polaris slingshot helmet laws by state polaris slingshot helmet laws by state
It is a term that has been used since the late 1940s, Read More The 10 Best Muscle Cars of the 1970sContinue, The 2019 Alfa Romeo 4C Spider is a very special model that has been highly anticipated as the first offering from the automaker for the United States market since the 8C sports car was made, Read More A Closer Look At the 2019 Alfa Romeo 4C SpiderContinue. This is the first ride with the Sling. 919-715-7000. I have not worn a helmet in 4 years in Georgia, North Carolina, Virginia, or Tennessee. found this list on the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety web site, https://www.iihs.org/topics/moorcycle-helmet-laws-table. Sounds like the response we got returning from Homecoming. The shinier and more beautiful the wheels and rims are, the, Read More Want Luxurious Wheels For Your Car? Regardless of what the law says, I think you do need a helmet on a motorcycle. I'd really like to ditch the helmet when I get stuck in Atlanta traffic jams in the summer. A Harley-Davidson Road King with the Tilting Motor Works three-wheel kit.. It's easiest to think of it as a street-legal snowmobile with wheels. My cousin, May 22, 1992, and he is still a burden on the family today, all because he had to prove he was a man by not wearing a helmet! Although unlike motorcycles these trikes will support themselves, I think their unique handling characteristics make helmets just as necessary as on their two-wheel variants. The helmet must also have a firmly secured shock absorbent cradle for the head that is designed to support the helmet and maintain separation between the head and outer shell. Logistics surcharge will apply. It covers three wheeled motorcycles only. He did not know but gave me the number of the State Police "in that area". Select your vehicle to view parts and accessories that fit your ride, Top Vacation Destinations for Slingshot Owners, The Benefits of 3-Wheel Motorcycles & Vehicles. How about having to wear a seat belt in the Slingshot. The new engine generates 178 HP, Rev limit is 8500 rpms, top speed is 125 mph, and it hits 0 to 60 in 4.9 seconds. Always wear a DOT-approved full-face helmet and fasten seatbelts. I cant believe there are some still stopping folks for helmets in a Slingshot. All Slingshot models are powered by a 173 horsepower, 2.4L four cylinder GM engine that produces 166 ft-lbs of torque. The 1st one is for "smaller frame" drivers and sell for only $1,199.99, The next one is our super deluxe "fat ass" model, with "extra air cushion" for that extremely soft and pliable sudden stop for only $1,999.99. P: Cmo encuentro un curso de seguridad?R: Vaya al sitio de Motorcycle Safety Foundation para encontrar un curso adecuado cerca de usted. There are about 4 to 500 riders and that takes a lot of police resources to block the intersections on the planned routes. Desempeo mejorado y estilo superior desde la fbrica. Your browser has JavaScript disabled. Some times a Cigar is just a Cigar. Where I may believe that a person that does not wear a helmet on a motorcycle is being totally selfish and uncaring, I do believe that it is their choice. No beba alcohol y conduzca. Please review Tn code Ann. They split off to autocycle and there's no reference to helmets in the new law BUT law enforcement seems to treat them like motorcycles still and enforce helmets. Under an "autocycle" classification, drivers do not need a motorcycle endorsement but do abide by the state's motorcycle helmet laws. "Slingshot is an entirely new driving and riding experience designed for one purpose - exhilaration," says Craig Scanlon, Polaris . Nanny state BS can KMA, Well get there when we get there and not a minute before. Register yourself now and be a part of our community! "Starts Dec 1 2016, You no longer need a motorcycle endorsement but helmets are still required, This subdivisionshall not apply to an operator of an autocycle of, or any passengers withinwithin, an autocycle. had it fixed in about 15 minutes and I was on my way. But Roy doesn't wear a helmet while cruising slowly around New York City. Learn more . Got a letter from the state of Maine yesterday. CLOSED THREAD. Rocky Mount, NC 27804, Send Message he ended up giving me a warning. My sales rep also wore an open face helmet. One time a friend of mine was driving her Miata in its proper top-down configuration, and narrowly avoided wearing a roadkill squirrel that was kicked up by the truck ahead of her as a non-PETA approved scarf. Se aplicar un cargo adicional por logstica. Theres also a handy glove compartment on the passenger side, which is surprisingly spacious. Florida handled the helmet law intelligently. Emociones de primera para aquellos que nunca se conforman y les encanta destacar, R de alto desempeo con el estilo inconfundible ROUSH, Disee el Slingshot para que se adapte a su estilo, It's time to get out there. A new law which took effect on Monday, July 25, 2016, created a new category of motorcycles, the autocycle. It seems silly to wear a helmet in an Elio, but I wouldn't ride a three-wheeled Harley without one, regardless of where the third wheel is. I honestly have no idea. North Carolina Division of Motor Vehicles. Theanchorage unit shall meet the same construction, design, and strength requirements under thissection for anchorage units in motor vehicles. This data was also confirmed by Tn highway trooper and a memo is being sent out to all troopers. 