best transmission fluid for mt82best transmission fluid for mt82

best transmission fluid for mt82 best transmission fluid for mt82

WebGT 6 GETRAG SPEED(221)TRANS.MT-82 LV TR6060TR3160 NOTE 1: NOTE 2: NOTE 3: NOTE 4: 1989 - 1997 Probe, 2001 - 2004 Escape, 2006 - 2009 Fusion/MilanEscort/Tracer1999 - 2001 Service all vehicles with SYNTHETIC BLEND MERCON V2008 - 2009 Service diesel vehicles with Full Synthetic Manual Transmission WebDCTF Dual Clutch Transmission Fluid DCTF Dual Clutch Transmission Fluid Designed to provide extreme protection in many wet- and dry-style dual clutch transmissions Popular for VW/AUDI, BMW, Porsche PDK and Ferrari Compatible with other lubricants designed for dual clutch transmissions, follow owners manual for service intervals SKU: 31004 Qty: Click to reveal Use tab to navigate through the menu items. This transmission features a torque capacity of 375 lb-ft and it weighs approximately 108 pounds. It will work perfectly on many vehicles such as Honda, Toyota, MT82, and many more. Its sealing quality is outstanding. It has undergone massive developments over the years since then. Unless you do a test on several different fluids you will not know which is the best one for you. So that will make it difficult for a home builder to work with. We recommend buying a transmission fluid with 80 to 1 lac miles. -Customer Supplied Trans $3750 plus return shipping. I have been dynoed, I was at 400rwhp with a bbr tune but it stopped making power at 6500rpm. Do you race competitively? I'm using MTG and it's great. According to the manufacturer, this particular transmission requires 2.7 US quarts of transmission fluid. Generally, synthetic fluid offers better performance because it retains its viscosity longer and doesnt need frequent changing, making it more expensive than conventional fluid. Also, be used in power steering applications. Prebuilt Stage 3 Approximate turn around is typically 4-6 weeks until this product ships. The best way to figure out what the appropriate transmission fluid is for your specific vehicle is to check the owners manual. Visit our friends at Ford Performance for news and updates from Ford. Before use always refer to the owner manual or handbook of the vehicle. It protects your MT-82 from wear by providing a thick lubricating film that contains extreme pressure additives and it also resists oxidation and thermal degradation in high temperatures. Many people use tried different transmission fluids every time we recommend to use to find out the high-quality transmission fluid for your vehicle and use it again and again. My head is swimming. The MT82 Mustang transmission is pretty much the same as far as changing the fluid goes. In a Hurry? I never had really bad problems with my MT-82, but XL-18 really made it a lot smoother. You should also take into consideration Fords recommendations because they know what works best on your Ford Mustang. We recommend purchasing the transmission fluid that is specially made for MT82. My question was whether or not your measurement in quarts pertained to a 2014 or not. You should also take into consideration Fords recommendations because they know what works best on your Ford Mustang. TMO is not affiliated with Ford Motor Company and is not owned by some giant forum network. Reduces transmission corrosion, and wear and tear, Improves shifting despite the temperatures, Always ensure you pick the transmission fluid that checks all your boxes now that you have information about the best fluids for your MT-82 transmission. It will extend the shelf life of transmission with over 75 000 Miles. is my top pick from this awesome list because it offers your MT-82 transmission and its components the best protection and guarantees you smooth shifting at all temperature levels. Just ordered more BG Synchroshift II. Then we recommend installing the below MT82 transmission to overcome all problems. After changing this fluid, the transmission performance will increase, which helps to improve car smoothness while shifting the gear. Where you spend your time online matters - we'd love for you to join and participate here to share your passion for Track Mustangs! We have a few options for you to take a closer look at right here. We always have oil in stock for purchase. The additives are designed to improve performance in various temperatures, fuel economy, ease of shifting, and more. It protects against wear and corrosion, and the low viscosity improves the economy of fuel. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Find a dealer Order Buy Online 2012 Kona Blue GT Premium, Brembo's, 6MT, Exterior Mods, BMR Upper and Lower Control Arms and Panhard bar. I am surprised that they are now blaming it for a failure. Editors Pick: Valvoline Automatic Transmission Fluid; 2. It met the original spec, but not the revised spec, so RedLine quit recommending it for the MT82. I was also intrigued by those who were running this unusual blend .7 quart Amsoil 75/90 Oh and I have never run synchromesh fluid in mine. However, it is also considered popular motor oil for Ford Focus, Honda/Acura, BMW, and other cars. Ford manufactures the Ford Mustang, From 1964-2004 it is considered the longest produced Ford car worldwide. Waiting to run a longer race to see if its worth keeping the tranny cooler and pump or not. Free In-Store or Curbside Pick Up SELECT STORE Home Delivery Standard Delivery Estimated Delivery May 05-08 Add TO CART Castrol Transmax Dexron VI Mercon LV Automatic Transmission Fluid 1 Quart Part # 15D0C2 However, because some vehicles are manufactured differently, they do not need to change the oil as frequently as older models, so be sure to read the owners manual or seek professional repair advice about changing the transmission fluid. Join the preferred Mustang forum for track enthusiasts on the web! Do you want to overcome all issues with Ford Mustang right now? -Our Calimer Built Stage 3's gear ratio is. It is found in Ford Mustang models of 2011-2017. The Getrag MT-82 transmission was first manufactured in 2011 to replace the Tremec 3650 on the Ford Mustang. If you feel any problem in gear shifting, or you know that its gonna be long, so we recommend changing transmission fluid. This stuff is also designed to provide long term protection for your transmission, to help prevent friction damage and wear. Click here to skip to our recommended pick! The number one rated top pick for the best transmission fluid for the MT82 manual transmission would be Genuine Ford Fluid XT-11-QDC Dual Clutch Transmission Fluid. Ford Mustangs with MT82 transmission should be using this particular transmission fluid. For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. Pump the fluid up to around 3 quarts using a hand pump and plug back the fill plug. Total cost $35. Which transmission fluid have you used for MT82 before that? At the same time, it is also meant to decrease the operating temperature of your transmission for less damage caused by heat. We recommend changing the MT82 transmission fluid after gear shifting or another transmission low-performance problem. I wouldn't trust the guys that said Mercon SP or V. They are both idiots. This particular fluid is also used to operate the transmissions shift mechanism. You will really love its quietness. It helps to allow for extremely smooth and uninterrupted shifting. I'll stick with that. Plus a billet gear-set produced by G-Force specifically for Calimer's Transmissions. Consider your car model too; if your car is an older model, then a conventional fluid is ideal especially if youve never tried systematic fluid. In 2012, Ford changed to QDC for the MT-82. Im looking to try a different fluid with hopes of some kind of improvement, I plan on keeping the OEM stuff to cover myself if the transmission decides to explode, I Its durable in higher temperatures and can also be used for different purposes. You might be tired of using heavy transmission fluids that do not work properly to overcome gear shifting and other problems. Approximate turn around is 2-3 days. . It depends on which transmission fluid you are using, It would be better to change transmission fluid after 100,000 miles, but its necessary to change it if your car gear shifting performance is smooth and you dont see other problems. After getting the standard fluid very hot at the track a few times, i was starting to have issues with engaging some gears while on track (HOT!!). Your IP: Save the Manuals doesn't just want to save the system , he wants to save yours --- listen to da Man, ha!!! I finally got around to changing the oil in the transmission. Due to supply shortages this product may take 6-8 weeks to ship. I use the Redline MTL. Break down of Calimers MT-82 Transmission. Best Transmission Fluid Additive: Lucas Transmission Fix; 3. Is Calimer going to do anything for you at all? Log in to remove most ads. Locate the fill plug on the passenger side on the left side of the transmission. After driving about 60 miles with the new fluid I have noticed no change at all in the improvement of the sub-standard shifting characteristics of this transmission. BUT, you can make a really fast pig! there were some defective 6060s and some defective mt-82s. Pick one and try it. I am curious about why Amsoil does not have a recommended fluid for the MT82 on their website? Castrol is used in general motor and other vehicles. Your car may require a fluid change after a long time making the transmission fluid to break down when it stays in your transmission for long. If you feel any slipping in gear, they may be running hot due to the lack of transmission fluid. Top 5 Best Transmission Fluid MT82 1. If you want smooth transmission performance, Castrol will enhance friction durability for smooth performance and provides easy gear shift without any