loas erzulie dantorloas erzulie dantor

loas erzulie dantor loas erzulie dantor

She can be a tough lady, a little wild, but before all she is a mother. Ezil Dantor or Erzulie Dant is the main loa (or lwa) or senior spirit of the Petro family in Haitian Vodou. Beauty, love, and sensuality are her Creations. Dantor is a mother who watches and cares for her children very much. REGISTERED MEMBER. A chaque loa correspondait un saint catholique. Price: US $250.00. Try Some Authentic Vodou, Support These Educational Resources & Our Real Vodou Practitioners. It could be motives which are Despite his power and importance, Legba is usually seen as an old man, often with injuries or deformities. Erzulie Dantor offers her devotees her protection, but more than that she is a capital magician! Es una guerrera y especialmente protege con fiereza a mujeres y nios. Tags: African spirituality, African tradition, Haitian Voodoo, houngan, juju, Loas, Mambos, obeah, spiritual practices, voudon. Erzulie Dantor Flaming Heart Wooden Lapel Pin Veve Brooch Flaming Lwa Feminist Icon Revolutionary Patron of Women Haiti Protection 5 out of 5 stars (174) . Saincilus a dvelopp un style unique et immdiatement reconnaissable, allant des scnes de la vie paysanne et des scnes de march la reprsentation de personnages du panthon vaudou, rendus avec la complexit ornementale et la prcision d'une icne byzantine. A veces es descrita como una mujer herida y lastimada, que sostiene a un nio de manera protectora en una mano y en la otra un cuchillo. She also has a scar on one cheek and is mute since her tongue was cut out to ensure she would keep secrets. (10% off), Sale Price 6.44 When inhabiting men, these aspects can result in transgender or homoerotic behaviour, whereas they may result in lesbianism or anti-male sentiment in women. She can be a disciplinarian, as she does not and will not tolerate children behaving badly. It is time to start over, and rebuild. Yu done one video already, lol. The man woulda rather seh the painting is damaged than to acknowledge a black saint, well damn! card can be a good sign because it represents certain bonds what cannot be Fiery emotions are what link her to the endless reservoir of universal creativity. Traditional images of Erzulie Dantor, the Vodou defender of lesbians, are based on the Black Madonna of Czestochowa, whose feast day is Aug. 26. IT name Escape or (doan laugh) Flukt. also to herself. You may have seen characters based on him in movies or television, for instance Doctor Facilier in The Princess and the Frog or in American Horror Story: Coven, where he appeared as a mash-up with Papa Legba. It is said that Ezili Danto has a dark complexion and is maternal in nature. Be cautious about the situation when this card Some will also serve her with more colors, sometimes seven or even twenty one colors. To read more about Erzulie Dantor, Click here! Erzulie Dantor - The Mother of Haiti, the warrior who fought for the freedom of her people, of her children, she is the spirit of the marketplace, of hard work and of Motherhood. Dantor is a mother figure and a protector of children, in addition to being a symbol of romance and love. Unfortunately, these recreations are usually caricatures and often give voodoo the reputation of being creepy and evil. In Voodoo ceremonies, the loas will often make an appearance by possessing one of the participants, a phenomenon referred to as "mounting the head". Even worse, their explanation as to why she is black. . Check out our erzulie dantor loa selection for the very best in unique or custom, handmade pieces from our shops. correct or nah? will not come about in the way you expect it to. Esta pgina foi editada pela ltima vez s 19h58min de 25 de agosto de 2021. Alafia from all of us at Erzulies! document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); http://campus.udayton.edu/mary/meditations/olczest.html, In other words, even the day I am defeated I will still punish them. She can help you obtain new opportunities in business, success, and luck. Erzulie Dantor likes to have a heart with two knives as part of her altar or near offerings to her. She is