10, 2018 Las leyes y los reglamentos estn sujetos a cambios. (b) G.S. In fact, the 2020 Slingshot SL can reportedly reach a top speed of 125 miles per hour, so go and grab a helmet and sign up for a test drive. Please choose a different assembly. There are many reasons why riders would consider making the switch to a 3-w Slingshot is a three-wheeled motorcycle. I don`t think this is a law, it is a bill. Residents in the Empire State Can Now Experience the One-of-a-Kind Polaris Slingshot with a Standard Driver's License Polaris Slingshot , the show-stopping, adventure-seeking three-wheel open-air motorcycle has announced that, beginning April 20, drivers in New York can operate a Slingshot with a standard D-class driver's license, instead of the previously required motorcycle endorsement . - A three-wheeled motorcycle that has a steering wheel,pedals, seat safety belts for each occupant, antilock brakes, air bagprotection, completely or partially enclosed seating that does notrequire the operator to straddle or sit astride, and is otherwisemanufactured to . Even the BMW C1 motorcycle was exempt from helmet laws in some parts of Europe because of the roll cage surrounding and protecting the rider. Saw numerous troopers with no issues throughout rally and no problems except be careful on Dragons Tail. Auto cycles are clearly defined as not being motorcycles. Personally, a very "common sense" compromise where the SlingShot is concerned. I honestly love helping people. well if ralph nafia was still in the houseyou would have to bribe him. Then, as it powers past you, its thundering exhaust leaving you in the dust, you realize that theres only one wheel in the back! It's hard. I would really like to have some type of documentation just in case after talking to Knoxville THP. CLOSED THREAD. This does not make the helmet compliant. I see the completely or partially enclosed seating and then in the other section I see autocycle that has completely enclosed seating. Remember folks - this isn't a rehearsal, it's The Show! Yup, I deffinetly got the ass chewing! On its website, it states, "Helmet laws vary from state to state and are dependent on Slingshot classification. Entra a tu cuenta Polaris para agregar un vehculo a Mi Cochera y hacer la bsqueda de productos ms rpida y sencilla. This is still very early in the game for these. The trike doesn't lean like a two-wheeled bike, so the rider has to steer the handlebars rather than countersteer and lean the bike to turn. Also - Does the 1,500 lbs or less come into play as stated in the 59-9-302? That's good news. During the 1970s most states enacted universal helmet laws to qualify for federal highway funding. They were going to send out a memo to all local LEO's. But I also believe in listening to people that know know more than I do. Dubai is one of the most famous major cities in the world, partly because of the massive wealth that exists within its borders. It was effective 1 Oct 2019. Just visit their website, take a quick look around, get your bearings and begin to build. I am the kinda person that when I have something to prove I will make sure I get my point across. It is not an automobile and does not meet automotive safety standards. Exempts ALL auto cycles from all of the requirements of section 300-308. I live in Atlanta and I've never worn a helmet! You do cross over into Tennessee and we got a warning to wear em in Tennessee. Encuentre un concesionario cerca de usted. I DO wear one when I'm on the freeway, cause a lug nut to the ole dome at 75 mph can ruin your whole day. A similar bill was introduced close to 3 years ago and remained tabled until death. That being said, the licensing for a 2020 Polaris Slingshot SL depends on the state where you live, so Polaris has given you an up-to-date map of all 50 states regarding licensing. Been right beside Cobb, Fulton, and GSP cars many times with no problems. It looks like your browser does not have JavaScript enabled. Most of the vehicle accessories are offered in a variety of factory color-matched options.Follow Slingshot on social media: Facebook.com/PolarisSlingshot, @Slingshot on Twitter and @PolarisSlingshot on Instagram. THE LAW - guess that's why I loved it cause it's like a box of choc.you know, I might not be right but I can sure sound like it, Saw numerous troopers with no