masshealth dental fee schedule 2021masshealth dental fee schedule 2021

masshealth dental fee schedule 2021 masshealth dental fee schedule 2021

We will use this information to improve this page. The allowed amounts have not yet been officially published on the Medicare DME fee schedule, however based on processed EOB's from our clients an our medical billing service, we know the approximate allowed amounts for each region (as of November 2022): Jurisdiction A: approx $1950-2070. 12121 N. Corporate Parkway Palermo is located on the northern coast of Sicily and is the capital of the autonomous region of Sicily. MassHealth Dental enjoys one of the largest participant rolls in the state of Massachusetts. Easter Weekend. Accessibility, User Agreement, Privacy Policy, Cookies, 480 Boston Rd. Another colorful celebration, known as Pashkt Arbreshe, is observed in Piana degli Albanesi in the province of Palermo. MassHealth dental coverage is available for a vast range of monthly income requirements. AND/OR FORCEPS REMOVAL), REMOVE ERUPT TTH-W/MUCOPERIOSTL FLP-REMOV BNE/TTH, REMOVE IMPACTED TTH-COMPLT BONY W/UNUSUAL COMPLIC, SURG REMOV RESIDUAL TOOTH ROOTS (CUTTING PROC), SURG EXPOSURE IMPACTED/UNERUPTED TTH-ORTHODONTIC. north carolina medicaid fee schedule 2022. 2021 Palermo 'A good attitude was key' - the lowdown on Fiona Ferro. 2023 Massachusetts Dental Society | All Rights Reserved. Oral exams (twice in 12 months) X rays as needed, Orthodontic care (pre-qualifying conditions must be met first). Learn What's New for CY 2023. Dental implants are a great way to replace these teeth, giving you a great smile. OF SEMI-PRECISION/PRECISION ATTACH. Child Health Plan Plus Fee-for-Service (FFS) Rates. Help with File Formats and Plug-Ins. :L_Qwb1{HYJu\ LJ" avf601*Ua)f d@4%_RK NGZ\hc*3Us@v#. in Malta. Will be used in accordance with the WTA Privacy Policy and the ATP Privacy Policy. 0000023918 00000 n 0000006440 00000 n For a truly grieving atmosphere, witness The Passion of Christ Easter Festival in Cianciana in the province of Agrigento. Use this button to show and access all levels. %PDF-1.4 % Her remains were found buried in her cave, brought back to Palermo and carried around the city three times, freeing Palermo from the Plague. Please review the Dental Billing Guide for coverage policy and limitations. Please limit your input to 500 characters. Calendar Year 2021. Fee schedule data will span the last three years. ZIPCODE TO CARRIER LOCALITY FILE (see files below) Dr. sures#2021-masshealth-monthly-caseload-reports-. Palermo is distinguished for another tradition of Il Ballo Dei Diavoli which takes place in Prizzi. Dates of Feast of St. Rosalia in Palermo. in San Francisco. The latest MassHealth dental benefits cover the following care categories: Please note, this is a general list of services available to all MassHealth dental plan participants. TOPICAL FLUORIDE VARNISH - THERAPEUTIC APP. xref MassHealth has always been a universal healthcare option, and their latest income guidelines are a testament to their face. . 0000007506 00000 n Attestation Questions(Note: You must answer 'yes' to both related questions) However, your practice may be eligible for an incentive fee schedule of an additional 1% that would result in a 7.8% reduction. GUID TISS REGEN-NONRESORB BARRIER PER SITE, SUBEPITHELIAL CONNECTIVE TISS GFT (INCL DONOR), DIST/PROX WEDGE PROC (NOT W/PROC IN SAME AREA), COMBINED CONNECTIVE TISSUE AND DOUBLE PEDICLE GRAFT, PERIODONTAL SCALING & ROOT PLANING PER QUADRANT, PERIODONTAL SCALING AND ROOT PLANING - 1-3 TEETH PER QD, FULL MOUTH DEBRID-ENABLE PERIODONTAL EVAL & DX, LOCALIZ DELIV CHEMO-CREVICULAR TISS PER TOOTH BR, PERIODONTAL MAINT PROC (FOLLOWING ACTIVE THERAP), MAXIL PART DENTURE-RESIN BASE(INCLD CLASP-RESTS), MANDIB PART DENTURE-RESIN BASE(INCLD CLASP-REST), MAXIL PART DENTURE-CAST METAL FRAME W/RESIN BASE, MANDIB PART DENTURE-CAST METAL FRAME W/RES BASE, REMOV UNILAT PART DENTURE-1 PIECE CAST METAL, REPLACE MISS/BRKN TEETH-COMPLT DENTURE(EA TOOTH), REPLACE ALL TEETH AND ACRYLIC ON CAST METAL FRAMEWORK (MAXILLARY), REPLACE ALL TEETH AND