409th bomb squadron 93rd bomb group 409th bomb squadron 93rd bomb group
Do you live in this area now? This feature also made the airplane suitable for What a coincidence that you remember him. Its close to a river and is in a small wood. You state you have a fair amount of material re your crash would that include a pic of the crash site ? 641st: 1943-1945. is 'bombed up' for its 28th mission from Hardwick, England I have very few books detailing losses in that area, particularly US losses, but I knew of a few places to look online! Sgt Donald L. Moore, right waist gunner, killed Most traveled Bomb Group in 8th Air Force 93rd Bombardment Group - HistoryOfWar.org I am contacting you as I am currently working on a WWII series and would love to ask you some specific questions about plane crashes from the US Eighth air force. From looking at what records were available of USAAF raids at that approx date (In ? 409th Bomber Squadron, 93th Bomber Group, Heavy | American Battle Monuments Commission 409th Bomber Squadron, 93th Bomber Group, Heavy Home 409th Bomber Squadron, 93th Bomber Group, Heavy Legacy ID 18566 Legacy Alias /db-abmc-burial-unit/409th-bomber-squadron-93th-bomber-group-heavy Legacy Source db_abmc_burial_unit Dana K. Wallace Read more oil industry at Ploesti, Rumania on August 1, 1943. Pickel), (Source: http://www.wwiiaircraftperformance.org/). Lieutenant Colonel George S. Brown, who had been in the formation over Ploesti with Baker, was assigned as interim commander until Colonel Leland G. Fiegel could arrive from the United States to take command of the group. Footnote 1] Have a brother who lives in Costessey Michael Wright [ I was adopted ] ever come across him ? PDF Odom L Biography as of March 2023 Object number: UPL 14192 - Those three combat wings grew out of the 93rd Bombardment Groupthe first B-24 group and the third U.S. Army Air Forces heavy-bomber group to see combat in the European Theater of Operations. Ted's Traveling Circus - The Traveling Circus. Im sorry that I do not have more information to go with this story. Harms was killed when the B-24 Liberatory bomber he was piloting crashed after being hit by enemy anti-aircraft fire . While the living conditions in Libya were atrocious, at least the crews encountered less fighter opposition there than over occupied Europe. I would most especially love to know the names of the three survivors, though they may be gone now. After a short stand-down to train for night operations, the 93rd resumed daylight bombing. On December 5, the 328th, 330th and 409th bomb squadrons left foggy England for the hot desert sands of North Africa, while the 329th remained behind for a special mission. Kind Regards [MORE], Home Hi. In this short video the pilot refers to it at about one and a half minutes in and we do a fly past. Length: 66 ft. 4 in (20.22). Youve provided me with a wealth of information, and Im eager to go through it more thoroughly. All visitors may be screened with a metal detector upon entry. Compton, now a lieutenant colonel, remained in Africa to take command of a new B-24 group, the 376th Bomb Group. PDF I List of Military Units Updated I 12/21 105 - Archives Well done for all of this. Do you have items such as papers, photos, uniforms, gear and other artifacts? and participated in the Battle of the Bulge (Dec 1944-Jan 1945) by He was someone I saw when I was staying in Knockholt. dad was a tailgunner and radio operator from 9-1-44to 10-45.best mom remembers he was shot down over dewey france and the French resistance got them back to England. As they approached Targoviste, Rumania, the 2nd initial point, 20 miles away from the 3rd initial point where the formation was to turn into a bomb run heading of 127 degrees, Compton led his formation in a turn. Anything would be most appreciated. Sgt James C. Hilty, ball turret gunner, survived Missions were flown in support of Allied troops in North Africa. 