issues throughout rally and no problems except be careful on Dragons Tail. ", This subdivision shall not apply to an operator of an autocycle or any passengers within an autocycle. ", Can't debate that, wish this state was like it. From your post Section D clearly defines a SS as an autocycle.here is the helmet lawhttp://www.legis.la.gov/legis/law.aspx?d=88170 - Section D here clearly states the helmet law does not apply to autocycles. Benjamin Smith is one of the managing editors of Moneyinc. Licensing and Other Regulations are State Dependent, The Amazing Cars of the Dubai Police Force. But in 1976, states successfully lobbied Congress to prohibit the U.S. Department of Transportation for penalizing states for not having helmet laws by withholding such funding. His favorite car is "any Bugatti" and he's a die hard Harley Davidson fan. P: Cmo encuentro un concesionario?R: Utilice nuestro localizador de concesionarios para encontrar un concesionario cerca de usted.P: Puedo hacer una prueba de manejo de\la Slingshot?R: Solicite una prueba de manejo a un concesionario cerca de usted. The troopers as well as the locals always wave. 20-140.4(a) reads as rewritten:"(a) No person shall operate a motorcycle or moped upon a highway or public vehiculararea:(1) When the number of persons upon or within such motorcycle or moped, including the operator, shall exceed the number of persons which it was designed to carry. Another 28 states have a partial helmet law, requiring their use only for occupants ages below 18 or 21 depending on the state. There are plenty of airbags (several million) being exchanged under massive recalls. @Bill Martin might have something better, but check this out: Southern justice.youre always guilty if they say you are.. @wesconjr the bill was passed June 2, 2015 and was made into law August 1 2015. Agregando un vehculo a tu cuenta usando el VIN hace la bsqueda de productos ms rpida y sencilla. You should pass back and forth thru there every hour on the hour. . 1-800-URA-DUMACall Now!!!!! There are two bones on contention here in Tennessee. Good news for TN! In Oregon as an autocycle, the SlingShot can be operated without having a motorcycle endorsement, but a helmet is still required. Under an autocycle classification, drivers do not need a motorcycle endorsement but do abide by the states motorcycle helmet laws. And I'd draw it there more for the occupants' protection from flying objects kicked up from the road than for crash or rollover protection. 55-9-302 (a). I have verify with Tn state of safety and homeland. This site uses cookies. 1-800-URA-DUMA. He told me in his arrogant voice he didn't believe anything on the internet. Need to hook up sometime. Here is the address: ViewDocument.aspx?d=989206Where do you work in Lake Chuck? G.S. But Elio has made one successful accomplishment: the creation of the "autocycle" vehicle category in many states. Some times a Cigar is just a Cigar. Arkansas is a helmet free state as long as you are over 21 and have insurance, you're good. Mississippi is the 42nd State in the U.S. to Allow Residents to Operate a Slingshot with a Standard Drivers License. Not saying it is right but no problems so far. Some "novelty type" helmets are supplied with a separate "DOT". Residents of the Lone Star State can finally purchase the Polaris Slingshot after Texas passed a new law allowing three-wheeled "autocycles" to be registered in the state. Este ensamblaje no es compatible con el vehculo seleccionado. El MSRP excluye las tarifas de destino y manejo, impuestos, ttulo, licencia y registro. Polaris knows this, and has funneled some of the Slingshots resources into providing you with top-of-the-line accessories, just for you. Brand New Prostar 2.0 L Inline Four-cylinder Engine, 4. Plus destination charge and set-up. No sir. Then you'd have something like the Morgan Three-Wheeler, Polaris Slingshot, and Vanderhall Venice. If I was taking more risks, I might have wanted to flip the front of my helmet down to provide full-face coverage and protection. Basically, anything with more than 2 wheels. Would like to meet you up with you sometime, swap stories and go on some rides. Disculpe, no hay resultados que coincidan con su seleccin actual. Anyone have any insights into Missouri? Register yourself now and be a part of our community! Maine finally went the Outocycle route but they never required a helmet for motorcycles so really doesn't affect me except they don't offer veterans plates for autocycles. There are about 4 to 500 riders and that takes a lot of police resources to block the intersections on the planned routes. Slingshot is a three-wheeled motorcycle. MACON county line - back in '76 went through there and as a Yankee boy on a crotch rocket Kz 1000 I tiptoed through there. same here, late 70's annual training with the NJ air national Guard at an airfield in Garden City GA (IIRC). They also offer men and womens