chuck vogelpohl squat chuck vogelpohl squat
Thanks for sitting down with me and talking about the old times. in a shirt. The store will not work correctly in the case when cookies are disabled. Chuck:First, you showed all of us the box squat and what exercises would build it. rack pulls from just above the knee and a good box squat with 885 lbs. 1180 high or not is insane. He is known as the ninja, because of how he disappears and reappears all the time. It took a couple of years to recover to where he could do 535 for four reps. Matt Wenning was training at Westside and was closing in on 600 raw. Outside of you making a training DVD, we never filmed any workouts. Our guys had always had it out for Waterman, after he had become the first 181 to bench 600 lbs., and said he not only was the greatest bencher, but also the best looking. He then says, Youre right buddy. He was the greatest squatter of all time. In Daytona, KP called for 722 but was miss-loaded to 821. Below is a transcribed interview that took place within Westside Barbell between Louie Simmons [Louie] and Chuck Vogelpohl [Chuck]. bodyweight. I took Dave Tate with me. I told him that I didnt need money from my friends. I just read some coach arguing that you need to "learn how to grind." He later changed it to 1000 pounds! Due day at Vanhorns, George went to out-bench the great Larry Pacifico, who I saw bench 590 at 228 in the early 1970s. On the next ME day, he chose to do close grip. I remember that on the day before, you had found out you had a broken vertebrate in your thoracic spine. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. I started it to show people what a freak Vogelpohl is. Jerry Schwenker, a national level bodybuilder with a big bench, helped George out with a diet. Lifting in the 242-pound class, I set the world record at 1,140 pounds. But nothing happens. This keeps you from getting injured. Well, almost guarantee it. Louie:I had made a training tape that showed two young menone was to build benchthat was KP (Kenny Patterson). These numbers seem crazy after Matt Dimels 1,010 lb. It shows in how he takes immense pride in caring for his training environment and for his fellow lifters. Box squats become a love hate rerlationship, long story short,I left the prison August 1998 with a 600lb bench press .. with the shirt, a 785lb and a 600lb dead lift. But, we finally killed the rabbit. those who didnt show up for workouts were brow beaten down and intimitated by chuck, His personality was scary at times and he talked more shit than 5 people, to get on this side of him was all BAD !! I dont know if the bands would help this as much as they did with me at the top. He says that what most people dont realize, is that Chuck was always the first person in the gym setting up, cleaning, and preparing everything for the other lifters. He now owns and operates EliteFTS, a website dedicated to all things strengths. We have Mark Bell talking about the ferocious intensity when training with powerlifting legend, Chuck Vogelpohl. We were lifting in Canton, Ohio. Orders shipped out within 1 - 5 business days. All Rights Reserved. If there was a problem, it could be solved inside Westside, by someone, including Drex Welch, Gabe Reitter, and many, many others. My body was starting to fall apart. Thanks KP. EFS: How do you calculate volume on a weekly basis and do you base this entirely on Prilipins chart and do you follow the 60% rule when performing extra workouts? Dave and I wanted to do an interview with Chuck Vogelpohl for awhile and for several reasons. The fact we always kick their asses might have something to do with it. For the time you jumped over the 242 class. For me, and many guys here, its my second family and weve been here through bad times and good times. It only lasted about three minutes. Other than that it's all box squats. You wanted me to gain weight into the 308 and break Paul Childress 1168-pound world record, but it was hard on my health. For the best experience on our site, be sure to turn on Javascript in your browser. Note: Rests shouldnt be longer than 30 seconds; this is rapid-fire! These guys could bench about 600 lbs. It was not easy to beat Dave, but Rob came through for Westside. Probably more than people are willing to invest. They should put their weights away, help maintain their training environment, and take responsibility for making sure that other lifters in the gym are getting the coaching that they need. If you have no glutes, you'll do reverse hypers or walk in the belt squat. Lots of volume on small exercises. I dont know who is coaching these days. In doing so, they help paint a picture not only of who he is as a powerlifter, but also as a person. bodyweight. Having lifted with