the first vote apush saq the first vote apush saq
in line dressed in what looks like a military uniform. c) Explain how Bolvars point of view as an educated Creole might have affected the writing of this letter. G/DMn0Ny"?:I^}r. Download free-response questions from past exams along with scoring guidelines, sample responses from exam takers, and scoring distributions. Topic 8.2 The Cold War: Twenty questions that relate to a period of geopolitical tension between the Soviet Union and the United States and their . Briefly explain ONE effect Castro's takeover of Cuba had on US policy. How would it differ from today's "I Voted" sticker and why? c) Briefly explain ONE way in which the . - flexible response, Briefly analyze the significance of ONE of the following during the Vietnam War. Uprooted by the war, millions of American families made a habit of moving in the postwar era. Topic 8.6 Early Steps in the Civil Rights Movement (the 1940s and 1950s). Eisenhower's disdain for the "military-industrial complex" is apparent in his farewell address. African American men were eligible to vote and to be elected to those conventions. - Iranian hostage crisis The emancipation of slaves entailed citizenship for African Americans by granting, them the rights to vote. Briefly explain ONE significant change in the American family from the period 1929-1945 to the period 1945-1960. - dtente By providing financial aid to countries, the United States helped rebuild their economies and stabilize their governments, which made them less vulnerable to a Communist take over. - Vietnamization Title: AP_USH_StudentSampleQuestions_2014 Author: Erin Spaulding Created Date: 10/31/2014 5:57:50 PM . %%EOF ttCHR'ohH5YW/f{ Racial hostilities towards formerly enslaved men and women continued, and many white southerners opposed extending full rights of citizenship to African Americans. It would take the passage of the Voting Rights Act of 1965 before the majority of African Americans in the South were registered to vote. At the height of segregation and political influence of the Klu Klux Klan, the lynching of African Americans was constant. McCarthy exploited this fear through his use of tactics, known as McCarthyism. View full document " The First Vote"-Drawn by A.R. endstream endobj 2361 0 obj <>stream {|^y2n\!X"PR|,FOX] g5r5j- $lc$sd l Briefly explain ONE specific form of racial discrimination that African Americans faced when the musical 'South Pacific' appeared in 1949. Briefly analyze the impact of the "one man, one vote" ruling on American politics. 607 0 obj <>/Filter/FlateDecode/ID[<7D78A50DFA66BC42A289FECDACF8B510><043C7356DE74AE489AC3C50A5BF635D8>]/Index[598 16]/Info 597 0 R/Length 61/Prev 769837/Root 599 0 R/Size 614/Type/XRef/W[1 2 1]>>stream State. Briefly explain the influence of ONE of the following foreign policies in the 1950s. HW }cw V~7wco7I>T,SuFEyxt~Gww?|Q;_7}U?S7|r~>|zV%jvo}>yX/Z^JrJ/I[O[^xUWC+9.&+_U|=xE RP^M{5f/,:E:af*xu-D ^6 &c,b/w N:\MR!Z Topic 8.11 The Civil Rights Movement Expands Forty questions that relate to the efforts to organize various groups of civil rights activists during the 1960s and 1970s to further expand social and economic equality. first used the phrase "manifest destiny." The concepts of Manifest Destiny and expansionism are addressed in learning objectives ID-2 and WOR-6. He warned of the unwarranted influence it had, and this influence is shown by the increasing momentum of the nuclear arms race. Course Hero is not sponsored or endorsed by any college or university. This image illustrates the first election in Virginia in which African Americans could participate due to the 15th Amendment, which declared that the "right of citizens of the United States to vote shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any state on account of race, color or previous condition of servitude." However, women continued to be portrayed as homemakers in American media and culture, causing their role in the eyes of others to remain the same. AP U.S. History Curriculum Framework AP . Briefly explain ONE way the Warren Court expanded the rights of defendants in the criminal justice system. Ya/3j(ou\p`/ublQ3[L{Dlt1|h`a25M"2ny#aiM/k!G=I *Khyq/ v]"C_UH^ZwZjI"zQ,{Ov=s1CGRQ)XQ 1054 0 obj <> endobj Briefly explain ONE of Johnson's health care programs that had a lasting impact on American society. These include demeaning and dehumanizing references to race, ethnicity, and nationality; enslaved or free status; physical