riding apparel based on their brand. These rules are designed to keep riders safe, as well as to minimize negative social and environmental impacts of four-wheeling or driving a side-by-side. If you would like to use all features of this site, it is mandatory to enable JavaScript. Todo lo necesario para empezar a crear su propio vehculo. I might not be right but I can sure sound like it, welcome aboard @wesconjr - looking forward to pictures of your ride and adventures, slingshotinfo.com in the WSC-Connect App on Google Play, slingshotinfo.com in the WSC-Connect App on the App Store. Everything you need to start creating a ride all your own, Starts out stylish and ready to personalize from there, Upgraded performance and high-end style from the get-go, Top of the lineup thrills for those who never settle and love to stand out, High-performance R with unmistakable ROUSH looks, It's time to get out there. Comienza con buen estilo y est listo para personalizar ms a fondo. Customizing has never been so easy. Under North Carolina law, all operators and passengerson motorcycles and mopeds must wear a motorcycle safety helmet of a type that complies with Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standard 218. Every person operating a motorcycle or autocycle shall wear a face shield, safety glasses or goggles, or have his motorcycle or autocycle equipped with safety glass or a windshield at all times while operating the vehicle, and operators and any passengers thereon shall wear protective helmets. Since an auto cycle is not a motorcycle and there's no helmet required in Maine for an autocycle I'm assuming no helmet is valid in any state now. As you start to near the end of your warranty, Read More The Benefits of Having an Infiniti Extended WarrantyContinue, The term muscle cars is used by car enthusiasts to describe high-performance cars that are intended for the roads and occasionally drag racing. (a) G.S. Ben's been focusing on the auto and motorcycle sector since 2005. In Canada, Polaris's product manager, Garrett Moore, says the Slingshot is legal to purchase in every province except Nova Scotia. The Fora platform includes forum software by XenForo. The law requires the helmet to have a hard exterior shell of nonshatterable material that resists impact and penetration. Three-wheeled vehicles occupy a strange legal space somewhere between cars and motorcycles. To find a local dealer to test drive a Slingshot, visit PolarisSlingshot.com. 20-4.01 (27)a. reads as rewritten:"a. Autocycle. The Slingshot provides the exhilaration of open-air motoring and proximity to the road like nothing else - and all without needing to know how to operate a motorcycle. A few, including my home state of Illinois, don't even have helmet laws, Law Tigers reports. "This bill is a win-win. said Mississippi State Senator Walter Michel. I was told to copy and keep with me just in case local police don't understand the code. Actually, not true, at least a few stories out there : https://www.slingshotforums.cowsuit.177833/#post-902159 and https://www.slingshotforums.coin-tn.176157/#post-886175, My SlingShot Build and Experience : https://slingshotinfo.com/blog/index.php?my-blog-list/. Dealer prices may vary. All Rights Reserved. I had a similar experience in Tennessee back in 1977. If I had experience riding snowmobiles I'm sure it would've been a different story as that set of skills kicked in. Me and two other members rode from Knoxville through Townsend, Piegon Forge etc. You are exempt from using a helmet if you have 2 years of riding experience or you pass a PAMSP course. It works. With the reclassification of Mississippi, Slingshot is one step closer to achieving its goal of having complete uniformity across the nation where the laws do not require the need of a motorcycle endorsement.Since introducing the one-of-a-kind Slingshot in 2014, we have partnered with state officials to properly classify the operating requirements to a standard drivers license, said Josh Fulkerson, Slingshot Sr. Director. 2022Recurrent Ventures. Then called Maggie Valley PD and officer said very nicely either wear seatbelt or helmet - both are not required. Locate contact information for NCDOT employees, local offices, and more. A motorcycle helmet must have a firm inner liner of polystyrene foam that is about 1-inch thick. Elio Motors has been the subject of a great deal of criticism. The plate actually says autocycle on the bottom where you normally have veteran. Alex Roy may have called us all cowards for driving our cushy enclosed four-wheelers. slingshotinfo.com in the WSC-Connect App on Google Play, slingshotinfo.com in the WSC-Connect App on the App Store. que introdujo sea el correcto. Most states have rolled back their helmet laws since then. Regardless, as the current law stands, you need more than a standard class D to legally operate the Slingshot. Pricing ranges from an entry-level $19,999 (S) to $30,999 (SLR LE). 