how to lighten trigger pull on cobra derringer how to lighten trigger pull on cobra derringer
Also bought new .22 mag barrels to replace the LR. There is no extractor or ejector. SBSS #2045; Territorial Marshals OK City. There was a rib on top of the upper barrel and a set of rudimentary fixed sights. I accidently bumped someone in this packed area and low and behold out comes the derringer. Press this ambidextrous control to the rear to swing the barrels upward for loading. Cock the hammer and pull the trigger, and the hammer falls, but the gun doesnt go bang if the safety is engaged. you must have a small pull down when working the trigger. The barrels were closed and the lever returned to the locked position. During the firing session, one of the Winchester loads was not ejected by the manual ejector. Trigger jobs are most often performed to lighten the amount of pressure required against the trigger to fire the gun. it would probably cost more in labor at a smith, don't quote me on that--give them a call to see. The geometry of the tiny hammer on a derringer is the reason for the heavy main spring. Setting up the trigger pull weight on a target weapon is mostly a case of trial and error; adjust, fire, and fine-tune till you achieve the pull that works for you. We liked the DoubleTaps double-action trigger better than the Cobras. The sights on the handgun were a simple groove in the top of the cover, with a post on the barrel. By clicking Accept, you consent to the use of ALL the cookies. Compression was riddled with creep, and the trigger broke abruptly with considerable backlash. principles require training and practice but only one of these you can fix immediately. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); You have entered an incorrect email address! Check the trigger-pull weights on each barrel. I had one of those years back and replaced the hammer spring with a lighter one, that got the trigger pull down from ridiculous to about 8 lbs. It's a rattle snake gun in a holster on a belt takes a 45 or 410 sell, Ok thank you for the information the reason I kept asking is I have been told the same (take it to a smith) about a revolver then the smith showed me a simple fix for most revolvers but it came with a hefty bill attached so if their had been a simple fix I was hoping to avoid the big bill . My wife bought it for me years ago for Christmas. better. Performance cookies are used to understand and analyze the key performance indexes of the website which helps in delivering a better user experience for the visitors. I am sending it back. are a result of your trigger squeeze and follow thru. "When tyranny becomes law rebellion becomes duty" Thomas Jefferson. Cycling the weapon and then dry firing it, or taking it to the range and sending some rounds down range will also help smooth out the action. Nice thing is I picked up a 22lr, 22mag, and a 32acp for it ( mine came as 25acp) so I can shoot several different calibers from the same gun. Having experience with Remington derringers and cheap copies that lost tension in the lever, this was a good addition, our gunsmith said. Bond Arms Texas Defender - Best Over Under Double Barrel Derringer. I think they go for like a hundred bucks? I use mine for bathing suit carry. Once identified, an application of a high-quality lubricant such as MIL-COMM TW25B, which I consider a trigger job in a tube, or a similar material to those friction surfaces, will significantly reduce the required pressure against the trigger to fire the gun once properly reassembled. Same as if this is a carry weapon or even a backup should you get into a fight and it involves impact with objects in the process, you sure as hell dont want your gun going off in all of that! I called bond directly to buy some of their competition springs they sent them to me free of charge including shipping. Ken. However, the grips loosened with a minimum amount of firing. The lower barrel seemed better regulated at 5 inches high. A gun is a tool and correctly used is a very effective one whether it is for combat, self-defense, sport, or hunting. Another surprise were the velocities achieved by the 115-grain loads. In this case, a slightly heavier (maybe 7 lbs) trigger would be better as this would require a bit more pressure from the shooter to fire and is less likely to lead to accidental discharge. Removing the irregularities without changing the shape or function of the offending part or parts, enhances the feel of the trigger when firing the gun, dry or live. ALWAYS inspect the barrel for obstructions before loading and firing. An effective and low-cost means of reducing trigger-pull weight is to detail disassemble the trigger and hammer or striker assemblies (as applicable to a particular firearm), thoroughly clean the parts and