problem. Subscribe to receive inspiration, news, and ideas in your inbox. For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. Before adding a trans cooler, my stock MT 82 would get hotter then the engine after a 20min track sessions. This transmission fluid is made with a combination of synthetic base oils and performance additives to help improve shifting capabilities at all ambient temperature levels. Before the cooler, several of my dead MT82, showed signs of cooking inside. The right transmission fluid will make it much easier to shift gears without sticking, grinding, or missed shifts.Finding the best transmission fluid MT82 is easier said than done. The MT82 is a six-speed manual transmission with an aluminum casing and integral bellhousing. I have a feeling there will be more than a few opportunities to help a fellow track rat out! When I started looking for the recommended transmission fluid I found that Ford is recommending it's Genuine Ford Fluid XT-11-QDC Dual Clutch Transmission Fluid? WebMy dad has a 2017 gt350 and it is definitely an improvement but for daily driving and occasional stop light pulls the MT82 is great. While shifting the gear will make the gear very smooth and easy to shift without any sticking issue. Come join the discussion about performance, racing, builds, modifications, troubleshooting, maintenance, and more! It would be better if you choose the specific transmission fluid for the specific vehicles. VerticalScope Inc., 111 Peter Street, Suite 600, Toronto, Ontario, M5V 2H1, Canada. Good info , all courtesy of the crazy Gearheads, Machinegheads, Petrolheads, and Motorheads of TMO! A high-performance seal modifier can maintain seal elasticity, thereby helping to prevent leakage. WebThe Best Transmission Fluid MT82. The gearbox is a drag-strip proven CALIMER TRANSMISSIONS - Stage 3 version of the Getrag MT82 6-speed transmission with billet internals, beefed up to withstand 1,000 lb. The stage 3 is offered in a 26 spline input shaft. This forum is for you! Ford Mustangs with MT82 transmission should be using this particular transmission fluid. The Fora platform includes forum software by XenForo. Are you short on time or just want a quick answer? It meets Mercon requirements, which is the automatic transmission fluid created by Ford. Ensure to buy the transmission fluid that meets all your requirements. Check your service manual and find out what transmission fluid does your transmission use. An investigation conducted by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration revealed no safety risks with the MT82 transmission. That said, many Mustang owners have experienced these issues firsthand. MT82 transmission issues consist of high RPM lockout, slipping, jerking, premature wear, gear clashes, and failure. By the way it gets up to 100 in the summer here and 0 in the winter so I'm going to need something with a funky weight, in CT I run RedLine MTLit's not a DD but I found improvement over what came in my early build 2012 V6, Hmm I want to try rp or penzoil syncromesh but I'm scared, Go with amsoil MTF synchromesh fluid, easily the best out there! If you have a Ford Mustang, chances are that you have one with a MT-82 6 speed manual transmission. The Fora platform includes forum software by XenForo. The old fluid was black with only 30k miles on the car. Its likely he is not used to the heat issues associated with track events. -Pre-built Stage 3: Calimer and VMP have been pushing the cocktail as a savior for the MT82 for years. There are different transmission fluids for MT82, but Redline is considered the best because of its quality and light transmission fluids. Web"Perhaps the bigger news for enthusiasts is that Ford pairs the power to an old-school six-speed manual transmission. That's what the dealers use when performing the TSB for notchy shifts when cold. A thicker fluid will offer more protection, but most likely grind or be notchy when cold. A blend of performance additives and synthetic base oils, the Ford Dual Clutch Transmission Fluid has a quite low viscosity to help boost fuel economy and ease of shifting even in cold weather conditions. The Fora platform includes forum software by XenForo. 