20-140.4(a)(2) reads as rewritten:"(2) Unless the operator and all passengers thereon wear on their heads, with aretention strap properly secured, safety helmets of a type that complies withFederal Motor Vehicle Safety Standard (FMVSS) 218. Ms los cargos por la entrega e instalacin. Can you imagine how dumb people are that always broadcast and never receive info. Make sure you ask for it to be posted in an area that the officers have to read. Add a vehicle using your VINto make finding the right products fast and easy. seems like there's a note in each state requiring motorcycle helmets, if an auto-cycle is excluded from law. A pet peeve, however, is when a person chooses not wear a helmet where it is legally required and then whines, cries, and otherwise becomes uncivil when they get stopped and cited. For hours and hours of fast highway driving it was quite a reasonable precaution for a risky endeavor such as theirs. In other words, only the steering wheel, gas and brake pedals are all thats needed to take the Slingshot SL on the road. Laws and regulations are subject to change. Dont have an account yet? This site uses cookies. *Esta informacin se proporciona nicamente como referencia general. Exempts a "fully enclosed" auto cycle from the helmet requirement. All the same reasons to wear a helmet on a two-wheeler apply to the Tilting Motor Works kit as well. Do you find the Polaris, 2020 Slingshot SL a fascinating ride? If you need more details, google NC House Bill 211 that has been ratified and signed by the governor. There are older cars on the road with less crash protection than the Elio. I am making a copy of the full auto cycle law and putting in the glove box. Of course, I might have been traveling even faster w/o the trailer and load! This subdivisionshall not apply to an operator of an autocycle of, or any passengers withinwithin, an autocycle. Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn't do than by the ones you did do.~Mark Twain~, Slingshots: making children out of adults since 2014. Where it goes????? But thats not all, the SL gives you the option to add a GPS turn-by-turn navigation system, as well as including a rear view camera. Its also a great indicator to see if youre driving straight. Pricing ranges from an entry-level $19,999 (S) to $30,999 (SLR LE).Owners can personalize and customize their Slingshot with a variety of Slingshot Engineered Accessories, including the revolutionary Slingshade, a color-match top offering superb rider comfort and sun protection, as well as styling enhancements, tech and audio components, storage options, wind deflectors, riding gear, helmets, driving jackets and street wear. Not something I want to experience. From a legal perspective, any vehicle with less than four wheels has traditionally been considered a motorcycle. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. No ticket or warning. Your browser has JavaScript disabled. Now, take each seat and bring the back forward, and there youll find two spacious storage compartments. Seleccione su vehculo para encontrar fcilmente partes y accesorios compatibles. The Polaris Slingshot was designed as an open-air roadster, but there is now a "Slingshade" available that gives it a roof. As for classification, the autocycle is considered to be a motorcycle when it comes to regulations and safety issues. Autocycle regulations vary depending on the state. By continuing to browse this site, you are agreeing to our use of cookies. By continuing to browse this site, you are agreeing to our use of cookies. He's written over 1000 articles in the space and continues to learn about it each day. Enter your VIN to make finding the right products fast and easy. If your state considers the 2021 Polaris Slingshot to be a motorcycle, you have to follow the state motorcycle helmet laws. Apparently 31 states are OK with "selfish and uncaring" people. You do not need a motorcycle endorsement but you do need to wear a helmet. If you're an adult, you don't have to wear it BUT, you must have, and be able to prove, adequate health insurance coverage. Additionally, these vehicles ride so low to the ground that road debris kicked up by other traffic becomes a hazard. Sorry but LEO IS WRONG on this one. For DMV questions, call us at Helmets will remain mandatory for both operator and passenger. Slingshots 2018 lineup includes three models, the S, SL and SLR, and two limited-edition offerings, the Grand Touring LE and SLR LE. Want Luxurious Wheels For Your Car? Anything in life worth doing is worth overdoing.Moderation is for cowards. They stated over the phone that as long as you had your seat belt on no helmet is required. Next, they installed an improved 7 inch display screen. It is not an automobile. I suggest you print out both of these 2 statutes and do the same good luck !!! Talked to Knoxville THP LT Administrator yesterday and after a couple of conversations and calls he had made to Legal in Nashville I was informed that the Slingshot does require a helmet in the state of Tennessee. Yet a Mazda Miata's windshield doesn't offer perfect protection, either. Three-wheelers have been registered as motorcycles, required a motorcycle operator's license, and have been subject to any helmet laws that apply to two-wheeled motorcycles. With this configuration, state policy makers recognize the need to update their licensing laws for innovative new vehicles like Slingshot. Also you do not have to wear the seat belt in South Carolina for those that refuse to wear one like myself. 