identify the friction surfaces that relate to the movement of the trigger to fire the gun. Heres something to think about.Have Depressing the trigger disengages the sear and releases the hammer, which then strikes the primer on the cartridge and fires the projectile. I believe there new derringers have a lighter set of springs and the hammer has been changed. A trigger job is the 8,138. It doesnt matter anymore. Again lightened up some. If you are holding your finger high on the trigger and just pulling straight back the trigger won't release easily. Is it possible to lighten the trigger pull on a Derringer .38 Special by trimming the hammer spring and trigger spring? Of course you should work on all 6 shooting fundamentals and develop your shooting skills over time but who says you have to do it What does it entail? It just isnt natural to cock a hammer and then release a safety. You are using an out of date browser. On a double action gun be more cautious as like the others mention a lighter pull means the trigger could be snagged and fired easier, where as a single action fired gun has to have the hammer drawn rearward first. Investing in both training and range/practice time will develop this reasonably quickly, and from there, you can determine whether you still need to have the trigger adjusted. Its a case of horses for courses here, folks! The Derringer's small size, low weight, and sleek design have made it a popular choice for concealed carry for many years. Because many of the surfaces are paint hardened, applying lube is a great way to start, as you will see results in a very short time. Blazen as far as I know Bond has a competition lighter spring. What Is Trigger Pull, And Why Is It Important? When leaving we had to walk through a crowd of folks waiting to be seated. He shot it much better than I did, but mentioned that the gun could use a trigger job which would help me hit my target more often. Well, at 27 pounds, the pull was BAD! It does shoot and has never had a problem but it was a waste of money. Adjust trigger-pull - a step-by-step guide. These steps require the services of a qualified gunsmith and WOULD NOT BE recommended as a DIY project. Also, the derringer became a backup favorite of Western marshals and outlaws alike. Four shots grouped into 8 inches at 5 yards with the most deliberate fire. It only places the target and Terms of Service. You are using an out of date browser. JavaScript is disabled. It's easier to get into a smooth accurate rhythm with a lighter trigger pull. And the opposite is also true that in that same situation, you dont want to struggle to pull the trigger, especially when your life is on the line. Polishing and smoothing of burrs and other rough edges or surfaces on all and any parts involved in the firing process, such as the trigger bar, hammer struts, and firing pin safeties. It helped mine. Our Team Said: The American Derringer Co. derringer is a better choice than either of the other derringers tested, we believe. Let me start by saying I know there are many reasons manufacturers tell you not to lighten the trigger pull on a derringer, but I have a Bond Arms derringer and I would like to know how to lessen the pull some not drastically and preferably something that can be undone if need be. When you are looking at reducing the trigger pull, establish some baseline information about what others are doing with their weapons in your field and then look at the options to do the same with your gun. Must be why Bond derringers cost twice as much. Pistol Vs. Rifle The 8 Differences That Matter, Why Do Pistol Barrels Tilt Up? Make sure all the trigger rules apply, positive etc. The fire-control mechanism can be considered the parts that work together to indent the primer of the chambered cartridge when the trigger is pulled. Sign up below for all new product announcements, contests, and more. Never let the muzzle cover anything which you are not willing to destroy. One thing to remember about derringers is the trigger doesn't pivot back like most triggers. Avoid pulling the trigger with the bend of your first knuckle. Derringers, being small compact pistols, require the user to operate the gun in a specific manner. __dcid.push({"cid":"DigiCertClickID_nrxaWyMP","tag":"nrxaWyMP"}); If this safety is not actuated, a firing pin nose will rest upon the primer of the chambered cartridge. If your gun is to be used for target shooting, whether for fun or competition, good training for skills improvement is preferable in this field. Bond Arms Firearms are not available to anyone under 21 years of age. With a lighter trigger pull you're more in tuned with your firearm and more aware of your trigger . Location. Blazen Vaquero, SASS 69509 Be sure to read it all. SASS/CAS, Cap and Ball revolvers, Antique