jujube tree root system jujube tree root system
Wang, J., Liu, M. & Dai, L. Advances in tissue culture of Chinese jujube. & Wang, C. Study on respiration type of Chinese jujube fruit (Ziziphus jujuba Mill.). The trend of jujube industrial development and research. Both the seeds and fruit have been used in traditional Chinese medicine for thousands of years to improve sleep quality, support the nervous system, and encourage healthy digestion. Genome sequencing-based multiomics analysis combining transcriptome, proteome, metabolome, and phenotypic data has taken horticultural research to a new level. Three emasculation-free methods have been developed based on the discovery of two typical male-sterile germplasms and a group of self-fruitless/self-sterile germplasms that can replace male sterility42,43, which effectively overcame the key obstacle to artificial emasculation in jujube. The tissue culture of jujube began in 1978. Food Compos. & Tian, J. After entering the 21st century, great progress has been made in polyploidy and cross-breeding in jujube. Meanwhile, the expansion of the MDHAR gene family contributes to AsA regeneration. Sci. However, until the end of the 20th century, the breeding techniques for Chinese jujube had been mainly focused on selection from seedlings, bud mutants, and local germplasm, even though some new techniques had been incorporated into selection breeding, such as marker-assisted identification and standardized techniques. According to a comprehensive investigation, more than 100 pests and diseases have been observed in jujube1. Sin.20, 8691 (1987). Zhang, Z., Huang, J. During this period, jujube began to be introduced to neighboring countries in Asia, such as Japan and South Korea, and began to spread to Central Asia and Europe through the ancient Silk Road. HortScience53, 609612 (2018). quinequeflora Hort. CAS Model checking. Research is lagging and does not match the demand from industry in some countries. After entering the 21st century, in the desert of southern Xinjiang Province, China, a novel cultivation model for high early yields and high fruit quality was established. Among them, stimulating sucker propagation by cutting off the roots at the periphery of the vertical projection of the canopy and separating fasciculate suckers can increase the reproductive coefficient, while gathering and nurturing the suckers in a nursery can greatly improve the quality of the root system. Agric. Fu, T. Study on the Technology of Ice-temperature Storage of Dongzao Jujube. Stnic, F. & Vasile, S. A. Chinese datea new promising fruit plant for Romania southern areas. For Ecol Manag 83:171180, Dhima KV, Lithourgidis AS, Vasilakoglou LB, Dordsas CA (2007) Competition indices of common vetch and cereal intercrops in two seeding ratios. Method 1: Hybrids are produced by using a male-sterile variety as the female parent and a variety with high pollen viability and compatibility as the male parent20,84. Sin.41, 21152124 (2014). Hortic.244, 372378 (2019). Xue, C. et al. However, jujubes and sour jujubes are very closely related, with cross-compatibility and transitional types between them. Thus, the level of jujube production in China has long been at the forefront of fruit tree production in history, and jujube production has made an important contribution to the development of fruit tree science and technology (Fig. Wang, L. et al. J. Anhui Agric. cv. Liu, M., Zhao, J., Wang, J., Liu, Z. In vitro tetraploid induction of Ziziphus jujuba Dongzao and Z. acidojujuba (Z. spinosa Hu) with colchicine. The jujube genome provides insights into genome evolution and the domestication of sweetness/acidity taste in fruit trees. Univ.26, 221224 (1999). Several key factors of influencing fresh-keeping effect on Lingwu Chang Date industry in Ningxia. Study on cAMP in branch and leaf of Chinese jujube and seedlings of wild jujube. Bare root trees should be planted the same depth as in the nursery row (or no more than 1-inch below). Gao, Y., Zhao, Z. Shu, J. & Liu, M. Simultaneous determination of four water-soluble vitamins in Chinese jujube (Ziziphus jujuba Mill.) J. Hebei Agricultural Universtiy, Baoding (2008). It . Later, another jujube genome and the chloroplast