2. She assured him that we didn't and he told her yes you are because I just wrote a guy a ticket "the other day" for it in his town of Westlake.So I tracked him down and told him I thought he was mistaken about the law since it has just been amended. Sent from my SM-G955U using Polaris Slingshot Forum mobile app. @Bill Martin might have something better, but check this out:[*]ViewDocument.aspx?d=977304. By continuing to browse this site, you are agreeing to our use of cookies. Will start riding without a helmet and see how long it takes to get stopped. Slingshot recommends always wearing a DOT approved. There are reasons why off-road three-wheeler all-terrain vehicles were banned in 1988. South Carolina only has the under 21 law and no seat belt for the SS. A forum community dedicated to Polaris Slingshot owners and enthusiasts. (I think). So I said I had SB 50 downloaded on my phone and could show him. State to State changes in the MC/car laws are going to keep everybody confused for sometime to come..Helmets/seatbelts http://www.curethekids.org/events/ride-for-kids/, Polaris Slingshot Accessories and Appearance. But that didn't stop him and Zach Bowman from wearing full face helmets during their record-breaking Los Angeles to New York trip in a Morgan Three-Wheeler. I have a copy of memo/email. Asegrese de que el cdigo postal de EE. That usually means no helmet is required unless it's specifically states as required by law. Driving requirements for Mississippi will officially transition to autocycle on July 1, 2018.Despite its federal motorcycle classification, Slingshot features a steering wheel, standard five-speed manual transmission and side-by-side bucket seats versus motorcycle handlebars or straddled seating. Open top three-wheelers often have windshields, but they may not be particularly effective. My girlfriend loves SS more than me but can't drive a manual Lucky me!!! The Elio's occupants are fully enclosed, plus they have seat belts and three airbags to protect them in a crash. Sorry, no results match your current selection. Uniquely, it still leans just like a two-wheel motorcycle to turn, but the front end feels extra planted to the ground. Choose between 3 New Series: Design series, weekender series or premier series, then proceed to load up the options, add some accessories, and before long, youre the proud owner of a customized 2020 Slingshot SL. Something that many people in Mass don't know about is the "J" endorsement. Our mailing address is 3101 Mail Service Center, Raleigh NC 27699-3101. Your browser has JavaScript disabled. Most trikes aren't designed to lean, and this can lead to a lack of control followed by a crash. I ride in North Louisina with no issues. FLORIDA (April 2, 2018) - Slingshot , the bold three-wheeled, open-air roadster has announced Florida, one of the most popular states for the brand given its unique style and year-round sunshine, is the latest state to reclassify its driving requirements as an "Autocycle." Thanx. Hawaii = Standard license requirements Alaska = Standard license requirements I'm a new owner of a 2015 sling shot . I will always wear my helmet anytime I find myself in the great state of TN! There are two bones on contention here in Tennessee. If you would like to use all features of this site, it is mandatory to enable JavaScript. Not sure if anyone has seen this :REVISE DEFINITION OF "AUTOCYCLE"SECTION 12.5. Slingshot recommends always wearing a DOT approved full face helmet." This dependable and well-designed vehicle, gives your the feel of a convertible sports car with the agility of a finely tuned bike. But we were also just casually driving around town, not speeding down the interstate or carving corners in the canyons. What color sling did you buy? IMO, I believe the other 19 states are selfish and uncaring toward individual rights under the subterfuge of safety when the true concern is possible financial repercussions coupled with a nanny state mentality. This is the citation that has had helmet tickets dismissed. I do know it"s not a question of if but when. The past generation used a GM sourced engine, so the engineers at Polaris thought to create an engine from the ground up, one that would suit their hungry little speedster.