ACRYLIC ON CAST METAL FRAMEWORK (MANDIBULAR), REPLACEMENT OF REPLACEABLE PART OF SEMI-PRECISION ATTACH, SURG PLACEMENT IMPLANT BODY: ENDOSTEAL IMPLANT, ABUTMENT SUPPORTED PORCELAIN/CERAMIC CROWN, ABUTMENT SUPPORTED PORCELAIN FUSED TO METAL CROWN, ABUT SUPP PORCELAIN TO MTL CROWN PREDOM BASE MTL, ABUT SUPP PORCELAIN TO METAL CROWN NOBLE METAL, ABUTMENT SUPP CAST METAL CROWN HIGH NOBLE METAL, ABUTMENT SUPP CAST METAL CROWN PREDOM BASE METAL, ABUTMENT SUPP CAST METAL CROWN NOBLE METAL, IMPLANT SUPPORTED PORCELAIN/CERAMIC CROWN, IMPLANT SUPPORTED PORCELAIN FUSED TO METAL CROWN, ABUTMENT SUPPORTED RETAINER FOR PORCELAIN/CERAMIC CROWN, ABUTMENT SUPPORTED RETAINER FOR PORCELAIN FUSED TO HIGH NOBLE, IMPLANT SUPPORTED RETAINER FOR PORCELAIN FUSED TO HIGH NOBLE, IMPL MAINT PROC REMV CLEANS PROSTH&ABUTS REINS, REPLACE. This page is located more than 3 levels deep within a topic. If you have questions or would like to obtain a copy of your commercial or MassHealth fee schedule, please contact your Mass General Brigham Health Plan Provider Network Account Executive. PRESS STATEMENT: Health Care For All Praises House of Representatives Budget for Bold Steps Towards Health Care Affordability and Equity, House Budget Would Expand Access to Affordable Coverage | April 13, 2023. Mequon, WI 53092. A website belongs to an official government organization in Massachusetts. Semana Santa (Holy Week) & Easter. Proposed I/DD rates- effective 10/1/19. 0000006980 00000 n Members over the age of 21 who have MassHealth coverage are now able to access a greater number of dental services. Were happy to accommodate your MassHealth dental plan. Dental is one of the states most trusted MassHealth dental providers, and were here to help you in any way possible. For email inquiries, send a message to Unit 114 This information is important.ThisEstaIt shouldinformationinformacinbe translatedises important.importanteright yaway.Itdebeshouldser traducidabe translated rightQuestaaway.informazionee importante. Holy Week is the most mourning time in a year but not in San Fratello. However, like many other government-run insurance plans, the MassHealth dental coverage 2017 application phase requires plenty of patience and the ability to provide personal information. See the press release, PFS fact sheet, Quality Payment Program fact sheets, and Medicare Shared Savings Program fact sheet for provisions effective January . Texas Orthodontic Review Policy. Easter. Rosalia was a devout Christian hermit who lived in a cave on Mount Pellegrino, a few miles north of Palermo. While Sicily was being ravaged by a recurrence of the Plague (Black Death), a Palermo soap seller had a dream. The Feast of Saint Rosalia is a regional public holiday in Palermo, Italy on July 15th each year. in Ibiza. 12/27/2021 Deleted Dental Codes (D4320 and D4321) and Replacements 12/17/2021 Deleted Dental Codes (D8050 and D8060) and Replacements 12/15/2021 Health Behavior Assessment and Intervention Billing Codes Rev. Please click-on State Sets Rates for Infant/Toddler Early Intervention Services for the Early Intervention Program announcement EI #10-09 addressing the rates set. and Dentists. 2020 Palermo. Current page 1; Page 2; Page 3; Next page; Last page; Page Last Modified: 12/01/2021 08:00 PM. Effective for dates of service on or after January 1, 2021, MassHealth is adding coverage for members age 21 and older for the dental service codes below. As part of the MassHealth insurance plan, dental care has been offered to Massachusetts citizens since July 1, 2006. <> DIF. Since MassHealth medical coverage is designed to cover almost all Massachusetts residents, its a good idea to check with a state healthcare consultant. 