deep water piers da nang vietnamdeep water piers da nang vietnam

deep water piers da nang vietnam deep water piers da nang vietnam

[7] As such, Westmoreland recommended the U.S. prioritise developing Cam Ranh Bay instead. Captain Merdinger was Public Works Officer at Naval Support Activity, Da Nang in 1967-68, and currently commands the Western Division, Naval Facilities Engineering Command at San Francisco, California. Small arms fire and concussion grenades were utilized by pier sentries and VNN Harbor Defense personnel, and the sentries reported two swimmers killed. Like the war itself, Navy involvement was piecemeal and gradual, planned almost on the spur of the moment. (7) Programming requirements by the line item (a barracks or aircraft parking apron, for example) through channels to Congress for authorization and funding has been standard procedure in developing the peacetime annual construction program. Insofar as construction equipment is concerned, there are varying opinions as to whether Vietnam put a tougher strain on equipment than might be expected elsewhere. 2 at the mouth of Sa Ky seaport has the capacity to accommodate ships of 3,000 DWT, mainly for local maritime transport needs. . WebIn digging open water wells, it was found that the sand was 15 to 20 feet deep over the rock formations with no plastic clays in evidence. Press BACK to return to this page). Where large spans were called for, or where metal buildings were more desirable than wooden ones, the box-like prefabricated Butler building was a popular choice. to the Vietnamese on June 6,1972. a very sweet, usu. There was also a large WebWhite Elephant Da Nang . The major ports in Central Vietnam are the Quy Nhon and Da Nang ports, the latter being a deep-water port. Do you have DANANG VIET NAM, DEEP WATER PIERS Reunion information you'd like to share, "When I Joined VetFriends, I read about the email locator service, and sent an email to my old friend. After apportionment to the Services in Washington the funds were then returned through the Naval Facilities Engineering Command (NAVFAC-formerly BuDocks) chain to the OICC-RVN who acted as banker, before and after the formation of MACV-DC, for all major military construction funds in Vietnam. Among the career Seabeessecond reenlistments and beyondthere was also a gradual dropping off, the reenlistment rates from FY66 through FY69 being 91 per cent, 86 per cent, 80 per cent, and 76 per cent. casualties and take on emergency repairs. Apart from sand, rock, and gravel which were available in Vietnam, most of their materials such as lumber, pipe, and fittings came from the U. S., largely by ship but some by air. Using excellent film footage shot in-country by navy cameramen, this video documents naval activities at and around the port of Da Nang during the Vietnam War. After about 8 months the freight terminal division moved to this building in the left hand foreground of this warehouse. [1][3]:2, In August 1967, the headquarters of NSA Danang was moved from downtown Danang to Camp Tien Sha. Captain Merdinger is the author of a book, Civil Engineering Through the Ages, and has contributed articles on education, construction, administration, and history to many periodicals and has been invited to contribute an article on viaducts to the Encyclopaedia Britannica. Conversely, as the Seabees were called upon for more tactical support, work originally assigned them was shifted to the contractor. However, the Commanding General of the 3rd Marine Amphibious Force, Lieutenant General L. W. Walt, as the commander in I Corps, in consonance with ComNavForV, made the decision not to place the FEG under the Seabee commander, and the combined use of all engineer elements never did take place. his first star after leaving RVN and was assigned to Germany. Not only were they packaged units, but their use was not subject to the normal budgetary snarl of the line-item oriented military construction program under which most of the permanent facilities were built. Supply Corps officers and rates attached to the battalions working with the Seabee oriented Construction Battalion Center supply departments played a major role in accomplishing this support through various routes of the Navy supply system. Flatbed trailers are unloaded from U.S. Navy ship Comet at a deep water pier in Da Nang, Vietnam during the Vietnam War. The warehouse building damaged by the typhoon was still utilized as the port [8] After SeaLand began operating container ship services to Vietnam in October 1966, three of its vessels covered routes between the West Coast of the United States and Da Nang. Accordingly, it was engaged on rough construction projects which could be dropped immediately when the call came. U.S. This brought the total number of battalions in 1968-69 to twenty-one. Despite their lack of enthusiasm for reenlisting, there was no lack of enthusiasm among the Seabees for their work in Vietnam. Military Catalog, Sales, Discounts & more. WebDANANG VIET NAM, DEEP WATER PIERS Air Force Units Army Units Coast Guard Units Marine Corps Units Navy Units Become a VetFriends Member Site Map Search Veterans & Personnel Photos, Humor, Stories & More Military Records & Resources Reunions, Parades, & Events Online Catalog About VetFriends My Profile MetLife Veteran This called into being massive public works support and, further, marked the first