you, I know you are a big believer in mastering technique. Abs aren't really made in the kitchen unless that's where you train. Freakin' Awesome! But on that day, Rob beat Dave. This was due to band training, now known as Combination Methods Training, a term coined by Dr. Mel Siff in Supertraining. Do more paused work, great for gaining strength at the bottom and fixing form. In an interview we came across with Louie and Vogelpohl, Louie asks him how he got started on his series of world record-breaking lifts. Furthermore, Tate notes that although the intensity that Chuck displayed at meets may have seemed extreme to most, that was nothing compared to what was going on inside his head. And, while he was holding the deadlift, after the down signal, he said in his witches voice, F you Louie Simmons. It was a great day for him and myself to see him make that lift, we will both remember that day forever. Youve seen it; when visitors come here and were getting ready for a meet. First, Dave Waterman fell off the bench three times. Tip: Sprinters vs. Marathoners What You Don't Know, Tip: Lift This Way, Build Muscle 3 Times Faster. I am proud to say not only Matt trained at Westside, but also, Dave Tate, you made Elite Fitness. They need GPP, so dragging a sled, pushing the Prowler, and using the wheelbarrow and strongman yoke. You don't perfect technique using heavy loads; you perfect technique with light weights over multiple sets. You will se Chuck Vogelpohl, Mike Ruggiera, Louie Simmons and many more in a speed. Tate encourages coaches to lean on one another. The internet has done wonders for The Myth of Chuck Vogelpohl. After a while, he stopped and I let go of two hands full of hair. Jumping is explosive power. Think of speed strength as a transmission in a car. No gym in the world has two 2,700 pound totals. Now dont get me wrong, this doesnt mean Chuck likes everyone to come up to him and pat him on the back. he was the lightest man ever to squat 1,000 lbs. I know we are both proud of what Westside became. Overtime this didnt go very well. bench. Dave Waterman was one of our top rivals at money meets. Is it hard to stay focused on your form when you are like this? Chuck would pick on me in a sence and tell me I was to weak to be a Powerlifter, He would tell me I did not have the drive to succeed jn the sport. Then 585, and KP made a strong 590 and called it a day. Chuck was taught by the legendary powerlifting coach Louie Simmons to have a critical eye in order to coach every one of this team mates. At Westside, we use a particular weight and particular bar speed, and we control the volume by how strong you are. First George, then KP. Louie:Today I am interviewing Chuck Vogelpohl to talk about his time at Westside, the place where he has spent more than half his life. Men 275lb.Weight Class IPA World Record. For the best experience on our site, be sure to turn on Javascript in your browser. After all, you were not built that good to squat, but you were best suited for the deadlift. It was always for money, and it was mostly a team thing. The only barbell lifts he does are basically Zercher squats or sumo deadlifts. The one in the guns and roses teeshirt. bodyweight. I transcribed it the best I could. Over around a 15-year stretch and through some serious injuries, Chuck Vogelpohl set the standard for many powerlifters that came after him. Everyone got along well while training and partying. EFS: How much protein do you get per day? Chuck is known for his incredible squatting prowess, but as Louie says it is improving your weakest lift will make you a champion. Inside, in the deep part of your soul, how does this make you feel? Let's just say I'm pretty sure. EFS: What did your max effort work use to be like? As I began gaining weight my strength grew, and grew, in 1993 I had a 315 bench, a 405 deadlift, and 495lb squat. Not much has changed really over the years. I said sure. Oh, yes, I remember you told me not to mess with him; that he was too big and too fast. His main training partners were Kenny Patterson and Gerry O. Now you raise bull terriers along with your other hobbies. I read hundreds of books and it changed my life. I think the heavy sled pulls made a huge difference in my lower body strength as well. There were just three benches and about 15 of us, so you really had to earn your spot. You'd train at 50-60 percent for speed strength with a bar speed of 0.8 meters per second. It's child's play. Westside has the box jumping record at 63.5 inches. The gym had just a power rack, a lat pulldown, a calf-ham glute bench, a back-raise bench, and lots of weights, but most of all, lots of attitude. Another reason you need to work speed is technique. He left Westside and quit competing