hindu gods vs greek godshindu gods vs greek gods

hindu gods vs greek gods hindu gods vs greek gods

In Hindu mythology, King Kamsa of Mathura is foretold that the eighth son of his sister Devaki will kill him, hearing which, King Kamsa not only imprisons both Devaki and her husband Vasudeva, he also goes about systematically killing all new babies born to his sister, till the eighth - Bhagwan Krishna - is born. 193 Words 1 Page. Whats more, in their history is that the Greek gods and goddesses are connected with individuals frequently. Later, some Indo-Greek coins incorporate the Buddhist symbol of the eight-spoked wheel, such as those of Menander I, as well as his possible grandson Menander II. Similarly, in the Greek context, Zeus, Hades, and Poseidon are the most important. Zeus is the god of sky, and has control over weather phenomenon related to sky and air like storms, tempests, darkness, thunders, lightening and rain30. What is the main message of the book of Revelation in the New Testament? Devdutt Pattanaik: Similarities between Greek and Hindu mythology are But discovering who the baby was, Hera tried to make amends by quickly pulling him away from her breast. Their parents can also be directly compared between the mythologies, hence making the evidence of parallelism stronger. The Greeks also had a lot of legend-related stories. In addition to the worship of the Classical pantheon of the Greek deities found on their coins (e.g., Zeus, Herakles, Athena, Apollo ), the Indo-Greeks were involved with local faiths, particularly with Buddhism, but also with Hinduism and Zoroastrianism . In Hindu mythology the Gods are a separate population inhabiting some part of the Cosmos outside the earth's atmosphere. What is the main belief of Anglicanism, established by the Church of England? Both of them slay a sea-monster: Indras opponent is the serpent Vritra; Zeus fights andvanquishes Typhon. There are three main Hindu goddesses - Durga, Lakshmi and Saraswati. So, none of them was born the regular way, but from the heads of two prime Gods of their respective religions. Now, lets compare the events from their lives. He shoots humans using this bow to intoxicate them with love. 7. Both Hades and Yamaraj are said to bring judgment to the departed souls and accordingly send them to their respective afterlife. The roots of these cultures go back very far. Rhea was married to Kronos while Aditi was married to Kashyapa who can also be compared to draw a parallelism. Shiva, Skanda: How Hindu gods absorbed Iranian, Greek ideas In Hindu religion, Brahma, Vishnu, and Maheshwor are three gods considered the most important of all gods. They are known as the Olympians, while important Hindu divine beings are known as the Trimurti, which comprises three Devas. The Greeks' god of war is Ares, and he carries the same weapon - a spear! Hasn't this been a beautiful journey? Uplifting stories, positive impact, and updates delivered straight into your inbox. He is prayed to on Thursdays. Both Sita and Persephonewere abducted against their will Sita by Ravana and Persephone by Hades. bramhagodsgreekhinduindraramaShivavishnuVishwakarmaYama. Buddhism [ edit] Main article: Greco-Buddhism [21] Although they are known to have been sympathetic to Indian religions in general, the Indo-Greeks apparently chose, for whatever reason, not to represent Indian deities on their coinage anymore. Hinber (2000), pp. on the contrary, Hindu Gods seem to occupy some specific world that isnt the Earth. The Indo-Greek may have initiated anthropomorphic representations of the Buddha in statuary, possibly as soon as the 2nd-1st century BCE, according to Foucher and others. The question of origin of life and the existence of Gods has dumbfounded the scholars, researchers, philosophers and scientists for ages. They accepted Hera was the goddess of marriage and birth. Haphaestus is their God of design and manufacture. Vishwakarma is the Hindu god of workmanship, and therefore rules tools and manufacturing. Their origin is same, the names were simply changed since Romans disliked Greeks. At precisely the same time, right after the death of Menander, several Indo-Greek rulers also started to adopt on their coins the Pali title of "Dharmikasa", meaning "follower of the Dharma" (the title of the great Indian Buddhist king Ashoka was Dharmaraja "King of the Dharma"). Such datation, as well as the general Hellenistic style and attitude