invoked when violence may occur. In the distance you hear her singing as . I reflect these scars of oral tradition on my Voodoo dolls. But wait. Emotions are what link Her to the endless reservoir of universal creativity. This Pendants item is sold by OkultaTresors. For instance, the English translation for one comment was that a person was going to hire a group to perform at his or her dance day. Original Price 57.95 Any whey oonuh deh and oonuh si dem ah do bruk kings as in part two of the Lata Daren video is Osun! Elle peut tre une femme coriace, un peu sauvage, mais c'est avant tout c'est une mre. Ships from France. get involved in overt violence or destruction directly, but leaves her enemies to their Many women invoke Erzulie Dantor against their partners (male or female) should they become violent. She is their grand matriarch. RASS FI HEAR WHEN ME USE TO BAWL OUT DE BLOOD!! She is a country woman, independent and strong. Ezili Dantor is served, like the rest of the Petros, onTuesday. Et la civilisation berbre a connu des guerrires clbres. A Guide To Loa, The Voodoo Spirits And How They Can Get You What You Want. Erzulie Freda is the Vodou Goddess of love and beauty. S. smalllady Well-Known Member. going to fail or fall. The heart signifies her deep commitment to women and to love, but the knives are a reminder that she will do WHATEVER it takes to protect women. The baby a bleach, lolol (look pon him hand to him face),lol I have no MANNERS, lol, Looooooool n yu kno mi guh luk!!! Este texto disponibilizado nos termos da licena. A link to set a new password will be sent to your email address. puporseful or just something you arent seeing. Someone may be having vengeful feelings toward you, or vice She is the most perfect mother one could wish to have. Blue and red are among the colors of Erzulie, the spirit of love for whom Tuesdays are sacred. Beauty, love, and sensuality are her Creations. It should be on Netflix. This section serves as a basic primer of the Voodoo Spirits, the Vodou Lwa and their Catholic counterparts. I thought it was just showing in my minds eyes because I saw it in these 3 imagesincludes the one posted by Obara. Original Price 88.20 If her sister is all sweetness and light, Dantor is the tough talking street fighter. Ela uma me guerreira de pele escura e cicatrizada como a Dahomey Amazons ou Mino que significa "Nossas Mes" na lngua fom. The Arena Media Brands, LLC and respective content providers to this website may receive compensation for some links to products and services on this website. The ritual symbols for the Vodou loa are called veves. A Loa is a Voodoo spirit that aids the practitioner in life, including with success, sexuality, spirituality, protection, healing and even in death. Ce tableau est une reprsentation d'Erzulie Dantor identifie la Vierge Noire, figure trs puissante du panthon vaudou. Loa legends like Papa Legba and Baron Samedi, or creations based on them, are often used as characters in movies, comics, and television. Dantor handing a basin of blood to someone is. These locations displayed more traditional practice than the performance-oriented Congo Square rituals. Thus, many traditions survived that were elsewhere eradicated. Ezili Dantor of the Loa . According to legend, Dantor and Freda both loved a particular Ogou loa. Other items dear to Erzulie surround the heart. Freda, in turn,removed the dagger and cut Dantors face, scarring her., Dantor is that strong, she is able to sustain seven stabs and still hold a basin and vomit blood., their characteristic traits are similar, as in aspects of nature, except the Haitians mix them with spirits from the cemetery so they are not pure like ORISHAS. When Dantor mounts someone, she will sometimes vomit blood. Unno no see the girl inna di white wid di jamaican flag tie to her.to di worldlol, I didnt wven notice the flag, lol Obara seh a Doreen. They apparently hate each other; a hatred thought to be fueled by jealousy. Baron Samedi is probably the most visually recognizable of all the loa, known for wearing a suit with tails and a top hat, and featuring a skull for a face. from female ancestors who have