professional development epr bullets professional development epr bullets
- Filled drug reduction pgm position; completed 4 hr tng crs/notified 10 mbrs--upheld DoD zero tolerance policy - Promoted VOCC monthly PME sessions; cemented AF military standards--boosted 19 junior Amn's knowledge, - Public face of the ADC; briefed 200+ at monthly FTAC/ALS/ CC call briefingsinspired trust and confidence, - Relentless planning/scheduling resulted in zero wing promotion withholds due to lack of ALS--best in PACAF, - Self improvement motivated; attended Four Lenses professional development class--enhanced leadership skills Thanks! - Attended NCO PME seminar; improved leadership skills--mentored three Airmen towards CCAF progression - Wing enabler; poised quick-turn teams/fixed 4 safety defects--record breaking surge/55 sorties/311 fly hours. Professional Development: Body building / personal trainer / PTL Completing a marathon Martial arts certifications/belts Professional development seminars Reading from the CSAF/CMSAF book list (s) Writing articles in the base paper Continuing education units (CEUs) for IT AFSCs Additional duty training Submitting articles to peer-reviewed journals - Sought personal improvement; attended four lenses personality seminar--gained valuable communication skills, - Sought self-improvement; attended NCO Professional Enhancement Course--bolstered leadership capabilities - Attended NCO Prof Enhancement Crse; gained valuable supervisory skills--prepared for future leadership role - Hosted AF Corrosion Office field survey; no findings/one benchmark for Wg--noted as "very impressive pgm", - Impeccable communicator & word-smith; voices reasoned concerns & ideas to ldrshp--promotes dialogue exchange Example topics include workplace conflict resolution, communications, and critical thinking. Professional Advanced EPR Bullets. We need more examples. Like a tiny acorn that grows into a mighty oak, it all starts with the lowly EPR Bullet. - Builds leaders; steered towards CCAF completion/4 Amn admitted PME in-residence--5 Amn awarded CCAF, - Capitalized on AF prgm; completed Principles of Instruction course--available asset/MTF instructor if tasked. - Enhanced professional development; completed Acft Advanced Composite Course; 6 credit hrs towards CCAF - Self-improvement motivated; attended Four Lenses professional development class--enhanced leadership skills - Head and shoulders above peers; graduated technical school in top 10% of AFSC with a 93% GPA; promote CDCs Enter contributions below and click Send. - Poised NCO! Sq Prof Perf/NCO OTQ x2completed SEJPME/45 crs hrs in min time--E-7 a must! - Mentored/guided LCAP prep; revitalized pgms/fixed 150 deficiencies--six Outstanding Performers recognized, - Mng'd 16 Amn as NCOIC of Sq's largest fltpenned 6 EPRs/7 awd packages--garnered 3 Sq/1 Gp-level awds! - Sought out professional development; completed 8 hr Amn mentorship course--prepared for career challenges - Supervised det manning; led ofc during 30% change in 2 mos--acquired/trained 3 prsnl/in-tune w/ A3/TRSS priorities Gain a Space Within a 1206 or EPR Bullet. - Always seeking career growth; attended NCO Professional Development Course--supervisory skills sharpened EPR Bullet Examples AF Form 910 Primary Duties Training Requirements Followership/Leadership Fitness Whole Airman Concept Additional Rater's Comments Remarks AF Form 911 Primary Duties Training Standards Enforcement Fitness Resource Management Leadership/Team Building Other Comments Additional Rater's Comments Go to the EPR Bullets or EPR Bullets by AFSC websites. - Flexible and mature NCO with proven performance; adapts to any given tasking/attacks challenges with confidence, - Flexible and versatile NCO with unbound potential; leads by example; set high and attainable standards Thanks! - Initiated flt Mthly Amn boards/NCO mentor crse; 1st prgm in 7 yrs--garnered 8 Sq/Gp/Wg Amn/Civ winners - Stepped up as acting Sq FOD Ofcr, a position normally assigned to a SNCO--improved participation & reduced FOD Polished leadership abilities & professional growth, - Aced SNCO PME/1st Shirt Symposium; exemplified high std f/peers--mentored 5 NCOs to Crs 14 completion, - Fulfilled SEAC's PME vision; nailed SEJPME lvl 1 crs--readied to "Develop Enlisted Leaders for Tomorrow's War", - Education focused; finished 2 classes f/Org Mgmt BA & 45 hr SEJPME2 crs--jt msn rdy/achieved CJCS PME vision, - Finished SEJPME II/MBA Managerial Econ crse; earned 3 crdts/motivated peers--deg 90% cmplt/Spring '20 graduate, - Finalized 40 hr SEJPME crse;internalized