genome sequencing of four Ziziphus species were published15,16. sending out suckers 30' feet away) so my main question is this: Are the roots strong enough to move/. Exp. Method 3: is a universal technology free of emasculation, i.e., covering the parents with nets to keep away unexpected pollen donors, pollinating by bees inside the nets, and identifying the hybrids with molecular markers84. For . The end result is an incredibly fibrous and dense root system able to take up far more nutrients per volume than a similar tree in the ground would. Construction of a high-density genetic map of Ziziphusjujuba Mill. Grades of Fresh Chinese Jujube Fruit (Standards Press of China, 2008). More than 90% of jujube production is concentrated in six provinces, namely, Xinjiang, Hebei, Shandong, Shanxi, Shaanxi, and Henan. Fresh keeping and changes in some physiological indexes of Chinese Dongzao jujube (Zizyphus jujuba Mill.) To date, a total of ~930 jujube genotypes have been preserved, accounting for at least 90% of the total jujube genotypes in the world. Univ. 1). affirmed Ziziphus (rather than Zizyphus), Z. jujuba Mill. Liu, M. et al. Liu, M. et al. The temperature in this period is better between 18 ~ 25 . Multiomics-based analysis for the molecular formation mechanisms of some important traits. Li, D. Descriptors and Data Standard for Chinese Jujube (China Agriculture Press, 2006). The cultivation of fresh jujubes in plastic shelters has resulted in great success in rainy southern China108; this method can greatly reduce the fruit cracking caused by rain at the maturity stage from 70 to <10%. Wang, X., Shao, J., Zhang, X., Peng, S. & Wang, Y. Its fruit has the five basic elements of a superfruit, i.e., delicious taste, attractive appearance, nutrient density, safe consumption, and strong cultural meaning. Acta Hortic. The process of in vivio induction of homogeneous polyploids via calluses in jujube. Acta Hortic. The older the jujube the more developed were the jujube roots so that the smaller the SRL of jujube the bigger the RLD and RD of jujube. Genetic variation in leaf characters of F1 hybrids of Chinese Jujube. During the past 70 years, jujube research has greatly advanced. In addition, the distinct trait of the bearing shoot falling in winter is related to the ethylene and abscisic acid (ABA) pathways12. & Jiang, K. Bionomics of a Polygus lucorum in jujube orchards. Optimization of extraction conditions of -carotene in Chinese jujube fruits. Google Scholar. var. Sci., https://doi.org/10.1155/2018/6464051 (2018). Zhao, Z., Liu, M. & Tu, P. Characterization of water soluble polysaccharides from organs of Chinese Jujube (Ziziphus jujuba Mill. Liu, P. et al. Studies have also proven that sugar transport plays a significant role in sugar accumulation15,28 and jujube fruits have characteristics of nonclimacteric fruits15,29. The raw fruits are high in vitamin C. Most are varieties of the common jujube (Z. jujuba), native to China, where they have been cultivated for more than 4,000 years. Jujube Trees (Chinese Date - Hong Zao) Zizyphus jujubaLi is a very popular variety of Jujube tree and it will produce fruit without cross pollination. Therefore, the development of jujube can make efficient use of marginal lands, improve the environment, and provide farmers in rural regions with an agricultural industry that is easy to manage and provides high revenues. When made into glac fruits by boiling in honey and sugar syrup, they resemble Persian dates and are sometimes known as Chinese dates. These authors contributed equally: Mengjun Liu, Jiurui Wang, Lili Wang, Research Center of Chinese Jujube, Hebei Agricultural University, Baoding, 071001, Hebei, China, Mengjun Liu,Lili Wang,Ping Liu,Zhihui Zhao,Zhiguo Liu,Li Dai&Xuan Zhao, College of Horticulture, Hebei Agricultural University, Baoding, 071001, Hebei, China, College of Forestry, Hebei Agricultural University, Baoding, 071001, Hebei, China, College of Life Science, Hebei Agricultural University, Baoding, 071001, Hebei, China, Department of Plant and Environmental Sciences, Sustainable Agriculture Science Center at Alcalde, New Mexico State University, 371 County Road 40, Alcalde, NM, 87511, USA, Faculty of