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grass cutting tenders kzn grass cutting tenders kzn

Closing 9 May 2023 11:00AM 0010161747 Head Office, ZNQ 125/22/23: Suitable and capable service providers are invited to quote for the supply and delivery of a laptop for Mr M. Khumalo Director Khumalo, ZNTU 04182 W: Replacement of storm damaged asbestos roof with zinculume roof, ceiling, attend to storm water surface and minor repairs NEC 3-option E-design and build contract approach, ZNTU 04184 W: Replacement of storm damaged asbestos roof with zinculume and roof and ceiling and walls, attend to storm water surface, retaining wall and minor repairs- NEC 3 option E-design and build contract, ZNTU 04184 W: Repairs to storm damaged roof and affected areas-NEC 3-option E-design and build contract approach, ZNTU 04178 W:Replace of storm damaged roof and minor services, demolition of Nakekela Building and minor repairs to roof slabs and ceilings NEC 3 option E-Design and build contract approach, ZNTM 00889 W: Department of Co-Operative Governance and Traditional Affairs: Wadley House: repairs and renovations to existing building, ZNT 7871 W: Hire of office accommodation for the Department of Education at King Cetshwayo District office: Empangeni: A lettable area sufficient to accommodate 1518m2 (plus max 25% non-assignable area which is 379m2 plus 70 parking bays (60 under cover and 10 open bays and 01 bay for people with disabilities, ZNQ 110/22/23: The appointment of a service provider to supply and deliver data projector for HRM management at the Department of Public Works OR Tambo House 191 Prince Alfred Street, PMB, ZNQ 118/22/23: The appointment of a service provider to quote for the renewal of Five (5) illustrator and Five Light room CC Software subscription for the communication Directorate, ZNQ 77/22/23: The appointment of a service provider to renew licenses, maintenance and support for eighty (80) wireless access points and their management appliance for a period of 12 months, ZNT 7884 W: Hire of office accommodation for the Department of Education: Ubombo Circuit Management Centre: A lettable area sufficient to accommodate 1204m2 (plus max 25% non-assignable area which is 301m2 plus 46 parking bays (34 under cover and 08 open bays and 04 bays for people with disabilities, ZNT 7870 W: Hire of office accommodation for the Department of Social Development at King Cetshwayo District Office: Empangeni: A lettable area sufficient to accommodate 634m2 (plus max 25% non-assignable area which is 158m2 plus 43 parking bays (13 lockup under cover and 08 open bays and 02 bays for people with disabilities, ZNT 7882 W: Hire of office accommodation for the Department of Education: UMhlabuyalingana Circuit Management Office: A lettable area sufficient to accommodate 352m2 (plus max 25% non-assignable area which is 88m2 plus 16 parking bays (12 under cover and 03 open bays and 01 bays for people with disabilities, ZNT 7883W: Hire of office accommodation for the Department of Agriculture and Rural Development: Hluhluwe, Big Five: A lettable area sufficient to accommodate 478m2 (plus max 25% non-assignable area which is 119m2 plus 21 parking bays (06 lockup, 12 under cover and 02 open bays and 01 bays for people with disabilities, ZNT 7874W: Hire of office accommodation for the Department of Economic Development at King Cetshwayo District Office: Richards-Bay: A lettable area sufficient to accommodate 864m2 (plus max 25% non-assignable area which is 216m2 plus parking bays) 25 under cover parking, ZNT 7877W: Hire of office accommodation for the Department of Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs: Richards-Ba: A lettable area sufficient to accommodate 400m2 (plus max 25% non-assignable area which is 100m2 plus 41 parking bays (10 lockup, 10 undercover and 20 open bays and 01 bays for people with disabilities, WIMS 058822: The appointment of a registered professional