93rd Bomb Group | American Air Museum This information means a great deal to me. I worked at Glemham House (not Hall) for Lord and Lady Cranbroke and if I recall correctly there is a propellor blade embedded in the ground at the site where a plane crashed as a memorial ( On private land just inside the perimeter wall beside New Road) approx grid reference TM 34193 61657. All went well as the formation, now down to 167 heavily laden bombers, flew onward. Arriving at Tunis on September 18, the Traveling Circus began operations in support of the Fifth Army in Italy, as well as strategic bombing missions. Kind regards On the other hand, the flak over the targets was intense. Colonel Fiegel had been with the 93rd in the United States and remained in command of the Traveling Circus until after D-Day. In addition all bags are subject to search and may be placed through an X-Ray machine. taxiing at Hardwick Dad lived in Beldam Haw in the 1930s and 40s, firstly in no. Bomb Groups - National Museum of the United States Air Force In addition all bags are subject to search and may be placed through an X-Ray machine. When they attempted to land, they realised that the apparent airstrip was a sandbank and crashed. B-24 Liberator. While in Florida, group aircrews gained their first combat experience flying anti-submarine patrols over the Gulf of Mexico. Ramsay Potts Section B bombed Astro Romania, the largest oil producer in Europe, a target originally assigned to the 98th. The 93rd reached its Hardwick base on August 27. Again, thank you so much for replying. See how this entry relates to other items in the archive by exploring the connections below. The British people were now resigned to the fact that Hitler had to be stopped by force. For more great articles subscribe to World War II magazine today! Hardwick, SPECIFICATIONS The Traveling Circus attacks were to be conducted simultaneously with the lead groups attack on White One, the Romana Americana plant. Advertisement He was killed in action on Aug. 1, 1943, when the B . 3 of the crew were killed in the crash: As I can recall the accident( I was 5 years old at the time) I thought it would be appropriate to ensure that the sacrifice made by the 10 aircrew should not be forgotten. Colonel Timberlake and Major Addison Baker led in Teggie Ann, which was also the groups lead ship on subsequent raids. They had good reason to be fearful. as the famous raid from North Africa against the PLEASE SUPPORT THE 8AF.ORG PROJECT! Still unearthing bits of plane from around crash site but would like to know exact crash site if possible and any photos. Thanks to Michael Military Aircraft Ramp New Mexico B-24 Liberators of the 93rd Bomb Group lined up at Sandia, New Mexico, 1946. right waist and tail (2)] plus a normal maximum load 31st may 1945 B-17G 43-38919 561BS 388BG station 136 8AF KCR(killed in crash) Pilot Metz, Walter B ENGland Barningham/ 1mi SE, can order crash report from site that will probably list crew and likely other casulties. Thank You. I am going to the American Cemetery at Madingley this coming weekend and I hope they may be able to suggest where they might be obtained. Colonel Baker, with Major Jerstad in the co-pilots seat, saw Compton make the turn and recognized the mistake, as did others in the 167-plane formation. The details you have provided dont match anything in The Mighty eighth War Diary book. Unit of Service: 409th Bomb Squadron, 93rd Bomb Group, 2nd Division, 20th Wing, 8th Air Force Location of Service: Williams Air Force Base, Arizona; Europe Highest Rank: Major Dates of Service: 1942-1945 Entrance into Service: Commissioned Military Status: Veteran Cold War Branch of Service: Air Force Sgt Joseph T. Paddock, radio operator, killed Use on websites that are primarily information-led, research-oriented and not behind a paywall. Object number: FRE 3752 - Before the Traveling Circus could be redeployed to the Pacific, World War II came to an end. In 1964 an Ohio woman took up the challenge that had led to Amelia Earharts disappearance. Ian. Armament: Eleven .50-cal. The manual is in several B-24 Liberator 93rd Bomb Group in flight | World War Photos Eighth Air Force . Bombardier, Co-Pilot, Engineer, Navigator, Pilot, Radio Operator. The U.S. 93rd Bomb Group saw action over Western Europe, North Africa, Italy and Rumania. Ground personnel of the 93rd Bomb Group work on a A B-24 Liberator (YM-M, serial number 42-50781) of www.2ndair.org.uk/digitalarchive/Dashboard/Index/50, http://www.usaaf.com/8thaf/bomber/93bg.HTM, http://www.93rdbombardmentgroup.com/historyfull.html, National Museum of the Mighty Eighth Air Force. Thank you again. Any information you may have I would be pleased to receive. During the war a stricken plane was coming in to land at Parham Suffolk and crashed just short of the runway. They were then moved to Gambut Main, Libya, a field assigned to 9th Air Force. On 15 May 42. the Group moved to Ft. Myers, Florida, to continue advanced flight training and also to fly antisubmarine patrols over the Gulf of Mexico. However, Lt Peacock is certainly listed elsewhere as having been killed on 21 April 1944, so it is probable the museum has that detail incorrectly recorded but the detail about your uncle is correct. Other crews saw their leader take three more hits and burst into flames. HistoryNet.com contains daily features, photo galleries and over 25,000 articles originally published in our nine magazines. Colonel Brown later became chief of staff of the Air Force. Flew most missions of any Group in 8th Air Force If you found us by The Liberators gunners managed to shoot down two of the enemy fighter-bombers and damage a thirdthe other two broke off their attack. 