time that Seabees were used in large numbers in forward areas in direct support of combat troops. A changing tactical situation precluded programming individual line items many months in advance of the availability of funds. I had a great time and intend to go again next year. The former, consisting of 34 officers, 735 men (and a few naval medical personnel) per battalion, provided close combat support to the division. An offshoot of that office, the Resident Officer in Charge of Construction (ROICC) for Vietnam was established in Saigon in the spring of 1961. [7] New piers were under construction at Da Nang in 1966. Address: PT Indo Globex Worldwide , Axa Tower 45th Floor , Jl.Dr Satrio Kav 18, Jakarta Selatan 12940 Indonesia. All content on this website, including dictionary, thesaurus, literature, geography, and other reference data is for informational purposes only. It seems clear that our system, stock reserves planning, and procedures can be vastly improved. U.S. Navy ship Comet docked at a deep water pier. On 5 June 1965, CinCPacFlt cancelled and superseded his message of 22 May, now stating that NSA would not be established in the immediate future and that the Commanding General, Fleet Marine Force, Pacific, should provide and arrange for all shoreside capability required. It was usual for a piece of equipment to be in country for about 16 months before it left for overhaul, and on its return it was used for another 16 months. But as the Seabees in the battalions moved more into the tactical end of the business, there were other Seabees in country who did not; these were Public Works and Construction Battalion Maintenance Unit (CBMU) Seabees attached to the Naval Support Activities headquartered in Da Nang and Saigon, but actually spread all over the country. This was in line with the standard policy which called for transferring a man to shore duty after he had served in Vietnam under the above conditions. I believe I remember a picture that hung in the old office on U.S. Navy and Marine forces were deployed in country for months before adequate planning elements were developed. This was a reactivation of the last Seabee Regiment to be decommissioned when the large Seabee construction effort at Cubi Point, Philippines, came to a close some ten years before. The ammo ship had been carrying 500 pound bombs. Navy Lt. and I both went out to the LST, which was now tying up. WebThe deep offshore waters are often referred to as blue waters and naval vessels operating on them are referred to as the Blue Water Navy. n. 1. a. Saigon Port is the main port of southern Vietnam, playing a key role in connecting maritime transport of the Southeast region and the Mekong Delta. each evening and morning. We did have two shallow draft facilities, one The policy was not hard and fast, for a man could volunteer for more Vietnam duty and many did. Ships in this category entered Vietnams inland waterways temporarily as part of their gunfire, interdiction, or support missions. I was told it was moved, but for the life of me I do not remember to where. I was told Here they were concerned, along with the contractor, with erecting buildings, installing pipe lines, grading roadsall phases of construction necessary to create these major logistics bases. Like the rest of the CEC they were scattered throughout the Navygenerally in shop management positions. This has been a general comment, not only concerning Seabee duty, but also about all duty connected with the Vietnam efforts, and most career CEC officers have served in Vietnam. Also on Okinawa, but deeply engaged in major construction primarily for the Marines, was a third battalion. This was the first appreciable number of Seabees in one unit committed to Vietnam on a continuing basis. As the contract effort went down, most of the non-Vietnamese left the country. By that time some 56 teams had served in Vietnam, and every one of the four corps areas had felt their presence. Experience ultimately showed that the life cycle of a piece of equipment committed to Vietnam averaged 45 months from the time it was received from the factory in a U. S. depot until it passed out of the system. 88-113. Despite a long standing Pentagon policy which confined major military construction administration to the Army and Navy engineersand another policy which made the Navy the DOD construction agent in Vietnamthe Air Force managed to build under their own direction an Air Base at Tuy Hoa. In addition to setting construction standards which were binding on all Services, another major function of MACV-DC was to receive the requirements which the various services had heretofore placed on the OICC, sort out relative priorities among the services, and then assign construction responsibility to the OICC or troops. Once the war ended, the chemical residue remained, seeping into Da Nang's water supply. To get young men into the Seabees simply to build up to the required numbers was not particularly difficult. Create stunning websites with this awesome clean and modern template, ts and innovative designs concepts. 