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As the Senior Fitness Editor at Shape, Kristen oversees the Fitness category and covers workout trends, exercise tips, recovery, and more. Lifting your hips off the ground until your back is straight, you simply hold this side plank position for the duration specified. The lower-body and core exercise is no joke. Popular with Strength Coaches and Physical Therapists alike, the movement can help improve lumbopelvic stability, core strength, and healthy hip function. Here's the breakdown. Your adductors and abductors and both your inner and outer thighs are going to wind the firing in this move as well.. Its essential to be aware of common mistakes when doing the Copenhagen Plank exercise: Make sure to squeeze your legs together correctly when doing the Copenhagen Plank. These muscles are primarily responsible for the adduction of the hip which moves the leg towards the midline. All rights reserved. The groin is a loosely defined term and what we are actually going to focus on is the adductor group of muscles. 1) Set up with your head perpendicular to a bench and facing away. Activate your core muscles and raise your hips, so your torso is perpendicular to the floor. At the end of the program, these athletes demonstrated a 35.7% increase in eccentric hip adduction strength! But the movement does need to be executed properly to ensure you gain the benefits and dont cause injury to your back. This is called active rest.. Copenhagen planks can fit into a program where any abdominal or core exercise can go. The bottom leg hangs underneath the bench. To make it harder, use the internal part of your upper foot to hold the position rather than the leg. Copenhagen Side Plank w/ Leg Lift There's really nothing fancy here. This will create additional stability challenges, including challenging your shoulder stability like in a Turkish Get-Up. Great view of my childhood trophies here. Serious imbalances can lead to compensated movement patterns and, in turn, an increased risk of injury, according to the American Council on Exercise. They are mainly included in rehab programs for athletes who have suffered an injury in the groin area, but they are often also found in strength programs. Promise, a little bit goes a long way with this bodyweight exercise. Lie on left side of body with left elbow resting on the floor directly beneath left shoulder, both legs extended out to right side, and right arm extended toward ceiling. You would simply position your upper leg on their hands and keep the bottom leg off the floor. In addition to helping run RFS, he's also the head editor for This exercise got its name (and its mild popularity) from research out of Denmark that showed it helps to prevent groin pulls in athletes. How to: Copenhagen Plank Primary Muscles Used:Upper Legs, Hip Adductors Exercise Families:Hip Adduction Equipment:Chair Trainer:Kayla Itsines Lying l Sign Up Sweat Programs Articles Community Support Hip adductor muscle strength is reduced preceding and during the onset of groin pain in elite junior Australian football players. These muscles are called upon during lateral movements in your daily life (think: stepping to the side to avoid stomping on your pet, balancing on a subway car while it zooms forward). Place right foot on top of a bench and rest left toes gently on the floor. While nutrition plays an important role, adding exercise into your routine improves the process of achieving your goal. If you're performing the exercise with your right arm on the floor, for example, you'll. If you want to improve your function and reduce your risk of reinjury, strengthening your quads needs to be your top priority. However, jumping from tuck planche to advanced tuck is quite an enormous task ahead. For this progression, you will hold the same side plank position but move your chest toward the ground in a slow, controlled movement. These muscles consist of the gluteus medius and adductors.These muscles are often weak in people, which can lead to knee valgus (knock knees) and other issues. There are many studies out there demonstrating the link between weak groin muscles and the prevalence of groin injuries in athletes. For more information, please see our By the end of this article, you will clearly understand the vital aspect of the most challenging exercise and learn the essential techniques needed to master the Copenhagen plank.. Fortunately, with side plank variations its not so difficult. To get even more bang for your buck when it comes to strength training, turn to the Copenhagen plank, a side plank's leveled-up cousin that tests your core and lower-body strength. For athletes, this is a huge competitive advantage and means better kicking power. Published: Oct 13, 2020 Yes, you can hold a plank for hours upon hours. Start by lying on your side, like you would for a regular side plank. By clicking Accept All Cookies, you agree to the storing of cookies on your device to enhance site navigation, analyze site usage, and assist in our marketing efforts. The Copenhagen is a little bit different, according to Samuel. Extend out the bottom leg while keeping it off the floor. Serner A, et al. Planks arent that easy to add weight to. To hold