consultant Architect, Electrical,Structural Engineer and Quantity Surveyor Addington Hospital: installation of backup chiller, ZNT6009W: Department of Human Settlement: Hire Of Office Accommodation (Ladysmith) for a period of 60 months, ZNT6008W: Department of Community Safety and Liaison: Hire Of Office Accommodation (Ladysmith) for a period of 60 months, ZNT6071W: Department of Community Safety and Liaison: Hire Of Office Accommodation (Dundee) for a period of 60 months, ZNT6057W: Department of Social Development: Hire Of Office Accommodation (Bergville) for a period of 60 months, ZNT6056W: Department of Economic Development, Tourism and Environmental Affairs: Hire Of Office Accommodation (Ladysmith) for a period of 60 months, ZNT6051W: Department of Economic Development, Tourism and Environmental Affairs: Hire Of Office Accommodation (Newcastle), ZNT5802W: Department of Health: Hire of office accommodation: EMRS ( Greytown) for a period of 119 months, ZNT6069W: Department of Health: Hire of office accommodation: Department of Health EMRS ( Newcastle) for a period of 60 months, ZNT6068W: Department of Health: Hire of office accommodation: Amajuba District (Newcastle) for a period of 60 months, ZNT 05296W: Department of Health: Ekuhlengeni Hospital and Care Centre: repairs and renovations due to floods damages (DESIGN AND BUILD), ZNT 05295W: Department of Health: Highway House Office Building: repairs and renovations due to flood damage (DESIGN AND BUILD), ZNT 05298W: Department of Health: McCord Hospital: EMS Collage: removal of existing waterproofing on the roof, rescreed and replace with new including the redressing of existing services, shopfront window to be sealed and extension of drainage pipe (SESIGN AND BUILD), ZNT 05218W: Department of Health: McCord Hospital: remove damaged waterproofing and screed and allow for new waterproofing and screed, replace damaged ceiling, light fittings and associated works, allow for paint on damaged wall, remove affected ceiling section and replace with (DESIGN AND BUILD), ZNT 05314W: Department of Health: Molweni Clinic: construction of a dry-stack wall at rear area of the clinic to keep soil wash away and water runoff from encroaching on the building rear, existing rear wall (DESIGN AND BUILD), ZNT 05299W: Department of Health: Mahatma Gandhi Memorial Hospital: repairs to concrete slab leaks, to construct a new steel structure and roof sheeting over cracked slabs leaks and ineffective waterproofing (DESIGN AND BUILD), ZNT 05316W: Department of Health: Hillcrest Hospital: the storm drainage system for the whole facility should be upgraded. These tenders can consist of Request for Information (RFI), Request for Quotation (RFQ), Request for Proposal (RFP), Expression of Interest (EOI) or Request for Tender (RFT) listings. Course and Driving Range for a Period of 36 Grass Cutting - Mandeni Also, health safety, recycling services and hygiene consultants are further examples of popular notices on our site. var addy52091415ee4dfa90f473ba75127d807d = 'ReportFraud' + '@'; KwaZulu-Natal Department of Public Works - About Publication of Awards for Contract ZNQ417/434/4944/2019 - Regravelling of Road D555 from 0Km- 3.1Km in the Ixopo Area Office. Repairs the roof leaks (DESIGN AND BUILD), WIMS 072688: King Edward VIII Hospital: The appointment of a Construction Firm with multidisciplinary Professionals in the built environment on the design and built for the planning, design, repairs and renovations at King Edward VIII Hospital. E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. Request for 24 Months Grass Cutting and Removal of Weeds for Centane Magistrate Court. Find Cleaning & facility Management Tenders Online Tambo House 191 Prince Alfred Street, Pietermaritzburg. var prefix = 'ma' + 'il' + 'to'; Diving Services, Diving Equipment and Self-contained Breathing Apparatus Supplies and Maintenance Tenders in Port Shepstone Doors, Roller