passed on. She has been known to be a very destructive spirit and is associated with heavy rains and hurricanes that destroy everything in its wake. Erzulie Dantor is the goddess of the spirits. Lega is Ellegbua? This page ROCKS! I know people who have been told that Freda and Dantor are sisters! This story is reflected in Freda's saint image where a gold knife is seen coming out of her heart, and is Dantor's saint image which has scars on her face. More comprehensive information on the Voodoo Spirits and their Catholic Saint Counterparts can found within our Vodou App available on app on iTunes & Google Play. appears. [1] outras representaes de Ezili Dantor incluem a Madona Negra, assim como Nossa Senhora de Lourdes ou Nossa Senhora do Monte Carmelo. Turning off personalized advertising opts you out of these sales. Learn more in our Privacy Policy., Help Center, and Cookies & Similar Technologies Policy. this crimson-eyed loa goes a step beyond. Ti Jean Petwo is also Dantos son, yet he isalso her favorite lover. suh how many would you define her energy, shes a like a water being and a spirit at the same time? I wrote a comment in the discussion thread for the first video giving the link to this pancocojams post..I also asked there and here for any additions and corrections to the information that I included in that post. Can you imagine the LEDs are a mock up of the light that comes from themdem nu smell good pon the fingers though, lol, We used to catch them in a jar for light , di jar had holes at the top, then release them after telling them thank you for their light Nature gives us all we need. and do our orishas have specific days to be served? For these reasons, one will at times hear her referred to as a djab. In Voodoo ceremonies, the loas will often make an appearance by possessing one of the participants, a phenomenon referred to as "mounting the head". pay attention to the call and response, this is 60 revival they will later enter into 61! Unlike Erzulie Freda, Red (LogOut/ Like her sister Dantor, she is the fierce protector of all women but Erzulie can see her red eyes in a window or doorway when she makes a visit. If one cannot get a bottle of Reve Doir, I usually suggest a bottle of a nice musky scent, or a unisex cologne. some adjustments in order to bring about this transformation over many areas of you frequent hanted by a female spirit that is trapped there by some sense of via Myrlande Constant and Fort Gansevoort, New York; Photo by Nicholas. Misunderstood facts about loa sometimes make the things loa can do seem dark and scary, but there are many loa spirits who are benevolent. Rice with kongo peas, sweet potatoes, and yams are a few of her favorite additions to her meals. This article negates the stereotypes of slave women in Haiti as weak, passive and compliant to colonialism and also challenges the . You would think this loa of anger and destruction would not care She is a spirit that should not be aggravated or upset. This is the best day to wear her colors and sing for her if you plan to serve her. Further, slaves were prohibited by religious laws from working on Sundays where they were relegated to gather in Place Congo or better known as Congo Square. Etsy is powered by 100% renewable electricity. l'Artisterie, 10 Grand Rue, La Charit-sur-Loire (58400). Listed on Apr 27, 2023 She is also usually pictured with her child and interpreter Anais, showing her care for children. As you step onto Freda's cultivated fields, the sweet scent of the soil comes to you. Suas oferendas favoritas incluem: um porco frito, prato conhecido como gri, creme de cacao, rum, Florida Water perfume, e cigarros fortes sem filtro. Find out more in our Cookies & Similar Technologies Policy. On a avanc, et c'est l'hypothse la plus vraisemblable, que les reprsentations d'Erzulie Dantor auraient pour origine des copies de l'icne de la Vierge noire de Czstochowa apportes par des soldats polonais lors de la rvolution hatienne partir de 1802-1804. Learn more. takes on a more caustic element, seeking both retribution and revenge when she He protects his followers when they travel at night. Over this man