the correct position and avoid losing your balance, tense your whole body along with the adductors. It is an intense exercise that requires a lot of balance and strength to execute correctly. The Copenhagen plank is one of the most challenging plank variations out there, a side plank variation that requires extra glute and hip adductor focus and builds all-around ab and core. The Copenhagen plank looks a bit like a side plank: Youre leaning on your hand or elbow, other arm away from the ground, trying to hold your body in a rigid position. From here, think of a side plank.In other words, place your forearm perpendicular to your torso on the groundthat's going to protect your shoulder, then shift into a safer external rotation. Then, you'll hover the other foot a few inches below the bench and hold this position as steadily as possible. To make things harder, you can also include a dynamic hip movement by lowering and raising your hip to the ground or using a suspension trainder instead of a bench. Simply put, no other exercises have been shown to be as beneficial for targeting the groin region as the Copenhagen adduction exercises. There's no need to if you're doing it correctly, those are gonna be the longest 25 seconds of your life., As you hold your Copenhagen plank, make sure to avoid rotating your shoulders forward, says Ros. The adductor group contains a bunch of muscles, the specific names are not important because we want to focus on them as a group. 5) Take a deep exhale and engage your abs and glutes. Now you're not only like working the adductors in the leg that's on top of the bench, but you're also using your hip flexors to bring the bottom leg [up to] 90 degrees, she explains. Jeff Tomko is a freelance fitness writer who has written for Muscle and Fitness, Men's Fitness, and Men's Health. But instead of stacking or staggering your feet on the floor, youll prop one foot on top of a bench (or couch, chair, or another stable surface that's about 18 inches tall). Our inner thigh muscles, called the hip adductors, are responsible for pulling our legs in toward each other. This variation requires you to alternate between a high plank and low plank position while keeping your core engaged and stable throughout the motion. ^ So interpreted in Carl Valle (2020-04-17), "Is the Copenhagen Adduction . "We're working on the (inside) to counteract all the strong . However, there are many ways the exercise difficulty level can be scaled up or down depending on your abilities. Place your top shin on the bench. As soon as you go up onto your palm instead of your forearm, you take away some of that stability, so theres a little bit more work that your body has to do to stabilize and not rotate to one side, she explains. In addition to strengthening the adductors, the Copenhagen plank also contains the elements of a normal side plank, meaning it has a side effect of strengthening a variety of core muscles . This will challenge the stabilizer muscles in the core and strengthen your shoulder muscles, making it an excellent alternative for Copenhagen Plank. 2019;53:145-152. There is one exercise that you can do with zero equipment at home to strengthen your adductors and help prevent injury. Make sure to maintain proper form with a neutral spine throughout the exercise and stop immediately if you feel any pain or discomfort. If so, there is good news stretches can help improve your toe point. Here are 3 progressions that I like: Option #1: Squat Progression Level 1 - Bodyweight Squat. Losing weight can be a challenge, but its definitely doable. Lift the hips up until your body is in a straight line with the lower leg off the floor. You perform compound movements to train multiple major muscle groups at once, do HIIT workouts to get your heart pumping and muscles shaking, and use circuits to structure your workouts so you don't get distracted between sets. By strengthening one muscle group, we help shift into the posture that allows the other to contract as well, creating a positive feedback loop. Copenhagen Denmark: Rosenborg Castle A small village existed on the site of the present city by the early 10th century. Imagine your heels, butt, and back of your head are all touching a wall and your body forms a straight line in order to get the most benefit out of the exercise, she suggests. In 2013, Serner and colleagues compared 8 adductor exercises and found the Copenhagen adduction exercise to elicit high activation of the adductor longus. Why Mastering the Pistol Squat Should Be Your Next Fitness Goal, 6 Triceps Extension Variations to Strengthen Your Arms, No Matter Your Fitness Level or Abilities, The Best Exercises for Sculpting Your Glutes, The Z Press Will Challenge Your Upper-Body and Core Strength Heres How to Do It, The 10 Best Hamstring Exercises to Strengthen Your Lower Body, How to Improve Your Flexibility with Stretching Exercises, How to Do Dead Bugs to Strengthen Your Core, The Kettlebell Windmill Is the Stability Exercise Your Core and Shoulders Need Heres How to Do It. As the muscles worked in the Copenhagen plank are mainly those in the inner thigh area. You can further challenge your shoulder stability and cores anti-rotation capacity by holding a kettlebell with your