new hampshire court case lookup new hampshire court case lookup
Searches can be accomplished by entering keywords, names, or phrases in the boxes below. The page also includes records for PFAS Related Cases, State of NH v. Richard S. Sackler, et al. Interested persons may also perform a court record search by name by visiting the clerk's office in person during business hours or using the public computers at the court. The Family Division court currently operates in 10 counties including: The cases are assigned to the areas closest to where the involved parties reside. Within each circuit there are several court locations, each of which has a clerk and deputy clerk. The Superior Court in New Hampshire is the only place in the state that allows jury trials. They generally handle any smaller cases that the court comes across. WEBEX information for Hillsborough Superior Court South Failure to comply will result in your being disconnected. The main goal here is to assist the Supreme Court in any way that they can including: The federal district court in New Hampshire is the United States District Court for the District of New Hampshire- there is only this one federal court. We do not originate, create, or control that information, and we cannot guarantee Then, the petitioner must pay a $125 filing fee to the court. Also, there is no drop off option available on weekends or court holidays., Cheshire Superior Court, Grafton Superior Court Family Treatment Court: The New Hampshire Circuit Court is currently piloting a Family Treatment Court (FTC) for abuse and neglect cases from Sullivan County's Family Divisions (Claremont and Newport Circuit Courts). If this is your first experience joining a WebEx meeting, please review the instructions here beforehand: WebEx Guidelines and Tips, Members of the media that wish to access hearings and court proceedings in the Superior Courts via WebEx must contact the Communications Office. The entire court system includes the following types of courts, which you can learn more about below: All New Hampshire courts refer to the New Hampshire Supreme Court, which does have administrative and judicial duties. For this purpose, you can use's online tools to find out NH criminal records, civil and traffic court cases, and more. The agency will submit its findings to the court, which will have the discretion to grant the request or hold a hearing if a judge requires additional information before rendering a decision. Interested members of the public may obtain these records by querying the record custodian in the judicial district where the case was filed or through third-party online sources. You can also access the information from the public terminals in the County Clerk's Office. WEBEX information for Strafford Superior 2023 State of New Hampshire All rights reserved, An official NEW HAMPSHIRE government website, Guidelines for Use of Cameras and Audio Equipment, Registration Process for Use of Cameras and Audio Equipment, Judicial Performance Evaluation Advisory Committee, New Hampshire Court Accreditation Commission. Our Mission: To preserve the rule of law and protect the rights and liberties guaranteed by the United States and New Hampshire Constitutions, the courts will provide accessible, prompt, and efficient forums for the fair and independent administration of justice, with respect for the dignity of all we serve. Criminal Civil Contract law and other disputes can go through these courts. A case number search in New Hampshire can be conducted online through the Case Access Portal. Our Mission: To preserve the rule of law and protect the rights and liberties guaranteed by the United States and New Hampshire Constitutions, the courts will provide accessible, prompt, and efficient forums for the fair and independent administration of justice, with respect for the dignity of all we serve. All court dockets are assigned docket numbers that serve as unique identifiers. Yes, New Hampshire Court Records are accessible online via the New Hampshire Court Case Access Portal. We have gathered the relevant documents for each one here. 2241 Petition for Writ of Habeas Corpus (federal). Common cases handled here include violation offenses and juvenile cases. Below are links to directions, phone numbers and addresses to the NH court you're looking for: Supreme Court Superior Court Landlord-Tenant Information Sheet 1:21-CV-668, 2023 WL 2989051, at *1 (D.N.H. This court hears various appeals from the lower courts and works to come to a resolution. Concord, NH 03301. Circuit courts This court has jurisdiction over civil, domestic, and many criminal cases. Cases in these courts can involve families, small claims, evictions or landlord cases, minor crimes, juveniles, families, and more. If you have been using IE, these instructions may be helpful to you. The federal court has jurisdiction over the entire state of New Hampshire. In New Hampshire, the custodians of public court records are Court Clerks. Alternatively, searchers may find bankruptcy records via search tools such as the Voice Case Information System (VCIS) and PACER. Requestors may inspect or copy retrieved paper case files, but these records cannot be removed from the clerk's office without prior authorization from the court clerk. WEBEX information for Carroll Superior Disputes below $10,000 and those that do not involve real estate may be resolved at the small claims court. The first step to take when trying to obtain court records in New Hampshire is to identify the courthouse where the record in question is maintained. On the New Hampshire Supreme Court you'll find five judges, who are allowed to serve until they reach the age of 70. You may now view your electronically filed cases from home or from your office. Per the New Hampshire Rules of Criminal Procedure Rule 46. The court's directory lists the contact information of courts in New