Horticulture, University of Agronomic Sciences and Veterinary Medicine of Bucharest, 011464, Bucharest, Romania, College of Food Science and Technology, Hebei Agricultural University, Baoding, 071001, Hebei, China, National Engineering Research Center for Agriculture in Northern Mountainous Areas, Hebei Agricultural University, Baoding, 071001, Hebei, China, Beijing Collaborative Innovation Center for Eco-Environmental Improvement with Forestry and Fruit Trees, Beijing, 100000, China, Propaganda Department, Hebei Agricultural University, Baoding, 071001, Hebei, China, You can also search for this author in jujuba accessions using microsatellite markers. Agrofor Syst 13:143158, Reyes T, Quiroz R, Luukkanen O (2009) Spice crop agroforestry systems in the east Usambara Mountain, Tanzania: growth analysis. Hybrid plant production was increased by 100 times using the new system, and a large number of hybrid progeny were obtained from 19 cross combinations, of which a number of superior lines were selected70. Effects of drying methods on changes of Vc, reducing sugar and total acidity in Chinese jujube. Stnic, F. Present status of jujube and advanced fruit growing techniques in Europe. Morphological, cytological and nutritional changes of autotetraploid compared to its diploid counterpart in Chinese jujube (Ziziphus jujuba Mill.). Dried Chinese Jujubes (Standards Press of China, 2009). China Fruits6, 5153 (2017). Agricultural University of Hebei, Baoding (2006). Fresh jujube fruit can be kept fresh for 24 months under controlled atmosphere storage or controlled freezing-point storage. by high-performance liquid chromatography. Four generations of polyploid induction techniques using colchicine as the main mutagen have been developed for jujube, i.e., in vivo apical bud induction71, in vitro apical or lateral bud induction72, in vitro callus/embryo induction73 and in vivo callus induction74. Shandong Agricultural University, Taian (2008). in Hetian, south Xinjiang province, northwest China. Jujube has also been successfully grafted onto Indian jujube (Z. mauritiana Lam.) Regarding the obvious differences in distribution, morphology, usage, and historical knowledge of jujube and sour jujube in China, Liu et al. have been excavated and utilized, which has greatly promoted the rapid development of the jujube industry. Jujube (Ziziphus jujuba Mill. heteroformis Hort., Z. jujuba Mill. Food Mach.12, 910 (2003). Liuyuexian. Regarding the taxonomic relationship between jujube and sour jujube (Z acidojujuba Cheng et LiuZ. Agrofor Syst 61:237255, Li FD, Meng P, Fu DL, Wang BP (2008) Light distribution, photosynthetic rate and yield in a Paulownia-wheat intercropping system in China. North. Scientific Debates Cluj-Horticulture XX, UAMV Cluj-Napoca, 236238 (1997). Planting: Dig a hole big enough to accommodate the root system. Consequently, the pure polyploid creation and evaluation period can be shortened by 35 years. 2011(Zhang et al. Plant Prot.1, 9297 (2013). A total of 23,996 genes (73% of the total annotated genes) were allocated on the 12 pseudochromosomes. Liu, M. & Cheng, C. A taxonomy study on the genus Ziziphus. Exploration and practice of a next generation cultivation system for Chinese jujube characterized by labor- saving, safety, high-quality and high-profit. This is a result of several key obstacles, including the extreme difficulty of emasculation of small flowers (~5mm in diameter), the low fruit-setting rate (only ~1%) and the high embryo abortion rate. Acta Hortic. The treatments comprised (1) sole cotton, (2) 5-year-old sole jujube trees, (3) 7-year-old sole jujube trees, (4) 9-year-old sole jujube . Cite this article. There are many traditional processed jujube products, such as candied jujube, smoked jujube, stoneless sugared jujube, jujube liquor, liquor-saturated jujube, jujube jam, jujube paste, and so on103,148,149. Hebei12, 19 (1989). However, there is little information about the response of jujube roots to the change from flood irrigation to drip . Google Scholar, Bhm W (1979) Methods of studying root systems. Moreover, at the end of the Shang Dynasty, the description of Jujube picked in August in the Book of Songs indicated that jujube orchards had appeared by