they fought and never reconciled. Condition: Pre-owned. not seeing which somehow works against you. Peace be upon us! 6.44, 6.78 I LOVE pennie walliescaught a few once. While the other Erzulies also represent passion and protection You may have hidden opponents Nuh mek Cami tell yuh no gossip bout no ice cream she mispoke! nuh the pope head back dat mi si! In New Orleans, many traditional Voodoo altars are decorated with Catholic saints. anger. He also rules over sex, debauchery, and obscenity, and is known for smoking, drinking, and having a very dirty sense of humor. Erzulie es la rep resentacin femenina, de la delicadeza y la seduccin. To enable personalized advertising (like interest-based ads), we may share your data with our marketing and advertising partners using cookies and other technologies. Ezili Dantor is represented by the Black Madonna of Czestochowa. Dolls are an ever popular gift to her, and an altar to Dantor may feature many, many dolls. Lol i is are waiting, mi ah come Kia.Yes Nunu ah legba ah come in, lololol, but de Haitian dem mix de loa so him dnace suh, ah so Bongo dance when dem come, lol. Erzulie Dantor. The Loa as Guardians. news about this card is there will be a clearing away of debris and the decks bitterness, an extended illness or a regret. Autre piste: Erzulie Dantor est galement identifie dans de nombreuses sources la Vierge Noire et Notre Dame du Perptuel Secours, la Vierge d'Orient, la Madone Miraculeuse, comparaisons hrites de l'poque coloniale o la figuration et la matrialisation des loas et des anges du panthon vaudou se faisait par une reprsentation dtourne des saints catholiques connus. Les "disciples" prparaient les toiles en quelque sorte, avant que l'artiste n'y appose ses finitions. Offerings of jewelry, perfume, colors of pink & white. Ezili Dantor ( pronounced DAN-tor) is one of the important mysteries served in Vodou, and is famous throughout both Haiti and the Diaspora. https://www.google.com/search?q=pope+and+our+lady+of+czestochowa&client=safari&hl=en&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ei=vxhQVP60G4KTyQTU24HgDA&ved=0CAgQ_AUoAQ&biw=1024&bih=671#facrc=_&imgrc=rAQpOBynMFuowM%253A%3BpcB-YpqIRqQGjM%3Bhttp%253A%252F%252Fwww.iveamerica.org%252Fnew%252Fimages%252Fiec2012%252FPoland%252Fimg_0386_edit.jpg%3Bhttp%253A%252F%252Fwww.iveamerica.org%252Fnew%252Findex.php%252Fcomponent%252Fcontent%252Fcategory%252F48-uncategorised%3B1360%3B907, Ty, see yu image here (apology if it nu show), You notice this image have 3 marks? and the Haitians have the same red and black like Cuba? accumulated residue from candles], of which its age is primary., Broschart, by contrast, opines: Despite her wild nature, she is seen . Me gone watch videosif me nu come back. nighttime shadows and dawn mountain mists. exhibits some kind of stalking behavior. can begin anew and forge a more positive direction, no matter how scary it Pour cacher leur dvotion aux divinits vaudoues, les artistes les affublaient de symbles chrtiens. I will vomit my blood and give it to them. You can see the scars in the close-up photograph of Dantor. REGISTERED MEMBER. Erzulie Dantor est de loin l'une des divinits hatiennes les plus populaires. You know me down for it. They engaged in an all-out cat fight over him, which took a very violent turn. These are the most common Catholic Saints traditionally associated with the Vodou spirits as found within the Haitian Vodou religion, New Orleans Voodoo traditions and other spiritual paths of the African traditional religions as represented at Erzulies Voodoo in New Orleans. Yet, she tends to be covert and Qu significan los garabatos que hacemos inconsci Los Loas y la religin haitiana (10) Erzulie, la d Cmo influye la luna en tus emociones segn la neu LA INFLUENCIA DE LA LUNA EN TU CICLO MENSTRUAL. I thought I would mention this because I was curious if it is possible that that may have to do with Osun? She was sired by Yonaguska out of the Pulpit mare Belle Erzulie. This card can also suggest a woman who is a She also drinks red wine which is steeped with certain herbs. Erzulie Dantor Voodoo Vodun Loa Unique Handmade Battle Jacket Punk Fashion. Coupon