in gear shortly after breaking the total record in the 308s. At the end, there was $10,000 in cash and prizes for the winner. As our motto goes - "You don't have to get ready if you stay #alwaysready! Lumberton is a very small town where if you wanted to take a girl out to impress her, you took her to Dennys. In terms of rep volume, the bench, squat, and deadlift make up 20% of our training at Westside. One of his many remarkable feats is that he squatted over 1,000 lbs while in three different weight classes; 220, 242, and 275 lbs. Just ask Westside. Benefits of the Dimel The dimel will improve the posterior strength and power of your hips and glutes. Here's the real story. All right reserved. At SFS we strive to equip you with the tools and knowledge needed for your fitness journey. I have been wearing the same squat suit for years now and Dave has been helping me design a Metal squat suit. Chuck:Thanks, Louie. EFS: Why do you think the bands worked so well for you? I still hear him in my head.. come on one more.. lets go, what the fuck are you doing move the eight, speed, speed speed he would yell.!! Dave was the youngest person ever to total 2400, 2500, 2600, 2700, 2800, and 2900. The flame hat you wore should be in its own Hall of Fame! And I had never heard of jump stretch bands. Check out the science. Anyone who knows Chuck will appreciate the fact he is a man of few words so this interview is brief and to the point. Chuck and I would workout for 30-45 minutes before anyone else showed up. I had no grip at all, so I started BJJ to stay busy. Vogelpohl, who originally had planned to compete squat only, bench . Chuck has had numerous upper body injuries to overcome to include a broken neck which caused severe nerve issues in his upper body. Can you let us in on what the new fashion trend is going to be? Chuck was a National champion by the late 1980s, a World Champion in 1995 but injuries kept him from fully realizing his potential until the early 2000s and once professional meets with prize money and championship belts were created in the mid 2000s, Chuck entered the zenith of his career. Dave said that Chuck was an incredible training partner because he respected the gym, the weights and the equipment greatly. Comments will be approved before showing up. One last thing: How do you like raw compared to gear lifting? Until his teammate Dave Hoff would do 1,210 at 271 lb. This was when Westside was at demorest. While he was there, he told me he would pay me if I would show him how to use jump stretch, rubber bands. squat at 264 lbs. I wore my special Westside t-shirt sans sleeves that day in honor of Chuck]. EFS: We all know you started the squat beanies in powerlifting. on the bar. I knew he would. Basically, on Fridays I will squat and will either work up to a heavy weight, sometimes off of a higher box or instead of going heavy on the squat I will pull heavy from the pins. Since his new video is out and we knew thered be a lot of questions about his different training style we thought that this would give you an inside look at why he does what he does. Chuck Vogelpohl (242) squatted an all-time record of 1,110 pounds today at the IPA Iron House Classic in Columbus, Ohio. I used to do a lot of speed work with chains and with just bar weight; I did this for years, maybe fifteen. Then, his new training partner, Chuck Fouks, broke it with his monster deadlift, making 900 lbs. As youll see in the video, Dave Tate, another powerlifting great from Westside Barbell, details how this squat workout with Chuck Vogelpohl came into existence. RECORDS LAST UPDATED: November 16, 2011 But things were getting weird, and we left for the IPA. Or for people to tell /u/WeaponizedSleep to eat more. You cutting that much weight finally caught up to you. You pick the muscle that you need and that's what you train. Meanwhile, he is kicking and punching me. Let us know if you give the Chuck Vogelpohl squat challenge try! Matt Wenning talks Chuck Vogelpohl!Want to know the specifics? I guess this is what George said is why he did not come to Westside for 2 years. On a speed-strength day for squat, you'd use 50-60 percent of your 1RM for 10 sets of 2 reps. Note: You can read the full interview here on Westside Barbells website. I was putting up $3,000 for a meet one month, so you came in at 265 pounds and killed a 1,150-pound squat for a new all-time world record. In three years it was 2855, and his best was 2930. This would be Georges last world record. Max Effort work is slow strength. for easy sets of three reps. George was a real student of the game, he was very fast. Chuck V: Youve got to master technique. At the same time, he also built up his lockout. The name Jujimufu came from his AOL profile, and