68 KB. In particular, this would not have happened without the leadership of House Ways and Means Chair Michlewitz who spearheaded the effort by including the funding in the Ways and Means Committees initial budget proposal. Palermo honours St. Rosalia, a young woman who was credited for saving the city from plague in 1624. One of our vendors, NationsBenefits, LLC, experienced a cybersecurity incident that affected certain members' personal information. For all written requests, use the following address: MassHealth Dental Program. To start your search, go to the Medicare Physician Fee Schedule Look-up Tool. Texas Health Plans Important Documents. At Dr. This product includes Current Dental Terminology ("CDT"), which is commercial technical data and/or computer data bases and/or commercial computer software and/or commercial computer software . 0000034200 00000 n Updated 10/2021 In-Network (IN)/Out-of . TO HIGH CARIES RISK PATS. Now offering online payment options for your convenience! We'll help you find a health plan: Medicare/older adults Individuals/families Small businesses MassHealth. 04/26/2022 12/10/2021 New Provider Services Portal 09/16/2021 Billing Update - Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist (LMFT) 07/20/2021 . Tufts Health Together , Health WebTable of Contents. Generally, youll get one of three different answers: Even if you are denied coverage, follow up with a MassHealth representative to make sure. Physician Fee Schedule Look-Up Tool. For Medicare Advantage fee schedule questions, refer to CMS . Two Willow Street 9/20/2016 8:46 AM. We look forward to serving you stop by today! If you have existing healthcare coverage and are only interested in dental insurance, youll still have to apply on the HHS website. Does MassHealth limited cover rehab? 0000034241 00000 n Just give us a call or use the button below to schedule an appointment! A sliding-fee schedule is also available for those residents who are low income. is a registered service mark of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. endobj You can view this chart on the MassHealths legal services website. You are approved for MassHealth insurance. Dr. Dentals 19 Massachusetts office locations accept MassHealth dental coverage. Dr. 0000016660 00000 n A lock icon ( The latest MassHealth Income Standards are based on federal poverty guidelines. OF IMPLANT SUPPORT PROSTHESIS, RECEMENT IMPLANT/ABUTMENT SUPPORTED CROWN, RECEMENT IMPLANT/ABUTMENT SUPPORTED FIXED PARTIAL DENTURE, PONTIC - INDIRECT RESIGN BASED COMPOSITE / NOT TEMPORARY, PONTIC-PORCELAIN FUSED TO PREDOMINANTLY BASE MTL, RETAINER-CAST METAL FOR RESIN BONDED FIX PROSTH, RETAINER - PORCELN/CERAMIC RSN BONDED FIX PROSTH, INLAY - PORCELAIN/CERAMIC 3 OR MORE SURFACES, INLAY - CAST HIGH NOBLE METAL 2 SURFACES, INLAY - CAST HIGH NOBLE METAL 3 OR MORE SURFACES, INLAY - CAST PREDOMINATELY BASE METAL 2 SURFACES, INLAY - CAST PREDOMINATELY BASE METAL 3 OR MORE SURF, INLAY - CAST NOBLE METAL 3 OR MORE SURFACES, ONLAY - PORCELAIN/CERAMIC 3 OR MORE SURFACES, ONLAY - CAST HIGH NOBLE METAL 2 SURFACES, ONLAY - CAST HIGH NOBLE METAL 3 OR MORE SURFACES, ONLAY - CAST PREDOMINATELY BASE METAL 2 SURFACES, ONLAY - CAST PREDOMINATELY BASE METAL 3 OR MORE SURF, ONLAY - CAST NOBLE METAL 3 OR MORE SURFACES, CROWN - INDIRECT RESIN BASED COMPOSITE / NON-TEMPORARY, EXTRACT. Please limit your input to 500 characters. Why Choose Dr. Please remove any contact information or personal data from your feedback. In order to comply with the Protecting Access to Medicare Act (PAMA), Health First Colorado will adjust Clinical Diagnostic Laboratory Test (CDLT) rates on a per-test basis to align with Medicare's quarterly . Dental, our goal is to make your visit as comfortable as possible. MassHealth uses the Massachusetts Health Connector portal to initiate all applications for healthcare insurance, including dental coverage. The Massachusetts Health Care Reform Act (Act) was filed in April 2006 to provide nearly universal health care coverage for Ma residence. The town's processions are interrupted by grotesque characters, wearing bright pseudo-military-style costumes and playing loud trumpets. 2020 Dental Fee Schedule. State: Alaska. (617) 350 7279. members may contact MassHealth Dental Customer Service at 1-800-207-5019 or go online at http . Combine this great insurance plan with Dr. Dentals family-friendly care and great prices, and you have the best combination of an insurance-care provider in the state. Dental office in the state. MassHealth administrators designed their insurance coverage to include a relatively easy application process. 