jt policy--utilized skill set/strengthened joint ops perspective & knowledge, - Aced 40-hr SEJPME crs; gained insight to National Strategy & Mil capes--garner'd skills to lead in joint environment, - Aced Jt Sr Enlisted PME course; improved multiforce knowledge--raised jt operational readiness & cohesion, - Aced SEJPME; honed jnt force concept/operations knowledge--bolstered working relations w/ NATO partners, - Advanced military education; mastered Sr Joint Enlisted PME--increased Armed Forces joint ops knowledge, - Awarded SEJPME certification; completed 40 hrs course/94% pass rt; enhanced joint leadership/management, - Completed SEJPME crs; mastered multi-service integration--tm'd w/USN/USMC to devise AOR mx strategies, - Completed SEJPME; enriched leadership abilities & jnt ops knowledge--postured for coalition forces supervisor role, - Dedicated to professional growth; completed 85 hr SEJPME I & II/72 hr SNCO PES--mentored 25 enlisted personnel, - Devoted to professional development; completed Sr Enlisted Jt PME crs--poised to operate w/jt svc agencies, - Fulfilled CJCS PME vision; aced Sr Enlisted Joint PME course--joint billet ready/set positive image for Amn, - Graduated Senior Enlisted Joint PME course; mastered 40 hrs skills/objects--prepped for deployment success, - Increased PME creditials; completed SJEPME crse--increased understanding in deployed joint service setting, - Sought personal development; completed SEJPME II/Green Belt crs; finished 12 hrs for Bachelor's Degree/3.8 GPA, - Garnered 2K teaching hrs; awd'd CCAF Instr cert level II--achieved SecAF's "Develop exceptional leaders" priority, - Focused on deliberate dvlpmt; energized prof exch w/SNCOs/ofcrs f/SOS/ACSC/AWC--prepp'd 5K ldrs f/strat roles, - Devoted Victim Advocate; dedicated 850 hrs on-call/emcee'd 9 county SAAPM ceremony--served 405K community, - Hand-picked 3X instr trnr; supv'd 266 hrs/10 evals/led 50 SELs--embodied AETC msn "Educate Amn to dlvr airpwr", - Academy's most experienced instr; dvlp'd 42 cadre/led 4 IST sessions--targeted education for 1.6K TF/coalition SELs, - Leveraged int'l crse exp; liaised w/SAF/IA f/RSAF stu/taught 200 hrs ldrshp f/6 coalition SELs--built int'l alliances, - Led 112 mbr team ISO EHRI 5K; advertised event/raised funds & awareness--preserved 32-yr-old museum posterity, - Strngthn'd tms/families; led SMSgt retirement ceremony/built 10 mbr Spartan Race tm--honor'd 24 yrs/svc/sacrifice, - Designed Prof Dvlpmnt Education; authored yr long trng plan--paved way for future ldrs/utilized by 60 mbrs, - Facilitated peer prof development crse; acquired bullet & report writing skills--incr'd supervisory knowledge, - Led Amn Professional Enhancement crs; mentored 35 mbrs on Enlisted Force Structure--reinforced AF core values, - Polished public speaking skills; led NCOPE SNCO Panel Leadership/Mgnt skills seminar; re-blued 40 Airman, - Skillfully managed & organized wing's first-ever NCO Professional Development seminar--23 NCOs educated, - Superior NCO! - Ensured Amn were aware of career opportunities, benefits, and entitlements; primed Amn for career success, - Established rater-ratee evaluation protocol; kept up-to-date records--streamlined communication and appraisal efforts, - Expertly steered 384 hours of EPME curriculum and two graduation banquets for 51 students and 500+ guests, - Gp Supt by-name selected as ALS mentor; infused 20 airmen w/guidance & ldrshp--led next generation leaders, - Honed PME @ NCOPE Seminar; employed skills/techniques learnedenhanced briefing/writing capabilities, - Instituted wkly "5 Things to Know"; informed Gp/Sq mbrs on AF policies--enhanced prgm knowledge for 1.6K, - Kept Amn informed on cross-training/retraining/reenlistment options & limits--committed to thriving team, - Led wx flt for the 3 OG PME mentorship 5K run; encouraged younger Amn to finish--bolstered esprit de corps, - Mentored Amn on OCF/extended downtime forms reviews; 35 OCFs releasedwarranted gp Staff Pro, 3rd qtr, - Mentored four Amn on 5-level CDC taskings100% task completionupgraded two months ahead of schedule, - Mentored peers value of education; prov d degree/employment outlook/asst d w/strategic goals--2/5 earned CCAF, - Osan 5/6 Professional Development Committee mbr & food booth volunteer--$1378 raised for future projects, - Outfitted seven classrooms for 192 ALS Amn; prepared 800 student guides & OI updates--graduates msn ready, - Participated in two NCO development seminars; focused on ldrshp/supervision--rdy to guide two supervisors, - PME champion! - Sq lead 96 ABW Wingman Day; coordinated