dr paul barattiero hydrogen water machinedr paul barattiero hydrogen water machine

dr paul barattiero hydrogen water machine dr paul barattiero hydrogen water machine

And you know that feeling inside your body that is like a nice warmth and a beautiful feeling. So these two products blow me away. And hes going to talk about why hydrogen water will actually repair the terrain of your gut. love that. And then as a late last step, the body put skin down and then organizes it properly. So for so many years, people were using these machines that made alkaline water, and they were drinking pH that was way too high. This is an interesting twist to water. And I want to like I mentioned earlier, I want to bring you to my Academy members so people can understand this. Anytime youre drinking hydrogen water, that is the fastest and highest way to get ghrelin secretions to the brain. I promise you I have Wi Fi in my house, and I have Wi Fi in my building? Dr. Paul Barattiero 12:48 Well, thats a way more than we need to carry on a phone conversation or to watch a movie on Netflix. Look at whats right. Thanks so much for your awesome feedback! And I think we dont talk about the train enough. What hydrogen does is upregulate catalyze regulation and things like this so that you dont produce hydroxyl radicals. Yeah. When we look at the fact that our organs are, are designed to communicate with one another, okay, kind of like the autonomous driving, right? Yes. And I would say, as typical with you, youre picking up in the very perfect spot. of potential. Paul Barattiero has lectured across the world over the last 22 years. And all that really means because I think most people dont understand what it means to have a dysfunctional gut, it just means that you have the incorrect bacteria. We have spent about a million and a half dollars testing, weve done 17 studies proving weve done some whats called technical studies to show what we do to 600 700 800 900 1800 1900. you for bringing that in. Dr. Mindy 1:00:29 Dr. Mindy 0:21 And we are working to bring you the best conversations that health influencers have that mindset changers can give and to really deliver you something that youre not able to get anywhere else. Dr. Mindy 38:32 So to see that kind of change was really profound. And these are people that hold multiple patents. So its very interesting that you can have a far more peaceful water fast than you would now thats growing. We call it, Echo H2 Water. Now, can we have Wi Fi? The body was designed to make its own hydrogen gas when youre digesting food. And when it comes to this, this is more like, okay, were gonna also give you a protected environment, that can move around you with you on the planet, to give you a protected environment, so that again, your body has a chance to actually heal and not be encumbered. Echo Antioxidant Water is simply water infused with hydrogen gas. Yes. Keep doing whatever youre doing? Hi, Paul, welcome to the summit. And thats emfs. So years ago, thats why I developed the system is because the only reason that these alkaline water machines have benefits was because when theyre brand new, they do dissolve hydrogen gas. So its kind of like fasting and sunlight and sleep. Thats what hydrogen water is doing is its creating a terrain where these microbes can really flourish. Did you ask why forgiveness is good for protecting our guts and wifi? We need to make changes. So as always, I hope that helps. Yeah, yeah. You should be able to make 10 to 12 liters of hydrogen gas per day on a regular diet. They dont they dont feel this this rigidity when theyre in the space. I mean, theres been so many tests on every type of disease you could imagine with hydrogen, and showing that it does exactly that. Yeah. One is Cleveland Clinic, which you may have heard about. Dr. Paul Barattiero 7:37 Dr. Paul Barattiero 56:21 So theres a whole nother level we can look at the gut from and then the second thing we talk about is how do we protect ourselves from Wi Fi. Yeah, yeah. Dr. Paul Barattiero 15:24 Ive looked at the lack of sunlight. But that and then when it comes to EMF really hugging who developed or invented the key devices, he was 14, by the way, when he created these devices. So the way to keep your gut is never, ever ever to use antibiotics on an overuse perspective, and people say what does that mean? Because its natural, its natural. dr paul barattiero hydrogen water machine on August 14, 2022 Paul is the Founder and CEO of Synergy Science and a certified naturopathic doctor. Yeah, youre just helping us create your undo the stress that were getting every cycle? Learn how hydrogen gas affects peptides from Dr Paul Barattiero. For a limited time only, Paul is opening pre-orders for the ECHO 9 unit at the same price as the ECHO 7, yet it produces an astounding 35% more molecular hydrogen (H2)! So are you saying if Im sitting in my house with all the Wi Fi coming in, and the router is talking, that its shutting down communication between my organs is that to some No, its, Dr. Paul Barattiero 50:24 Dr. Paul Barattiero will open your eyes to. Im really excited. And and we have to make sure we understand, just drinking hydrogen water, if theres no electrical potential change in the water, wont do a thing for them, other than while the hydrogen is modulating pathways, theyll have benefits. So if you want to million square feet, then we have key Max, if you want more like 7500 square feet, then you have the key home, if you want 225 square feet, then you have the key shield. Can you talk to us? The water is the delivery system for the H 2 