2 0 obj As a result, they have had to pay much more . If you would like to continue helping us improve, join our user panel to test new features for the site. Contact Specialty Dentists directly for available discounts offered through our program. Settimana Santa in Adrano, the province of Catania, has equally impressive processions. Texas Aetna Office Reference Manual. . 12121 N. Corporate Parkway. In January of 2021, the MassHealth Dental Program restored adult benefits. ALVEOLOPLASTY NOT IN CONJ. fo. Download 101 CMR 314 Do you consent to the Bureau of Health Professions Licensure and the Massachusetts Executive Office of Health and Human Services, and its enrollment vendor, to obtain, read, copy and share with each other information regarding your MassHealth application and enrollment status and professional licensure status? x][o#7~oC, <> Schedule an Appointment. 2020 Dental Fee Schedule Covid Phase II Rates - Effective 7/01/20 - 12/31/20. 0000001635 00000 n (D) . One Federal Street For example, a senior citizen earning just $1,001 per month is eligible to see MassHealth dental providers. The city of Siracusa hit . Help with File Formats and Plug-Ins. DentaQuest is on a mission to improve the oral health of all. 1885 0 obj <> endobj 2020 Palermo. Dental especially in our Massachusetts offices is about MassHealth dental. CPT codes may be found under Physician-Related Services fee schedule D8690 Oral Health Connections D8695 D1516 D1517 D9944 D9945 EPA* PA/EPA Removal of appliances, construction, and placement of retainer Only if appliance placed by different provider Clients age 20 and . The MassHealth dental plan is administered by an organization calledDentaQuest. The result was a lack of access to dental care for people all across the state. ORDER EVALUATION - PATIENT UNDER 3 YRS OLD & COUNSELING W/PRIMARY CAREGIVER, DETAILED & EXTEN ORAL EVAL-PROBLEM FOCUSED BR, RE-EVAL-LTD PROB FOCUSED (ESTAB PT-NOT POSTOP), COMPREHENSIVE PERIODONTAL EVALUATION - NEW OR ESTABLISHED PATIENT, ORAL/FACIAL IMAGES (INCL INTRA & EXTRAORAL). Wherever you go for Santa Pasqua in Sicily, you'll find a totally unique experience. We use cookies to provide our services and for analytics and marketing. Some page levels are currently hidden. Application form errors, paperwork miscues, and other errors may be some of the reasons for your unfavorable eligibility. The Indiana Health Coverage Programs (IHCP) Professional Fee Schedule includes reimbursement information for providers that bill services using professional claims or dental claims reimbursed under the fee-for-service (FFS) delivery system. Local traditions were influenced by the Greek Orthodox faith and have some Byzantine flavor. Massachusetts Court System This is a part of: 101 CMR Regulation 101 CMR 314.00: Rates for dental services 101 CMR 314.00 governs the rates of payments used by all governmental units in making payments to eligible dental providers for dental services rendered to publicly aided individuals. We always enjoy meeting new patients, just as much as our repeat customers. Past month, Health Web101 CMR 339.00: Rates for Restorative Services 101 CMR 343.00: Rates for Hospice Services 101 CMR 345.00: Rates for Temporary Nursing Services 101 CMR 346.00: Rates for Certain Substance-Related and Addictive Disorders Programs 101 CMR , Health Web2021 MassHealth provider bulletins offered by MassHealth 2021 , 150% Off WebMassHealth Premium Schedule For Members 150% Off WebMonthly , Health WebA fee schedule is a complete listing of fees used by Medicare to pay , Health WebPhysician Fee Schedule Look-Up Tool Physician Fee Schedule Look-Up , Health WebFederal law generally requires provider applicants for enrollment or reenrollment into a , Health WebJune 2021 TO: All Providers Participating in MassHealth FROM: Daniel Tsai, This , Health WebQuestions on Medicare Fee-for-Service Billing (updated: December 8, 2020). BRUSHiNG OF ORAL MUSC. 10/15/2021. These services were already covered