at least 3000 YA. Many reports on fresh fruit preservation techniques in jujube have been published. Corrections? They are not particular about soil pH, but do need to be planted in full sun. Food, Agric. The nutrient components in different organs, different fruit developmental stages, and different varieties were systematically analyzed53,54,144,145,146,147. and cotton plants (Gossypium hirsutum L.). Nat. Genom.11, 809 (2015). Agrofor Syst 74:163172, Lin QY, Xing LF, Li PY, Ding XT, Duan ZA (2000) Recounting and reviewing on the scientific research literature for intercropping system of jujube and crops in China. Consumers usually prefer large fruits, but increasing fruit size by applying more fertilizer and plant regulators may result in poor fruit quality. Acta Hortic.769, 265269 (2006). Acta Hortic.840, 259262 (2008). Asian J. Chem.23, 39893992 (2011). & Huang, J. The small yellow flowers are followed by dark brown, round to oblong fruits the size of small plums. An evolutionary divergence analysis of jujube, pear and Prunus mume found that the 4DTv (fourfold synonymous third-codon transversion) rate of jujube peaked at only 0.50, suggesting that no recent whole-genome duplication had occurred in jujube12. Agric. ISSN 2662-6810 (print), The historical and current research progress on jujubea superfruit for the future, https://doi.org/10.1038/s41438-020-00346-5, Germplasm resources and genetic breeding of Paeonia: a systematic review, Comparative population genomics dissects the genetic basis of seven domestication traits in jujube, A roadmap for research in octoploid strawberry, Advancing crop genomics from lab to field, RosBREED: bridging the chasm between discovery and application to enable DNA-informed breeding in rosaceous crops, Prunus genetics and applications after de novo genome sequencing: achievements and prospects, The genome of cultivated peanut provides insight into legume karyotypes, polyploid evolution and crop domestication, An update on the arsenal: mining resistance genes for disease management of Brassica crops in the genomic era, Identification and stacking of crucial traits required for the domestication of pennycress, http://jujube.genomics.cn/page/species/index.jsp, http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/, Identification and expression analysis of BURP domain-containing genes in jujube and their involvement in low temperature and drought response, Comparison of ascorbate metabolism in fruits of two jujube species with differences in ascorbic acid content, Genomic constitution and relationships of Ziziphus species collected from Malakand Division, Pakistan, Multiple responses contribute to the enhanced drought tolerance of the autotetraploid Ziziphus jujuba Mill. Sci. (China Forestry Publishing House, 2013). Fruit drying technology has gradually changed from traditional natural drying under the sun to dehydration in a drying room or by drying machine129. as rootstock can also play a role in the prevention of witches broom in jujube in southern China97. Commun.5, 5315 (2014). Mech.34, 2630 (2013). Zhang, F., Wang, J., Li, F., Liu, Z. & Zhou, B. Flora of China, Vol. Hao, Z., Dai, L., Wang, J., Wu, X. J. Jujube leaves are rich in leucine, vitamin B6, carotene, betulinic acid, and ursolic acid, the flowers are rich in vitamin B1 and leucine, and mature fruits are rich in cAMP, functional sugars, vitamin B, triterpenic acid, proline, and some other important functional components in addition to the well-known carbohydrates and vitamin C. Jujube is an important traditional herb and tonic. Liu, M., Liu, Z., Li, X. To obtain To meet the needs of large-scale development, grafting propagation with sour jujube as the rootstock has been widely used since the late 1980s. Compd.43, 374376 (2007). Liu, Y. et al. Can J Bot 84:16861694, Zamora DS, Jose S, Nair PKR (2007) Morphological plasticity of cotton roots in response to interspecific competition with pecan in an alley cropping system in the southern United States. The modern jujube industry development period (1949present). The evaluations have covered morphological, agronomical, cytological, palynological, nutritional, and reproductive biological traits, as well as biotic resistance