1. . PSA: MT82 Fluid For Track Use SavetheManuals Dec 11, 2020 1 2 3 4 5 Next Dec 11, 2020 #1 SavetheManuals 167 218 Exp. Synchromax is compatible with every kind of friction material and provides excellent corrosion and oxidation resistance without affecting metals. They are helical cut so they are not as loud as a straight cut gear but they still produce some noise. I then drained my exisiting fluid (which looked very clean and still had a honey color to it). that reminds me, the BG stuff was one of the "best" in some of the later threads on this, if I remember correctly. I did add the XL-18 originally so maybe that turned the oil black? In research I see that some guys use Motorcraft, some use Ravenol, some use Redline MTF. Lets talk about some important purchasing considerations for your MT82 transmission fluid. The second I swapped the fluid in, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th became extremely notchy, it got insanely loud, and I felt alot of heat coming out from the transmission well. Maximize transmission and engine performance. Consult with your mechanic to ensure you get the right product for your transmission. I'll have more input on this after my new transmission is installed. Besides smooth gear shift, notice how much the car is quieter right now from before? Right now, all Ford Mustang 2197s from 2011 to 2014 feature the MT82 transmission. In 2017, BG produced the BG Synchro Shift 2 compatible with the MT-82 transmission. To change the fluid, use a jack stand to raise your car and look for your drain usually labeled DRAIN. You will not feel any slipping and roughness after using Castrol transmission fluid. If this was the cause of the failure we should have been hearing about these types of failures before now. Chronicle your build, connect with others, share technical information, and help us continue to grow this important resource. This fluid is designed to help in smoothly operating your transmissions shift mechanisms. WebThis Motorcraft MT82 Transmission Fluid Service Kit comes with the fluids required to restore performance in your Mustang! My trans guy said you need a 40 ton (he actually said 80,000 lb) press for that piece and a really good slide hammer in general. I put 1/2 quart of 80W90 non-synthetic gear oil in the trans, then filled the rest of the way with the Valvoline Synchromesh off the shelf at the store. PSA - 2018 Ford Performance Catalog now available online APEX | Blemished & B-Stock wheel blowout, EBC Brakes Attends Petrolheadonism Underground 2023, CorteX Racing: Quick Change Sway Bars In Stock. cloud9 said: 18 hard track days and my transmission shifts like butta. Why do I need to 'blip' my throttle when downshifting? -Pre-built Stage 1: It is formulated with synthetic base oils and performance additives to improve gear shifting at low and high temperatures. here check out our recommended products for DSG transmission fluid. Click here to skip to our recommended pick! Visit our friends at Ford Performance for news and updates from Ford. We have to get you back on track before Super GT Cup opens up in January!! It may not display this or other websites correctly. No point in going halfway, when it's out might as well change all the consumables out. In this article, we look at the top gear oils recommended by experts. JavaScript is disabled. WebReview & Install - Royal Purple Synchromax Manual Transmission Fluid Video. This fluid is made to help smoothly operate the transmissions shift mechanisms. Here we have Genuine Ford Fluid XT-11-QDC Dual Motorcraft XT11QDC Transmission Fluid - Best Fluid for Smooth If you dont know about the fluid that how it will last, so check out buyers feedback and product reviews to read about its features, pros, and cons. I don't want to make more problems, I had a bad experience with with my tremec t5 I my 94 with synchro not playing nice with new tranny fluid. This is why we recommend checking these things before buying transmission fluid. JavaScript is disabled. Do you race competitively? ypically 4-6 weeks until this product ships. Manual Transmission & Transaxle Gear Lube (MTG). WebCastrol Transmax Import Multi-Vehicle Automatic Transmission Fluid 1 Quart Part # 15D929 SKU # 830382 Check if this fits your vehicle. What are the Various Types? It will shift pretty smoothly. That was all about the best transmission fluid mt82, and I hope you can now select the best transmission fluid for your MT82. Join the preferred Mustang forum for track enthusiasts on the web! Some have gone through many fluids. Another way to find it is to refer to the manual to adjust the type of fluid without causing difficulties. You must log in or register to reply here. Whether you own an S550 or an S197 (or even older), you'll find great information and insights to help make tracking your Mustang more enjoyable. Average cost is $1800-$2000 for most units with typical damage. Check your Ford Mustangs owner/service manual or go to Fords website if you dont have the manual. Valueable info, thanks all. Royal Purple is the only one I have found so far besides Motorcraft? Supposedly it's premium stuff and I can get it for $20/quart which is less than the Motorcraft fluid. I don't have my manual available to look at currently. swervo if I ever go gay I'm totally going to marry you. The MT-82 weighs 108 lbs and comes with a 375 lb-ft torque capacity and a 2.7qt fluid capacity. is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to There are some really important things which you need to know about your MT82 transmission, the fluid, and how to choose the right fluid. Check Our Top #1 Recommended Product. Please