for members under age 21, and in certain cases for clients over the age of 21 who are served by the Massachusetts Department of Developmental Services (DDS). D3310 Endodontic therapy, anterior tooth (excluding final restoration) $320 Dental procedure codes not listed on this schedule will be discounted at 20% off the General Dentist's normal fee at the time of service. Get official communications from the WTA and ATP, delivered straight to your e-mail! 0000004260 00000 n $12 per child ($36 PBFG maximum) , Health WebDentists should submit the form and signed contract by mail to DentaQuest at , Tri state community health center mcconnellsburg, 2022 unitedhealthcare path reference guide, Virginia home health license verification, Ddd mental health pre screening checklist, United health care transportation services ohio, 2019 This fee schedule represents the discounted fees for providers who are General Dentists. Dental: Dentist in New Haven, CT (Amity Road), Employer and income information, including W-2 and 1099 forms, tax returns, and other related documents, Current healthcare coverage policy numbers (including phone and fax numbers, if you cant find your policy number), Dependent information (children, spouse, etc. as , Health WebMassHealth Dental - MassHealth Dental, Health WebMassHealth Services & Service Providers by Coverage Type January 2022 This Table , Health WebRevised 11/2021 1 Modifier Tables Tufts Health Together (a , Health WebRevised 3/2021 1 DME and Medical Supplies Payment Policy . Welcome Massachusetts Members. Non-Covered Codes. In order to determine your eligibility, youll have to utilize the Massachusetts Virtual Gateway Self Service page, where you can enter your personal information. 2021 Dental Fee Schedule Post Covid - Effective 01/01/21 - 3/31/21. According to the MassHealth dental benefits guide, anyone who is enrolled in the following plans is eligible for dental coverage: Initial qualification depends mostly on income level. Regional Holiday. The MassHealth agency pays for dentures services once per seven calendar years per member, subject to the age limitations specified in 130 CMR 420.428(B). PERIODIC ORAL EVALUATION : 7/1/2021 FEE SCHED : $24.54 - 000 999: Adults 1 every 6 months unless disabled D0140 - LIMIT ORAL EVAL PROBLM FOCUS 7/1/2021: FEE SCHED $35.06 - 000: 999 - D0145 - ORAL EVALUATION, PT < 3YRS . Coverage for low-income and disabled seniors that combines all the benefits of MassHealth Standard and Medicare plans. January, 25 2021- Ten years ago, state funding for dental benefits in the MassHealth program was cut as part of an effort to manage state budget shortfalls during the last recession. 2022 Palermo. 0000000016 00000 n Group Fee Schedule. Champion's Reel: How Irina-Camelia Begu won Palermo 2022. St. Rosalia then became the patron saint of Palermo, replacing Saints Agatha, Christina, Nympha and Olivia, who had been patron saints for different parts of the city. If you use the Massachusetts Health and Human Services website, their Find a Dentist Masshealth dental portal includes every Dr. Dental accepts both private insurance (Aetna, Cigna, Metlife, etc.) Past 24 Hours For health care services provided to medical assistance recipients under the executive office of health and human services' health care indemnity or third-party liability plan, to medical assistance recipients not otherwise covered under the executive office's managed care or senior care plans and for . masshealth dental fee schedule 2021. Please enter a valid Dental Benefits Program code at the top of the page. The central figures of Enna's Easter are Incappuciati, wearing pointed hoods. To find out more about our use of cookies and how you can disable them, please see our Privacy Policy. Reimbursement 2023 Sat, Jul 15. However, it has been a long-lasting tradition for ages and wasn't interrupted even during both world wars. Now, you can get root canals and crowns. Before applying for MassHealth dental care, it is recommended to gather the following personal data: This information and much more will be used to see if you qualify for MassHealth dental insurance. Clinical Diagnostic Laboratory Test, Upper Payment Limit. MassHealth is a state-funded program and, as such, is subject to annual budget decisions. 