events/feedback for 5 flts--promoted camaraderie/teambuilding - Chaired ALS ldrshp panel; mentored future NCO's/refined 22 selects--cultivated tier ethos/commandant lauded event, - Committed to develop jr enl; instituted FW's Amn Prof Enhancement Crs--filled breach between FTAC & ALS, - Completed "Continuous Learning for Supervisors" crse; filled supervisory toolkit--enhanced interpersonal skill, - Completed 40 hour AFRC NCOLDC; "re-blued" NCO core competencies--honed tactical leadership/mentoring skills, - Engrossed in professional growth; attended two PDS mentorship crs--enhanced leadership/followership skills, - Focused on self-improvement; accomplished NCO Professional Enhancement Course--reinforced AF standards, - Forged leaders; produced 31 FW Amn/yr, 31 CS NCO/yr, WSA NCO/qtr & 3x ALS John L. Levitow winners, - ID'd 34 errors on new AF curricula; submissions approved by Enl PME director--expedited launch to 68 ALSs, - Instructed SNCO PME career progression crs; paved way for future AF careers--energized 84 AF Sr leaders, - Learned effective supervisor strategies; graduated PME course--sharpened communication/leadership skills, - Led ANG/AFRC distant learning crs validation; administered test to 28 mbrs--aided AF-wide rewrite/9K Amn, - NCOA DG awardee/top 10% of 150 NCOs; applied ldrshp skills to 118 mbrs--three BTZ/nine flt awd winners, - OG's RNZAF SNCO Academy nom; ldrshp head & shoulders above peers/key ALS mentor--shaped 30 future NCOs, - Organized four NCOA flt study sessions; helped incr classmates' avg 20 percentage points--15 of 15 graduated, - Promoted FRLD; guided NCOs/produced 2 SEJPMEs/1 crse 14/6 CCAF degrees--gained insight/built leaders, - SME! - Completed Prof Development course; gained knowledge/critical skills--prepared for increased leadership role, - Completed Professional Development Seminar/EPR trng; 6 hrs lecture--gained ldrship/supervisory knowledge, - Delivered 15+ preventive law briefings to FTAC, ALS, NCOA, CCF symposiumlinchpin to office credibility, - Enrolled in Four Lenses class; learned individual personality traits--enhanced leadership communication skills - Superb motivator; vaulted production/support effort--helped wg achieve 1.1K sorties/5.6K flying hours, FY13 Esprit de corps and community relations: Consider how well the Airman promotes camaraderie, embraces esprit de corps, and acts as an Air Force ambassador. - Mature leader; won't compromise standards; enforced Air Force standards of conduct among subordinates - Solid performer who set the pace for others to follow; demonstrated recurrent initiative for self improvement Thanks! - Self-improvement driven; attended five-day PME course--honed communication/leadership/management skills - Sel'd as Sq Suicide Prevention POC; hosted wkly discussions/trained 142 Sq mbrs--upheld hi-vis resiliency initiative - Board president over qrtly awd board; mngd 3 mbrs/interviewed 6 nominees--ensured fair selection process, - Breathed new life into section; made transition to B-2 platform transparent--considered a national stealth asset Generally, as ratees, our main responsibility in completing the EPR is turning in a list of golden EPR Bullets. Recognized #1/17 by peers/instructors--ready to guide the future of the AF, - Dedicated volunteer; completed 6 hr Veteran's Home Freedom run--efforts helped raise $375 for base ALS, - Led ALS in commandant absence; coordd cross wg/developed 2 class rosters--graduated 84 new supervisors, - Top 2% of ALS class/47 peers; displayed exceptional leadership/academic performance--rec'd Levitow Awd, - Epitome of junior Amn; selected by commandant for key ALS admin position--filled CEPME manning shortfall, - Cited by ALS Commandant as #1/50 graduates; seld as John L. Levitow Awd winner--coined by Wg/Gp/Sq CC, - Exceptional Airman! - Trained eight personnel on support procedures; 67 task completed in 3 weeks--zero loss to MX productivity Writing Tools 5 6. Professional Military Education/PME EPR Bullets General Professional Development - Academic Review Board mbr f/ALS; review'd records/interview'd staff/stdt--equipp'd Commandant f/decision - Always seeking career growth; attended NCO Professional Development Course--supervisory skills sharpened - Bridged the gap between the ranks as acting First Sergeant--increased overall satisfaction at work & productivity - Completed 3 books & attended 2 hr author's lecture dedicated towards USAF history, resiliency, and self development - Exceptional supervisor; mentored 11 Amn in financial security--prepared Flt mbrs for nat'l economic downturn - Stellar NCO!