of the Buddha on the Bimaran casket (Hellenistic treatment of the dress, contrapposto attitude) would make it a possible Indo-Greek work, used in dedications by Indo-Scythians right after the end of Indo-Greek rule in the area of Gandhara. He is famous for his dialogues with the Buddhist monk Nagasena, transmitted to us in the Milinda Panha, which explain that he became a Buddhist arhat: "And afterwards, taking delight in the wisdom of the Elder, he (Menander) handed over his kingdom to his son, and abandoning the household life for the house-less state, grew great in insight, and himself attained to Arahatship! Menander I, the "Saviour king", is documented to have converted to Buddhism, and is described in Buddhist texts as a great benefactor of the religion. 8 http://www.greek-gods.info/greek-gods/apollo/ 'shining' or 'moon'), also known as Soma ( Sanskrit: ), is the Hindu god of the Moon, and is associated with the night, plants and vegetation. What is the main belief of Protestantism, a movement that started in the 16th century? Interesting Facts about the Ancient Jagannath Temple of Puri, The Underlying symbolism of the Samudra Manthan, These Are The 5 Most Popular Gods in Hinduism, 10 Deadliest Weapons Found in Ancient Hindu Stories, Rudrabhishekam eliminates all evil spirits and help achieve all desires, Three Most Powerful Weapons Used by Hindu Gods, All You Need To Know About the Nataraja Dancing Shiva, Most Interesting Facts About Hinduism You May Not Know, 15 Ancient Hindu Predictions that have come true, 20 Reasons Why Hinduism Is Very Scientific Religion, 25 Amazing Facts About Hinduism That Most Hindus Probably Wouldnt Know, Shiva Linga Symbolize Ascending Energy of Consciousness And Life In Nature. 34 http://www.pitarau.com/nd/Girl/aditi He is founder of Zigverve. 10 strange similarity between Hindu and Greek's religious - Detechter All rights reserved, Hindu And Greek Mythology: How Similar They Are, REMEMBERING SATYAJIT RAY ON HIS JAYANTI: HAIKU INSPIRED BY WORKS AND WISDOM, MICRO-POEMS IN HINDI ON LET GO, LET LIVE, PURE MIND, UNDERSTAND WHAT-IS BEFORE TREADING THE PATH TOWARD WHAT-OUGHT-TO-BE OR THE TRUTH: HAIKU AND QUOTE, pravrttim ca nivrttim ca karyakarye bhayabhaye, HINDI MICRO-POEMS ON BEING MEDIUM, VIRTUOUS AND EQUANIMOUS. 10 Shocking Facts | Hindu Gods Vs Greek Gods | BigBrainco. Both lords of death,they preside over the netherworld. They also share other characteristics bothdecide the fates of the souls that passinto their realm, and both are deeply concerned with justice. Especially, all the kings after Menander who are recorded to have ruled in Gandhara (apart from the little-known Demetrius III) display Buddhist symbolism in one form or another. 173179. Kashyapa has given birth to majority of Indian mythological lineages including most of the gods, demons and other races. The water of the Yamuna became poisonous because of the snake. Chara Yadav holds MBA in Finance. Both the mythologies have the god of gods. 31 http://www.britannica.com/EBchecked/topic/286640/Indra Also, after the reign of Menander I, several Indo-Greek rulers, such as Agathokleia, Amyntas, Nicias, Peukolaos, Hermaeus, Hippostratos, Menander II and Philoxenus depicted themselves or their Greek deities forming with the right hand a benediction gesture[11] identical to the Buddhist vitarka mudra (thumb and index joined together, with other fingers extended), which in Buddhism signifies the transmission of the Buddha's teaching. Ganga had forced Shantanu to take a vow that he would never question his actions. Rhea is the mother of Gods including prominent gods like Zeus and Poseidon and also the goddess of female fertility, motherhood and generation. (Keown, Dictionary of Buddhism). The third lord, Shivji, is the ultimate destroyer. Hindu folklore is found in Hindu texts like Mahabharata and Ramayana. Bhallika and Tapassu were both travellers, and if nothing else, the story of their conversion and their home region's Sanskrit nomenclature illustrates the possibility of early transmission via the local trade routes. He is one of the main gods of the Rigveda and is the Indo-European cousin of the German Wotan, Norse Odin, Greek Zeus, and Roman Jupiter. 