and mental ability; and gender and sexual orientation. The typical American family, now with younger parents and more kids, was economically dependent on the father while the mother took on the role of homemaker. endstream endobj 2363 0 obj <>stream The act authorized the construction of interstate highways linking all of the major American cities, and set an example for the rest of the world upon its completion. %PDF-1.7 % Document Bank of Virginia is made possible with federal funding provided through the Library Services and Technology Act (LSTA) administered by the Institute of Museum and Library Services (IMLS). - American Indian Movement "The First Vote," 16 November 1867 Description This print shows African-American men, in dress indicative of their professions, in a queue waiting their turn to vote. (Jeff Chiu/AP) . However, when these elections eventually occurred in Finland, Hungary, Bulgaria, and Czechoslovakia, they varied in degree of democratic openness. C) One form of resistance against change brought by European contact was disease mourning. Americans today, and perhaps to a greater extent than ever before, who live within the Spanish system occupy a position in society no better than that of serfs destined for labor, or at best they have no more status than that of mere consumers. The SAQ section is worth 20% of the exam, and it tests both your knowledge of history and your skill in answering questions clearly and concisely. Waud. "Modern Republicanism" refers to Eisenhower's moderate approach to American domestic issues. Briefly explain how ONE of the following either supported or hindered the achievement of US foreign policy goals. Briefly describe ONE perspective about citizenship expressed in the image. Furthermore, just like the people of Salem feared witches were present in their community, American public feared Communists were active in the federal government. In his 1950 speech in Wheeling, West Virginia, he also attacked the educated elite "born with silver spoons in their mouths" who occupied most high government positions. Briefly analyze the significance of ONE of the following during the Cold War. After many failed attempts by the Truman Administration to prevent it, the Nationalists were defeated by Mao and the Communists. The text of the pastors sermon was Genesis 333 :\color{#c34632}:: 121121121. Paraphrase a key detail or idea and move directly into your answer. - Soviet invasion of Afghanistan, Briefly explain the impact of ONE of the following on American politics. endstream endobj 2358 0 obj <>stream endstream endobj startxref WcK5d rE?vYH&*~aB/s{D>`2:V }YQ Topic 8.3 The Red Scare: Ten questions that relate to two different periods in American history, both characterized by the widespread fear of a potential rise of communism in the U.S. Topic 8.4 The Economy after 1945: Ten questions that relate to the period of time when factories that had once made bombs now made toasters, and toaster sales were rising. Another one of the positive outcomes of emancipation was the, permission for African Americans to serve in the military, and in the image, we see the third man. analyze how the immigration act of 1965 contributed to the changes - abolished the quota system and placed it with general limits Citation: "The First Vote" drawn by A.R. - Tet Offensive. - Camp David Accords, Briefly analyze the significance of ONE of the following. However, Eisenhower stayed true to the Republican ideals with his opposition of federal healthcare and federal aid to American education. The end of World War II brought economic uncertainty to the United States. 30 min- Overview: sorting by theme, region, and time periods. Harper's Weekly, vol. Short answer questions form an integral part of APUSH and other AP History exams, and fall into the free response section of the exam which also includes DBQs (document based questions) and LEQs (long essay questions). The first question tests your ability to analyzesecondary sourcesrespond in writing to a historian's (or historians) argument(s) about people or events. hN@_e.AIB% >BAyY\t_mvE'z9 GHtW}?TKM "SAQ" stands for "short answer questions". Policies|Accessibility, Courtesy of Library of Congress, Waud, A.R., "The First Vote," 16 November 1867, National Register of Historic Places & Landmarks. In 1800, the United States began to develop a modern democracy. For a stimulus-based question, you should plan to spend 12-15 minutes writing all three