guns, Motorcycles, Collecting, Guns,Cushman Scooters, and Bobble heads (Nodders), CAS, Shooting, Electric Mountain Biking, Motorcycles, Jeeps, RC Racing, Steam Trains & collecting Vintage Pocket Watches. and "LET'S GO, BRANDON", Cowboy Action Shooting, reloading, Smith & Wesson revolvers, Motorcycling, my roadster, Tonawanda Cowboys, Alabama Gunslingers & Long Riders, ''Hav'n you along, is like losing 2 good men", Oakwood Outlaws, Texas Troublemakers,Ft. Felt recoil was less than the Cobra 9mm, due to the superior grips and slightly heavier weight. Pistol-Caliber ARs: We Pit the Stag Arms 9T, Tresna Defense, Handgun Stats: DoubleTap Defense Tactical Derringer 9mm Luger, $345, 9mm Luger Personal Defense Ammunition Testing, SHOT 2023: Savage Arms Introduces 1911 Government Model Pistols, 5 Best 9mm Pistols for Concealed Carry in 2023. Campbell, using evaluations from Gun Tests team testers. A trigger spring kit or an aftermarket hammer is the best Going the other way is that some law enforcement agencies set their standard issue weapons with 8 lbs triggers or even heavier for liability reasons. Its Derringers are replicas of original firearms designed by Henry . Written and photographed byR.K. A trigger/action upgrade will get you a new spring, trigger assembly, and action assembly. The American Derringer Co. 38 Special was a very well finished single-action design with several improvements over the Remington type. George Fennell shows you how and where to apply Weapon Shield CLP/Oil to a 1911 and an AR-15 hammer and sear group that will lighten the trigger pull between. These springs greatly influence the double action trigger pull which is a major concern of competitive shooters. Precursor to Cobra. Scroll down to the bottom of the page for information on where to send it. . The trigger action was long and heavy at about 15 pounds and it stacked badly, in our opinion. Posted April 12, 2017. A cheap made gun is no better at a cheap price. I have the trigger guard removed, and use a two hand hold with both trigger fingers over the trigger, one on top of the other. If you can't pull the trigger without pulling the sights off the target, then it's too hard, and I'd get it checked out. Instead of spending $400 or $500 on the gun and then another $400 to tune it, instead, look at spending a bit more and get the weapon with the trigger, target grade barrel, etc. All rights reserved. DO NOT use Herter's Brand 357 Mag ammo. The original derringer was a product of one Henry Deringer, a 19th-century maker of small muzzleloading pocket pistols. PQ. Yeah, that's the gun packrat. Trigger technique and finger strength are essential for consistent accuracy. The fit of the grip was angular with abrupt edges, and the pistol was only about 0.65 inch wide, which likewise caused great discomfort when firing. This topic is now archived and is closed to further replies. shot. When your life is on the line, your trigger pull could well mean the difference between life and death. First Round Academy May Giveaway ***Sig Sauer P365XL 9mm with safety***. When you purchase through links on our site, we may earn an affiliate commission, which supports our community. the cross hair on the same focal plane; if the parallax is correctly adjusted. Your shots that vary left and right on the target Far North New Hampshire. September 7, 2015 in SASS Wire. Two rounds were loaded. Your shots that vary up and down on the target If you live in certain states, Bond can not ship there. I don't know which gun you own, new model, or old model, etc. Use a fishing scale to measure itlol.. You can cock the hammer and then pull the hammer forward with one hand while pulling the trigger. JavaScript is disabled. In our opinion, the pistols recoil makes it unsuitable for use by anyone intending to fire the pistol in practice sessions as opposed to simply loading it and carrying it. I do like that the bond arms have a safety of them. Why is that? Shot and visited 34 states over 300 matches, meet hundreds of wonderful people and will cherish my time there forever. Whats The Ideal Weight For A Trigger Pull. Replaced the spring and changed the trigger and hammer angles a lot. Lived the dream in the USA for nearly 5 years. Lastly, be very clear about what you will use your gun for, as this will significantly influence the trigger pull weight you need. Many authorities on firearms consider the trigger pull weight and technique the most crucial aspect to accurate pistol shooting. If you enjoy the forum please consider supporting it by signing up for aNES Membership The benefits pay for the membership many times over. We use cookies on our website to give you the most relevant experience by remembering your preferences and repeat visits. If you are holding your finger high on the trigger and just pulling straight back