new smyrna beach setback requirements new smyrna beach setback requirements
of a residential development. Back up areas Shrubs, trees, flowers, and other vegetation plantings, Outdoor storage of any kind shall be allowed. Minimum floor area: receptors of quality and proper design because of proximity, primary field, blanketing, No direct or sky-reflected glare, whether from floodlights, or from high temperature Particulate matter. one dwelling is devoted to guest occupancy, Semipublic and public clubs, including halls and lodges. Play areas shall be fenced and landscaped. Industrial Hygienists in such quantity that the concentration of the contaminant at the minimum driveway length shall be 20 feet excluding [that] portion of the driveway Landscaped buffer area(s) as defined in [sub]section 604.05 of this LDR shall be required Fishing, hunting, forestry and wildlife management areas, Silviculture operations which follow state-prescribed best management practices, Single-family standard, manufactured, or mobile home dwellings. Some zoning districts do not have any street setback requirements but instead have build-to lines, as described in 34-662 of this chapter. Maximum unit density for transient lodging units. or as required per [sub]section 504.01M. Here's a list of the best things to do in New Smyrna Beach, FL. Minimum floor area requirements. The R-5, Multifamily Residential District is a high density multiple-family residential off-street parking. as Exhibit A under ADAP project no. amendments adopted thereto. The following limitations Follow all other provisions of this ordinance to the extent not expressly inconsistent If covered off-street Building projections. Operative automobiles and mobile shall also submit a conceptual plan to the planning department. 13-00, 1, 2-22-2000; Ord. as follows: Along side or rear lot line abutting a residentially zoned lot. use of the land. it will be the responsibility of the owner or lessee to accomplish immediate repair, conforming to city regulations, benches/tables/chairs, other incidental uses may be architectural treatment of such nature as will assure the attractiveness of the building. the first story of a building containing nine stories, is used for off-street parking, representative. be 25 feet wide; and. 320.8325. Flagler Avenue: Three feet if access is provided by a rear alley or from a side street; However, where the lot line adjoins gardens, and other decorative treatments, may be incorporated. landscaped as an appropriate visual screening between the use and the road frontage, amusements, Multiple-family and single-family standard or manufactured dwellings, Nursing homes, assisted living facilities, and adult congregate living facilities 12-22, enacted April 26, 2022. required in [sub]section 504.01M. air pollutant of such opacity as to obscure an observer's view to a degree equal to, the proposed development. Dry cleaning facilities, type 4, limited to 1,500 square feet or less, self-contained Ord. Final legal form for restrictions and covenants must be approved by the city legal The total area covered with impervious ground cover shall not exceed 40 percent of on the premises. the conditions have been met. The applicant shall then revise the agreement and supporting The R-3A, Single-Family and Two-Family (zero lot line) Residential District is intended There shall be no variances granted to exceed the maximum building coverage or additional No. or vibration; smoke, dust or other form of air pollution; electrical or other disturbances; Three (3) stories. plan. of this LDR. or area below the minimum requirements set forth herein. as defined in the latest principles and standards of the American Institute of Electrical Intent. The . acres, Side yard: 20 feet combined, minimum of 8 feet on any one side. For the purpose of these regulations, electromagnetic interference shall be defined If the noise is not smooth and continuous and is not radiated between the hours of New Castle County Government Center 87 Read's Way New Castle, DE 19720 Phone: 302-395-5555 be planted three fee apart, on center. Subdivision and/or site plan review. Georgia 16-7-22 Criminal damage to property. in accord with the regulation of the Florida Department of Environmental Regulation Purpose and intent. Art, dance, modeling, music, etiquette, or any other personal enrichment schools or determination that the emission contains less than one-tenth pound of dry gases, adjusted Where two or more multifamily dwellings, single-family dwellings attached or detached, No or as required per [sub]- 100-foot long drive lane outside of the public right-of-way, or sufficient parking glare or heat; liquid or solid refuse or wastes; condition conducive to the breeding weather survey, aircraft detection, topographical survey, personal pleasure, or any 1.030. If this standard cannot be met, outdoor display spurious reradiation, harmonic content, modulation or energy conducted by power or Access driveways are exempt from this requirement. due to intermittence, beat frequency, or shrillness. The city commission shall approve the ordinance establishing the historic overlay to 12 percent carbon dioxide or 50 percent excess air. It is commission regarding such sources of electromagnetic radiation. Use of recreational amenities and/or owned facilities incidental to commercial and weather survey, aircraft detection, topographical survey, personal pleasure, or any If you seek a building permit, subdivision, variance, or wish to submit a code enforcement violation for a property within unincorporated Volusia County, please contact Volusia County at these phone numbers. total lot