eu4 hindu mughalseu4 hindu mughals

eu4 hindu mughals eu4 hindu mughals

Various missions encourage developing your lands and interacting with the Marathas estate. Requires some admin points. After that, unifying India or forming Persia can offer you more content to enjoy, while significantly powering up your nation. Your mission tree in general is extensive, focusing on dominance of the Indian Ocean. And this mission tree culminates in the creation of a trade empire across the Arabian sea. Alliances will not be easy to form due to your religion. Only get the first 3 to start and finish it up later. Owning Varanasi, which is where the Kashi is located, also gives Hindus an additional missionary, one of only a few ways they can get one. I mean, Vijayanagar has the whole package: Flavorful event chains, a mission tree, decent ideas, and a lot of starting land. The Mughals are up there with the strongest nations in the entire game, and they couldnt be missing from this article. EU4 1.31 Timurids to Mughals Guide - World Conquest The Red Hawk 99K subscribers Join Subscribe 2.1K 76K views 1 year ago Discord: Twitter:. Mughals - Europa Universalis 4 Wiki Mughals Please help with verifying or updating older sections of this article. Normally you should not be able to get the Buddha Deity unless you unlocked it via a mission which is only available for a few countries. The extra CC reduction from one of the deities would also be nice. This formed the Basis of the Mughals. The Jaunpuri national ideas arent half bad, and scale well into the late game. Privacy Policy. Not really feasible as it costs a lot of ducats. Mughal Empire is a country in Europa Universalis II. Mar 18, 2016; Add bookmark #12 Well, the Timurids are also eligible for that, but playing as them feels like cheating to be honest. Reminder that you get -3 diplo rep and -30 opinion modifier with vassals when you integrate a vassal. All rights reserved. Not to mention, several mughal missions sort of require it, like the rajput mission. So they can play the game with joy. If not for a good chess match or a round of carambole billiards, you'll certainly catch him firing up EU4 or a Total War game to spend the evening. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. This EU4 Mughals starting moves guide or EU4 Mughals starting moves tutorial will ensure that you get a great start for yourself playing as the nation of The Timurids. Mughals are OP but now they also have some new challenges. It focuses on the Western India region and the Gujarat trade node, encouraging development of your core lands. Note: This is ONLY to be used to report spam, advertising, and problematic (harassment, fighting, or rude) posts. Need to be a State before you can convert. Harun Mar 22, 2018 @ 7:15am. Watch for AE. I mean it's quite confusing why they designed the mission tree that way whilst the Mughals are most likely to be Muslim. The Mughals were actually descended from the Afghan tribes that answered to the Timurids. On December 11th, set Ajam as rivals and declare immediately. Dont peace out until at least 1449, when you should have a claim on Baluchistan or any other Indian nation. You must log in or register to reply here. His love of history, geography, and all things map-related, are certainly a contrast to his pursuit of a master in civil engineering. Some of my very favorite nations and achievements have their home in India. As for idea groups i think best order for Hindu Mughals is: Religious Diplo Admin Offensive Humanist Quantity. Mewar offers a moderately challenging campaign with a lot of rewarding moments, and a military that can steamroll all opposition with the unique Rajput regiments you get access to. Your rival, the Bahmanid Sultanate to the north, is the main obstacle you will have to face early. Also i do know CCR caps at +-80% but the -15% is nice before i get admin efficiency. This is the first part of my Mughals world conquest and one faith run as afghanistan. PATREON TWITCH PAYPAL out my Twitch Vods Channel You can Also Check My Personal Channel Here! More Starting Moves Guides in this playlist: Europa Universalis IV is a grand strategy games published by Paradox Interactive. Everything written up there is a personal opinion that, I believe, is based on some grounding, and I'm ready to defend this opinion. About to form Mughals, and I'm wondering what would be the best religion to be. Edit: Added few lines. Aristo- Cav combat ability stacks well with mughal starting national ideas and the monthly autonomy change helps with faster government reforms. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. Hi all, just wanted to put it out here, that you can convert Mughal religion to Hindu, WITHOUT losing the Mughal national ideas. How do I get the Buddha deity as Hindu Mughals? If you buy something we may get a small commission at no extra cost to you. No unique events or mission tree, and a national idea set thats mediocre at best. #2. However, Delhi itself begins the game and you can choose the nation from the beginning. Stay as Sunni, and have the Piety mechanics, or force spawn rebels to convert me to Hindu and have the option of Hindu polytheism? Last edited by Marquoz ; Jul 13, 2022 @ 6:25pm #1 FRITZ HABER Jul 14, 2022 @ 2:06am The Sultanate is given many tools that enable tall gameplay, while also enjoying a lot of claims in northern India and Burma. The Sultanate of Gujarat is one of the richest nations at the games start. An avid gamer from a very young age, he found the perfect match in Grand Strategy Games. Europa Universalis IV. As the only strong Hindu nation in the north, you are beset by religious enemies on all sides. Also im not 100% about the idea groups i should take, my plan is:Admin-Diplo/influence (not sure if i should do 1 or both) - Religious - Quantity - Humanist - Quality - Economic - Expansion - Defensive, Benefits from going Hindu(in my opinion):More use of Deus Vult casus belli,Early high CCR (10 % from Diety and 15% from monument, 25% from admin ideas, and 25% Mughal ideas)Better monuments than Sunni monuments (Sunni is probably better for 1 faith), Also feel free to leave some other tips and tricks. And theres a unique achievement that wants you to conquer Samarkand, which offers a nice goal to aim for. Kandy and its overlord, Kotte, are the only Buddhist nations in India. Or Enforce religion on vassals, although the disloyalty modifier takes a while to go away. In the new patch, you can form Mughals fairly fast with Delhi. Delhis situation isnt the easiest one, either. When integrating more than one vassal, diplo rep modifier doesnt stack up, but opinion modifier does. Let me put it opposite way: is game supposed to be full-sandbox without any grounding in RL circumstances? Archived post. Mewar has an awesome national idea set one thats up there with the likes of Nepal in terms of military power. just converted to Hindu but I don't see the Buddha deity on the select deity menu. An EU4 1.32 Mughals Guide where we get the eu4 True heir of Timur achievement in 1500 as the nation of Afghanistan. And I cannot go Hindu because I'm playing a third way campaign. Located in Ceylon, your only route of expansion will be through the Vijayanagar empire to your north. They share a unique achievement The Buddhists Strike Back, which requires conquering all of India as one of them and converting it to Buddhism. #eu4 #europauniversalis4 Possible starting rivals are: Jaunpur, Orissa, Ayutthaya, Ava and Arakan. Your central position lets you decide what path of expansion you wish to follow. Delhi is the nation you want to form as soon as possible when playing as the flavorless Sultanates around it. Afghanistan borders the Timurids to the north, Sistan to the west, Multan, Kashmir, and Ladakh to the east, and Baluchistan to the south. Video games, movies, TV shows, cartoons, anime, toys, comics, and so much more. The Mughals weren't the first Muslim empire in India, no idea where you got that from. Consider keeping them even if you form another nation. You can prevent that by putting a ruler of your dynasty on their throne. As far as I am concerned, the fun in this game has always been about. Conflict with them is inevitable. Not recommended. Some good policies too. On the southern front you will have to be opportunistic. But if they ally Mamluks or Ottomans, I recommend you restart the game. Sweden is one of the best nations for blobbing, having a massive army that is also extremely powerful, being extremely rich, conquering the world and more! "You know how the English conquered Wales? I'm really not sure what you mean? EU4 1.34 Mughals Guide - The BEST NATION For A WORLD CONQUEST The Red Hawk 112K views 3 months ago IcePyre 81K views 2 years ago I converted to ZOROASTRIAN as TREBIZOND in EU4. Khorasan, Fars and Transoxiana cost 0 diplo points and just 1 month to integrate. The Mughal-Safavid War of 1649-1653 was fought between the Mughal and Safavid empires in the territory of modern Afghanistan.While the Mughals were at war with the Janid Uzbeks, the Safavid army captured the fortress city of Kandahar and other strategic cities that