the trigger won't release easily. Can't be that bad, I thought. is not bad for a derringer. If you are talking about the Cobra o/u derringers, yes the triggers are real heavy since they have no trigger guard, but you should not have to bust a gut to pull it. get the hammer to fall and send a round down range. Thorough clean and lubrication of the parts in the trigger/firing assembly. Honing or smoothing surfaces the metal surfaces that interact in the guns fire control mechanism. We want to be clear and say we would purchase a Taurus Millennium or a good used Glock instead of this gun style. I hope they dont give me any grief. It was not only a dumb and embarrassing move but as it happened in what seemed to be slow motion my heart felt like it stopped! - pstrahin. With guns, this translates to getting your round on target the first time, and whether its hunting, competition, combat, or self-defense, you cant afford to have total confidence in your ability to strike your target the first time. A lighter trigger pull allows professional shooters to reduce creep and travel in their trigger giving them the ability to shoot more accurately in rapid succession. All items must be ordered through a gun dealer when ordering. That's what I had, but if it's not the same company, I'd be totally surprised. and the safety or safeties work correctly. So it is not a squeeze. Jefferson State Regulators, Umpqua Regulators, Regulator, SBSS #2255, Pawnee Station, Ro I & II, Circle K Regulators, DbarD Wranglers, Boot Hill Regulators,Matamoros Mavericks. Invest a bit more upfront and get what you want. Any advice? The Remington Derringer was made of iron, never steel, and was manufactured from 1866 to 1935. You can smooth the roll pins, polish the sears and all the friction parts, but in my opinion you are not going to get it much lighter, in fact 7 lbs. The magnification of the sight will however, A 1911, for example, has both the grip safety and active thumb safety, which contribute directly to ensuring that the gun does not fire accidentally, even WITH a very light trigger. Do gun stores offer cheaper service, since they are FFL? There was a cross-bolt style release that holds the barrels in place. I always felt that the trigger pull on any derringer is the nature of the beast. The other post about the High Standard Derringer sized pistol got me to pull this one out of the back corner of the safe for a picture. How hard is the. Copyright 2019 I have to strain to pull the dang thing. It usually involves installing some sort of trigger spring kit or an But in speed shoots just hold the trigger down and slip hammer. The pressure applied to the trigger is known as the trigger pull, and this has a massive influence on the weapons proficiency and the shooter. shoot more accurately in rapid succession. Avoid pulling the trigger with the bend of your first knuckle. Functional cookies help to perform certain functionalities like sharing the content of the website on social media platforms, collect feedbacks, and other third-party features. Then It sounds like you have a heavy trigger pull. Check GunTech 70 for the basic Sear in Hammer Notch Trigger Job. In that same issue is the S&W Smooth & Tune which shows how to spin a spring to lighten it. The DoubleTap has a snag-free profile with an internal double-action-only trigger mechanism. When the trigger is pulled, the sear clears the bent, allowing the . The trigger pull on our pistols is approximately 7 pounds which is within the acceptable range for a pistol of this type. I took it to my first EOT, saw others shoot the derringer side match and didn't even bother with it. His expertise in working with different customer-bases helps Travis understand various needs people may have and offer insightful recommendations. The Trigger is not bad if your pull is proper for the type of trigger that it is. A forum community dedicated to all firearm owners and enthusiasts. For questions about the Gunsmithing Club of America contact our friendly staff using the icons below. Replacing the mainspring or trigger return spring with reduced power springs and then TESTING the gun with ammo designed for that weapon to ensure proper firing and function. There was a slight difference between the pull weights for each barrel, both were around the 3lb mark - with the top barrel being just over and the lower . What is a trigger job? Try using both index fingers and squeezing the trigger if you're shooting for accuracy(). So the 1911 with a 2 lbs trigger is far safer and less risky than a Glock with a 5 lbs trigger as the Glock has no active safety on the weapon. His original Philadelphia Deringer percussion-lock pistols were usually 41 caliber and varied in length from 1.5 to 6 inches. About six weeks ago I ordered a Cobra Long Bore 9 MM derringer