2023 Copyright English. These Marines were the vanguard of an American force which was to expand steadily beyond half a million troops. The latter, with 46 officers and 1,049 men per battalion, provided more general engineering support of a deliberate nature for the landing force (division and wing). We were fortunate to have a large contractor on site capable of rapid expansion. WebShanshui Beach is China Beach, located 30 kilometers north of Haiyun Ridge. The 30th Naval Construction Regiment continued in Da Nang, and the new 32nd Naval Construction Regiment established headquarters to the north in Phu Bai-Gia Le. As expected, the international transshipment port in Vietnam is capable of receiving 5 million TEUs per year, with 8 berths for container ships with a capacity of up to 12,000 TEUs and 8 berths for feeders and the total port area of 405 ha. Early in 1969 their numbers approximated 2,500 Seabees (of whom less than 500 were in the CBMU), 2,500 South Koreans, and 2,000 Vietnamese, led by fewer than 100 officers. A flatbed trailer being unloaded from the ship. They were all assigned to I Corps distributed in mid-1968 as follows: Five battalions in Da Nang, two in Chu Lai, two in Phu Bai, one in Camp Evans north of Hue, one in Quang Tri, and one in Dong Ha. Within six months 5,000 new petty officers had been recruited. came and picked me up and said that he had changed his mind. It might be noted that about four per cent of the Corps was composed of limited duty officers and another three per cent of warrant officers. (4) Joint service planning standards should lead to compatible systems among services, of what the Navy has called Advanced Base Functional Components. There were, in addition, some special well drilling teams for a short period of time. Essentially the Seabees of Public Works and the CBMUs attached to them had the same basic missionto come in behind the construction forces and maintain and operate the bases already built. If we wanted to know why, we were to go It is interesting to note the comparative age of the World War II Seabees who averaged 35 years of age, whereas their successors during the Vietnam conflict averaged 23 years. And, of course, there was a significant amount of "self help construction by non-engineer troops who were furnished materials and plans and left largely to their own devices. For all practical purposes, it was now Public Works I Corps. Just as with many other facets of this complicated war, there was no sharp dividing line between work assigned to the contractor and that assigned to troops. Well as you may high and dry as much a one mile inland. were removed and fresh water tank trucks came to the port every two hours to "Without the Seabees we could not do it! WebThe Deep-Water Piers were turned over to the U.S. Army on July 30th, and the U.S. Navy no longer provided logistical support in I Corps. Despite the size of RMK-BRJ and the Naval Mobile Construction Battalions, there was need for more construction capability than they could provide. Release of the TSFCs could be authorized by Commander 3rd Naval Construction Brigade when the senior operational commander could certify that his need qualified under ten criteria, which boiled down to urgent, unforeseen, and needed for direct tactical support against the enemy. Terminal Yes Similarly, the five Atlantic battalions were in various stages of deployment off the East coast of the U. S., in the Caribbean, in Europe, and in Africa. In mid-1965 the break was completed when OICC Republic of Vietnam was formally established as a separate entity with 135 people, including 20 officers. Thus, after two years of experimentation and growth, the Seabee Command in Vietnam had developed into a 9,000 man, 12 battalion force of two regiments under one brigade. Like the Peace Corps, the Seabee Teams put something into the country: They develop human resources. huge Delong Pier was the most prominent feature. On the other hand, CBMU-301 at times provided a number of supervisors and skilled hands for some of the main public works shops in Da Nang. Statistics have, of course, changed rapidly, but some idea of the contribution of the teams may be gained from these figures gathered at Seabee headquarters in Hawaii (ComCBPac) in mid-1968: "Pioneered or upgraded to all-weather standards over three hundred and fifty miles of provincial roads and highways; planned and built four 'New Life Hamlets; planned and laid out six Refugee Villages; built three provincial and four local district market places; built sixteen Special Forces Camps; constructed thirty hospitals and dispensaries; added sixty school houses to the Vietnamese educational system; placed over 286,000 cubic yards of fill; provided on-the-job training to more than five thousand Vietnamese refugees, villagers, public works personnel, and "Chieu Hoi returnees (ex-Viet Cong) (more than half of these in 1967 alone); built over 4,000 feet of bridges (12 to 400 feet in length) and laid over two hundred culverts; constructed over eight miles of airfields; added 865 one-family housing units to various refugee villages; placed over fifty fresh water wells; and, constructed 168 civic and public buildings for the Vietnamese Government." I was on duty the night The most significant action occurred on June 9-11, 1965, at Dong Xoai, 55 miles northeast of Saigon, where 2,000 Viet Cong troops overran a Special Forces camp containing 400 South Vietnamese and allied Asian troops, 11 Green Berets, and nine Seabees of Seabee Team 1104. The port controlled 900,000 square feet of supply depot space, 2.7 million square feet of open-air storage space, and 500,000 cubic feet of refrigerated storage