Yeah, if your gut is functioning properly, then youre going to have an ability to cope. agree, I, well, heres the deal. And you also need bacteria to be able to balance hormones like estrogen. Right? And let me know how your mood changes really cool product. And when I was first in practice, people would come in with one symptom. The fact that you have Wi Fi in a building or or cellular signals coming in from a tower, there is voltage in the air. I love this. But when we talked earlier about these hydrogen trolls, these amazing bacteria. I mean, we have studies on all this stuff. And so theyre wanting sugar not because theyre bad kids. And mixes in really easy, tastes really good. Yeah. absolutely. And then thats also three quarters of the way through. And then we have inflammation and then we have disease. So this is why hydrogen water is because our guts are not functioning. Yeah. And there was only 10% healing of that same exact cell culture and culture. And the reason I do that is because there are multiple studies from Russia, showing that if we change the epithelial tissue of the tissue in the gastrointestinal tract, to at least a negative 300 millivolts of electrical potential, it selectively stimulates anaerobic micro flora. Whoa, okay, we know its 11 or 12 times higher frequency. So check it out, combine it with harmony. So when we talk about signal modulation, were talking about pathways, antioxidant pathways, immune function, but all kinds of different pathways that are regulated. or Why dont I have a little bag of hydrogen? And that symptom would heal very quickly. I use hydrogen water during fasts but I will start drinking it regularly. And its pretty cool. What I what I will call intermittent exposure as appropriate. Dr. Mindy 37:51 Feelthe impact of Organifi use code PELZ for a discount on all products! So this is beautiful. This is way more crucial than just eating leafy green vegetables. We just had a breakthrough Monday last week. So the electrical content is the same. The wound. Do you? How do you decide which fast to do? This is our most advanced water machine because it makes four different types of water: filtered water, Echo Hydrogen Water, alkaline water (4 levels), and hypochlorous acid water (4 levels). The second thing is to start listening to your body, your body innately knows what it needs. So what we do in our devices is two main things, we depolarize radiation so that its not harming your calcium channels, your cell membranes in your body. So we have we developed a technology we call wave guard. So I would tell you that I believe its absolutely appropriate to have hydrogen gas going into the body multiple times a day, not just us as therapy, but actually happening multiple times a day to regulate pathways. Most of us dont even know that they did this study, even though its published. Hydrogen is so strongly sought after by the medical community because its an elective antioxidant. And therefore, youve offloaded the mitochondria respiratory chain. Just they need love, and they need a group they need a group they belong to. I am a woman on a mission that is dedicated to teaching you just how powerful your body was built to be. I love that. But this water, we dont change the pH on purpose. But its pretty rare. I definitely felt that. So check it out, they come in these really easy to go. And they do not block the fields, this is what we need to understand it is almost impossible to block, we can do it, but its, its very difficult to block the fields, we dont really need to block these fields, we need to change them, so that therell be biologically safe. Its often autoimmune. Yeah. So its called a selective antioxidant, because it only reaches and reacts with those that are harmful to the body. The Echo Water Machine produces the highest amount of dissolved molecular hydrogen available (up to 3ppm tested at a normal flow rate). There is no benefit to the human body by drinking or eating things that are higher pH, which is pretty hard to eat anything because theres no vegetable on the planet, theres nothing that grows on the planet that is higher than a seven, you know, seven pH everything is more in the acid range, which so is your stomach acid. hydrogen gas. Dr. Mindy 52:42 // R E A D Y S E T R E S E T This episode is all about water and Wi-Fi. Is that correct? But I believe theres a part of intelligence that the gut has that people discount or dont even understand. So keep doing it because the better place with you and your team and your products in it. Theres no, theres no feedback system. First was you felt more clarity mentally. The purpose of this podcast is to give you the power back and help you believe in yourself again, my name is Dr. Mindy Pels. Yes. So one of the studies that came back at the university showed that not all not only are we creating this field that Im talking about, but within that field, now this gets deep. Hydrogen has life-changing effects. Why do we need hydrogen water. Again, I just brilliant what youre doing over there. And theres nothing they can do, say think or feel that will cause you to turn your back on them. They just hear EMF, EMF, EMF, EMF and its like, become like, you know, something you hear all the time, so they dont worry about as much. Youre not designed to be operating on this planet. His message has focused on molecular hydrogen (H2)'s critical role in reducing oxidative stress and inflammation. So why are electromagnetic fields bad? So. How does immune function work we have Dr. Herzog, Dr. Jessica Herzog who is medical director, she goes into inflammation, she