breaking bad why did the cousins kill the truckbreaking bad why did the cousins kill the truck

breaking bad why did the cousins kill the truck breaking bad why did the cousins kill the truck

Everyone in the truck most likely knew who they were and let them be. Ximenez Lecerda | Breaking Bad Wiki | Fandom Adding EV Charger (100A) in secondary panel (100A) fed off main (200A), Checking Irreducibility to a Polynomial with Non-constant Degree over Integer. Why does contour plot not show point(s) where function has a discontinuity? Leonel and Marco then learn that Hank Schrader was the one who killed Tuco so they ambushed the DEA agent in the parking lot. Finally, after losing his badge and gun as a result of his statement admitting responsibility for the assault, Hank learns Jesse has decided not to press charges after all. To be fair, we were also too unnerved by Gus's cool, calm, order to "get back to work" to notice anything was out of place other than Walt and Jesse still being alive. Maybe chapter one? ("Bad Choice Road"). The Cousins with Hector during Nacho Varga's final moments. Nevertheless, their silence adds to them being much more terrifying and makes them one of Breaking Bads most talked-about characters. wasn't irregular enough to trigger the shock. They give him a handful of amusingly incorrect answers ("chemicals?") One, how did Mike know exactly where the man was standing (left to right)? Anyway, she's snacking on a lemon popsicle while they talk. En route to being smuggled into the US, they hid with other undocumented immigrants in the back of a hay truck, and shot and killed the entire group when one recognized them by their silver skull boot tips. Turns out Mr. White is far too upset with Jesse for using his signature formula without permission to notice that the plastic bag the stuff is contained in magically switches between a slide to seal pouch and a regular zip-loc. Last In reality, though, Jesse would've been fine. There is a tinge of foreboding in the crawling scene of S3E1. The Cousins then set out to wipe out the entire gang, which they did successfully. It was none other than Gus Fring (Giancarlo Esposito) who contacted Hank about an impending cartel assassination attempt, despite being the one who ordered the hit in the first place. Cookies help us bring you Fanpop. There, he questions why they want to kill Walter so badly, noting that although he may have "betrayed" their cousin, he wasn't the one who murdered him. In 2002, The Cousins served as Hector's enforcers. How could they return the Infinity Stones in their "raw" form? They're silent, deadly and scary - what more could you ask for in a villain. Nacho plays along with the plan, as he takes the Cousins to identify the Espinosas as the attackers. Arms Dealer | Breaking Bad Wiki | Fandom They kick open the back, he starts to run, they shoot him as well. After Hank's death, Walt demands Skyler and Walt, Jr. pack their things and flee with him. Traditionally, crawling on their knees all the way to the shrine is a form of devotion and is performed to ask for favors from the Saint Death. Who tips Hank off about his imminent assassination by The Cousins? Wouldn't they be flying backwards? Thing is, there is no scenario in which a loose pair of six-to-a-pack Walmart briefs would be able to support the weight of a firearm without slipping to the wearer's ankles. They later meet with Saul Goodman in desert spot designated by Lalo. What caused Walt's working relationship with Gus Fring to deteriorate? But things go south when . On Season 3 Episode 9 of Breaking Bad, . The Real Reason Gus Put Out A Hit On Hank In Breaking Bad The Cousins prompt Nacho and Arturo speak to the unconscious Hector and stand by silently as the two men give Hector an update. They kill the immigrants because dead men tell no tales. They also provide him with a fair fighting chance against them when they set out to capture him after the hit on Lalo, even shooting one of their own men for nearly killing Nacho, and are shown to be genuinely hurt by Nacho's vicious words against their family before his suicide. They arrive at the scene of the ambush to find Arturo dead and Nacho seriously injured, so they recur to Dr. Caldera to save Nacho's life, as he is the only surviving witness of the ambush and the only one who could help them find who did this. Learn more about Stack Overflow the company, and our products. So sweet, you wanna lick it. And yet, even a show this close to perfect isn't completely flawless and we've got the collection of Breaking Badmistakes to prove it. Breaking Bad (TV Series 2008-2013) - IMDb A little chat. Nobody cleaned anything up until after Gus left. The Cousins execute him on orders from Don Hector after he fell for an ambush and lost Hector's drug money. The Salamanca family lost another big piece of the puzzle, at least for a brief time. Did the cousins intend to return for their Mercedes? Marco and Leonel Salamanca Like Andrew said, they didn't need the car. Marco breaks one of Leonel's toys, prompting him to approach his Tio and tell him how much he hates his twin brother, wishing he was dead. But all of this becomes clear when they place a sketch of Walter White in front of the Santa Muerte deity. To be fair, neither did the bathtub (or that entire floor of the house). Portrayed by The description of the "Black Death" bullets sold by the Arms Dealer is very similar to the real ". Warning: This article contains spoilers for Better Call Saul' s Season 6 double-bill premiere. First Maybe he'd survived Walt's poisoning too, just like Krazy-8 (who was bike locked to a pipe in the basement). Literature about the category of finitary monads, English version of Russian proverb "The hedgehogs got pricked, cried, but continued to eat the cactus". But Walt goes on to insist that the targets, including Mike's imprisoned (now