space. Port Size Medium. and a fine, almost completely uniform sand, which was hard to work in, made all vehicles useless except those with tracks. It is also the site of the Chu Lai Open Economic Zone (Vietnamese: Da Nang Air Base was the first major airfield used by the United States Marine Corps during the Vietnam War. This transfer of expertise to the Vietnamese in the building tradesalso accomplished under the RMK-BRJ contractorsgives promise of being in the long run the greatest legacy the U. S. will leave in Vietnam. tanks also fell in. Maintenance of the air strips at Dong Ha, Khe Sanh, and An Hoa was stated as the proximate cause for bringing in the first Construction Battalion Maintenance Unit, CBMU 301, some 300 strong (later more than 500), to Vietnam in May and June 1967. The extent to which the Navy in general and the Seabees in particular would support the Marines once they got ashore was not clearly spelled out at the time of the landing at Da Nang, nor was it for some time thereafter. NMCB-6, the last peacetime battalion to deploy to the war zone, arrived in May 1966. 2 and 3 are 100m (330ft) long, berth No. What we saw was a White United States combat troops were now committed to the mainland of Asia. Individual projects under $25,000 financed by "Maintenance" rather than "Construction" funds and tactical support construction projects were not subject to this process but were handled by the separate Services who used troops, in house civilians, or contractors, as convenient. No further project similar to this one in size and scope came to fruition outside the established construction policies. The former stated that the Marines did not have this support capability and suggested that naval assets outside of Pacific Fleet be tapped. The fact that they were engaged primarily in maintenance and operations where a gradual turnover provided continuity and less disruption made the individual rotation system preferable to the unit rotation. Also called. Cua Lo port belongs to Nghe An port cluster and is approved as an important container port in the group of seaports in the North Central region of Vietnam, with a port length of 3,020m with the capacity to receive ships of 30,000 DWT - 50,000 DWT. The Army, hard pressed to take care of itself, wasnt prepared to supply them to the Marines, and the Marines didn't have the capability either. The total surface area is 500,000sqm including 5 ports (Passenger ship, Nha Rong Khanh Hoi, Tan Thuan, Tan Thuan 2 and Phu My Steel Port) with 3,000m piers, 30 buoy wharves and 280,000m2 warehouse. operations of running the port of Chu Lai late in 1971. [10], The approach to Sng Hn Terminal is 12 nautical miles (22km) long with a navigation depth of 6-7m. Navy planners should concern themselves with the full range of naval warfare which includes the bases supporting the ships, aircraft, and Marines. In time, procedures were developed which brought the deadline figure under five percent for all battalions then in country. Let us now take a look at the Navy's contributionmade up of disparate elements but brought together under the aegis of the Civil Engineer Corps. While a number of the old stand-bys of World War II, the metal quonset huts in stock, were used, particularly during the early phase of the buildup, the majority of the structures erected were of wood. Provided by Shannon Nichols. hooking up the tanks to the BD Crane and get them out of the salt water. I even told him that I was National Strategy in Southern Vietnam. These Army construction battalions were slightly larger, having 41 officers and 879 enlisted men. Untitled . Air shipment to Vietnam of critical items could normally be accomplished within 30 days of ordering. The thing which really made it all While they were primarily builders, these Seabees were in some instances directly involved in battle. As a matter of fact, as the contractor's force was reduced, it turned a number of its jobs over to the troops for accomplishment. Its head, also a CEC Captain, now carried the title of Deputy, though the Saigon office became increasingly independent of the main office in Bangkok. One of the first Europeans to visit the city was Portuguese explorer Antonio De Faria, who anchored at Nng Port in 1535. Website The Americans and free-world employees signed on for 18 months. Consisting of a junior Civil Engineer Corps officer-in-charge, a hospital corpsman, and eleven men in the ratings of construction equipment operator and mechanic, builder, steelworker, construction electrician, utilities man, and engineering aid, these teams were normally given some months of intensive language and technical unit training at one of the three Naval Construction Battalion CentersPort Hueneme, California, Davisville, Rhode Island, or Gulfport, Mississippi (starting in 1968), prior to being sent on a mission. [3] :2 In August 1858, again ostensibly on grounds of alleged persecution of Catholic missionariesthis time by Emperor T cFrench troops led by Admiral Charles Rigault de Genouilly seized Nng Port as part of the punitive Cochinchina Campaign. The next significant change, the placing of all Seabee battalions under a Civil Engineer Corps Flag Officer in Vietnam, came with the formation of the 3rd Naval Construction Brigade under Rear Admiral R. R. Wooding, CEC, United States Navy, on June 1, 1966, at Saigon. This process only took a very few