13 http://www.pantheon.org/articles/a/athena.html Although the name Hinduism is relatively new, having been coined by British writers in the first decades of the 19th century, it refers to a rich cumulative tradition of texts and practices, some of which date to the 2nd millennium bce or possibly . June 15, 2015. In striking similarity in Greek mythology, Hera sent two serpents to kill baby Hercules as he lay in his cot. Their parents were Pleione and Atlas, the latter condemned by Zeus to support the Heavens on his shoulders. Most Greek gods had similar characteristics, both good and bad, to human beings. The Greeks too have a God of the Underworld, and he's Hades. So, even miles apart both cultures named a planet after the similar Gods, a little strange, isnt it? The inscriptions were found on a vase inside a stupa, dated to the reign of Menander or one of his successors in the 1st century BCE (Tarn, p391): "The meridarch Theodorus has enshrined relics of Lord Shakyamuni, for the welfare of the mass of the people". Artistically, they tend to indicate that the Greeks were not particularly reluctant to make representations of local deities, which has some bearing on the later emergence of the image of the Buddha in Hellenistic style. ", Another Indian writing, the Stupavadana of Ksemendra, mentions in the form of a prophecy that Menander will build a stupa in Pataliputra.[3]. 10 Fascinating Parallels between Greek and Indian Mythology Similarly, there is a concept of seven sisters in Greek tradition known as the Pleiades, which is a cluster of stars. Some of the comparisons indicate towards a parallelism between the two cultures, while other comparisons hint towards a direct collaboration/inoculation of the deities/heroes from one culture to another. The amazing similarities between the Hindu and Greek mythologies frequently crops up in comparative mythology - or the comparison of myths from different cultures in an attempt to identify shared themes and characteristics. 115-95 BCE). 36 http://www.hinduhumanrights.info/goddess-aditi-the-primal-creatix/. Following his son Abhimanyus death, Arjuna pledges to kill Jayadratha. In both contexts, it is believed that the mount is the center of the earth. While our very own Karn is a skilled . Whether you're just looking to enjoy some relaxation and bonding time As the saying goes, home is where the heart is. However, whichever the culture it might be and how different they may seem from the other, there are always some similarities that make us wonder if all the cultures are branches of the same tree. However, only six stars are visible in the sky without a telescope. Love undertakings between Greek Gods and natural ladies are savage as kidnapping, enchantment, and assault while in Hindu gods these experiences are charming with blissful endings. The Relationships between Greek Gods and natural ladies are rough as kidnapping, enchantment, and assault. Indra is also god of rain, regent of the heavens, guardian of the east 31, ruler of cloud and skies32. They might be angry, vain, and envious. Thats true, Alok. He uses the thunderbolt as his weapon to create rain. Battle of the Ancient Mythological Deities( Vedic Hindu vs Ancient Both the religions believe these gods rule the heaven, earth, and the netherworld. The Sage reviled Indra that his body would be covered. Apollo is the god of Sun, light, music and prophesies8. On the other hand Saraswati is shown carrying a book, mala (rosary), water pot and veena (a musical instrument) in her fours hands. Chokshi focuses on the Vedic gods from Rig Veda in the series . Two cultures - so different from each other but coming up with a strikingly similar smorgasbord of legends and charactersare they trying to tell us the same story? The impact and effect of the Greek Gods on the Greek society were substantially broader, but on the other hand, For the situation of Hindu Gods, such effects and impact are restricted to one specific Vishnu. Both of their mothers were river goddesses while father were kingsRiver goddess Thetis and King Peleus22 of Achilles and River Ganga and King Shantanu of Bhishma23. The Hindi word for father is pitar as stated already. There is a story of a many-headed dragon that had taken control of water and was later slayed with the thunderbolt. Both Indra and Zeus are the "kings" of the gods. Both the religion have the mention of the netherworld and there is a special dog that watches the gate of it. Although, the title of God of Sun in also shared by Helios in Greek mythology. Zeus Poseidon Hades We'll just go with the three of the most powerful gods here Zeus Can throw lightning God of the sky Greatest god of all