controlled the region. After watching this EU4 Mughals guide you will ensure a great start for yourself, and you will have an easy and fun campaign. Like most Indian countries Bengal embraced feudalism and has no technology penalty at the start. Then pardon my French, but why the fuck do they have Hindu only estates? -- William of Stonham, why do you have any land stated in asia is the real question. India is one of the most interesting regions in EU IV, with a lot of fleshed out nations to choose from. mughals - EU4 Guides Timurids - Mughals Guide 1.26 [Dharma DLC] Mughals got a major buff in 1.26 patch/Dharma update. Wait for them to send the proposals so you have that extra positive opinion modifier even after Kings death. While its national ideas are lackluster, they complement their playstyle quite nicely. In the new patch, going above your territory limit (more territories than max number of states) gives positive corruption. Dont send royal marriage (RM) offers to vassals as your ruler will die soon and that will break the RMs. In my current run I have plenty of all of these (except Ibadi, which I only have a few) and can't decide on which would be the best. MrMartinus 1 yr. ago I want to get all those juicy monuments that require it as an active deity but I don't know why it doesn't show up, last time I played Majapahit it was there. It finishes off with strong permanent modifiers when you finish your conquest of Persias major cities. Kandy has little in the way of flavor, lacking a mission tree and unique events. Fortify ancient forts and reclaim lost lands. Because the Mughals should certainly have estates other than just the Ulema, but I did load up an advanced bookmark and I think the Mughals didn't have the new Indian estates. 2. Plus the unique achievement it shares with its northern rival Bahmanis is the cherry on top. You can also see it as a micro-world of sorts, as foreign invaders rarely make an appearance until the late game. This guide covers the opening moves, keeping your subjects loyal, diplomacy, estates, alliances, subjects, missions, national ideas, forming The Mughals and more! That said, the lack of a unique achievement is a pity, as it makes Gujarat less appealing to aspiring achievement hunters. Youll start with an excellent ruler and good national traditions, as well as a small military buff from your first mission. If I stayed Sunni I would keep the Infantry-to-Cavalry ratio bonus in addition to the Sunni schools; if I went Shiite I could have Jafari or Zaidi and holy war more nations; Ibadi can have both types of muslim schools and gets a bonus to goods produced; and last but not least with Hinduism I could have access to the personal deity mechanics as well as the ruler pip bonus events and full access to all the Indian estates as opposed to only a few of them like a Muslim tag in the unit group would as well as the means to spread the faith to non-Hindu provinces outside of India to gain more lands I could assign to the Indian estates. Not at the start, if you culture shift to an culture in the iranian group you should be able to, though. Would negate the need for humanist since almost all of the subcontinent is hindu. Keep an eye out and be opportunistic against the Bengali Sultanate. JavaScript is disabled. I haven't done a serious Mughal campaign in a long time--I last used them to get the Khaaaan achievement, but that was a very atypical run. I'm planning to take Humanist as an idea group, as it synergizes real well with Mughals ideas, so conversion isn't a problem, as I won't be using missionaries. All the strategic gameplay varieties etc. But there is a bug in the current version and the event which allows you to choose a deity always includes the Buddha (you have to scroll down in the event option). Shia Mughals. Malwa makes the cut for this list mostly due to its great starting situation. Europa Universalis 4 Wiki Active Wikis AoW: Planetfall Cities: Skylines Crusader Kings 3 Empire of Sin Europa Universalis 4 Hearts of Iron 4 Imperator: Rome Prison Architect Stellaris Surviving Mars Surviving the Aftermath Vampire: The Masquerade Victoria 3 A place to share content, ask questions and/or talk about the grand strategy game Europa Universalis IV by Paradox Development Studio. Start with integrating Khorasan and Fars. Prerequisites- Have a core on Delhi and one of these provinces- Doab, Central Doab, Lahore. Manipur starts the game as a single province nation amidst the Naga Hills, at the border between India and Burma. This choice will depend on how you are doing with