0000008638 00000 n The result was a lack of access to dental care for people all across the state. To be eligible for SCO you must 65 or older, have or are eligible for MassHealth Standard, have Medicare Parts A and B, and live in Barnstable, Bristol, Hampden, Plymouth and Suffolk counties. Page 3 of 7 PLANS FOR FAMILIES AND ADULTS Features & Benefit Details Planswithcomprehensivecoverage Plans with basic coverage *Delta Dental of Massachusetts EPO insurance products are offered by DSM USA Insurance Company, Inc. Delta Dental of Massachusetts PPO, Premier and DeltaCare insurance products are offered by Dental Service of Massachusetts, Inc. the provider may be reimbursed a percentage of the denture fee to assist in covering costs. By Maria Gonzalez January 25, 2021 No Comments. Sign up to get the latest information about your choice of CMS topics. All Time WITH EXTRACTS 1-3 TEETH PER QUAD. It is recommended that dental providers educate patients about these changes. Learn more about which Healthy Lower plan for Lewis. 101 CMR 314.00 governs the rates of payments used by all governmental units in making payments to eligible dental providers for dental services rendered to publicly aided individuals. For Health Safety Net: Must fill out a MassHealth application and use a . 2020 Dental Fee Schedule Effective 4//1/20 - 3/31/21. One of the first places to visit during the Holy Week is the province of Enna, home to Sicily's most ancient traditions. In January of 2021, the MassHealth Dental Program restored adult benefits. Under the Massachusetts healthcare reform act, all residents are entitled to basic rights, including quality and affordable dental care. Dr. Massachusetts Dental Society Over the last decade, dental coverage has been incrementally restored, practically tooth by tooth. After years of legislative advocacy, MassHealth started covering fillings, dentures and treatment for gum disease, but some key services were still excluded. Schedule Appointment . If you choose to sign up for MassHealth dental providers, and youre eligible for coverage, the next step is finding a local Massachusetts dental office that accepts MassHealth insurance. MASSHEALTH DENTAL BENEFIT HANDBOOK JANUARY 1, 2021 Call us at 1-800-841-2900 (TTY: 1-800-497-4648). 2024 Mon, Jul 15. 101 CMR 10.00: Transitional planning services, 101 CMR 15.00: Criminal offender record checks, 101 CMR 16.00: Personal data use and permitted disclosures by and among the exe, 101 CMR 19.00: Workplace violence prevention and crisis response plan, 101 CMR 20.00: Health information exchange, 101 CMR 21.00: COVID-19 testing for staff at agency facilities, 101 CMR 22.00: Requirement to disclose COVID-19 test results to EOHHS, 101 CMR 23.00: COVID-19 vaccinations for staff at certain agency facilities, 101 CMR 28.00: Disability employment tax credit, 101 CMR 30.00: Statewide long-term care ombudsman program, 101 CMR 129.00: Rate and charge determination for certain intermediate care fac, 101 CMR 204.00: Rates of payment to resident care facilities, 101 CMR 206.00: Standard payments to nursing facilities, 101 CMR 304.00: Rates for community health centers, 101 CMR 305.00: Rates for behavioral health services provided in community beha, 101 CMR 306.00: Rates for mental health services provided in community health c, 101 CMR 307.00: Rates for psychiatric day treatment center services, 101 CMR 309.00: Rates for certain services for the personal care attendant prog, 101 CMR 310.00: Rates for adult day health services, 101 CMR 312.00: Rates for family planning services, 101 CMR 313.00: Rates for freestanding clinics providing abortion and steriliza, 101 CMR 314.00: Rates for dental services, 101 CMR 316.00: Rates for surgery and anesthesia services, 101 CMR 317.00: Rates for medicine services, 101 CMR 318.00: Rates for radiology services, 101 CMR 320.00: Rates for clinical laboratory services, 101 CMR 322.00: Durable medical