and abiotic tolerance2,35,36,37. Liu, M. & Wang, J. Jujube fruit also has very positive meanings in Chinese culture, such as a sweet life, a flourishing business, fertility, harmony, and happiness. Aims Planting density is a major factor during the conversion of cropland to woodland in the semiarid hilly region of the Chinese Loess Plateau. Several high-density genetic linkage maps have been constructed based on segregation populations of JMS2Xing16, DongzaoLinyilizao, DongzaoJinsi 4, and DongzaoYinshanhong17,90,91,92. J. Chin. Provided by the Springer Nature SharedIt content-sharing initiative, Horticulture, Environment, and Biotechnology (2022), Physiology and Molecular Biology of Plants (2022), Horticulture Research (Hortic Res) J. Hortic. Xue, M., Wang, Li., Zhang, J. In the two cases mentioned above, all the offspring from self-fruitless or self-sterile parents can be directly regarded as authentic hybrids. Fu found that controlled freezing-point storage was better than normal cold storage in terms of delaying ripening and aging126. Three main genes in the MAPK cascade involved in the Chinese jujube phytoplasma interaction. It has great potential in international markets, as currently, its export proportion is <0.5% in China. The flesh is as sweet as honey and as crisp as an apple or pear. Anyone you share the following link with will be able to read this content: Sorry, a shareable link is not currently available for this article. In addition, due to the economic decline of the comparative benefits of jujube, jujube witches broom is becoming serious again in orchards due to poor management. Dongzao. Agric Ecosyst Environ 52:129140, Vandermeer J (1989) The ecology of intercropping. J. Hortic. High-density planting and protected cultivation systems have also been applied commercially after the beginning of the 21st century. In this latest period, research achievements have been very fruitful. Acta Hortic. The problem of hybrids not being obtained due to heavy early embryo abortion was solved by embryo rescue based on the understanding of the mechanism of embryo abortion and the factors affecting very young embryo culture. Sci.21, 414418 (2004). Research methods should become more synergistic and internationalized. Hebei12, 1013 (1989). Agrofor Syst 48:6177, Jose S, Gillespie AR, Pallardy SG (2004) Interspecific interactions in temperate agroforestry. Liu, Z. et al. volume87,pages 929939 (2013)Cite this article. Twenty-one jujube cultivars were recorded in the book Guangzhi written by Guo Yigong in the Jin Dynasty, 1700 YA. An excellent new cultivar of Chinese jujube with high resistance to jujube witches broom disease Xingguang. After the beginning of the 21st century, outbreaks of pests and diseases, including Lygocoris lucorum, Euzophera batangensis, Ceratitis capitata, jujube flies, fruit cracking, and fruit shrinking, have become increasingly severe102,110,111,112,113,114. Jujube fruits are eaten fresh, dried, boiled, stewed, and baked and are used to flavour tea. Fruit. 4) and maintains the high yield at over 15t/ha 35 years later, which is 35 years earlier than this yield could be achieved in a traditional orchard104. Zhao, Z. et al. A taxonomic study on Chinese jujube and wild jujube. Evol.303, 413417 (2017). In: Ong CK, Huxley P (eds) Treecrop interactions: a physiological approach. According to leaf fossils, jujube appeared in northern China 24 million years ago. Ciceoi, R., Dobrin, I., Mardare, E. S., Dicianu, E. D. & Stnic, F. Emerging pests of Ziziphus jujuba crop in. Li, C. Dormant Characteristic and Temperature Management Investigation Analysis of Zizyphus Jujuba Mill. Structures and immunological activities of two pectic polysaccharides from the fruits of Ziziphus jujuba Mill. J. Shanxi Agric. We can simulate the growth trend of the bearing jujube based on different length conditions and use L ( d) = l max 1 + e a - r d to calculate the length of the bearing jujube based on different growth days. Ideally, their root system wants to be kept slightly moist, but not wet. In the past 30 years, a total of ~200 new cultivars with large fruit, good fruit quality, high resistance to diseases, and varying uses and maturity times were released through polyploid breeding or selection from seedlings, bud mutants, and local germplasms2. 