Plans were revised again shortly after the Tet offensive in January and February 1968 when the decision was made at a Commander in Chief Pacific conference to rebuild RMK-BRJ to 25,000 men for the indefinite future. Programming construction requirements in Vietnam through a similar line item system proved cumbersome, time-consuming, and out of step with the tempo of events. By early 1969 nearly half of all the military construction in Vietnam had been undertaken by some force other than RMK-BRJ. A. Jones of Charlotte, North Carolina. [When I was in Da Nang just before Rich Conditions ashore were such that the Seabees were not needed to make the landings at Da Nang. In the beginning the buildup was military, but then, the Seabees in Public Works were augmented by direct-hire Vietnamese civilians and Koreans brought into the country through a contract with Philco-Ford. ammunition ship being off loaded while at anchor. Parenthetically, as a matter of comparison, it might be noted that the Army Engineers, who at their peak had 27 battalions in country, had two kinds of battalions combat and construction. Embassy organization entitled Civil Operations and Revolutionary Development Support (CORDS), and the subsequent placing of Seabee Teams came under its jurisdiction. [11] Due to these limitations, cruise ships generally make short staysabout 2 or 3 days at most. Digital Proceedings content made possible by a gift from CAPT Roger Ekman, USN (Ret.). About 9,000 tons remained in country with its successor when a battalion was relieved, and the other 1,000 tons, such as hand tools and weapons, shipped by sea or air, accompanied the battalion back and forth to insure that the battalion retained the capability to mount out for another contingency or to reinforce Vietnam on short notice if required. Spread out over 200 miles of war-torn country, operating in cities and hamlets, and catering to all the elements of the U. S. Armed Services as well as to those of other countries, it was the largest and most diverse public works organization the Navy had ever put together. officially turned over the port in June 1972. Also significant were a few large U. S. contractors who did not belong to the RMK-BRJ combine. In the case of P.A. Productivity and the cost of doing work loomed large in the eyes of Pentagon analysts who sought to determine whether civilian contractors or troops should carry the burden of the construction effort. And few people were quite sure how it had happened. LECs Representative in Indonesia A 450 m (1,480 ft) breakwater provides protection from high waves and monsoons. The newspapers from time to time carried the unhappy stories of the French and their troubles in Indo-China in the turbulent years following World War II. Their burgeoning requirements for ports, cantonments, utilities, aircraft support, supply areas, and other support facilities were well beyond Marine organic capabilities. [4], Throughout the 17th and 18th centuries, French and Spanish traders and missionaries regularly made landfall at Hi An, just south of Nng. while I was waiting with all my baggage at the helipad Col. Merbott's driver As late as 28 May 1965, Chief of Naval Operations sent "do not concur to establishing NSA Da Nang to CinCPacFlt. [citation needed], Following the edict of Emperor Minh Mng in 1835 prohibiting European vessels from making landfall or pursuing trade except at Nng, its port quickly superseded Hi An as the largest commercial port in the central region. Operations at NSA Da Nang have clearly demonstrated that we must be prepared to handle large amounts of cargo in underdeveloped ports in areas where the Navy will be required to support the Marine Corps. [10], Media related to Da Nang Port at Wikimedia Commons, Coordinates: .mw-parser-output .geo-default,.mw-parser-output .geo-dms,.mw-parser-output .geo-dec{display:inline}.mw-parser-output .geo-nondefault,.mw-parser-output .geo-multi-punct{display:none}.mw-parser-output .longitude,.mw-parser-output .latitude{white-space:nowrap}160400N 1081400E / 16.0667N 108.2333E / 16.0667; 108.2333. The port has a total surface area of 154,700m2; total warehouse reaches 5400m2 and container yard up to 49000m2. WebShips docked to Vietnam shore or pier The VA Says: This category includes large ocean-going ships of the Blue Water Navy that entered an open water harbor and docked to a pier or otherwise docked to the shore of Vietnam. Thanks to world-class customer service and a growing community of cargo agents, is the easiest way for people to ship their goods overseas, or to offer free space in the container, truck or vessel to millions of consignors. For instance, during one critical period of the extensive rebuilding of the runway at Khe Sanh there were more Seabees from Public Works Da Nang on the job than there were from the time-s CBMU. Naturally, all Seabee materials were not in the stored components. In August and September 1954, elements of ACB-i under Commander L. N. Saunders participated in Operation "Passage to Freedom, a massive evacuation of people and equipment from the Tonkin Delta region of French Indo-China to the south. In addition, they also turned out final designs and let small construction contracts. According to the Government's plan, a port area in My Han Bay in the future will become part of Dung Quat port.

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