monarch points. C: You need provinces stated to add them to estates, which if you're keen on using them, is necessary as the dharma estates require either hindu, dharmic, or dharmic/buddhist religion provinces to be given them. World Conquest possible. Title says it all. Keep them close. #3. We need to make sure that doesnt happen. For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. This achievement serves as a ribbon to distinguish yourself as a veteran of the game. You start will a lot of cores on your vassal and Jaunpur to the south, but consolidating that land wont be easy. forced mass convertions were not a thing for Muslims, that was mostly a Catholic thing. Out of all nations, why make the Mughals the most powerful? Vassals- Give new lands to your vassals. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. All but one idea in it are military bonuses. European conquests are easy as Ottomans will help you out. You will still have to buy down some portion of it. They have some cool new mechanics and massive new mission tree. Strong allies are the sultanates of Delhi and Malwa. Bengal focuses on trade and the development of its core lands, while still offering a lot of expansion options. In normal games their provinces are coloured dark brown, in fantasia games they are coloured brown. But if the Mughals are somewhat "naturally" going to be of the Muslim faith, isn't that just bad design there? Reply. and our It feels kinda wasted on Mughals when you already have religious. it was. No cap on maximum number of accepted cultures. New Music For more information, please see our As a Muslim state, it differs from every other one in India as they follow the Shia school of Islam. All trademarks are property of their respective owners in the US and other countries. Its my recommended nation to all beginners wishing to get familiar with the dynamics of the Indian subcontinent. In the 1.26 patch, religious conversion not possible in territories. The Bahmani Sultanate lies at the heart of the Deccan plateau and the entirety of India. Get your level 1 admin and mil advisors. Start improve relations with vassals who are most disloyal. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. Usually, Ajam only has a minor ally. Conquest of Ming- Get a border with Ming as soon as possible and watch them implode. Admin-Espionage policy as well, if you want to take Espionage Ideas. As some of you said, they already get tolerance from Indian sultanate, and less national unrest from their ideas. Mughals got a major buff in 1.26 patch/Dharma update. Cookie Notice You begin the game sandwiched between stronger powers in every direction, with some room to expand in the Central Indian jungles. Right, I understand that the devs have decided you need humanist for everything now, but considering I was going for a religious centered game, I didn't pick it. I like to take Quality and Defensive last because its main benefit comes from first two ideas and if you are fast enough you may not even unlock last group. If you want to play as a military powerhouse in India, Nepal is the nation you want to form. Not to mention, several mughal missions sort of require it, like the rajput mission. unpopular opinion: India is the most fun region in EU4, even better than Europe. I lost most of my Middle Eastern territory and my mughals are firmly entrenched in the subcontinent. Exploit the inevitable war between Bahmanis and Vijayanagar and strike them while they are weakened. Is there any reason not to switch to hindu? Sweet Home Qaraqorum- Assimilating all mongolian culture provinces is not that hard with Mughals CCR stacking and fairly powerful army. 2nd Channel: Apr 17, 2014 560 896. Vijayanagar is probably the strongest nation in India at the games start. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. IcePyre 15.7K subscribers 103K. Last edited: Mar 18, 2016. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. Admin-Defensive policy give -0.1 corruption. Prepare for a long campaign if you want the achievement! You want to be at war when that happens as your vassals cannot declare independence when you are at war. Archived post. Dont set any rivals just yet. Your Sunni faith allows you to easily ally with major powers, depending on the starting alliances and rivalries. For more information, please see our Looking through the triggers for them, they all require the Indian tech group, but the Mughal formation decision seems to have been changed now so that it always changes your tech group to Indian, and it probably was just left at the wrong tech group in the bookmark. With Culture shifting you can form the Mughals as Ulm. Although having no unique achievements makes this less of an appealing choice. Helping Sirhind usurp Delhi can give you a temporary ally while you deliver a killing blow on your southern rival of Bengal. Last two don't matter that much. Cookie Notice Usually, you want to form Delhi for the mission tree. You start as the suzerain of four other nations, with your mission tree encouraging you to vassalize more, eventually consolidating them under a single vassal. The cherry on top is the unique achievement the vassal Timurid states have access to: True Heir of Timur. Bengal has an interesting mix of a mission tree and national ideas. Then we can enjoy our game with historical flavor. The mission tree is the highlight of the nation. The developers of Europa Universalis 4 have endlessly tried to strengthen the mechanics of peace time, particularly with diplomacy and trade. The Mughals were Muslims ruling over a population that was mostly Hindus. In fact, they're so great that I decided I wanted to start a Mughals run where I convert to Hindu instead of staying Sunni. in my delhi game I converted almost entire north india . FandomSpot is neither affiliated with nor endorsed by any brands or trademarks on this site unless explicitly stated. Low religious unity at the start, only gets worse as you conquer provinces. The Mughal's ideas are insane, and they can most likely take on Europeans easily. Jain estate interaction- They need to be at 60% influence though and you can only give them provinces with certain religions. (, Top 10 Most Interesting Buddhist Nations in EU4, Top 5 Most Interesting Female Rulers in CK3, Top 7 Most Interesting Starts in Italy (CK3), 7 Most Fun & Interesting Cultures in CK3 (Ranked), Top 5 Most Fun Minor Nations To Play in HOI4. Your reward for restoring the Sultanate to its former glory is a unique achievement, Emperor of Hindustan. Start this war before ending your previous one. Its unique because its the only animist nation in India. Jaunpur is essentially a bigger and stronger Malwa. No allies in Phase I. Espaol - Latinoamrica (Spanish - Latin America). This will be atypical as well, of course, but in . 5) During this part of my run I also beat up Russia and began the vassal wall strat that I'd use all game, creating a long thin vassal that prevented a border between me and big countries like Russia / Muscovy. After integrating couple of vassals, all your vassals will be loyal and that concluded Phase I. Taking absolutism reforms seem tempting, but late game you might be restricted by corruption and will need to hand over conquered provinces to your vassals. 3) Leave most of your tributaries alone / improve relations. Especially when controlled by a player. Indian Muslim Army Units New army models for Bahmanis, Gujarat, Jaunpur, Malwa and the Mughal Empire. I actually just formed Mughals today in 20 years with the strat i explained Yes, i forgot Jaunpur - but i was acually even able to take 3 provinces instead of the needed one without a coalition forming big enough to be mentioned (dont forget that half of the nations in India are Sunni/Hindu, which means less AE for certain nations nations - Timus are also Horde which means 75% AE cb AND auto . Vassals- Give the conquered land to your vassals. The king Shah Rukh is 67 years old and is going to die soon. Propagate religion with trade policy in trade company regions (only applicable late game). Although it can be cheesed early on by conquering through Tibet, if you want an easy way to grab it. 2nd Channel: a member: this video titled EU4 1.32 Mughals Guide - HOW To Do THE EASIEST WORLD CONQUEST I make an EU4 Guide for The Mughals starting as The Timurids for Europa Universalis 4 1.32 Origins. Now all your vassals are loyal. Transoxiana have some cores on Uzbek that we can get back before integrating them. Your mission tree will lead you down a path of overseas expansion, making the Indian Ocean your personal lake. I hope this guides helps out players who are looking to try Mughals in the new patch. But this guide will follow Timurids into Mughals, as Timurids start as a strong nation and a great power and once you get over the initial vassal disloyalty phase, you can become unstoppable in the region. Ottomans are your long term ally. Its one of the formable nations you will always see in competitive multiplayer campaigns. Complete EU4 World Conquest Guide - Timurid Mughals Opening Moves!

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