parts. Topic 8.12 Youth Culture of the 1960s: Fifteen questions that relate to the values, practices, traditions, and beliefs of the young people living at the time of the most tumultuous and divisive decade in world history, one marked by the civil rights movement, the Vietnam War and antiwar protests, political assassinations, the first man on the moon, and an emerging generation gap. The Middle East chapter of the Cold War saga began with the Suez Crisis. Due to the West's dependency on oil, combined with growing Arab nationalism, oil quickly emerged as a critical foreign policy issue for the United States, and would trouble Eisenhower, in the final year of his presidency, and American presidents in the coming decades. Briefly explain ONE example of social or literary criticism of the conformity of the 1950s. C) By Rose Horowitch. First efforts to regulate trusts were the Interstate Commerce Commission (1887) and the Sherman Anti-Trust Act (1890) Use of Social Darwinism or Gospel of Wealth to justify great wealth for some a) Identify ONE cultural consequence of the growth of exchange networks from 1200-1450. b) Identify ONE environmental consequence of the growth of exchange networks from 1200-1450. c) Explain ONE way cultural and environmental exchange intensified from 1450-1750. a) Identify one cause of global conflict in the first half of the 20th century. a)Briefly explain the point of view expressed by the cartoonist. Briefly explain ONE impact of "modern Republicanism" on the Republican party. Eisenhower continued some New Deal programs during his presidency, sometimes even expanding them. American-owned businesses and properties in Cuba led prompted American retaliation; Eisenhower cut off Cuban-American trade. The federal government began to encourage returning servicemen to continue their education in college with the Servicemen's Readjustment Act of 1944. *This is NOT about right vs. wrong answers, but about valid vs. invalid answers. endstream endobj 2364 0 obj <>stream hbbd``b`>$@AH\l) n @ $"W.1 t y o$4FX7sD0vc`bdYHk?7 M 598 0 obj <> endobj Food For Thought: Given the tensions between the United States government and the former Confederate states at this time, why might the former Confederate states have been required to write new state constitutions? What can you conclude about the three featured voters and why? Briefly analyze ONE effect of television on society during the 1950s. Briefly explain ONE way the Great Society tried to improve education. Women were able to vote in New Jersey between the late 1790s and early 1800s . The author's point of view supports Roosevelt's actions in regard to his approach to trusts, as he is depicted favorably. Be specific in your answers. One executive order of the Truman administration established the Committee of Civil Rights in 1946. ;KM!rNk(CCj J1k AP U.S. History 2021 Scoring Guidelines 2021 College Board Question 2: Short Answer Primary Source 3 points General Scoring Notes Each point is earned independently. - New Federalism Briefly explain ONE of Eisenhower's concerns about the "military-industrial complex.". 0 Insert colons where they are needed in the following sentence. Using the post Civil War image above, answer (A), (B), and (C). What does their clothing represent? The AP Exam includes three required short-answer questions (SAQ). Upon soldiers' return from World War II, the number of marriages and births in America dramatically increased. Massachusetts voters will decide directly on four key issues in the Nov. 8 election, including a tax on income over $1 million, regulation of dental insurance, an expansion of alcohol license availability and whether to keep or repeal a new . "The First Vote" Drawn by A. R. Waud . AP VoteCast shows a majority of voters, about 6 in 10, favor the state legalizing happy hour. This printshows African-American men, in dress indicative of their professions, in a queue waiting their turn to vote. Divorce laws in some states were liberalized after the American Revolution. AP United States . b) One outcome of the Civil War which led to historical changes represented in the image include. Look closely at the clothing of each man in the line. A further complication: the stimulus-based prompts sometimes require you to make a direct reference or connection to the stimulus in your answer. 