popular jewish last names in the 1940s popular jewish last names in the 1940s
collection of all Jews who were required to register which was filmed at the Cracow archives Poland was a major spiritual and cultural center for Ashkenazi Jews. The remittance lists include both the names and addresses of remitters and beneficiaries, prime genealogical material that cannot be found elsewhere. This list includes 81 members of 30 family units who received Canadian visas in Portugal as of February 12, 1944. Relatives were contacted for affidavits, funds, and to provide homes for young relatives. German boy names: Jewish boy names: Gerhard -Ezra, Jurgen -Amir, Helmut -Johan, Karl -Jopie, Wolfgang -Josiah, Kurt -Emanuel, Hans -Alvanir, Otto -Admon, Friedrich -Alim, Klaus -Raphael. For each rank and sex, the table shows the name and the number of occurrences of that name. Meaning: Copper or an occupational name for coppersmiths. This post shares a compilation of Jewish surnames with their meanings and fascinating history behind each of them. This name is made from the German elements saphir meaning sapphire and stein meaning stone.. Having known approximately 10 Sams in my graduating class, I can confidently say that this name was also popular in the past few decades. German girl names: Jewish girl names: Helga -Miriam, Elke -Dinah, Erika -Atarah, Ingrid -Yael, Christa -Shoshanna, Ilse -Devoran, Heidi -Shaindel, Gerda -Sura, Angelika -Ketziah, Frieda -Aviva. It is derived from Yiddish personal name kopl, which is a nickname of Jacob meaning the supplanter In Hebrew. The biblical figure of Daniel was a wise man of Israel living in the Babylonian court, as written in the Book of Daniel. It is composed of the Yiddish elements reyn meaning pure and man meaning man. The name thus means pure man, and it would have likely begun as a pet name. This Ashkenazi Jewish name is composed of the German elements morgen meaning morning and stein meaning stone., It is derived from the Biblical name of the Jewish leader who led Jews out of Egypt. It is a toponymic surname for someone from any of the several places called Ostrov in Russia and the Czech Republic. Polish Jewish Emigrants in Hungary, 1939(PDF 2.18 MB)A list of emigrants from Poland receiving welfare aid from the JDC in Budapest in 1939. It is an elaborated version of the name Ober that is derived from the German word ober meaning chief or senior., This surname is composed of the German words ort meaning place and mann meaning man., It is derived from the Hebrew word ohsheher meaning contentment or happiness.. Passengers on the SS Lima, 1945 (PDF 28.6 MB)As World War II was ending, JDC worked with HICEM, Hehaluts, and other organizations to arrange documents and transport for survivors to make Aliyah to Palestine. Here is a list of 18 popular Jewish baby names from the 1940s, which we gathered with the help of the Social Security Administrations official list of the 200 most popular baby names of the 1940s. Meaning: Alter, Alt, or head of a craft building. Carbonneau Derived from the Latin word Carbo, this surname means 'carbon' or charcoal'. Samuel Blumenfeld, L'homme qui voulait tre prince: les vies imaginaires de Michal Waszynski (Paris: B. Grasset, 2006). Michael is a Hebrew boy's name that means "who is like God.". Get high-quality PDF version by clicking below. 4. The NY office then followed up with stateside relatives. This is an ornamental name of Yiddish origin and means gold, the precious compound. It is a variant of the name Halpern that is a toponymic name for the inhabitants of Heilbronn city in Germany. Most were shipped by the Japanese authorities from Japan to Shanghai in the wake of the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor in 1941. In Jewish culture, last names also originate from places, like the town or region the family lived. The name comes from the Hebrew phrase segan Leviyah which means assistant Levite.. Refugees Assisted in Brazil, 1957(PDF 1.99 MB)These lists include information about Jewish refugees from Egypt, Hungary, Israel, and other places helped by the Conselho de Assistencia, a JDC-supported organization in Sao Paulo. Adding to the names on this list that are dear to my heart, Michael was the name of my first crush from my childhood Hebrew school carpool. JDC helped emigrants waiting for resettlement, housing some 11,000 refugees in hotels, private dwellings and camps. Aid to Rabbis in the Russian Empire and Palestine, 1916(PDF 2.43 MB)Lists from 1916 detailing financial aid for prominent rabbis. It is an ornamental surname composed of the German words winter meaning winter and stein meaning stone., This name is composed of the German words wohl meaning well-being and berg meaning hill or mountain., It is a Jewish pet version of Jacob. The name Jacob is derived from Hebrew name Yaakov meaning supplanter.. This biblical surname comes from the Book of Joshua where it is the name of a mountain. It is derived from the Hebrew word shachat for butcher. The surname is thus an occupational one. Learn more about how to search the online database by viewing our helpfulvideo tutorial or reading ourguideon how to conduct searches in the database. JDC arranged passage for 444 of the 867 displaced persons aboard the ship, facilitating the filing of paperwork, supplying affidavits, and covering transportation costs. the translation. It is derived from the German word hell that means bright or light. This was likely used as a nickname for a person with a light complexion. Jewish parents name their children for (departed) loved ones, for special events, or choose any Jewish name that they find beautiful.A Jewish baby boy's name is given at his circumcision, and a baby girl's name is traditionally conferred at the Torah . 