former) lawyer, be killed simultaneously so as to prevent any of them from being secured and talking later. He takes off his shirt, boots up the device and, while German cops pound on the door and rattle the knob, delivers a deadly shock that sends him to the cold floor with a sickening thud. Sucker has six razor claws that expand upon impact: shred your mama's head like a cabbage.The Arms Dealer to Leonel and Marco Salamanca. The Arms Dealer drives a 'Kenworth K-100 Aerodyne' truck. ("Negro y Azul"), The Cousins' dramatic arrival in the U.S. ("No Ms"). In Breaking Bad, they are unseen antagonists in Season 2, the secondary antagonists of Season 3, and posthumous antagonists for the rest of the series. What is the Russian word for the color "teal"? Yeah, sure. That was a deep, blood-drawing laceration at which he stared in shock for a full second before trying to wrestle the knife away from her. Santa Muerte is a female folk deity and a cult image in Mexico. No one else jumps into the conversation, so he directs his comments to the Twins. In a flashback to 1980's Mexico, two young boys fight over a toy while their uncle, Hector Salamanca, disparages the "chicken man" during a phone call. Connect and share knowledge within a single location that is structured and easy to search. The driver, hearing the commotion, stops, goes to the back of the truck, and asks what is going on. 1988 The Cousins become impatient and visit Gus at Los Pollos, sitting silently in a booth for the duration of the restaurant's hours. Date of birth Browse other questions tagged, Start here for a quick overview of the site, Detailed answers to any questions you might have, Discuss the workings and policies of this site. They ditched their clothing and the fancy car because they needed to get past the border without creating a bunch of attention. Can I use my Coinbase address to receive bitcoin? Had they got chance, they would have killed Walter first. The Cousins returned in Better Call Saul season 4 after Hector suffered from a stroke. Their actions are by far the most vicious and brutal we had seen on the show at that point. Site design / logo 2023 Stack Exchange Inc; user contributions licensed under CC BY-SA. Michael Mando on 'Unbelievable' 'Better Call Saul' Season 6 - Newsweek Those two are cousins; relatives of Tuco. He decides to do this, like most bosses would, by dragging a box cutter across the throat of their sub-par potential alternative, Victor, and dropping his lifeless corpse at their feet. You like that? Marco opens fire on Hank and forces him to run, then frees his brother Leonel who whispers, "Finish him." before any of them get any ideas such as to try and over power us or escape, etc.". Schuler decides to off himself via Automated External Defibrillator (AED), and locks himself in the company bathroom to do this. The truck careens onwards, swerving back and forth as Ximenez struggles to maintain control . Having read your comments and actually having rewatched the scene, I'll majorly change my answer now. JHPs. Did they always intend to kill everyone else? Chow, hands up in surrender, raises and lowers them to indicate the height at which Mike should aim his weapon to place a bullet in the man's skull. Stack Exchange network consists of 181 Q&A communities including Stack Overflow, the largest, most trusted online community for developers to learn, share their knowledge, and build their careers. Why did the cousins murder the other people in the smuggling truck? In the meantime, Hank manages to reach the hollow-point bullet Marco dropped earlier and loads it into his empty gun, when Marco returns ready to strike Hank dead with his axe, Hank shoots him in the face. New blog post from our CEO Prashanth: Community is the future of AI, Improving the copy in the close modal and post notices - 2023 edition. The characters appeared in the prequel series, Better Call Saul, and got a backstory. But those things hardly diminishBreaking Bad'sgreatness. As they were shown to be able to effectively do their jobs without saying a word on multiple occasions. Manage Settings They are both portrayed as vicious and professional killers, capable of murdering civilians and innocent bystanders needlessly, without any hint of remorse and were even able to destroy an entire gang of rival drug dealers themselves and have no qualms about harming the elderly or even children. So the question is, why isn't there a visible scar on Walt's hand in the show's final two episodes, "Granite State" and "Felina"? They then go to walk past the couple's daughter, who is with a tethered goat. In the scene where the cousins try to kill Hank, they shoot an innocent bystander and then try to shoot a screaming woman who manages to run away. Did Vince Gilligan or other major Breaking Bad participants acknowledge the Wire as an inspiration? No Ms (Breaking Bad) - Wikipedia However, the two are forced to admit that they never heard Lalo's phone calls to Hector and that they had seen Lalo's body after the assassination attempt. 2009 Upon finding him shot and bleeding out in the desert, they provide a blood transfusion to him to save his life, and later share a nod of respect to him when he accompanies them to take out a rival gang. As Gus and his men leave, the Cousins carry their uncle over to Nacho's body and provide him with a gun which Hector unloads into Nacho's body. If you watch closely, though, you'll notice the glass behind them shatters a split second before he fires. breaking bad - Why were the villagers and the axe-wielding hitman How does Walt deduce that he was the prime target of the Cousins? Futuristic/dystopian short story about a man living in a hive society trying to meet his dying mother, There exists an element in a group whose order is at most the number of conjugacy classes.

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