Pose. This would tend to suggest that the first statues were created between 130 BCE (death of Menander) and 50 BCE, precisely at the time when Buddhist symbolism appeared on Indo-Greek coinage. And, yes, youre right about both cultures getting mixed. Good souls are sent to Elysium and Swarg in Greek and Indian mythology respectively, while the bad ones are sent to Tartarus and Naraka respectively. Going to the beach can be a fantastic way to relax and unwind. It is said that Indras weapon is made by Tvastar later known by Vishwakarma in modern Hindu religion. Greek Hinduism: From Fighting Indian Gods to Worshipping Them The association of the Indo-Greeks with the Bhagavata movement is documented in the inscription of the Heliodorus pillar, made during the reign of the Indo-Greek king Antialcidas (r.c. Most of the early images of the Buddha (especially those of the standing Buddha) are anepigraphic, which makes it difficult to have a definite datation. 18 http://www.pantheon.org/articles/c/cerberus.html Many of us lead busy and stressful lives trying to balance work, family, and other commitments. Vishnu- keeps beneficial things on Earth. The Greek God of love is often depicted in the pictures or statues as a young, handsome male with wings. Indian Mythology and Greek Mythology - The Kalyani School 10 Shocking Facts | Hindu Gods Vs Greek Gods | BigBrainco - YouTube It was this nature of birth that Athena became the goddess of wisdom and intelligence. Greek gods are anthropomorphic, whereas Hindu gods can have human and non-human forms. 12 Page 65, https://books.google.co.in/books?id=1iASyoae8cMC Disciplines are likewise embarrassingly serious. Heracles defeated Hydra (second labor), a serpent with multiple heads. The willingness of ancient Greeks to represent and worship local deities is also attested in Egypt with the creation of the god Serapis in Hellenistic style, an adaptation of the Egyptian god Apis, or in Phrygia with the Hellenistic representation of the heretofore aniconic Cybele. Rhea secretly gives birth to Zeus and arranges for him to be brought up in exile. At the of it all, all these ancient civilizations used to believe in the grand scheme of 3 supreme . She is seen as the one presiding over all art forms. Zeus: Sky/climate, Hades: The hidden world, Poseidon: Sea, Aquatics, etc, Brahman- surprisingly creature. Demeter controlled over the gather, and Hestia was the goddess of the home. Difference Between Hindu Gods And Greek Gods - Pulptastic Both the ancient civilisations had trade, movements of people, traders. These "Greek-looking foreigners" are also described in Susan Huntington, "The art of ancient India", p. 100, "They (the niches) were intended to hold a figured panel, relief-work, or something of the kind" Domenico Facenna, "Butkara I", Also "The Buddhist art of Gandhara", Marshall, p101. A 2nd century BCE relief from a Buddhist stupa in Bharhut, in eastern Madhya Pradesh (today at the Indian Museum in Calcutta), represents a foreign soldier with the curly hair of a Greek and the royal headband with flowing ends of a Greek king. Thus Achilles lived and got invulnerability except for the heel. 30 http://www.greekmythology.com/Olympians/Zeus/zeus.html Surprisingly the stories told in these two religions have some similarity. Indra, in Hindu mythology, the king of the gods. 25 http://creative.sulekha.com/birth-of-bhishma-story-from-mahabharata_67978_blog 5 Dos for a Better Fertility and Healthy Pregnancy, Phlebotomy: The Art and Science behind Blood Draws, Best Golf Practice Equipment From FORB Golf seems nice, Top 8 Grip Strength Exercises for Beginners, 5 Reasons Why People Are Working Out at Home, 4 Benefits of Using a Kettlebell During Your Workouts, How to Incorporate Mirrored Wardrobe Designs in Your Home Dcor, Beach Trip Essentials: What to Pack for the Beach, 5 warning signs your home needs a makeover, 7 Interesting Facts About the Pinyon Pine Tree in New Mexico. Lastly, the Indo-Greeks did at the beginning represent Indian (Hindu) deities on their coins (coins of Agathocles c. 180 BCE), but this happened only once, and the experiment was never repeated again by any king. There are twelve major Greek gods and goddesses. The coinage depict various Indian iconography: Krishna-Vasudeva, with his large wheel with six spokes (chakra) and conch (shanka), and his brother Sankarshan-Balarama, with his plough (hala) and pestle (masala), both early avatars of