'Miss Lucky', since dad was assigned to different crews when their gunner was unable to fly cant really find imformation. about about the The Mighty 8th ?) long over-water missions in the Pacific Theater. The remainder were killed.. Hi Roger NOT the B24 that crashed on Freckleton school near what is now Bae Warton. Sub-fonds - 93rd Bomb Group (Hardwick) - Norfolk Thank you. Museum may be able to help http://www.parhamairfieldmuseum.co.uk/, pictures of that crash here One 93rd airplane was lost, but the 44th had its usual bad luck and took the most casualties. Sorry I didnt mention this before. an ammunition dump in Czechoslovakia. Thank you very much for responding to my inquiry. Ian. Between 2-15 Aug 1942, the Group moved to Fort Dix, New Jersey to prepare for deployment overseas. Have found following info: https://b17flyingfortress.de/en/b17/43-38919/, This is a british site and the link has a photo of the aircraft in question. When I was a schoolboy in the 40s (I,m in my eighties now) and attended Margaretting C E school in Essex. Mission Support Group, responsible for directing and leading more than 450 personnel in six squadrons and . World War II soldier's remains to be buried in Grafton Fighter Groups 340th Bomb Group (M) 344th Bomb Group. http://www.americanairmuseum.com/aircraft/12924. when I visit the Forum. Supported ground forces The 93rd Bombardment Group continued performing its primary mission of bombing enemy targets right up to the end of the war. We need help with transcribing data. 93rd Bomb Group, 409th squadron. But I cannot find a list of the crew. I have to inform you that my Husband, Richard Storr died in April 2020 and therefore can no longer give you any more information for your research. Richard Storr, Thanks Richard for your time and efforts..please keep me informed. Im sure you notice the changes in that area. A visit to his WWII gallery is News releases mailed directly to U.S. newspapers made the group famous and caused great consternation among the B-17 groups. Donate www.93rd-bg-museum.org, Liberator In late October, the 330th Squadron was temporarily detached from the group for anti-submarine patrol duties over the Bay of Biscay with the Royal Air Force Coastal Command. Google search for more B-24 Do you know if there was more than one plane that went down there? April 1998-December 2000, Airborne Weapons Officer, 12th Airborne Command and Control Squadron, Robins AFB, Ga . Can anyone tell me which was the airfield in question (Boscombe Down, Ibsley?) Fighter Groups Hope this answers your immediate questions and provides a basis for further research. I had an email yesterday from a contact in the states who will send me a picture of one of Shazams crew members so reducing the ones where I havent got a photo to three. IWM collections. Stations. I hope to visit the American Air Force part of Norwich library at the Forum this month in the hope that I may get further info on the crew of Shazam I have six crew photos and am still hopeful of obtaining the other four including the pilot 1st Lt Dale E Williams. It was sad to hear of his death. You should be able to purchase a full accident report from this site. After a few days of rest for the pilots and repair for the planes, the Traveling Circus resumed operations on September 1. - Camera bags Hardwick, England. When my grandfather, Rev. Engine and parts at Parham Airfield Museum. Roger Bean, Hi Roger. 93rd Bombardment Group (Heavy) Marker Inscription. Colgates is very different to what I remember a farming residence but is now much upgraded. About Luke', [MORE], Home Weapons are not permitted including pocket knives and firearms, to include conceal carry and other dangerous weapons. Richard. About After Big Week, the Eighth Air Force turned its attention toward the most important target in Germany: Berlin. Best of luck in your research. Will have a look and drop you a line if I find anything. 