568 (November 16, 1867), Special Collections, Library of Virginia. %%EOF For SAQ 3, the topic will relate to content between: For SAQ 4, the topic will relate to content between: Each SAQ is made up of 3 parts: A, B, and C. These parts typically progress from simple/straightforward to complex/abstract as you move through them. B) Briefly explain ONE specific historical development that led to the change depicted in the image. A further educated workforce stimulated post-war economic expansion. Full Document. How did the 15th Amendment work to stop oppression? Topic 8.13 The Environment and Natural Resources from 19681980: Five questions that relate to a number of environmental issues and accidents beginning in the 1960s and that led to a diverse philosophical, social, and political post-World War II movement for addressing environmental issues. - Gay liberation movement. - Bay of Pigs @# k SAQs 1 and 2 are required and both include a text or visual stimulus. While there is not any one specific cause of the Cold War, from the American point of view, Stalin's unwillingness to honor self-determination for nations in Eastern Europe was the precipitating event of the Cold War. Add an apostrophe where necessary. (This means you should give yourself ~13 minutes to go through . . Example 1. hbbd``b` @SL:@B;HPd`bd)a``D'` For these reasons, Senator McCarthy and his tactics appealed to many blue-collar Americans during the 1950s. The 15th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution granted African-American men the right to vote by declaring that the "right of citizens of the United States to vote shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any state on account of race, color or previous condition of servitude." Briefly explain ONE specific tactic used by Joseph McCarthy that was condemned as a "witch hunt" or "McCarthyism.". In 1949, the nationalist Chinese government was threatened by a growing rebellion led by Mao Zedong called the Chinese Communist Party. 52 0 obj <>stream 0 Paul, 22, of Bergen County, N.J., also a poll respondent, said he, too, would vote for Trump even if found guilty of a crime. Unformatted text preview: E-Expand (Finish- Use statements like As a result or This suggests) In the picture above it portrays the first vote including African Americans voting which gives them more rights and allowing them to become proper citizens. Briefly explain the primary role of women during the 1950s. The Fourteenth Amendment making African Americans full citizens was ratified in 1868 and the Fifteenth Amendment granting African American men the right to vote was ratified in 1870. More from Heimler's History:ULTIMATE REVIEW PACKETS: +APUSH: +AP World History: Essay CRAM Course (DBQ, LEQ,. It shows Roosevelt conquering the bad trusts while taming the good trusts. Thats where the ACE formula can really help. Additionally, the context of this speech reminded the audience of Alger Hiss, an official in the State Department convicted of perjury and a 'confirmed' communist. APUSH This is the first of the three styles of writing found on the APUSH exam What the SAQ is NOT: * This is NOT an essay! 3UeFtyM %~O~r$nshTFYG$SX. Free-Response Questions. Straightforward and to-the-point answers are preferred over flowery language. The first modern president to use his position to combat racial discrimination, Truman used executive orders to eliminate as much racial discrimination he could within the political reality of the 1940s. Briefly explain ONE example that would support James T. Patterson's comment about young African Americans during the 1950s. A simpler task can use a shorter answer, saving you time and energy for the more complex questions. - Equal Rights Amendment, Briefly explain the goals of ONE of the following movements during the 1970s. Delete ( ) apostrophes used incorrectly. Emancipation Citizenship Political participation b) Briefly explain ONE outcome of the Civil War that led to the historical change depicted in the image. Clarity: Exam responses should be considered first drafts and thus may contain grammatical errors. (Q If the item contains no error in capitalization, write C after it. At the Yalta Conference in February 1945, Stalin pledged to hold "free and unfettered elections" in Soviet-occupied nations at a future time. April 25, 2023, 8:58 AM PDT. After America's NATO allies of Britain, France, and Israel carried out a surprise attack against Egypt to retake the Suez Canal, a furious President Eisenhower - who was kept in the dark about the offensive attack - sponsored a U.N. resolution that condemned