over the internet. Id figure well done and quit at 8 lbs. Adding pressure to the trigger will eventually cause the trigger to disengage the sear and release the firing pin, which in turn strikes the primer on the cartridge and fires the bullet. Bought it in 97. The rear sight was easily the best of the pistols tested, and the tall front sight offered a quick reference in aiming. This wasnt a fast system. Bond Arms Firearms are not available in CA, Chicago, Detroit, New York City, or Washington D.C. All models may not be available in MA, MD, NY, or NJ. Think again. Pulling upwards on the trigger makes the pull real bad. Trigger pull is about 4-5#'s. Since the Cobra uses a rebounding-type firing-pin system, only one firing pin will be at rest on the cartridges at a time. To detail the Cobra better, the main body of the gun and the barrels are a zinc alloy. Being as they can stike almost their full leangth and we're talking 6+ feet long not being uncommon and the gun is 3 1/2 in long so real short barrel. the eig is nice, smooth and has had over 1000 rounds through it without a single issue. A telescopic sight will never make a poor shooter any I asked Bond about the competition spring kit. Recoil was sharp, about the same as an aluminum-frame 38 Special snubnose. We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. Parker Patroits, Lonestar Frontier Shooting Club, Comanche Valley Vigilantes. The cookie is set by GDPR cookie consent to record the user consent for the cookies in the category "Functional". The Remington doubled the payload with twin barrels in the over-and-under fashion. The cam is busted. It's a newer model but I'll check it out any how and thanks for the link, My mistake after looking at your link it appears we have the older style didn't expect that being as I've only had it a year or so but glad I checked it out and thanks again for the link. An I purchased a Cobra Derringer and the trigger pull must be around 200 lb. The other barrel could still be loaded and fired. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. and the safety or safeties work correctly. 11 Because sentence against an evil work is not executed speedily, therefore the heart of the sons of men is fully set in them to do evil. Dont cut coils! little update, have put a few more rounds through it and oiled the trigger assembly. It is possible to pull the trigger back and not actually actuate the trigger mechanism. PQ_How hard is the trigger pull. I wanted a trigger guard for non-side match use. It lasted about 3 matches and stopped switching barrels.. But they will not hide out where the DoubleTap will. Using blanks or spent cases in the chamber is a good idea in most cases simply to protect the firing pin from damage. Three small handguns go head to head at the range and in the pocket. The trigger pulls pressure measures how much weight (usually measured in pounds) you need to apply to the trigger to fire the gun. It shoots. It makes a nice paperweight. This is an antiquated and unsafe firing-pin position, in our opinion. Make sure you pull straight back (even downward a little) from the very tip of trigger. I bought a Bond Texas Defender last year. With it unloaded and the hammer cocked, can you hold it with . Heres what we found: This was our price at the time of the test from During the test the raters all experienced sometimes failed to kick the safety over, and the Cobra did not fire. I lightened the pull on mine. The cost is $150 and includes the shipping back to you. The Cobra Derringer - .38 Special from Bearman - Best Budget Derringer. var __dcid = __dcid || []; I put some special lube that I use to use on my muskets and C&Brevolvers and have been dry firing it a bunch. He is a world champion, cowboy shooter that represents Bond Arms. It can be lightened some. By Again lightened up some. I don't know if Bond will sell you the springs, but I do know they will lighten the action if you send it in. Anyone own either an M&P 2.0 Compact .22, or a Beretta M9a1-22? We would not buy this gun. By Boulder Canyon Bob# 32052L. On 4/11/2017 at 12:44 PM, Garrison Joe, SASS #60708 said: Contact Bond Arms for a lighter trigger return spring, or see previous Bond posts about easily available replacement springs. Once cartridge guns came into being, Deringers name was misspelled often enough to become the generic description of a small pocket pistol of limited capacity, often with a sliding or pivoting breech block. To fire the Cobra, the hammer must be cocked before the safety may be pushed to the left. I think I got the trigger pull down to 15 lb. Well the Bond Arms do have a safety, I have shot the .357 double barrel bond arms, and it is weird you kind of have to pull DOWN on the trigger instead of pulling back, strange to try to get used to. Although this may seem