its been with him since. Sprinkle in a lot of coaching time with Louis Simmons, Dave Tate, Steve Goggins, and Eddie Coan, and JL turned into a professor of the deadlift. EFS: Whats the deal with you and rap music? And Chuck V., Dave Tate, and myself in the squat and deadlift. I know they tried to kill me, but I am still in good enough shape to be their pallbearer, you assholes. But Ive been adding a lot more chain work to help with my building my stability. Seeing how Chuck lifts and the weights he handles in training is truely impressive, not to mention the fact he is the lightest lifter to squat over a grand (1025 @ 220lbs) [yeah, yeah, yeah, I know, he lifts in the WPO so he is guilty of early weigh-ins, 2-ply canvas suits and briefs, monolifts, I mean SURELY we all could out total Chuck if we had all of . He was not happy to say the least. We are not On the other hand, when I got AJ Roberts he already had a 2400 total. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. The following interview was done on a Friday after squatting and deadlifting. The first WPO meet was in Florida and ran until about 2 am the next morning when they shut the place down. He will help coach and spot any lifter in the gym. George made 650 and missed 672 and then sat in the front row to watch KP make a 716 world record. It's straight up that simple. How To Get The Most Out of Your Westside Bands. I had played high school football and had lots of fights, so I was ready for something new. He knew the gym was for trying new and improved ways to train, and we had the guys that could do just that. That was a big setback for over a year. EFS: The major reason why we wanted to do this interview was to clear things up on your new video, "Vogelpohl XXX". Chuck Vogelpohl on his squat technique (circa 2003) - YouTube Chuck Vogelpohl explains his squat technique, this was filmed around 2003 in preparation for the WPO in 2004! In this 45 minute workout, both Jujimufu and Joey do 2-5 box squats per set. My legs would never grow until I started using bands over the bar. I remember, George had just got off work and was in his work jacket when he came in the gym with the blacked-out windows. Louie has done more for powerlifting across the world, the United States, Columbus, Ohio and has yet to always been able to give 1000 times more to his lifters in the gym. At about this time, Tony Ramos came to the gym and brought along Paul Keys to train. He became the youngest World bench press holder with 720 pounds at 20 years old. And as a result, your ability to lockout and complete both the squat and the deadlift. Because I nearly died in 91, I could not put things in proper order. EFS: The major reason why we wanted to do this interview was to clear things up on your new video, Vogelpohl XXX. I hate kilo plates and here is why. He came to train, became very strong, and started a personal training business. I told you that everyone was strong at this meet, but you came late and made only one warm-up with 445 pounds and then had to open with 683. I know you won some cash, but when everyone showed up at 5 am, no one showed up to pay. EFS: At meets, you get a little worked up before you lift. Everyone should know that the amount of force you produce in a lift is determined by multiplying the rate of acceleration by the amount of weight lifted. The first 800 pound squatter Pat Casey in 1970 was a box squatter from the original Westside Barbell in Culver City. Louie:At that time, you were always calling people out in the gym for some kind of a contest in some lift or exercise. I now present to you The Iron Man; Chuck Vogelpohl. For assistance work, we train certain single-joint lifts with high volume. Squat deeper. In 1956 in Minneapolis my buddies and I, Walter Klock Smoking with Schwarzenegger, Art Labare A Powerlifting Legend You Need to Know, Jeff King: An update on a Bodybuilding Legend, Consent Management Platform by Real Cookie Banner. Here's a brief look at some of the personalities involved in this insane squat challenge of over 40 sets! Lou loves the sled, but I never do it. And that he must stay and train others and teach them like he was taught, not only by me but by the other greats before him and his training partners. Dave Hoff came to Westside as a 15 year-old high school football player. and got to keep the bench. Jim says: Chuck was serial killer intense and he had a reverence for that place (Westside Barbell).. Follow This and You Can't Fail, Box squats plus exercises to improve them, How to handle high volume and high intensity of all three big lifts (squats, bench, deadlift), Incorporating the use of chains on the bar for Accommodating Resistance, Introduction of resistance bands into training, Find a partner