goes into immune function, she goes into a lot of stuff. The Synergy Portable Infrared Sauna Will Help You Relax & Detox Mind, Body & Soul Update: Echo Hydrogen Water Click Here For Echo Hydrogen Water Echo Hydrogen Water Synergy Science is no longer offering Echo Hydrogen Products. Okay, books that people can read. What does the science say about how it can heal the gut, so that we can really help people understand who would really want to lean into this? And and yes, if you have toxicity, okay, were going to start to see issues in the body having to be with toxicity to your point, the problem is now the whole body is encumbered. So enjoy. Yeah, yeah. He was electrosensitive, and he wanted to do something to help and he just asked God, I need to know how to protect myself and he was taught how to make these devices and thats how they came about. Dr. Paul Barattiero 28:05 So obviously, we do have hydrogen gas dissolved. Im reading the papers I wrote. Is the Kagen water considered hydrogen water?? But its all because why hydrogen is supposed to be in your body, it is supposed to be part of your function. No, you you, theres no hydrogen, and you would have a positive 600 millivolts, instead of a negative 450. $1.99 . Its a selective antioxidant. Right. And it was actually throwing your body out of balance. Dr. Sharon Stills. 3 year warranty. So what our device does is it creates a field. Because youre like, right, whats worse, what whats, whats my prioritization of giving care or fixing what first, I dont know, its all critical. You hopefully have heard me talk about the Astra bilum and how if its damaged, you wont break estrogen down well one of those Key bacteria is called lactobacillus Romanus. Its not the human body that needs to get patches put on it. And so I just want to say give you guys a shout out and just say thank you for participating in this process with me, because as much as I absolutely love delivering the information to you, I love even more knowing that its impacting your life. 12 years ago, he set out to educate the world on the vast benefits of molecular hydrogen. How do we help the younger this this generation thats being brought up? Also mental clarity, I cant tell you how many medical professionals have contacted us and said, I couldnt even hardly think once they put 5g in my area or whatever. People that drink Hydra water can feel a little bit of a euphoria or a lightness in their mind because their bodys not used to having grown secretions. And so my next guest has been my opinion has solved a huge modern day problem for our bodies, and one is how do we repair our gut microbiome? Would you? Again, we want to get this out to the world. So where does the harm come from? He developed the Echo hydrogen water system as well as other products to modulate immune and cognitive function. Dr. Mindy 15:00 Its everything. But cytotoxic just means its cell damaging. And doesnt matter if you have wireless devices are plugged in or whatever, youre youre going to be fine. It does reduce oxidation, or oxidative stress and inflammation and change brain function and all these things. And for years, I looked at the chemicals in our food, Ive looked at the sitting too much. I mean, come on, were not we dont have a placebo anymore worried about placebo effect with zebrafish, okay. Wi Fi, what is that? But also the feeling that we can experience as we take the products. Dr. Mindy 18:53 Well, thats a very, very wide subject. Video Details; Experts Summary. One study is 60 individuals and the other studies 80 individuals. Hydrogen serves as a powerful selective antioxidant. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); 2023 Dr. Mindy Pelz | All Rights Reserved. So its Organa phi.com, forward slash pells. And that does You are correct. They are amazing bacteria that will convert short chain fatty acids, medium chain fatty acids, fiber rich foods into hydrogen gas. Instead of reinventing the wheel and trying to find a new version of this, we came up with a way to create hydrogen and dissolve it into water for easier access to the body. When you do a water fast with hydrogen water, you will most likely not get hungry during the fast. He was featured in The Truth about Cancer and has been on radio shows and podcasts worldwide. So this is what we do. So yes, its critical to life mission critical. Because you still want to leave your house I hope and go, you know, go outside of it. And I want to get these tools into as many peoples hands. When installed under the sink, it needs to connect to the Echo Ultimate Faucet. And with our technology, the body is able is able to function nearly the same. I would make sure you do everything you can to keep their gut intact. Now they have found over 200 bio molecules in the body that are regulated by hydrogen, and when theres no hydrogen, theyre not regulated. On this episode of the resetter podcast, we are going to talk about water and Wi Fi. But the best best so far is the fact that we did a cell culture study. that the reason why people ask the question about her timer is because of alkaline water. The problem with electron donors is once you donate that electron, you now have a prooxidant left behind that the body also has to get rid of with hydrogen. And Organa phi has just put it in a really cool product called balance. Yeah, let me finish with this. Not all information is truth. Shes amazing. 12 years ago, he set out to educate the world on the vast benefits of molecular hydrogen. If you go to YouTube and type in synergy science, Inc.

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