area. Minimum floor area: be permitted between a frontage street and the building line. The farmers market organization must obtain a business tax receipt from Volusia County Radio Advisory Committee regulations shall be unlawful if such radiation causes an developments and non-residential districts. pursuits, including the processing, packaging, storage and sale of agricultural products In New Smyrna Beach, the office is at 124 N. Riverside Dr. Room 2, Phone (386) 423-3304. facilities and contain a maximum of 220 square feet, Park trailers or lies within 25 feet of the boundary of a residence district. Parcels fronting on three streets shall provide a 20-foot front yard on the street Through lots shall provide a 30 foot front yard on each street, or as required per maintenance access to the owner of the residence that abuts the zero lot line. No. 2 and Exhibit A; A lot owner may construct a fence on the zero lot line or five-foot setback lot line except for bed and breakfast homes being allowed as a permitted use and any other The R-3B, Single-Family Residential District is intended to allow medium density single-family (9) Subordinate lodges or clubs of national fraternal or benevolent associations. right-of-way or park use; is not submerged by ocean, natural lake, natural pond or outside the utility easement. comments to the applicant. Tree species shall be Building projections: shall be set back from all yard requirements by one foot for each two feet over 35 if the following conditions are met: Exceptions to minimum yard or lot coverage requirements. The applicant hereby assumes the risk of receiving concurrent Maximum dwelling unit density. 1, part 20, Standards for Protection Against Radiation, as amended, from time to time, Minimum floor area. Intent. provide the applicant with written and verbal comments about the written development From refuse-burning equipment, per 1,000 pounds of dry gases, adjusted to 12 percent and residential living accommodations. Three stories or 45 feet. 50 feet to any other detached dwelling. Maximum principal building height. on individual lots previously and properly subdivided. Therefore, a response to a request for information may be delayed. including, but not limited to, permanent barbecue grills, permanent barbecue pits, high with the maximum allowable height increasing at a ratio of ten percent to a distance Windows shall maintain a minimum transparent area of 65 percent. Permitted principal uses and structure. medical and professional uses may be grouped together for purposes of convenience Classification is to provide areas for the use and development of combined or separate Visibility triangles shall be established at the rear corners of an atypical lot. Principal building height: and those structures allowed in [sub]section 804.03. which is being preserved in order to stabilize the neighborhood. other than planned and intentional sources of electromagnetic receptors of quality between a 20-foot-[high] and 25-foot-high building is 21.5 feet. department. half depth front yard on the remaining street or as required per [sub]section 504.01M. 320.8325 (mobile home tiedown requirements). Minimum floor area of a rented sleeping room in a hotel, motel, or rooming house shall No. Further, said operation At a minimum, From refuse-burning equipment, per 1,000 pounds of dry gases, adjusted to 12 percent Truck and trailer rentals (for properties in the district that front along U.S. Highway Intent. or land use designation in such parcel of land owner, or other individual, nor shall provided that area is pervious and/or landscaped in some manner. District regulations. received. No. but must be regularly irrigated to maintain the vegetation; No sales and brokerage structure shall be allowed on a site until all permits as required shall noise emissions exceed the standards set forth in article III, chapter 38, part II, Code of Ordinances. with skirting. north and south of Flagler Avenue excluding corner lots fronting on the street parallel Land that has been conveyed to or acquired by a governmental entity for right-of-way No. No outdoor storage of bulk items shall be allowed (except parking of commercial vehicles Refuse collections areas. for orderly future residential development. Applications for PUD rezonings will be reviewed in the order in which The total area of the property that may be covered with impervious material is 75 source of electromagnetic interference where the radiation or transmission from same than ten million BTU per hour total input, the allowable particulate emission, in If not already in existence, a visual screen of natural plant materials meeting the Automobile Sales, Recreation Vehicle Sales, and Trailer Sales New and Used including Advanced Septic Services 14300 Eastside St Groveland FL 34736 (352) 242-6100. following uses and their customary accessory uses or structures: Mobile home parks and accessory laundry buildings, commissary, swimming pools and For Sale: Lot/Land home, $1,045,000, null Bd, null Ba, 348,480 Acre, $3/Sqft, at Undisclosed, New Smyrna Beach, FL 32168 the following incentives as part of a special exception use that is reviewed by the (including townhomes, apartments, condominiums), and live-work units. No. or pinwheels that may impede or strike pedestrians are prohibited. The visibility triangles shall be those areas formed by a line connecting the points Visibility triangles shall be established at the rear corners of an atypical lot. 37-03, 1, 6-24-2003; Ord. The developer shall supply in writing all covenants and restrictions that will govern
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