applies to EVERY item and can be used with other coupon codes! There are those who represent love, romance, and fertility in addition to death and war. If you wish to discuss the Vodou tradition, this spiritual path and how the Vodou can assist you with your spiritual needs, our initiated practitioners are always available for a spiritual consultation. You can change your preferences any time in your Privacy Settings. YES AH DEH SUH MI AH HEAD DIS WEEK, HAITI!, LOL. Creme de Cacao can also be offered to Dantor, but only at certain times and in certain instances. lol, I went to an antique show and saw a bunch of old catholic saint pictures and them black like me self yah. She is invoked to help find a lover, or renew a love relationship. Since each loa is responsible for a different aspect of life, there are hundreds of these spirits and each has their own veve symbol used to invoke them. dem teef de image ah Erzulie an call har diffrarant name, but dem cudden remove de tribal marks, dem, lololol! rival, either in romance or business, one who may be obsessed with you or Mambo Dantor, or Mama Danto as I refer to her, is a wonderful Petro Lwa whom as I mentioned before usually requires little in return for blessings. You can see the reason why she is served with these colors if you pay attention to the image of Mater Salvatoris (sometimes referred to as Santa Barbara Africana). Erzulie Dantor is a dark-skinned, hardworking woman with tough country ways and she is fiercely very independent and vengeful. Dat is her dance, Okgood to knowsome a di Jcans bad pon di brukkiins. This is a sure sign that she has arrived. Por otra parte, a pesar de su fama de promiscua, Cmo cancelar maldiciones heredadas para tu familia. No hubo curanderos que pudiera ayudarla, y ella se consumi en maldicin, hasta que finalmente ella se at el pelo y se fue en un viaje para encontrar a la diosa, Por otra parte tenemos que la esposa oficial de. Erzulie Dantr is the Queen of the Petro nation and the mother of "Ti Jean Petro", she is often depicted as a fearsome black woman, protectively holding "Ti Jean Petro" in her arms. Ella puede ser una mujer dura, un poco salvaje, pero ante todo es una madre. Dantor is served with the Image of Mater Salvatoris, sometimes also known as Santa Barbara Africana, which is the image you see on the top left hand corner of this page. Erzulie Red Eyess She wears a robe of red and blue with a golden border. IS LIKE WE REN LALIBELA AH BAWL OUT POWER FI MANLEY! who has been single for many years, or one who is a widow who may have some She can be a tough lady, a little wild, but before all she is a mother. Jou ma koule downfall, not the rage of Erzulie Red Eyes. Erzulie Dantor is the patron loa of lesbian women, fierce protector of women experiencing domestic violence and patron loa of New Orleans. Tomorrow me can keep up wid yu. What you are expecting RT @EhhYehhh: Erzulie Dantor is the #wife of Ogun. Oct 29, 2014 @ 02:56:45. Me watch it and it got hijacked at 5-7, lol. This section serves as a basic primer of the Voodoo Spirits, the Vodou Lwa and their Catholic counterparts. Reply. She has tribal scars on her cheek, and is considered heterosexual because she has children, but she is also the patron loa of lesbian women. Ketch di wheel an tun and di foot plat dem! The Vodou Lwa, Voodoo Spirits and their Catholic Saint counterparts. what is yours. She relays messages sent to Danto, thus she is often addressed when speaking to Danto. I liken the Loa to angels or guardians. She is most often depicted as a regal woman with two scars on her cheek and is syncretized with the Black Madonna of Czstochowa. Ella es La loa de los sueos y los ideales, de las esperanzas y las ambiciones. Lore: Erzulie Freda belongs to the Erzulie family of loa in Voodoo faith, the family dealing with love and femininity primarily. DEN NU MUSS NUNU, DOREEN AH HAITIAN JAMAICA! A fretful mother, she worries for them. Erzulie Dantor is a mulatto woman who is often portrayed as the Black Madonna, or the Roman Catholic "Saint Barbara Africana". My mother told me a maybe dantor's way of telling me something. Indeed, Erzulie Dantor is classified as a hot spirit and sometimes likened to a djab (devil-like), similar to any woman referred to as a "bitch" because they are assertive, independent, and strong. While all of them share in their role as Goddess of love, art, and sex, each has additional areas of life which is theirs to defend and assist. This is because, to avoid persecution, many practitioners syncretized the Lwa and Orisha with the saints. 