'Air Force Combat Units of World War II' compiled by the Department of the US Air Force, edited by Maurice Maurer (1983). It was flown to the U.S. Air Force Museum I will let you know when I have been to the Forum. Help us to tell the stories that deserve to be told, by contributing information to the archive. In some small way its comforting to see the area where he must have flown many times. In late February 1944, after several weeks of bad weather, the Eighth Air Force launched an all-out assault on the German aircraft factories during what came to be known as the Big Week. The 93rd went to Gotha on the 20th, then to Achmer on the 21st. For the remainder of the war, the 93rd was involved in Eighth Air Force operations flying out of England. My stepmother lived in Stud Farm opposite St Margarets and, apart from a couple of long standing families in Church Road, dont remember much beyond that. Owner of the original Tom Bomber Groups Underwood, based on the 8th Air Force Strength Report of 6th August 1944, as published in 'The 8th Air Force Yearbook' by Lt. Col. John H Woolnough (1980). Free exhibitions held in venues, which do not charge an entry fee. His aircraft took off from Glatton at 14:19 hrs on an operational mission. 36 then no. 93rd Bomb Squadron: history of the patch - 307th Bomb Wing Please does anyone have information concerning the aircraft crash in wetheringsett approx 1944. Google search for more B-24 Liberator images. of 8,000 lbs (3.571 UK tons, 3.629 tonnes). Description Black & White photograph, taken from the waist turret of a Consolidated B-24D Liberator heavy bomber, of four United States Eighth Army Air Force B-24 Liberators flying in formation by the 409th Bomb Squadron, 93rd Bomb Group, during World War II. any help appreciated. Stewart was told by a two-star general, From now on youll work for the whole Eighth Air Force, or else. Stewart, along with another Eighth Air Force public relations man, James Dugan, would later write the definitive account of the most famous B-24 mission of the war, the raid on the Rumanian oil fields at Ploesti. As they approached the refineries, the 93rd lead section encountered heavy flak. Waist Gunner S.J. Help us to tell the stories that deserve to be told, by contributing information to the archive. RAF Glatton with some photos from when 457 BG was based there. Army Air Corps Library and Museum. 93rd Bombardment Group , 482 Bombardment Group, 389 Bombardment Group, 11. Thank you for your email earlier in the year. Pages 122-160 Equipment and Systems, and more If you have not been to Madingly a visit is highly recommended Unfortunately, my father passed away two years ago so Im unable to check whether this was the crash to which he was referring. Whether they produced battlefield images of the dead or daguerreotype portraits of common soldiers, []. 345th Bomb Group - front | back. The man is holding up part of the tail section. Brigadier General Uzal Ent and Colonel K.K. I had starred it so I would be certain to get back to it, but you see how effective that was. Thanks for your replyI obtained all my pics and info from web site B24.net a very good site. The tail markings have a dark, vertical stripe on the tails. In the meantime join our Facebook group. He was killed testing this aircraft on 18 April 1944 having taken off from an airfield near Salisbury heading for a dive bombing range. Sometimes the info is out there and it all opens up and its enjoyable to pirce the story together when it does (and there is more to be found I am sure, not least ironing out the discrepancies). 93rd Bomb Group Museum - AeroResource First 8th AF Liberator to complete 50 missions. Hardwick, England. Having stood up in March 1942, the 93rd Bombardment Group (Heavy) was to become the first unit equipped with the Consolidated B-24 Liberator under the command of the Eighth Air Force following its move to RAF Alconbury, England during August 1942. Many other 93rd staff officers and squadron commanders were given command of new B-24 groups in the European Theater of Operations. Altogether, some 35,000 parachute and glider troops were involved in the operation. Since July 3, 1863, there have been many calls for Confederate flags to be returned to their home states, and in particular, for the 28th Virginia Infantry Regiment flag return to Virginia. They are collating memories from us older residents (or in my case ex-resident) so that these may be recorded for posterity and provide a reminder to future generation of what life was like in the village. (U.S. Air Force photo). I am trying to find out any information about a B-17 Flying Fortress plane crash May 31, 1945. The 396th Bombardment Group is a former United States Army Air Forces unit. Thanks, See how this entry relates to other items in the archive by exploring the connections below. I remember walking home when an American plane in trouble and just at tree hight.Crashed by the A12 near where Ivy Hill hotel is now situated. 