include what you were doing when this page came up and the Cloudflare Ray ID found at the bottom of this page. It will work properly under high and low temperatures. I started running Redline's 75W140 synthetic without friction modifiers this past year and I have to say I had 0 issues with shifting..smooth and not really bad when cold. Go with amsoil MTF synchromesh fluid, easily the best out there! I'm in the same boat..looking to swap out when I put the MGW in. The. Havent had time for a new dyno but I should be at 410ish RWHP with my new steeda tune. It doesn't get too cold here though. There was a time when there was an additive recommended, and there was a "best" recommended fluid, but I don't remember the specifics and don't want to give bad info . if you spend some quality time with the Search tool (top center) you might be able to find those old threads. Come join the discussion about performance, horsepower, modifications, troubleshooting, racing, and more! Might be placebo, but I would even say that my transmission is now little bit quieter than before I'm using Redline early on and found it better than the stock fluid. I am surprised that they are now blaming it for a failure. This particular transmission fluid is designed to protect the transmission and its components from wear and tear, as well as corrosion too. If Yes! BG Fluids Better Than Amsoil! VerticalScope Inc., 111 Peter Street, Suite 600, Toronto, Ontario, M5V 2H1, Canada. Worked great with my Ford Racing shifter. WebMTF 94. : No one makes a fluid that matches the Ford XT-11-QDC Dual Clutch Transmission Fluid specification. You can use it for racing as well, but ensure to renew this transmission fluid before racing. Optimum Performance also supports it really well by selling a full kit (fluid, pump, and tubes) along with very detailed instructions. Its shelf life is perfect that lasts longer. Maybe you dont see a difference at fast, but you will see a lot of difference after a few miles while changing the gear. Have a store close to me that sells all their products and has it in stock to actually walk out with. 224 Reviews 46 Answers. Mine was built on 3/16/12 so it had the XT-11-QDC but did not have the XL-18 additive they starting putting in transmissions after July of 2012. Protects transmission from corrosion and wear, AMSOIL Full Synthetic Severe Gear Lube 75W-90. Why do I need to 'blip' my throttle when downshifting? Moreover, you should be able to drive for at least 100,000 miles before requiring a transmission fluid change, when using this product. My car didn't really have that issue, but even though it only had 9k miles the original fluid was 4 years old so I had it done. Royal purple will provide good protection against corrosion and rust, and it will boost your engine power to provide the best performance on the highway and other roads. If you used it once, you would definitely love it. The recommended transmission fluid for this particular transmission is Genuine Ford Fluid XT-11-QDC Dual Clutch Transmission Fluid is. Motorcraft dual-clutch transmission fluid is specially formulated for DPS6 dry clutch dual power shift transmissions. I went to ford and bought the dual clutch fluid, the second I put it in, my tranny became perfect again. You can use it on many vehicles, e.g., BMW, Honda, etc. This forum is for you! Shifts are smoother. M-F 8:30A-11P, Sat-Sun 8:30A-9P. 2011 Mustang GT D1SC Stage II Procharger, Boss Intake, ID1000 Injectors, Vortech BAP, O/R Xpipe, Flowmasters, Bunch of Suspension stuff 698.5rwhp Im on the same boat as you! It will also improve cleaning additives, help reduce lake formation, and maintain proper transmission performance longer. The best transmission fluids for your vehicle are generally made with a blend of synthetic oils and additives. Lets take a look at the options you have for the best transmission fluid for MT82. Seriously, let me know if you decide to tackle this I would be more than happy to help. -Our Calimer Built Stage 3's gear ratio is. This fluid is aimed at protecting your transmission from corrosion, and wear and tear as well as improving the shifting capabilities at all temperature levels. Applications. All the guys on allfordmustangs swear by it. Prebuilt Stage 1 Approximate turn around is typically 2-3 days until this product ships. Keep in mind that this particular option has quite a low viscosity, which is designed to help improve fuel economy. Cloudflare Ray ID: 7c0b1694da4b84c5 Excellent corrosion and oxidation protection. I have one of the early cars produced before they changed the spec on the fluid to the dual clutch automatic stuff to improve cold shifting. If you are performing flush, it will allow you to clean the gearbox with cleaning additives to remove accumulated sludge and other contaminants more effectively. You are using an out of date browser.

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