free hand (with the bottom of the bell pointed toward the ceiling), extending your arm straight up, and holding it there. That said, make sure to schedule it for the beginning of your mat workout (the way you want to do dips or pull-ups before getting into the heavy stuff . Think of these inner thigh muscles like the hamstrings of the frontal plane. Welltech. If your aim is to work on your hip and groin muscles, there are plenty of alternatives to the Copenhagen plank that also focus on the same muscles. Because we're going to work a lot of lateral stability in this plank, you're going to start to get a lot of hip effect, Samuel says. Better yet, combine the two moves during a single set, as Ros demonstrates below. The Copenhagen plank also works on core stabilization. How often have you dismissed the plank? As such, a better name might be the adductor plank, or adductor side plank, but the Copenhagen name has stuck. 2010;13(2):202-204. Unlike most plank holds, which encourage 60 seconds or more of isometric agony, the Copenhagen plank is a brief affair. Plus, the exercise works your shoulder stability, particularly if you perform the exercise on your palm rather than your forearm, which reduces the surface area youre balancing on, she adds. Ensuring you are actively training for adduction strength as well as abduction strength will provide more overall benefits. These muscles consist of the adductor longus, adductor brevis, adductor magnus, pectineus and gracilis, all of which are primarily responsible for adducting the hip, or moving the leg toward the midline. Squeeze your legs together and maintain this position for a few seconds before releasing them back to the starting position. Hearst Magazine Media, Inc. All Rights Reserved. When that gets easy, try a harder variation. You can also check out his Instagram, he's pretty easy on the eyes. To begin with start with your knee on the chair. We may earn a commission from links on this page. Youll notice the closer you get your knee to the bench, the easier it becomes as youre working with less lever. Normally when we think side plank, we prioritize bracing our entire core. Once you have mastered the regular two-leg Copenhagen plank, try doing it on a single leg for an extra challenge. Generally speaking, I think core exercise can be sprinkled in every training session during rest periods from major strength movements. If youre an athlete, then, theyre a crucial part of most sports. Ultimately, the scientific research around Copenhagen planks is very positive and suggests athletes can improve performance and avoid injuries by including the exercise into their fitness routines. It can be regressed or progressed, which makes it perfect for any skill level. An interesting study that Physio-Network highlights in this article showed that groin injuries increased by 17 times when adductor strength was less than 80% of abductor strength. Enter the Copenhagen Plank. I wouldn't recommend more than 25 seconds or 10 slow breaths per side per set, she adds. Your #1 site for all things sports rehab, sports performance, and orthopedic rehabilitation is: . It is suggested that you perform hip mobility exercises to warm up the muscles before doing a Copenhagen side plank. Copenhagen Plank is an exercise to make your inner thigh muscles strong that can help reduce groin pain and injuries during sports activities. If the variation with the top leg straight is too challenging, you can either rest the bottom leg on the ground or bend the top knee. If done correctly and youre really focusing on what it's targeting [read: the core and thighs], the Copenhagen plank is really hard to hold for even 10 good seconds, says Analisse Ros, C.S.C.S., a certified personal trainer and strength and conditioning specialist in Connecticut. The origin of the exercise is a bit of a mystery, but it's safe to say it was invented way before the early 2000s. As this move is already creating a ton of tension through your glutes and shoulder blades, keeping your free leg raised and in the proper 90 degree position is serious anti-rotation work for your core. Before moving forward, it should be noted that a majority of the research looks at the use of the Copenhagen adduction exercise, an eccentric variation involving a partner and no equipment. Copenhagen Plank - Exercise demonstration video and information for Olympic weightlifting - The Copenhagen plank is a simple exercise for adductor strength and hip stability. But what makes the Copenhagen special is that you do not rest your feet or knees on the ground. This variation is a Copenhagen plank progression, as it requires more strength and stability since there is the addition of weights. In a 2013 study focused on hip adduction exercises for soccer players . And in any plank exercise, your core is engaged, otherwise your form would be collapsing. This will ensure that you are engaging and strengthening your adductors correctly. People hold often their breath because [this move] is so hard, she adds. The implementation of this program reduced the prevalence and risk of groin problems in male football players 41%! Performing squats build muscle strength, joint stability, and proper form. Does it affect your daily workout