like a small improvement it actually has a major Ok smoother may help she's just been telling me for a while she has to actually pull on the trigger instead of squeeze and it caused her to miss a few 20-30 foot shots with 410 birdshot in it because she winds up pulling the gun when shooting and she's normally a fairly good shot with a pistol. You have to be very careful ( and I wouldn't unless I had a spare incase I screwed up ) if you start cutting springs. We expected something akin to the Cobras recoil, but the DoubleTap stung us when fired, and recoil was actually painful and startling. I know that a lot of the cowboy shooters order only the springs. Cycling the weapon and then dry firing it, or taking it to the range and sending some rounds down range will also help smooth out the action. I have one that I bought at MA prices and therefore not so disposable. Well look at those and the pros and cons of each so you can determine your best option. Next, load the pistol. However, after testing both the derringer concept and the individual derringers, we think the money spent on these handguns would be better used elsewhere. There is a spring on the top of the trigger. Do not be tempted to simply cut the springs even though it seems like a logical option. I enjoy my Cobra derringer a lot more than I do my Ruger of Smith. Pedersoli Philadelphia Derringer - Best Target Shooting Derringer. It's much more important than that! Shipping back to the factory will cost ~$66, (UPS and FEDEX mandate next day air services) which is half of what I paid for the gun. It is still about 15 lb. Though Im not terribly sure I would, these arent target guns and, depending on what gun youre actually referring to, the triggers are way too easy to snag on something and fire the gun. Thereafter, simply cock the hammer and fire the gun. Put a 45 breakaway cut on the rear 1/3 of the sear, the hammers almost always have a safety notch. Firing the gun safely and accurately is paramount in any situation, and as such, the importance of the trigger pull weight and the trigger technique go hand in hand. With either a stiff trigger pull, poor shooting technique, or both, you may find yourself wasting a lot of time, rounds, and money at the range. A gunsmith would not be required in most cases, and you can do this safely and efficiently at the range or home. And a little bit more reloading, just to keep ahead. Answer Trigger jobs are most . Before we get into the ways to reduce trigger pull, there is another element to consider here how and where you are using the gun. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. Call our experts: (727) 223-1816 or visit Copyright Bond Arms Inc. All Rights Reserved. Keep your gear handy when it's not on your belt. Outdoor Hub, LLC (d/b/a Carbon Media Group), 30800 Telegraph Rd, Suite 1921, Bingham Farms, MI 48025 USA. That is a long run for a relatively primitive handgun. Folks were popping 2 rounds in the time it would take me to cock the hammer. During my first trip to the range I let one of the staff members shoot the pistol because I wasnt doing too well in hitting the target. Is this something that I can do after watching a video or two or do I need a qualified gun mechanic to perform such an operation?Amanda Beach, Orlando, FL. With a lighter trigger pull youre more in tuned with Powered by Invision Community. There are two ways to go. Once when I first started carrying years ago while taking the wife out to dinner I carried a new (at the time) Davis .38 Cal derringer in an ankle holster that I thought held pretty snug. It requires one to do a pull down and back motion with the trigger finger to overcome the firing sequence easier. I have an RCBS trigger pull scale. I assume you meant "Cobray". It's a Davis Industries 32 Auto from Chino California. Having the proper tools to do the job is a consideration as well. The Fora platform includes forum software by XenForo. With the hammer in the full cock position, grasp the grip with your shooting hand making sure that your hand is not touching the cocked hammer. Although tempting to do, it is not a good idea to cut or modify the original springs in an effort to reduce trigger-pull weight. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Elsewhere, the DoubleTap exhibited greater velocity than the Cobra. It will take less travel and physical effort to The biggest problem with being retired is the difficulty in taking a vacation. The trigger if you look closely move down and not back. We also fired a few rounds of Black Hills Ammunition 125-grain JHP +P, with velocity hovering around 900 fps. fastest way to improve your accuracy. Considerable effort was required to cock the hammer. Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. 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