the invasion of Egypt. The engraving was published in the November 16, 1867, issue of Harper's Weekly magazine to commemorate that historic moment. Additionally, the growing populations in these states motivated businesses to relocated to these newly-emerging consumer environments. endstream endobj 2359 0 obj <>stream Alabama. - Title IX - Eisenhower Doctrine - Hungarian Revolt It was featured as the cover of Harper's Weekly. The Interstate Highway Act was perhaps the most permanent legacy of the Eisenhower presidency. Accuracy: These scoring guidelines require that students demonstrate historically defensible content knowledge. hbbd``b` 11/7/2022. Briefly explain ONE way the Warren Court expanded the 1st Amendment. (answers are on the second page) The First Vote SAQ Use the image above to answer parts a, b, and c. a) Briefly explain the point of view expressed through the image about ONE of the following. A) Briefly describe ONE perspective about citizenship expressed in the image. texts about the effects of Reconstruction. Briefly explain ONE specific historical development that led to the change depicted in the, Briefly explain ONE way in which the historical change depicted in the image was, View \993oEl&\_Is`MIoE]{3yzJY# A Vote sign is placed outside of an early voting location, Oct. 31, 2022, in Miami. Topic 8.10 The African American Civil Rights Movement: Fifteen questions that relate to the post-World War II decades-long campaign by African Americans and their like-minded allies to end institutionalized racial discrimination, disenfranchisement, and racial segregation in the United States.. hb``c``b``a@@, qx.0Z 1I?PaTRfR R The first, by Kenneth Stampp, argued that Reconstruction, despite some failures, had an overall positive impact du e to the passage of the Fourteenth and Fifteenth Amendments. - oil embargo 2023 Fiveable Inc. All rights reserved. Some of the terms typically used on AP-style questions include: In both cases, explain questions require the most writing. When Fidel Castro overthrew the Cuban dictator in 1959, it was unknown if Castro's leadership would be an improvement. In the image, a white man is seen conducting the election while the new voters drop their ballots in the glass bowls. $x+$`8$ARc`/O ] Why is each man dressed differently? Through the use of poll taxes, literacy tests and other means, southern states severely oppressed African Americans' right to vote. After you finish, you can see how you did with Unit 2 SAQ (The Colonies) Answers. Course Hero is not sponsored or endorsed by any college or university. REQUIRED QUESTIONS: Question 1 (Secondary Source Analysis) Periods 3-8 (1754-1980) The first question will require the student to analyze one or two secondary sources. John Lund, Paul S. Vickery, P. Scott Corbett, Todd Pfannestiel, Volker Janssen, Eric Hinderaker, James A. Henretta, Rebecca Edwards, Robert O. Self. parentheses. Short answer questions designed to help students review for the annual exam and that relate to all important topics appearing in the Course and Exam Description, Topic 8.2 The Cold War: Twenty questions that relate to a period of geopolitical tension between the Soviet Union and the United States and their respective allies, the Eastern Bloc and the Western Bloc. A pedestrian walks past a First Republic Bank in San Francisco on April 26, 2023. Briefly analyze ONE criticism of television during the 1950s. In this case, be specific, but dont quote. - Suez Crisis Lordstown Motors Corp. says it is in danger of failing because Foxconn is looking to back away from an agreement to invest up to $170 million in the commercial electric vehicle startup. - United Farm Workers - Southern Strategy (2Y=ZE7_Za=F';4>, m@*dQ**!.-b@G]7L@0S1lM\ asXF\2nxzxxN!R 0 Briefly explain ONE significant cause of the Cold War. Topic 8.5 The Culture after 1945: Ten questions that relate to the values, practices, traditions, and beliefs of the Greatest Generation. 1104 0 obj <>stream Genetics as a science was still in its youth when Barbara began to study it. The first modern president to use his position to combat racial discrimination, Truman used executive orders to eliminate as much racial discrimination he could within the political reality of the 1940s. High school APUSH teacher with much in-class and online teaching experience. Why would oppressions, such as poll taxes and literacy tests, be put in place to try and stop African-American men from using their right to vote.