Hampshire. A bankruptcy record typically contains information such as the name of the debtor, the debtor's attorney, the date of filing, the creditor's name, the case number, and the value of the debt owed. The District Division of Circuit Courts also hears civil cases involving money disputes where the amount involved is not more than $25,000. Photographing, Recording, and Broadcasting, WEBEX information for Hillsborough Superior Court North, WEBEX information for Hillsborough Superior Court South, WEBEX information for Rockingham Superior. For information on whether a paper case file still exists or how to review or obtain hard or electronic copies of paper documents that have been sent to NARA-FRC, see NARA-pdf. The electronic filing system is emphasized more because it is widely used and generally accepted throughout the state. Search for this: PROXIMITY sentence paragraph document Without this: Order by: A case number search in New Hampshire can be conducted online through the Case Access Portal. In this case, the party name may be that of the litigant, their attorney, judge or any other participants in the case. Forms Court Locations Contact Us FAQ Court Locations Forms Furthermore, the general public's right to access court records is restricted because specific categories of cases are not open to the public except as otherwise directed by the court. United States District Court for the District of New Hampshire, How to Find What You Need in the Court System, e-Filing and other Electronic Services - New Hampshire, Circuit Court District Division Service Center - New Hampshire, Find Your Court - NH Judicial Branch Self-Help Center, Superior Court - New Hampshire Judicial Branch, Circuit Court District Division - New Hampshire Judicial Branch, Your Guide to the NH Courts - New Hampshire Judicial Branch. Party Name Search Free Text Search Search by Docket Number Browse by Court Federal Courts United States Supreme Court 1st Circuit Court of Appeals However, after this period expires, NARA-FRC destroys some paper case files and designates others as permanent records. The New Hampshire Case Access Portal also provides online access to court case records for those seeking information. After review, the New Hampshire Supreme Court concluded the officer unlawfully . You further authorize to conduct a person search to identify preliminary results of the search subject you entered., Rockingham Superior Court Circuits Courts (Family Division): Cases handled in the family division include petitions of domestic violence, neglect and abuse cases, juvenile delinquencies, parental rights termination, child support, divorce, and parenting action. In New Hampshire, court records are public records and can be obtained by members of the public. These records contain basic details about a court case, including the names of the involved parties, the names of the attorneys, as well as motions, affidavits, orders, and documents created during the case history. Yes. You further agree not to use the information provided for any unlawful purposes and you understand that we cannot confirm that information provided below is accurate or complete. LEARN MORE ABOUT US Cases which claim for damages exceeding the dollar value of $25,000 typically go through these courts in New Hampshire. The complaint should carry the defendant's name, address, and the amount in dispute. In New Hampshire, Supreme Court decisions are known as Supreme Court Opinions. They deal with both civil and criminal cases, and if there are any appeals from these courts they go to the Supreme Court for further hearings. Belknap Superior Court Apr. uses public and private sources of information to supply you with search They are Supreme Courts, Superior Courts, District Division Circuit Courts, Probate Division Courts, and Family Division Courts. (Purdue Pharma) - Bankruptcy Stay, and SB3 Cases. A subscription to PACER is required. Court records are public documents that may be requested by anyone, they can be viewed by conducting a New Hampshire court records search. You are about to watch a live stream of a court hearing. The staff can't provide you with legal advice. 18, 2023), the U.S. District Court for the District Court of New Hampshire granted conditional certification of a collective action consisting of physician recruiters who alleged that. Note that even after filing a complaint, the plaintiff and defendant in question may still attempt to settle the dispute out of court. The National Center for State Courts offers judicial branch links for each state, focusing on the administrative office of the courts, the court of last resort, any intermediate appellate courts, and each trial court level. You can see their list on the Internet and learn about records sent there. Also included in court dockets are exhibits, briefs, judgments, declarations, and pleadings. The district division has subject-matter jurisdiction over motor claims and a number of civil cases. cannot confirm that information provided below is accurate or complete. Cases handled by the court include criminal, civil, disputes involving administrative bodies and juvenile appeals. The Supreme Court is able to review the decisions of the lower courts in the state and over turn the final say. The following is for information purposes only. Using the electronic case management system (CM/ECF) of the court, criminal cases filed after January 2005 and civil cases filed after June 2004 are maintained in electronic formats. The case number is a unique identifier that court administrators use to identify, manage, and retrieve information relevant to a case. to State, County and Municipal Public Records. New Hampshire Department of Safety Division of State Police Central Repository for Criminal Records 33 Hazen Drive Concord, NH 03305 Phone: (603) 223-3867 Mail-in applicants writing to get a criminal record search do