20. This list consists of 460 names of Jews born and/or formerly resident in Germany who were forced Operation Magic Carpet Yemenite Airlift: Passenger List of Adenites, March-April 1949(PDF 10 MB)Following Israels independence, JDC organized and financed Operation Magic Carpet, bringing Yemenite Jews to Israel. It honors the biblical matriarch who was the mother of Joseph and Benjamin. Births to Cyprus Detainees, 1948-1949(PDF 11.2 MB)From 1946 until early 1949, the British confined over 53,000 Jewish refugees not permitted to enter Palestine, many of whom were Holocaust survivors, in detention camps on Cyprus. This name is composed of the German elements schiff meaning ship and mann meaning man. The name could have been that of a sailor or someone whose house had a sign of ship at its entrance. The name is composed of the name of the city with a suffix -man added to it. It is a surname adopted by those from a Latvian village called Trumany in Russian. Jewish Refugees Leaving Japan for Other Safe Havens, 1941(PDF 8.86 MB)These lists detail refugees who, after finding refuge in Japan from Nazism, are leaving Japan for Australia, Canada, USA, Burma, South Africa, Palestine, and South America. You can learn more about the authenticity of the information we present in our. A historical baby name will encourage kids to choose the path of truth and integrity. These lists provide the names of passengers on the Marine Falcon, Marechal Joffre, and Marine Lynx, repatriating Austrian Jews to Vienna in 1947, and the names of refugees who had returned to Germany as of September 1947. 2011 - 2023 MomJunction Private Limited. It comes from the Jewish word kohen meaning priest. This surname is derived from the priestly family line who served at Jewish temples in ancient times. 6. If youre interested in the last names and meanings of other countries, check out our package on last names from around the world. According to the latest search data available, Jewish last names are searched for nearly 15,000 times per month. This was used as a nickname and originated from the combination of the German words still meaning quiet or calm and mann meaning man., It is a toponymic name derived from the Germanic elements tal meaning valley and man for man., It is an ornamental name originating from the German word Tannenbaum, which means pine tree or fir tree., This is a metronymic name from the Yiddish feminine personal name Tile taken from the Hebrew word tehila meaning splendor.. window.dataLayer = window.dataLayer || []; The name could be an occupational one or could refer to the husband of Perl, which is a common Jewish feminine name. It is a toponymic Jewish surname referring to those whose ancestors came from the town of Yampol in Ukraine. The name is an occupational one. Having done a certification in Relationship Coaching, her core interest lies in writing articles that guide couples through their courtship to marriage and parenthood. This list aggregates common Jewish names from Biblical, Talmudic and post-Talmudic eras. Meaning: Father of Cassis or those who occupied the Cassis valley in the Bible. Updated 27 Jun 2009 by LA. The name comes from the German word rot that means the color red., This is an ornamental name, which is a combination of the German elements rot meaning red and berg meaning hill or mountain., It has been taken from the Middle High German elements rot meaning red and schilt meaning shield or sign., This is a metonymic occupational name composed of the Yiddish elements ruder meaning rudder or oar and man meaning man., It is a toponymic name for those who belonged to the state of Saxony in Germany. In the postwar years, JDC supported 32 childrens homes in France which maintained several thousand children. This name is composed of the Yiddish elements perl meaning pearl and man meaning man. JewishGen Family Finder (JGFF) is a list of surnames and towns being researched by more than 96,000 genealogists around the world. In the bible, Jonathan was a son of King Saul, a good friend of King David. This list details engineers, physicians, government employees and others who were newly destitute and received food parcels from JDC. The entire male population, aged 12 to 70, was imprisoned by Russian troops, leaving a community of starving women and children, to whom the JDC endeavors to distribute proper aid. Under Spanish occupation from June 1940, this became more difficult. Below is a description of the lists currently searchable in the Names Database. It is the variant of the surname Polonsky. This name likely refers to someone who came from any of the several places called Polonnoe in Ukraine or Polonka and Polonsk in Belarus. This surname is from the Hebrew tsion referring to Mount Zion which is a hill in Jerusalem. Descendants of Sephardi Jews now live in parts of Northern Africa, Spain, France, England, Italy, and Holland, while Ashkenazi Jews are still largely based in Germany, Poland, Russia, and other areas of Eastern Europe. These 1946-1948 lists detail relatives from South Africa and Shanghai, China who sent packages of food or blankets to their relatives in DP