculty, Thomas Cooley Law School The Merritt College ADN curriculum is a two-year program. Out of 160 nursing schools in California, the nursing program at Merritt College ranks #4 in the state, and out . Located in Rocklin, California, Sierra College has emerged as a leader in nursing education. Mobility: Physical abilities sufficient to move from place to place and maneuver in small places. The school offers both an associate's degree pathway as well as an LVN to RN bridge program. program student is required in order to be eligible for admission to the School of Nursing in the Accelerated Second Degree B.S.N. The nursing care, via the nursing process, of patients with simple, well-defined medical surgical dysfunction will be presented. Greater than 95% of alumni find employment in the tri-county area, contributing substantially to the region's economy. I am not sure when I will be getting a letter in march or April, as I have gotten conflicting information. BILLABLE CONTACT HOURS: 1.5, NUR1470Integrated Physical Assessment and Decision Making Skills II0.5 Credit Hours. This course facilitates the student's transition into the role of a beginning staff nurse through experiences in collaboration, decision making, delegation and multiple patient assignments. Visit theANCCwebsite. Merritt College 2020 All rights reserved. The purpose of the association is to give Oakland University nursing students an opportunity to promote unity among minorities and other students by providing a support network for pre-nursing students as well as current nursing students. by RegisteredNursing.org for 2022 Laurine S. Parmely, Assistant General Counsel, Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan Online nursing schools are also an option. Meeting minimum physical, cognitive and psychosocial technical standards for clinical/field and laboratory experiences (see core performance standards). The curricula of applied sciences are designed to prepare students for immediate business, technical or semiprofessional employment. The average national NCLEX-RN passing rate for ADN programs is N/A% and for BSN programs is N/A%. This course presents complex health problems related to the functional patterns of nutrition-metabolism, activity-exercise, sensation-perception and cognition. program. Located in beautiful Ventura County, Moorpark College is many nursing students' bridge to the future. program is on a competitive basis. Pre- or Corequisite: NUR1450 NUR1460 or NUR1470 Note: Prerequisites for courses in this department are not automatically waived for College Guest students and students with a bachelor's degree or higher from a U.S. institution. dswilliams@peralta.edu I enjoyed many of OCC's teachers. Legal, ethical and professional dimensions of health care are explored. Building S-438 Prerequisite: NUR1290 NUR1410 NUR1450 NUR1460 each with a grade of 'B-' or better. BILLABLE CONTACT HOURS: 2, NUR1410Foundations of Nursing7 Credit Hours. This course introduces the first year nursing student to the theory and practice of professional nursing. 3008 HUMAN HEALTH BUILDING (248) 370-4253 Fax: (248) 370-4279. OU nursing students are able to watch, learn and practice in the best hospitals and clinical sites in the state, and more than 95 percent of graduates find employment in the tri-county area. By the end of the program, students will: Students wishing to enter the pre-nursing program should have completed the following high school coursework: four years of mathematics, one year of college preparatory biology and one year of chemistry, each with a grade of 2.8, in addition to presenting an academic grade point average of at least 3.20 and an ACT minimum composite score of 20 or SAT equivalent. The program begins with enrollment to the upper division leadership theory course that is taught on-line while the student isin the last semester of the ADN program. Fax: (248) 370-4279, Office of the Dean: Pamela Marin, assistant dean; Kristina Aaron, academic adviser; Patrina Carper, academic adviser; Deleana Hill, information technology specialist; Amy Johnson, administrative project coordinator; Cheryl McPherson, business manager/financial analyst; Estella Nicholson, coordinator of academic services; Jennifer Milnar, special projects assistant; Sarah Mullin, academic adviser; Colette OConnor, director of development; April Thomas-Powell, academic adviser, Professors emerita: Mary Mittelstaedt, Justine Speer, Diane Wilson, Carol Zenas, Professors: F. Darlene Schott-Baer, Kerri Schuiling, Maggie Allesee Endowed Professor in Gerontology: Ann Whall, Associate professors: Karen Dunn, Dorothy Hawthorne-Burdine, Frances Jackson, Suha Kridli, Anne Mitchell, Gary Moore, Sarah Newton, Barbara Penprase, Cheryl Riley-Doucet, Assistant professors: Carrie Abele, Margaret Glembocki, Claudia Grobbel, Margaret Harris, Laura Pittiglio, Adjunct instructors: Deana Hays, Kimberly Holka, JoAnn Kapa, Marilyn Mouradjian, Lynda Poly-Droulard, Deborah Tierney, Beaumont Hospital Adjunct assistant professor: John Nagelhout, Beaumont Hospital adjunct instructors: Andrea Bittinger, Laurie Heline, John Roebuck, Visiting assistant professors: Nicole Clark, Anne Hranchook, Lisa Mileto, Renee Mirovsky, Kathleen Spencer, Visiting instructors: Kelly Berishaj, Chesanny Butler, Ellen Gajewski, Kathryn Murto, Gina Palombo, Special instructors: Janith Beres, Ronald Piscotty, Stephanie Vallie, Rosalind Woodson, Director of nursing labs: Patricia Ketcham. Phone: (916) 624-3333. Candidates for membership are selected on the basis of superior scholastic achievement, academic integrity and evidence of professional leadership potential. The department of nursing is located in the Highland lakes campus; one of the satellite campuses of Oakland Community college. Preference for admission is given to students who have completed five or more pre-nursing courses (excluding MTH 061) at Oakland University. The ADN program is offered in partnership with Montage Health. The department offers selected courses from this catalog as warranted by student needs and availability of faculty: School of Nursing. Health: Characteristics that would not compromise health and safety of clients. With a few campuses including the Sacramento location, California State University, Sacramento offers a well-regarded nursing program. 