2014). Hortic. Second, jujube fruits can satisfactorily meet the various needs of consumers. Establishment of embryo culture technical system of Chinese jujube (Zizyphus jujuba Mill.). Sun, H. & Tian, Y. Since no new gene fusions or multiple trait combinations are available in autopolyploidization and it is difficult to make large breakthroughs via selection breeding, there is no substitute for cross-breeding, and its advantages are also incomparable. The subdivisions of Z. jujuba Mill. After the beginning of the 21st century, much more attention was paid to intensive processing that highlights the characteristic nutrients of jujube. Biotechnol.83, 305308 (2008). Food Sci.33, 4851 (2012). Since, I have read a few horror stories about the invasive jujube root systems (e.g. Food Res. Chen, J., Mu, Q. Agrofor Syst 11:243258, Rao MR, Sharma MM, Ong CK (1991) A tree-crop interface design and its use for evaluating the potential of hedge row intercropping. South Univ. p J. Beijing. Therefore, jujubes will attract increasing attention worldwide. Auto-tetraploids differ greatly from their diploid counterparts in their morphology, cytology, and nutrient content79. & Jiang, Y.) Phytopathology108, 10671077 (2018). To view a copy of this license, visit http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/. Under normal room temperature and humidity conditions, fresh jujube loses moisture quickly and loses crispness within 35 days. Sugar transport played a more important role than sugar biosynthesis in fruit sugar accumulation during Chinese jujube domestication. Food Sci.33, 278282 (2012). Genes8, 340 (2017). Acta Hortic.840, 529532 (2009). Acta Hortic. Luo, Z. Cui, Y. et al. J. Hebei Agric. As to the original cultivation center of jujube, outside of China, Iran, and Japan had been regarded as candidates by some scholars outside China. The rate of obtaining hybrids in jujube is usually <0.01% by the traditional crossing approach. In the years to come, jujube research can focus on the following eight aspects: (1) Multiomics analysis of the formation mechanisms of the important unique traits of jujube to provide a solid foundation for molecular breeding, high-efficiency cultivation, and high-nutrition processing. Breeding objectives should take into consideration the characteristics of jujube trees, the demands of all related parties, the breeding trends in fruit trees and breeding practices in jujube70. A postharvest physiological study revealed the main factors influencing fruit preservation in jujube115. Zhang, C., Liu, M., Kong, D., Wu, G. & Li, D. Diversification of resistance to fruit shrink disease in Chinese jujube germplasm. 3. HortScience48, 672680 (2013). J. The beginning of this period was marked by the founding of the Peoples Republic of China in 1949. Drain the fruit, and add rum and/or vanilla to taste. From 500 CE to 1949, the cultivation of jujube mostly followed traditional methods. & Zhou, J. Jujube Witches Broom Disease (China Agriculture Press, 2010). Sci.19, 336339 (2002). Qu et al. Starting with a superhigh density (0.5m1.0m), the density is gradually decreased to 1.01.5m4.0m. This new model obtains good yields (58t/ha) in the year of grafting (Fig. Part of Springer Nature. It has been spread all over China, with a cultivation area of ~2 million hectares and an annual production of over 8 million tons. Converting traditional flood irrigation to drip irrigation would solve water deficit and salt stress. Until now, a total of 25 triploid, tetraploid, and octoploid strains have been created, among which three excellent tetraploid strains have been released as new cultivars by the Hebei Forestry Cultivar Examination and Approval Committee75,76,77. Chen, Y. Comparative analysis of the complete chloroplast genome of four known Ziziphus species. Spectrosc. The tree can be propagated by seed or root sprout. Hebei Agricultural University, Baoding (2011). Tortuosa), f. lageniformis (Nakai) Kitag. J. var. Analysis of QTL for needle length in Chinese jujube. Further studies indicated that GLDH and MDHAR are the crucial genes in jujube AsA synthesis and recycling, respectively27.