Doors and Garage Doors Tenders in Port Shepstone Draughting Services and CAD Tenders in Port Shepstone Driver Training, Testing and Licencing Tenders in Port Shepstone Ladysmith, ZNTD 05337W: Department of Education: KZN: Sibonginhlanhla Primary School: replacement of school, ZNTD 04014W: Department of Education:KZN: Faith Mlaba Primary School: Alterations and renovations to old Ntuzuma court to accommodate Faith Mlaba Primary School, Addendum on the advertisement of Eyesizwe Contractor Development Programme (ECDP): phase III all contractors with a focus on Youth, Women, People with disabilities and Military veterans who are registered contractors and beneficiaries on the CIDB database grade 1 and grade 2-6, ZNTU 04217W: WIMS NO 065982 -Phase 14 Storm Damaged Programme: Repair and Renovation to Storm damaged schools throughout the Province of KwaZulu Natal: North Coast Region: Cluster 72 Ongane Combined: Open bids :Women Owned Enterprises Only Tender project, ZNTL 04783W: WIMS NO 063791 -Phase 14 Storm Damaged Programme: Repair and Renovation to Storm damaged schools throughout the Province of KwaZulu Natal: Midlands Region: Cluster 139 Buhlebentuthuko Primary School: Open bids :Youth Owned Enterprises Only Tender project, ZNTL 04777W: WIMS NO 063826 -Phase 14 Storm Damaged Programme: Repair and Renovation to Storm damaged schools throughout the Province of KwaZulu Natal: Midlands Region: Cluster 118 Kwamgabo Primary : Open bids :Women Owned Enterprises Only Tender project, ZNTL 04770W: WIMS NO 063883 -Phase 14 Storm Damaged Programme: Repair and Renovation to Storm damaged schools throughout the Province of KwaZulu Natal: Midlands Region: Cluster 100 Dalton Bridge Primary: Open bids :Women Owned Enterprises Only Tender project, ZNTL 04773W: WIMS NO 063849 -Phase 14 Storm Damaged Programme: Repair and Renovation to Storm damaged schools throughout the Province of KwaZulu Natal: Midlands Region: Cluster 107 Muntu High School: Open bids :Youth Owned Enterprises Only Tender project, ZNTL 03250W: DOE: UMzinyathi District: Emezweni Primary School and Indlozana High School: Cluster 2D upgrade to sanitation systems in Midlands Region (Eyesizwe Projects), ZNTL 03027W: DOE UMzinyathi District: Ithembani Primary School: Midlands Region upgrade to sanitation systems (Eyesizwe Project), ZNTL 03042W: DOE: UMzinyathi District: Kwavulamehlo Primary School and Bathulo Primary School: cluster 1D upgrade to sanitation systems in Midlands Region (Eyesizwe Projects), ZNTL 03031W: DOE: UMzinyathi District: Langazela High School: Midlands Region upgrade to sanitation systems (Eyesizwe Project), ZNTL 05006W: DOE: UThukela District: Masibonge Secondary School: construction of the new school at UThukela District Municipality within Inkosi Langalibalele Local Municipality- Busani, ZNTL 03218W: DOE: Umzinyathi District: Okhulana Primary School and Mhlumba Primary School: cluster 6D: upgrade to sanitation systems in Midlands Region (Eyesizwe Projects), ZNT 02991W: DOE: Umzinyathi District: Sibonginhlanhla Secondary School and Esethu High School: cluster 7D: upgrade to sanitation systems in Midlands Region (Eyesizwe Project), ZNTL 02897W: DOE: UMzinyathi District: Bhekathina Primary School and Majokweni Primary School: cluster 3B upgrade to sanitation systems in Midlands region (Eyesizwe Projects), ZNTL 02967W: DOE: UMzinyathi District: EMachunwini Primary School and Nteneshane Primary School: cluster 4D: upgrade to sanitation systems in Midlands Region (Eyesizwe Projects), ZNTL 02898W: DOE: UThukela District: Enhlanganisweni Primary School: Midlands Region upgrade to sanitation systems (Eyesizwe Projects), ZNTL 03025W: DOE: UMzinyathi District: Gordon Memorial High School: Midlands Region upgrade to sanitation systems (Eyesizwe Project), ZNTL 02902W: DOE: UMzinyathi District: Mafitleng Primary School: Midlands Region upgrade to sanitation systems.

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