2023-2024 Oakland Community College / 2480 Opdyke Road, Bloomfield Hills, MI 48304, 248.341.2000. San Diego City College's Nursing Education program helps students focus on health advocacy during patient illness and maintenance. . The functional patterns associated with reproduction and sexuality are presented. Clinical experiences that focus on community health, as well as that of the individual, are valued and reflected in the program numerous semesters. Out-of-district students pay $205.00 per credit hour, whether they live in Michigan, another state, or a foreign country. Note: Prerequisites for courses in this department are not automatically waived for College Guest students and students with a bachelor's degree or higher from a U.S. institution. The traditional bridge option for LVNs to become RNs, these programs have become increasingly popular. Stanbridge also offers LVN, RN to BSN, and MSN offerings. Our students become skilled and caring professionals. A division of the California Department of Consumer Affairs, the California Board of Registered Nursing has grown in scope and authority since its creation. helpdesk@cc.peralta.edu. Log In. Occ professors understood all of our situations. The BOV assists the School of Nursing with fundraising and they provide scholarships for students. Nursing Schools Rankings and Reports for All 50 States. The baccalaureate degree has a number of benefits; among them, there are numerous student support services to help students adjust to the rigors of adult-style workloads and stressors. Oakland University is accredited by the Higher Learning Commission, a regional accreditation agency recognized by the U.S. Department of Education, 3008 HUMAN HEALTH BUILDING (248) 370-4253 See Merritt College rankings HERE. The clinical component of This course includes experience in intrapartal, post partal and newborn settings. Corewell Health is the new name for Beaumont. These requirements are subject to change. OU has always responded to and served the educational needs of those who live and work here. The unifying concepts of human being, nursing, health/illness and environment will be integrated into the course to emphasize the importance of assessment, planning and evaluation in administering drugs to patients. Total number of associate degree programs offered online or through distance education. Christine Zambricki, C.R.N.A., R.N. Further, in a four-year degree, there is more time and opportunity for clinical rotation and volunteer opportunities. In order to get the most highly qualified nurses, the state has determined that it is imperative to help nurses achieve a BSN, or Bachelor of Science in Nursing degree whenever possible. Admission to the School of Nursing occurs in one of three ways: (1) admission after completion of prerequisite courseson a competitive basis, (2) as a second degree student into an accelerated program of studyon a competitive basis, or (3) as a registered nurse into a degree completion sequence. The Associate Degree Nursing (ADN) program is approved by the California Board of Registered Nursing. The following is a list of cities in with accredited nursing programs in California: ul.state-list>li{ list-style: none;}Anaheim, Angwin, Aptos, Arcata, Azusa, Bakersfield, Calexico, Camarillo, Carson, Chico, Chula Vista, Compton, Costa Mesa, Cupertino, Cypress, El Cajon, Eureka, Fremont, Fresno, Fullerton, Gilroy, Glendora, Hayward, Huntington Beach, Imperial, Irvine, Joshua Tree, Kentfield, La Jolla, La Mirada, Lancaster, Lemoore, Loma Linda, Long Beach, Los Angeles, Marysville, Merced, Mission Viejo, Modesto, Monterey, Monterey Park, Moorpark, Napa, North Hollywood, Northridge, Oakland, Oceanside, Orange, Oroville, Palm Desert, Porterville, Rancho Cucamonga, Redding, Reedley, Riverside, Rocklin, Rohnert Park, Sacramento, Salinas, San Bernardino, San Diego, San Francisco, San Jacinto, San Jose, San Luis Obispo, San Marcos, San Mateo, San Pablo, San Rafael, Santa Ana, Santa Barbara, Santa Clara, Santa Clarita, Santa Maria, Santa Monica, Santa Rosa, Signal Hill, Stockton, Torrance, Turlock, Ukiah, Valley Glen, Ventura, Victorville, Visalia, Walnut, Weed and Woodland Hills, .kb-row-layout-id_491583-f7 > .kt-row-column-wrap{align-content:start;}:where(.kb-row-layout-id_491583-f7 > .kt-row-column-wrap) > .wp-block-kadence-column{justify-content:start;}.kb-row-layout-id_491583-f7 > .kt-row-column-wrap{column-gap:var(--global-kb-gap-md, 2rem);row-gap:var(--global-kb-gap-md, 2rem);max-width:var( --global-content-width, 1290px );padding-left:var(--global-content-edge-padding);padding-right:var(--global-content-edge-padding);padding-top:var(--global-kb-spacing-sm, 1.5rem);padding-bottom:var(--global-kb-spacing-sm, 1.5rem);grid-template-columns:minmax(0, 1fr);}.kb-row-layout-id_491583-f7 > .kt-row-layout-overlay{opacity:0.30;}@media all and (max-width: 1024px){.kb-row-layout-id_491583-f7 > .kt-row-column-wrap{grid-template-columns:minmax(0, 1fr);}}@media all and (max-width: 767px){.kb-row-layout-id_491583-f7 > .kt-row-column-wrap{grid-template-columns:minmax(0, 1fr);}}.