Vishnu. Menander, appears to have proselytized the faith through his domain similar to the Mauryan Ashoka and the future Kushan emperor Kanishka. Same way, in the Greek mythology, you have Zeus, Hades,. Also in "Taxila", by John Marshall: "By this time, both the title (Dharmikasa) and the symbol (the Dharmachakra) were indissolubly associated with Buddhism and their use was quite enough to proclaim the king's adherence to that religion", p33, "A guide to Sanchi" John Marshall. Hindus have a God presiding over death and afterlife, and he's known as Yama. Not only their powers but their weapons these two are also almost the same. Thats true. Stupavadana, Chapter 57, v15. The representation of the Buddha may also be connected to his progressive deification, which is usually associated with the spread of the Indian principle of Bhakti (personal devotion to a deity). His mother, Thetis, held him by his heel and dipped him into the river. Hera sent poisonous snake to kill Heracles when he was a child but Hercules killed them. 2 http://www.sacred-texts.com/hin/hmvp/hmvp32.htm In Indian mythology God of Sun is known as Surya. In the book Indika by Megasthenes, he wrote that an Indian tribe Sourasenoi worshipped Herakles in their land with two great cities Methora and Kleisobora, around the river Jobares. Hindu have seven sages called Saptarishis, which are the seven brightest stars that can control even the Sun. 15 http://www.greekmythology.com/Myths/The_Myths/Birth_of_Athena/birth_of_athena.html Similarly Krishna defeated Kaliya Nag, also a serpent with multiple heads. He was called the father (i.e., the ruler and protector) of . Anukriti Gupta. Lists of deities - Simple English Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Kamadeva is known by several other names including Manmathudu, Madan, Ratikanta amongst others. They all originally lived together in the northern sky. Ganesha, also spelled Ganesh, also called Ganapati, elephant-headed Hindu god of beginnings, who is traditionally worshipped before any major enterprise and is the patron of intellectuals, bankers, scribes, and authors. The Hindus have a dedicated goddess of learning, and that is Ma Saraswati. When the sixth child Zeus is born, Rhea (Kronos' wife) devises a plan to save the baby with the help of Kronos' mother Gaia. The name Iranian is definitely related to the name Aryan. In his left hand, he holds a branch of ivy, symbol of Dionysos. No big surprise he is so famous!if(typeof ez_ad_units != 'undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'askanydifference_com-leader-3','ezslot_21',665,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-askanydifference_com-leader-3-0'); Ive put so much effort writing this blog post to provide value to you. Seeing such a similarity between Greek and Roman gods, I was wondering if there was a connection between the names of Zeus and Jupiter, but that quickly seemed a lost cause. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Your email address will not be published. There is a presence of hell and heaven in both of the mythologies and also similarities in the functions of gods, But there are many differences between Hindu Gods and Greek Gods. They are the main gods of the Pandava Quintet, a series written by Roshani Chokshi published by Rick Riordan Presents. Hindu deities are the gods and goddesses in Hinduism.The terms and epithets for deities within the diverse traditions of Hinduism vary, and include Deva, Devi, Ishvara, Ishvari, Bhagavn and Bhagavati.. [5] 17 http://books.google.co.in/books?id=b7Meabtj8mcC&lpg=PP1&pg=PA171 But some believes are that Helios and Apollo are same9, while other believe them to be different and since Helios was a Titan, the title of God of Sun passed to Apollo after Titans defeat. The clothing too is Greek, complete with tunics, capes and sandals. A nice comparison. A grown-up Krishna comes back to kill his uncle Kamsa. [17] An Indo-Chinese tradition also explains that Nagasena, also known as Menander's Buddhist teacher, created in 43 BCE in the city of Pataliputra a statue of the Buddha, which is believed to be the Emerald Buddha, that is currently housed in Thailand. The Rig Veda proclaims Indra as Hindu God of thunder, who rides a grand chariot and lives on Mount Meru in Swarga. Athena is often seen with her companion owl, while Saraswati is seen with a swan (hansa) or a peacock.

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