with similar strength as you in the squat, Load up the bar to around 50% of your 1RM, Perform 2-5 reps, then let your partner match those. . In such a situation, not only would the coach be doing their trainee a disservice, but they might also be denying themselves an opportunity to learn something new as well. If you are willing to give 100% in the weight room, he is willing to help you reach your goals. How much is too much band tension? Kenny P. was not doing well, and I said, Kenny, I am going to come out of retirement after tearing my patellar tendon in half, plus almost dying in 91. This was now 1995. Louie:Your lifts kept going up, and you won your first nationals in 1987 in Columbus. I was very proud of our men. Bringing in a fresh perspective to a training challenge should not be viewed as a failure rather, the failure would be refusing to do so. 2023 Westside Barbell. As Tate prepares to respond to the question, he acknowledges that in all his years of conducting seminars, he probably receives more questions about Chuck than anybody else. Because Mickey had been in jail for shooting someone. champ at the WPO but also the heavyweight champ at 275 lbs. In revealing lesser-known insights about Chuck, Tate wishes that more people appreciated and understood the actual person behind the platform. Chuck V: I think people believe that they will be perfect after one year. First we'll teach you perfect form, then we'll work on your weaknesses so you don't get hurt. This is not necessarily surprising to learn, given Chucks reputation for unparalleled ferocity and strength. All right reserved. If you use just one exercise you'll eventually master it and won't improve. Given the amount of respect that people have for him as a lifter, many would be surprised to learn that Chuck has that much more respect for the sport itself. George started out at 275 lbs. On the way to Tims, I had a talk about pain with Matt Dimel, my redheaded stepchild. He taught discipline, discipline and more discipline. Chuck Vogelpohl, a long-time Westside lifter who won his first National in 1987, was strong from the start, especially in the back and hips, but he had to overcome two plateaus. I need to pull something heavier than I will pull in a competition. For more information, please see our How high are those? This put a real kick into our training in the squat and deadlift, but also the bench. In York, PA, at the IPA World Cup, Rob was lifting against Dave Barno, a strong competitor and friend. First, Matt Dimel broke my neck playing around in the gym. I think he had a 665 lb. Well post a longer profile on Jujimufu at a later date because theres plenty to cover. His 1,180 lbs. This was the foundation of using a high volume and high-intensity training to reach the top. Louie:Well, Chuck, we have been through a lot since you came to Westside in 1987. Tom, Kenny, Rob, and Mickey Tate are long gone, but George is still training a group of benchers at Westside. The reason is, if you go for volume in the Big 3, the weakest link gives out first, like the lower back, or you tear a pec. Tags: Neck training, Grip, Goodmornings Time to read: 3 min The bench press is Payment methods: Visa, MasterCard, Discover, American Express, and PayPal. of him, and ran me into a corner where about 10 eight ft. lights were standing. But, an old back problem put him out of our great sport. Geared and raw All time world record holder Matt Wenning described how Chuck led the greatest squatting crew of all time from the front by an emphasis on technique and ferocity. Or so I thought. The epitome of Vogelpohl's will to win was demonstrated in a head to head 40+ set squat workout with fellow Westside Barbell lifter, Dave Tate that you'll learn about below. While driving I said, Look you fat Fer, it is in your head. Now I am waiting for him to smack me in the mouth, like he did many times. 475, to KPs 480. Nevertheless, from a coaching perspective, one persons opinion is never enough to take a lifters performance to the next level. This was not an easy task as the worlds best lifter at the Arnold Classic. In Daytona, George made three world record benches to beat the then current world record holder, Dave Waterman. Plus, what happened on max effort day I would end up going nuts both days; basically going heavy on both. KP was always on. Thats how I am and thats what happens when you train here [Westside Barbell]. Louie Simmons Chuck V.: Well I should point out that I did perform a max effort day and dynamic effort day for almost twenty years. I will always remember ole hog head we would call him, he literary had NO neck. They see internet videos of him squatting or deadlifting and going nuts.
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