01 May 2023 15:20:07 In actuality, it demonstrates the strength and power of this spirit. 2-Erzulie Dantor: Esta se sincretiza en la religin catlica con la Madre Salvadora se dice que la que aparece en H. . She is also a powerful magician whose very presence nullifies poison and evil magic, and she can offer wealth and luxury to those who serve her. Este blog no es mas que una recopilacion de hechizos y referencias para su uso personal posterior. Voodoo may bring to mind pinned dolls, horrible voodoo curses, and headless chickens, but it is actually a very rich religion and way of life that includes many types of loa voodoo spirits. Among them is Erzulie Freda Dahomey, who is one of Dantor's sisters. I ask because I cant understand how foreignors and papa doc infiltrate Haiti so. Set where you live, what language you speak, and the currency you use. might seem, without losing ground. She has tribal scars on her cheek, and is considered heterosexual because she has children, but she is also the patron loa of lesbian women. Ela mais comumente representada pela imagem da Madona Negra de Czestochowa cujas origens so acreditadas ser em cpias do cone da Madona Negra de Czestochowa . En su aspecto Petro a la diosa se la llama Erzulie Dantor (Erzulie D'en Tort = Erzulie de los Errores); quien protege a las mujeres y los nios, y da venganza contra aquellos los atacan.Erzulie Dantor es a menudo representada como una mujer negra y rolliza, llena de cicatrices y de grandes pechos, con un nio en sus brazos al que protege (70% off), Sale Price 79.38 Denise M Alvarado (author) from Southwest on December 02, 2011: @Jadetatsu: Of course all women are under her patronage; however, she is well known to be the patron of lesbians as well. Erzulie Dantor est identifie parfois la Dmter-Crs africaine (culte de la desse des moissons et de sa fille Persphone introduit en Afrique par les Grecs via Carthage, les Cereres), figure sublime et Reine de la Terre. you are welcome Ty, thanks for appreciating it! He added: the skin pigmentation is characteristic of this stylized portraiture., I TINK IS BARON SAMDI, THE SPIRIT OF THE DEAD NUNU. The Loa are divided into groups or "nations" known as Nanchons. In the second video, I notice Nuff Peenie wallie.is the bottom of the ocean she searching? DEN DE TIDDAH WEEK WE DO SPIRITUAL BAPTIST!! One thing is certain, however: Louisiana Voodoo and New Orleans had the most African-influenced slave culture in colonial America. The more I learn and watch these videos, I realize more and more why they had to get us to move away from nature and our culturethe power, the mystique, the love, and oneness with nature, I also get to see that even though we were taken thousands of miles from mama Africa, taught a different language and new customs, we still have some common threadsthe drums, the foot movement, dancingI love itthanks for introducing me to this Obara, The veve/ seal above is fascinatingthe symmetrythe artwork, If the Vatican and pope can prostrate to Zilla, then a who we be? She represents mothers, lesbians, and single mothers. Certains, tels des disciples du matre, avaient l'insigne honneur (comme c'est l'usage en Hati) de raliser les fonds et les contours de ses uvres, caractriss par des arabesques complexes et des motifs gomtriques chaque fois diffrents. Never feel frighten tho. cinnamon. To an uneducated view, this looks like a song describing defeat. It is time to gather your forces, and claim Erzulie As we address in our history of the Louisiana Voodoo Religion and New Orleans Voodoo: The origins of Louisiana Voodoo and New Orleans Voodoo remain the subject of controversy, with much conflicting information available.

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