1 Aug 43. Sorry I cannot help Richard Storr but I am replying as I live in Walcott on North Norfolk coast and as local historian I researched the crash at 1329hrs on Sat 29th April 1944 of a B24 at Walcott the pilot 2nd Lt John Warner REED aged 26 was killed, all of the crew of 9 bailed out and survived. Hi John, Im afraid I have nothing more than what is in this thread; http://forum.keypublishing.com/showthread.php?73936-P-47-Thunderbolt. Museum, Willow Run Airport, Michigan - photo by Janet His godson still lives in Curry Wood Gerald Brooks another well known and long-established Halstead family. In May, the group began operating in support of the upcoming invasion of occupied Europe, bombing targets in France and Belgium. No problem, glad it has answered some questions for you. It seems that my intuition led me to write the correct person after all. By that time, the group had flown nine missions, including attacks on submarine pens at Saint-Nazaire and two missions to Lorient. (Thanks to B24bestoweb). (Thanks to WW2 shop at Park Corner which now sells logs and venison). I did try to look up the three survivors, and I was very surprised to see that James C. Hilty (listed as a survivor) actually died on that day, too. Early next month, the family of our B17s tailgunner will be getting their historic cartridge, in a cheery ceremony at the USAF Academy in Colorado Springs. 44-40757 "Big Time Operator" of the 864th Bomb Squadron, 494th BG 8th AF B-24 Bombers during Raid over France Brand New B-24E Liberator Ford Motor Company Willow Run Plant B-24J 42-72998 "Bugs Bomby" of the 30th Bomb Group, 392nd Bomb Squadron 7th AF 460th Bomb Group 760th BS B-24 Liberators Take Off Spinazzola, Italy Each time we retrieved these items they were handed to the landowner who was aware of the crash site. 2] Was a police officer in Cambs, Cambridge area, duty at Peterborough Football Club many times I retired in 95. Superfortress 44-61999 Over-Exposed! air crash site on Bleaklow, Aviation Archeological Research and Investigation, https://www.aviationarchaeology.com/src/AARmonthly/May1945O.htm, http://www.americanairmuseum.com/aircraft/12924, http://www.parhamairfieldmuseum.co.uk/390th-bomb-group/interesting-information-and-facts/, https://aircrewremembrancesociety3.com/Aircraft-Losses/USAAF-Losses/U.S.A.A.F.Losses-1943/page-49/, All photos and text are aircrashsites.co.uk unless otherwise stated. Obviously, I dont check my email daily, but Ill try to be better now. ", (NB - I mean, we won: The Century-Long Battle Over This Confederate Flag, Revisiting the Small but Important Riots between Brandy Station and Gettysburg. More than 18,000 Liberators were produced. Even though the slim wings made the airplane less stable than the B-17, the B-24 was a good 20 knots faster and could carry a larger bombload over a greater distance. Ammunition was flying everywhere. 'Exterminator', Regards Mike Farley. Commanders. "The Flyin' Moose" was a B-24J assigned to the 409th Bomb Squadron, 93rd Bomb Group, based at Hardwick, England. Teggie Ann reached the first initial point, but four similar-looking valleys lay between it and the second initial point. Finally, the three Eighth Air Force B-24 groups were allowed to return to England. Combined two entries for the 93rd Bomb Group into a single entry. Derrick, thank you for your reply. It looks very different nowadays. The 93rd Bombardment Group was one of those Eighth Air Force units that operated the B-24 Liberator through the Second World War. Alternatively, search more than 1 million objects from Would any one have any info on a B-17 that came down and crashed landed near curry wood Halstead kent. First B-24 to complete 50 missions, Boomerang Please note, we offer the Group and Squadron patches in hand painted format with the exception of the 23rd Fighter Group patch which is also available in multi-layer leather. Added early history and statistics per http://www.usaaf.com/8thaf/bomber/93bg.HTM. Opposition en route and over the target was heavy; one B-24 was shot down and a second was forced to land at another base in England. Note that source, the 457th Bomb Group Association, mentions there being 4 survivors not 3. There are (2523) servicemen of the 93rd BG in this archive. I dont think this is the correct place because your dates are different, but Im looking for more information about the crash where my great uncle lost his life, and I really dont know where else to look. American plane coming into mendlesham airfield was shot down by following German plane. United States Army Air Forces, 8th Air Force, United States Army Air Forces, 93rd Bomb Group. 