not need to notarize their written requests. To use any of the websites mentioned above, the individual must create an account. The Hillsborough County Court Records Search (New Hampshire) links below open in a new window and take you to third party websites that provide access to Hillsborough County public records., Coos Superior Court Circuit Courts (Probate Division): Probate courts handle land ownership cases, administration of wills, trusts, estate ownership, adoption, equity, parental rights, and more. When substance abuse is a factor in an abuse and neglect case, including when a child is removed from the home, a parent can choose to participate in Family Treatment Court. is not a consumer reporting agency and does not supply consumer reports as those terms are defined by the Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA). Queries for information will not be answered., Merrimack Superior Court A first-degree murder conviction in Massachusetts carries a . This change should cause no interruption in service and filers will not see a change when filing or sending e-service. There are 28 such family divisions in New Hampshire. Small claims are filed with the Municipal or District Court court clerk and accompanied by an application fee. services. In line with the Freedom of Information Act, The New Hampshire Right to Know Law protects the right that citizens have to see public records. These email addresses are for WebEx access requests only. Per the New Hampshire Right to Know Law, interested members of the public may obtain these records from the record custodian, that is, the clerk of courts. OWNED OR OPERATED BY ANY STATE GOVERNMENT AGENCY. It is also possible to obtain judgment records remotely by sending a mail-in request, albeit slower. Search Court Dockets, Calendars and Case Information Free access to basic case information and scheduled court dates for members of the public and attorneys. Note that hand-delivered requests must be submitted before noon for next-day results. Requesters in New Hampshire may access Court Case records online or in person, by visiting the courthouse where the case in question was initially filed. According to the New Hampshire Right to Know Law, Supreme Court opinions are also considered public records and are therefore accessible online to the general public. According to the New Hampshire Judiciary annual statistics report for 2021, over 100,000 cases were filed in the states circuit courts. To gain access to these records, interested parties must typically provide: While third-party sites offer such services, they are not government-sponsored entities, and record availability may vary on these sites compared to government sources. You understand that by clicking "I Agree" you consent to our Terms of Service and agree not to use information provided by for any purpose under the FCRA, including to make determinations regarding an individual's eligibility for personal credit, insurance, employment, or for tenant screening. You are not permitted to speak or interrupt proceedings at any time. Most courts accept cash, certified checks, money orders, and credit card payments for in-person requests. The information on this website is taken from records made available by state and local law enforcement departments, courts, city and town halls, and other public and private sources. Then, they may perform a search using the names of the involved parties, the name of any legal representative handling the case, or the case number. This may impact how you fill out NHJB forms. For e-filing purposes, self-represented individuals are required to use TurboCourt, while attorneys are required to use File & Serve. Should there be appeals from this court, they will be referred to the 1st Circuit Court of Appeals. Requesters must register or sign in if they already have an existing account. The time required to receive this decision will vary based on the nature of the request and the court's current workload. Drug and Mental Health Court: Various New Hampshire Superior and Circuit Court District Division locations offer specialized court programs for offenders with substance abuse or mental health diagnoses. These arguments include a full court or a three justice panel as overseers., Carroll Superior Court The cost per page for printing records retrieved using the public terminal is $0.10. This simply means that the court case was settled prior to the trial date. The New Hampshire Circuit Court consists of the District, Family and Probate court divisions. New Hampshire. WEBEX information for Belknap Superior An example of a simple case number in New Hampshire is 1:2022CV00379. The rules guiding small claims are contained under the Rules of the District Court. The requester must provide information to facilitate the search, including the filing date, the case number, or the litigants names. How to Find New Hampshire Court Records Online Our search tool makes it quick and easy to search for New Hampshire court records. There are 10 Circuits in the state, one for each of the state's counties. This means that local government records including court details can be seen by those residing in the state. If the request is urgent, the form can be hand-delivered together with the specified fee during business hours (Monday through Friday, 8:00 am 4:00 pm) at the New Hampshire Judicial Branch Administrative Offices. Plea bargain: When a criminal defendant chooses to plead guilty in exchange for the dismissal of certain charges or for lenient sentencing by the court. You can use public access terminals in the courthouse to look for these records. Case Number: 1:2023cv00249: Filed: April 28, 2023: Court: US District Court for the District of New Hampshire: Office: Concord Office: Nature of Suit: Habeas Corpus - Alien Detainee: Cause of Action: 28 U.S.C.
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