camps in Europe. Barcelona Refugee Case Cards, 1943-1945After the fall of France, tens of thousands of Jewish refugees seeking to flee Nazi Europe streamed into Spain from France. It is derived from the word gel, which is the Yiddish word for the color yellow. The 1940s were a tumultuous time around the world, and Jewish communities know this fact as well as anyone. Meaning: High father or reference to the prophet Abraham. Eight-letter names with beautiful meanings and origins from around the world. Meaning: An occupational name for someone who uses or makes hatchets. Most of Polands surviving Jews, including those repatriated from the Soviet Union, left Poland during this period, particularly after the Kielce pogrom of 1946. Ironically, while many Americans today think of Irving, Morris, Sidney, Sheldon, etc., as stereotypical Jewish names, they are nothing of the sort. 150+ Popular Jewish Surnames and Their Origins. It is a feminine personal name that means pearls in Hebrew. Lists of Passengers Who Sailed on the SSSerpa Pinto,1941-1944In numerous sailings over the course of World War II, the SSSerpa Pinto(orSerpa Pinta) bore more refugees across the Atlantic than any other Portuguese ship. 2. The name was originally a nickname for someone with light hair. Operation Magic Carpet Yemenite Airlift: Passenger List of Orphans, Women and Children, and Elderly Men, December 1948-March 1949(PDF 22 MB)Following Israels independence, JDC organized and financed Operation Magic Carpet, bringing Yemenite Jews to Israel. When negotiations between JDC and the Cuban government failed, the ship was forced to return to Hamburg with 907 passengers. Jewish surnames are based on familial ancestry and culture, and several variations of the last names have evolved over the years. The Transmission Department of the JDC was established in 1915 to deliver personal remittances to those areas in Europe and Palestine where normal transmission agencies were incapable of functioning due to war conditions. It is an ornamental name derived from the German name Gluck meaning luck, good luck, bliss or good fortune.. Ruth The 34th most popular name for girls in the United States during the decade, the name Ruth honors a number of influential American voices, including the late Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, who was born in the prior decade. The database includes individual cards from 1945 to the mid-1950s for 51,554 Displaced Persons in Munich and 25,374 Displaced Persons in Vienna. 2023 BDG Media, Inc. All rights reserved. The second phase airlifted Adenites in March-April 1949 to the newly established State of Israel from the British Protectorate of Aden, after the armistice agreement that allowed Adenite men of fighting age to immigrate to Israel. Kirshenblatt, Mayer and Barbara Kirshenblatt-Gimblett. Children in Holland Whom JDC Is Trying to Assist to Emigrate to the United States, 1940(PDF 6.69 MB)JDC rescue efforts during World War II included reaching out to a network of other organizations, including HIAS and the NY-based German Jewish Childrens Aid to help children, some of whom had relatives in America, emigrate from Holland to the U.S. One interesting way to know about them is by understanding their last names. JDC Emigration Service Index Cards: Warsaw Office, 1945-1949JDCs operations in Poland were reestablished immediately after the end of World War II. 100 Very Feminine And Girly Names For Baby Girls, 100 Most Popular Russian Surnames Or Last Names With Meanings, 100 Common Polish Last Names Or Surnames With Meanings, 25 Unusual Mountain Inspired Names For Boys And Girls, https://www.anumuseum.org.il/databases/family-names/jewish-family-names-introduction/, The Memi De-Shalit Database of Jewish Family Names at ANU Museum of the Jewish People; Museum of the Jewish People. For Jews living in the United States, the 1940s were the years of the draft and of the Pearl Harbor bombing. This is a variant spelling for Fischer which is an occupational name for fisherman. JDC Shanghai Refugee Client List, 1950(PDF 39.9 MB)A 1950 list of JDCs Shanghai Case Files of Jewish refugees assisted by JDC during the World War II years and thereafter. 21. And while Hebrew and Biblical names are mostly limited to a region, the same is not true of Jewish last names. David As the 6th most popular American boys name of the 1940s, David honors the historical King David, a beloved warrior and the second King of Israel. The word rabbi refers to Jewish religious teachers, and their name comes from the Jewish word rav meaning master., It is a Slavic patronymic form of Rabin and means son of Rabbi.. These files remain in the hands of the Chinese government. It means sugarman in German and referred to a Jewish family line that were confectioners. An alternative form of this surname is Nierenberg. These names are toponymic and adopted by a family line that originally belonged to the city of Nuremberg in state of Bavaria of Germany. ( Full methodology ) Ancestry.com further provided a list of the 25 most common surnames among . The PolishLithuanian Commonwealth, known for its religious tolerance[1] and described as Paradisus Judaeorum (Latin for "Paradise of the Jews"),[2][3][4][5][6] had attracted tens of thousands of Jews who fled persecution from other European countries. The Joint provided its local Jewish partner organizations with the financial means to bring 25,000 Jews to Australia after the Holocaust.