409th Bombardment Squadron: 1942-1946 . Have you contacted the Neatishead Museum in Norfolk? The groups operations officer, K.K. He was a son of George Carl and Ethel Roberta Gray. Very sorry to hear of your loss, Hazel. Cruising speed: 175 mph (282 km/hr). This flight by the 93rd was the first nonstop flight across the North Atlantic by American bombers. - Diaper bags Tidal Wave called for the 93rd to be the second group in the low-altitude formation, which would be led by K.K. Highest Rank: Second Lieutenant. Do you know what they did with them? if so I would like to know your source as I do not have a pic of my site despite many enqs,thanks. So many names from the past! The B-24D Liberator, 41-23754, named, Little Lady http://www.afhra.af.mil/factsheets/factsheet.asp?id=10618, National Museum of the Mighty Eighth Air Force. Weight: 56,000 lbs (25 UK tons, 25.4 tonnes). My aunt was active in Knockholt WI. Also, would you happen to know the name of the local newspaper there, or a source that may have more documentation of the actual crash? The Group flew 396 missions in 8,169 sorties and dropped 19,004 tons of bombs with 100 aircraft MIA. Sgt John P. Medica, tail gunner, survived. It had just taken off from Hethel Airfield on a mission to Germany. Since there were more B-17 than B-24 groups in England, tactics in the Eighth Air Force were built around the Flying Fortress. Pilot was flying on instruments in clouds when the aircraft hit violent prop wash, throwing the aircraft into a dive. (Thanks to England on Flickr). Gunners aboard the Liberators managed to force them to break off the attack. Please note the National Museum of the U.S. Air Force is not responsible for items left in vehicles. Inactivated on 7 Nov 1945. Lt Owen B. Coffman, pilot, killed. it now! 'Lucky During Jul 1944, aided the Campaigns. - Alcohol The three groups made up the 201st Provisional Combat Wing, commanded by Timberlake. Range: 2,850 miles (4587km). Sarah. Missions were flown against the Italian cities of Leghorn, Pisa and Lucca. - Kickapoo. 351st Bombardment Group (H) (Plaque) 351st Bombardment Group (H) (Monument) "Manhattan Maiden" - B-24 of the 374th Bomb Squadron. Allied offensive at Caen and the breakthrough at St Lo with attacks on 93rd bomb group, 409th squadron. Sitemap Wisconsin World War II veteran identified, to be buried in Grafton (Pre-Crash): After the end of the war in Europe, the 93rd returned to the United States to be re-equipped with Boeing B-29 Superfortresses. Leon Laverne Gray served as a Corporal in the 409th Bombardment Squadron, 93rd Bombardment Group, United States Army Air Forces during World War II. Walton rang my aunt in Orpington, one night to say the plane had come down (hinT: Id be interested!). 93rd bomb group, 409th squadron. The extra survivor is listed as your uncle, so we can safely conclude that is incorrect and also that your uncle Roy died in the crash so the date you have is of both the crash and his death. Notify me of follow-up comments by email. Click here for frequently asked questions regarding items permitted inside the museum. - Purses Has crew list and an account of the crash. WW2 Army Air Corps (Air Force) Unit Records Research I have walked past it a few years ago so its also close to a public right of way. Before that they were at oakdene on Rushmore Hill,Knockholt. The name of your brother is familiar to me but I dont think I knew him. 93rd. The 93rd was to be part of the mission code-named Tidal Wave, the disastrous attack on the oil fields in Ploesti, Rumania. Anyone have any details? i am looking for info of 2 b17,s colliding over Braintree Essex around 1945 as i live not far from were the tail section fell the other B17 got back ok .I am looking for any info of details were the tail fell. It became a joke in B-17 circles that crews were glad to see the B-24s on a mission because they knew the fighters would go after the Liberators and leave the Flying Fortresses alone. Maximum speed: 303 mph (488 km/hr). B-24 was employed in operations in every combat 19th Bombardment Group (H) Hq 8 Hq Sqdn 14th Bombardment Squadron 28th Bombardment Squadron 30th Bombardment Squadron 93rd Bombardment Squadron 7th Material Squadron 440th Ordnance Company (Avn) 701 st Ordnance Co (Avn) 27th Bombardment Group (L) Hq & Hq Sqdn 16th Bombardment Squadron 17th Bombardment Squadron 91st Bombardment Squadron
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