equipment, oxygen and respiratory therapy equip, 101 CMR 323.00: Rates for hearing services, 101 CMR 324.00: Nonpublic ambulance service reimbursement trust fund assessment, 101 CMR 327.00: Rates of payment for ambulance and wheelchair van services, 101 CMR 329.00: Rates for psychological and independent clinical social work se, 101 CMR 330.00: Rates for team evaluation services, 101 CMR 334.00: Prostheses, prosthetic devices and orthotic devices, 101 CMR 337.00: Rates for chronic maintenance dialysis treatments and home dial, 101 CMR 339.00: Rates for restorative services, 101 CMR 343.00: Rates for hospice services, 101 CMR 345.00: Rates for temporary nursing services, 101 CMR 346.00: Rates for certain substance-related and addictive disorders pro, 101 CMR 347.00: Rates for freestanding ambulatory surgery centers, 101 CMR 348.00: Rates for day habilitation services, 101 CMR 349.00: Rates for early intervention program services, 101 CMR 350.00: Rates for home health services, 101 CMR 351.00: Rates for certain adult foster care services, 101 CMR 352.00: Rates of payment for certain children's behavioral health servi, 101 CMR 353.00: Payment for primary care clinician plan services and primary ca, 101 CMR 355.00: Rates for freestanding birth center services, 101 CMR 356.00: Rates for money follows the person demonstration services, 101 CMR 358.00: Rates for applied behavior analysis, 101 CMR 359.00: Rates for home and community based services waivers, 101 CMR 361.00: Rates for continuous skilled nursing services, 101 CMR 362.00: Rates for community support program services, 101 CMR 410.00: Rates for competitive integrated employment services, 101 CMR 411.00: Rates for certain placement, support, and shared living services, 101 CMR 412.00: Rates for family transitional support services, 101 CMR 413.00: Payments for youth intermediate-term stabilization services, 101 CMR 414.00: Rates for family stabilization services, 101 CMR 415.00: Rates for community-based day support services, 101 CMR 416.00: Rates for clubhouse services, 101 CMR 417.00: Rates for certain elder care services, 101 CMR 418.00: Payments for youth short-term stabilization and emergency place, 101 CMR 419.00: Rates for supported employment services, 101 CMR 420.00: Rates for adult long-term residential services, 101 CMR 421.00: Rates for adult housing and community support services, 101 CMR 422.00: Rates for general programs - disability services, 101 CMR 423.00: Rates for certain in-home basic living supports, 101 CMR 424.00: Rates for certain developmental and support services, 101 CMR 425.00: Rates for certain young parent support programs, 101 CMR 426.00: Rates for certain adult community mental health services, 101 CMR 427.00: Rates for certain youth and young adult support services, 101 CMR 428.00: Rates for certain independent living communities and services, 101 CMR 429.00: Rates for certain sexual and domestic violence services, 101 CMR 430.00: Rates for program of assertive community treatment services, 101 CMR 431.00: Rates for certain respite services, 101 CMR 432.00: Rates for certain lead agency services, 101 CMR 433.00: Rates for certain human services agencies, 101 CMR 444.00: Rates for certain substance use disorder services, 101 CMR 446.00: Public health emergency payment rates for certain community hea, 101 CMR 449.00: Rates for certain home- and community-based services related to, 101 CMR 452.00: Supplemental rates for workforce investment for certain health , 101 CMR 453.00: Enhanced rates for certain home- and community-based services r, 101 CMR 512.00: Nursing facility user fees, 101 CMR 516.00: Behavioral Health Access and Crisis Intervention Trust Fund sur, 101 CMR 613.00: Health safety net eligible services, 101 CMR 614.00: Health safety net payments and funding, 101 CMR 701.00: Community hospital reinvestment trust fund payments and funding, 101 CMR 801.00: Drug manufacturer negotiations and accountability, Executive Office of Health and Human Services, 101 CMR 314 related and supporting documents.

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