routine? Strong adductors means stronger abs and vice versa, and both help us shift out of the extended posture that most of us live in. In addition to strengthening the adductors, the Copenhagen plank also contains the elements of a normal side plank, meaning it has a side effect of strengthening a variety of core muscles, including your obliques. The Copenhagen plank is a unilateral exercise, meaning it targets just one side of the body at a time. How to do a Copenhagen plank 1. Once the traditional Copenhagen plank feels like childs play, up the ante by performing the exercise on your palm instead of your forearm. While the Copenhagen adduction exercise has been shown to be extremely beneficial, it is considered an advanced variation and may not be practical for some (since it requires a partner to hold your leg). document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); All Content Copyright Roman Fitness Systems 2019. All else equal I prefer this over the bent-knee variation because in real life the adductors contact with the ankle/foot as the contact point, so I think this transfers over to sports and real life better. You can do Copenhagen Plank up to three times a week, making sure to give your body enough time to recover between sets. Theyre one of the major muscle groups that help us move side to side. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. Here are some options: Also known as the Vasisthasana in yoga, the side plank is excellent for strengthening the core muscles and activating stabilizer muscles. This can make Copenhagen Planks a critical exercise in your strength training plan to help reduce groin injuries. You can make the exercise easier by resting the bottom leg on the floor, or positioning yourself closer to the bench. Copenhagen plank is a side plank variation that targets our adductors or inner thigh muscles. If you dont have that stability and anti-rotation [capacity] in your core, your body would just continue going the way that it's going and you wouldn't be able to change directions super quickly, says Ros. Return the hips to the floor under control. Just like the side plank, the Copenhagen plank involves lying on one side of your body with your bottom elbow bent, forearm resting flat on the floor, and legs fully extended. .css-13y9o4w{display:block;font-family:GraphikBold,GraphikBold-fallback,Helvetica,Arial,Sans-serif;font-weight:bold;margin-bottom:0;margin-top:0;-webkit-text-decoration:none;text-decoration:none;}@media (any-hover: hover){.css-13y9o4w:hover{color:link-hover;}}@media(max-width: 48rem){.css-13y9o4w{font-size:1.05rem;line-height:1.2;margin-bottom:0.25rem;}}@media(min-width: 40.625rem){.css-13y9o4w{font-size:1.28598rem;line-height:1.2;}}@media(min-width: 48rem){.css-13y9o4w{font-size:1.39461rem;line-height:1.2;margin-bottom:0.5rem;}}@media(min-width: 64rem){.css-13y9o4w{font-size:1.23488rem;line-height:1.3;}}8-Minute Ab Workouts Won't Build a Six-Pack, The Suitcase Carry Is an Underrated Core Exercise, 5 Exercises to Strengthen Your Lower Back, This Shoulder Press Move Will Crush Your Core, Too, This Will Give Your Core a Superhero Challenge, 3 Exercises to Train Your Abs Instead of Crunches, This Intense Hanging Ab Move Will Crush Your Core, Sculpt Your Core With Half-Iso Hanging Leg Raises, The 3-Way Knees to Elbow Upgrades Your Leg Raise, 3 Obliques Exercises to Replace the Side Bend. Begin by lying on your right side with your shoulder, elbow, and forearm stacked in a. 5.1K views 3 years ago Here I have one of my awesome clients Mitch performing a modified regression of the Copenhagen plank as he's performing it with his knee, shin, foot, and ankle on the. These modifications will add extra difficulty to the Copenhagen Plank and challenge your core and stabilizer muscles. In team practices, a partner can stand up and hold your leg while youre doing the exercise. The Copenhagen plank is a great way to test the strength of your leg adductors and work on building up those muscles! This pain can range from mild discomfort to outright agony and can be exacerbated by physical activity. our rundown of the best bodyweight exercises that actually build strength, made male soccer players adductors stronger, Dipping the hips toward the ground and back up, repeatedly (This can be done in either position. That's the most common mistake you see in a Copenhagen plank because it's so hard to maintain that anti-rotation, she explains. Crow JF, et al. 2016;26(11):1334-1342. Vegetarian Diet To Build Muscle: Basics & 15 Foods to Eat Every Day, Intermittent Fasting 20/4: What You Should Know Before Starting, Put yourself in a side plank position perpendicular to a bench, With your bottom arm fully extended, place the top leg on the bench, using the internal part of your foot to support the hold. Thats why it can be particularly useful for finding correcting muscle imbalances, says Ros. In this exercise guide, weve got tips on how to do the Copenhagen plank properly, the muscles worked, benefits and things to consider when doing the movement. And yet, [the inner and outer thighs are] often neglected parts of the body, so some people have weak adductors without really knowing it, she explains.

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